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Alfo I do with all my Soul pardon all my Accufers. If the Judge or Jury did any thing amiss, I pardon them with all my Soul, and all Perfons directly or indirectly. I am very willing and ready to fuffer this Death. I pray God pardon me my Sins, and fave my Soul.

And as to what is faid, and commonly believ❜d, of Roman Catholicks, that they are not to be believ'd or trusted, because they can have Difpenfations for Lying, Perjury, killing Kings, and other the most enormous Crimes; I do utterly renounce all fuch Pardons and Dispensations, and withal declare, That it is a moft wicked and malicious Calumny caft upon Catholicks, who do All, with all their Hearts and Souls, hate and deteft all fuch wicked and damnable Practices; and in the Words of a dying Man, and as I hope for Mercy at the Hands of God, before whom I muft fhortly appear and give an Account of all my Actions, I do again declare, That what I have faid is true; and I hope Chriftian Charity will not let you think, that by the laft Act of my Life, I would caft away my Soul, by fealing up my last Breath with a damnable Lye.

Then they were at their private Devotions for about an Hour.

And Mr. Sheriff How fpake to them; Pray aloud Gentlemen, that we may join with you; we fhall do you no hurt, if we do you no good. Are you afham'd of your Prayers? Then he spake to Mr. Gavan, and faid, It is reported you did preach at the Quakers Meeting.

Gavan. To which he made anfwer, No, Sir, I never preach'd there in my Life.

After they had ended their Devotions, the Executioner pulled their Caps over their Faces, and went down and drew away the Cart, and they were all hanged together 'till they were

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dead, and then cut down and quarter'd, and their Bodies difpofed of according to his Majesty's Command.

The SPEECH of RICHARD LANGHORN, Esq; at his Execution, July 14. 1679. being left in Wri ting by him under his own Hand.



N regard I could not foresee whether I should be permitted to speak at my Death, fo as to make a publick Declaration of my Innocency and Loyalty, as a Chriftian ought to do; confidering likewife, that if it fhould be permitted unto me, it would be more advifable for me rather to prebeforehand, and fet down in Writing the very Words in which I fhould make my Declaration, than to truft my Memory with them; to the end that the fame may be well confider'd of, and digefted by me, and that all Mistakes might be prevented, as far as may be: I fay, in regard of this, I have in the prefent Paper reduced what I have to declare, as to my Innocence and Loyalty. And 'tis in these following Words:

I do folemnly and fincerely, in the Prefence of Almighty God, profefs, teftify, and declare, as followeth; that is to fay,

1. That I do, with my Heart and Soul, believe and own my moft gracious Sovereign Lord, the King's Majefty, King Charles the Second, to be my true and lawful Sovereign, Prince, and King, in the fame Senfe and Latitude, to all Intents and Purposes, as in the Oath commonly called The Oath of Allegiance, His faid Majefty is expreffed to be King of this Realm of England.

2. That I do in my Soul believe, that neither the Pope, nor any Prince, Potentare, or foreign Authority, nor the People of England, nor any Authority out of this Kingdom, or within the


fame, hath or have any Right to difpoffefs his faid Majesty of the Crown or Government of England, or to depofe him therefrom, for any Cause or pretended Caufe whatsoever, or to give Licence to me, or to any other of his faid Majefty's Subjects whatfoever, to bear Arms againft his faid Majefty, or to take away his Life, or to do him any bodily Harm, or to difturb the Government of this Kingdom, as the fame is now established by Law, or to alter, or go about to alter the faid Government, or the Religion now eftablished in England, by any way of Force.

3. That I neither am, nor ever was, at any time or times, guilty, fo much as in my most secret Thoughts, of any Treafon, or Misprision of Treason whatsoever.

4. That I did not in the Month of November, or at any other time or times whatsoever, fay unto Mr. Oates, or unto any other Perfon or Perfons whatsoever, in relation to my Sons in Spain, or either of them, or in relation to any other Perfon or Perfons whatsoever, that if they did continue in the World, (as Secular Priefts, or otherwise) they should fuddenly have great Promotions in England, for that things would not last long in the Pofture wherein they then were; nor did I ever fay any Words to that or the like effect to any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever.

