PROLOGUE то Mr. ADDISON's Tragedy O F CAT O. T 5 O wake the foul by tender strokes of art, To raife the genius, and to mend the heart; To make mankind, in confcious virtue bold, Live c'er each scene, and be what they behold: For this the Tragic Muse first trod the stage, Commanding tears to stream thro' ev'ry age; Tyrants no more their favage nature kept, And foes to virtue wonder'd how they wept. Our author fhuns by vulgar springs to move The hero's glory, or the virgin's love; In pitying Love, we but our weakness show, And wild Ambition well deferves its woe. Here tears fhall flow from a more gen❜rous cause, Such Tears as Patriots fhed for dying Laws: He bids your breafts with ancient ardour rife, And calls forth Koman drops from British eyes. 15 Virtue Virtue confefs'd in human fhape he draws, 20: 25 Who hears him groan, and does not wish to bleed? Ev'n when proud Cæfar, 'midft triumphal cars, The fpoils of nations, and the pomp of wars, Ignobly vain, and impotently great, Show'd Rome her Cato's figure drawn in ftate; 30 As her dead Father's rev'rend image past, 35 The pomp was darken'd, and the day o'ercaft; VER. 20. But what with pleasure] This alludes to a famous paffage of Seneca, which Mr. Addison afterwards ufed as a motto to his play, when it was printed. VER. 37. Britons, attend] Mr. Pope had written it arife, in the fpirit of Poetry and Liberty; but Mr. Addifon frightend at fo daring an expreffion, which, he thought, fquinted at rebellion, would have it alter'd, in the fpirit of Profe and Politics, to attend. Your scene precariously fubfifts too long VER. 46. As Cato felf, etc.] This alludes to the fas mous ftory of his going into the Theatre, and imme diately coming out again. EPI. EPILOGUE то Mr. RowE'S JANE SHORE. Defigned for Mrs. OLDFIELD. Rodigious this! the Frail-one of our Play From her own Sex fhould mercy find to-day! You might have held the pretty head afide, Peep'd in your fans, been serious, thus, and cry'd, The Play may pass--but that strange creature, Shore, I can't-indeed now-I fo hate a whoreJuft as a blockhead rubs his thoughtlefs skull, And thanks his ftars he was not born a fool; So from a fifter finner you fhall hear, "How ftrangely you expofe yourself, my dear?" Our sex are ftill forgiving at their heart; There are, 'tis true, who tell another tale, 6. 15 20 Would 25 30 Would you enjoy foft nights and folid dinners? 35 39 Who ne'er faw naked fword, or look'd in Plato. 45 To fee a piece of failing flesh and blood, In all the rest fo impudently good; Faith, let the modeft Matrons of the town 49 Come here in crouds, and ftare the ftrumpet down. |