5. That I did never in all my Life-time write any Letter, or other thing whatsoever, unto, or receive any Letter or other thing, from Father Le Chaife, or any French Jefuite whatsoever, or from Father Anderton, or Cardinal Barbarino, or any other Cardinal; nor did I ever see any Letter, or the Copy of any Letter, or other Paper, or other thing, written or purporting to be written. unto the faid Le Chaife, or unto the faid Father Anderton, or to the faid Cardinal Barbarino, by a

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ny Perfon or Perfons whatsoever, other than the printed Letters, printed in the Narrative of the was Tryal of Mr. Edward Coleman, lately executed, fee which I never faw otherwise than in the faid printed Narrative; nor did I ever hear any mention made by any Perfon whatsoever of the Name c Le Chaife, or Father Le Chaife, before I read the faid printed Narrative.

6. That I did never in all my Life-time make any Entry or Entries, into any Book or Books, or take, or make, or write, or caufe to be written into any Book or Books, or otherwife any Letter or Letters, or any Copy or Copies of any Letter or Letters, written by the faid Edward Coleman, to any Perfon or Perfons whatsoever.

7. That I did never in all my Life-time enter or register into any Book or Books, Paper or Papers whatfoever, or take, or make, or write, or caufe to be written, any Copy or Copies of any Act or Acts, Confult or Confults, Determination or Determinations, Order or Orders, Refolve or Refolves, or other Matter or Thing, at any time made, determined, refolved, paffed, decreed or agitated, at any Congregation or Congregations, Confult or Confults, Chapter or Chapters, Affembly or Affemblies, of the Society or Order of the Jefuits, or of any other religious Order whatsoever; nor did I ever fee, read, or heard read, nor did any Person or Perfons, at any time whatfoever, ever communicate unto me any fuch A&, Confult, Determination, Order, Refolve, Matter or Thing whatsoever.

8. That I did never in all my Life-time, to my Knowledge, Belief, or Remembrance, fee or fpeak with Mr. Bedloe, who gave Evidence against me at my Tryal, until I faw him in that Court wherein he gave Evidence against me.

9. That


9. That after the Month of November, which as in the Year of our Lord 1677. I did never e or fpeak with Mr. Titus Oates before-named, til I faw him in the fame Court where he gave .vidence againft me at my Tryal.

Io. That I did never fee, in all my Life-time, to ay Knowledge, Belief, or Remembrance, any Comniffion or Commiffions, Patent or Patents, Grant or Grants, Order or Orders, Inftrument or Inftrunents, Writing or Writings, or other Matter or Thing whatsoever, under, or pretended to be under the Hand and Seal, or the Hand or the Seal of Johannes Paulus de Oliva, or any other General of the Jefuits whatsoever, other than the Paper or Inftrument produced and fhewed unto me in the faid Court at my Tryal, which whether it was fign'd or feal'd by the faid de Oliva, I do not know.

II. That I did never in all my Life-time write, or caufe or procure to be written, any Treasonable Letter or Letters whatsoever, or any thing which was or is Treafon or treasonable, in any Letter or Letters, Book or Books, Paper or Papers, or otherwise howfoever.

12. That I believe, that if I did know, or should know of any Treafon or treasonable Defign, that was or is intended, or fhould be intended against his faid Majefty, or the Government of this his Majefty's Kingdom, or for the Alteration by Force, Advice, or otherwife, of the faid Government, or of the Religion now establish'd in this Kingdom, and should conceal and not discover the fame unto his faid Majefty, or his said Majesty's Council or Minifters, or fome of them; that fuch Concealment would be in me a Sin unto Death, and eternal Damnation.

13. That I do believe, that it is no ways lawful for me to lye, or speak any thing which I know to be untrue; or to commit any Sin, or do any

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