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when for one Sin he threw down the Angels (thofe glorious Spirits) into Hell, and he would take no Ranfom or Redemption for them; and tho' he hath Mercy on the Sons of Men (according to his own Election and Purpofe, and according to that that he hath purchased for himself in Chrift Jefus before the Foundation of the World was laid) yet in time he made his Son a Sacrifice before Men and Angels, to bring his chofen ones to Glory. That he fhould take Pleasure to fend his own Son out of his Bofom, who was the Delight of his Soul, and bruise him for our Sins; yet it pleased the Father to bruife him.

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The moft holy and righteous God, that had but one Son, one only begotten Son (that was the Delight of his Soul) and fhould take Pleafure to bruife him, that we might be healed, and laid Stripes upon him that we might be healed! Oh! the Heighth and Depth, Oh! the Length and Breadth of the Love of God in Chrift Jefus unto poor Souls. Oh! this is that the Angels do defire to stoop down and look into, and to know more of this great Myftery of the Love of God in Chrift: And that God fhould take upon him the Nature of Man, and put him into that glorious Union with his own Son; and that he should leave the Angels, tho' Chrift was made a little lower than they for fuffering Death for us: Yet now, because the Nature of Man is united to the -Godhead by virtue of that Marriage and Union, we become the Sons of God, and Heirs of Glory. Those that are adopted by Jefus Christ are brought near to the Throne of Glory, are in a high and glorious. Communion and Fellowship with the Father and Spirit, owned of all the holy Angels. And therefore they do stand without the Throne (as in feveral Places of the Revelations) and round about the Elders, and round about

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thofe that were given to the Lamb (as in the fifth of the Revelations, and many other Scriptures) they ftand without; but there is another Company within, which is the 24 Elders, and four living Creatures, they fall down and worship God, they are nearer than the Angels; Oh! who hath credited, who hath believed this Report, and to whom is the Arm of the Lord revealed? Oh! how many Profeffors are there in this Day, in this Nation, that call upon the Name of Chrift, and that fay they fhall be faved by Chrift, and do live and truft most in their own Works and Righteousness; and never come to the Knowledge and Understanding of this great Mystery of the Love of God in Chrift? who never received thofe Teachings from the Anointing, and according to the new Covenant, where it is promised, that they fhall be all taught of God; all the Children of God fhall be taught of him, and there is no one can teach thefe but the Father, none can draw them to the Son but the Father; and no Man can come to the Father but through the Son: And this great Myftery is both by the Light and Operation of the holy Spirit, who makes the new Creature in the Soul: O that God would pour out of his holy Spirit, that God would pour out the Spirit of the new Covenant, and the Spirit of the Gofpel, and the Spirit that can declare the Mystery of God's Word in the Spirit, and that he hath made manifest through Jefus Chrift. Oh! there is much talking and Ipeaking in the Name of Chrift, and how many Men fpend little time in getting Evidences in the Power and Demonftration of the Spirit, and come to apprehend God in Chrift, that fpeak of him? Oh there are few of thefe the Lord knows. O that the anointing may be poured out more now, according to this Faith, in the way of this Grace,


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and in this Love of God, even in the electing Love of the Father; and in the redeeming Blood of Jefus Chrift, according to the purchased Poffeffion that he hath obtained through his own Righteoufnefs, wherein God hath been just also, in juftifying the Ungodly; and among them, fuch a poor fimple Piece of Duft and Afhes as I have been, and have to this Day little glorified my Father; and yet I can call him Father, thro' fome meafure of his Spirit, and Father according to the Spirit of Adoption too; and can fay the Lord Jefus hath given himself for me, and I take the Lord Jefus Chrift as the great Gift of the Father, defiring to bear witnefs of that Love, and of that wonderful Grace and Glory, that he hath made me Partaker of in and thro' him. Oh! bleffed be the God and Father of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, who hath called me to this Hope, and who hath made me Partaker of this Glory, that the Saints are enlightned in. And now I long to fee the Face of this Father, and of his Son, tho' I have fuch a Number of Sins in me; and tho' I have an Intereft in him, and can call him Father at any time without doubt, and in full Affurance of Faith in the holy Spirit; yet if Jefus Chrift were not there, to prefent me faultJefs before the Prefence of God, I fhould be afraid to appear before him; but he is able to do it, and therefore faith the Apostle, Now unto him that is able to fave you, and to prefent you faultlefs before the Prefence of his Glory with exceeding Joy, &c. I am a poor finful Piece, full of Iniquity, laden with many Burdens, that have à Body of Death that I carry about me, and I am now about to lay it down, and my Soul fhall enter into eternal Life, and be made perfect in a Moment, thro' the mighty Power of God that hath wrought that glorious Work of railing Chrift from the Dead.




Oh! all my Strength, and all my Joy, and all my Life is in Chrift, and in him alone; and I have a Righteousness already of his working, accor ding to his own Grace, and according to his own mighty Power, and according to his own Mercy, that he hath been pleased to work in me; and fo hath been pleased to keep me in a very wicked and in a very evil Day, by the Power of his Grace. And I defire to glorify my Father, and many Years have I been in that Work, that hath been of late in this Nation; a few and evil have been the Days of my Pilgrimage, but I have defired to ferve the Lord with Faithfulness, and in the Integrity of my Soul, without Prejudice against any Creature, and it hath been the Defire of my Soul to approve my felf faithful towards God, and towards Man; And what I have done, I have done it in Obedience to the Lord; that I had in my Eye, and in my Heart. There are many things laid upon many of thofe that profefs the Kingdom and glorious Appearance of Jefus Chrift, as if they were Enemies to Magiftracy and Mi niftry; and, as if fo be we were for the Deftruction of the Laws and Properties of Mankind; therefore fhall I fpeak a few Words unto that : And if indeed we were fuch, we were fit to be turn'd out of the World; as fome now think they fhould do God good Service in fending fuch poor Creatures quickly from hence. There is no fuch thing; I defire to bear Witnefs to the true Magiftracy, that Magiftracy that is in the Word of the Lord. And that true Miniftry, which Ministry is a Miniftry from the Anointing; that doth bear Witnefs to the Lord Jefus, and hath his holy Spirit. That Teftimony I defire to bear; and that Teftimony I defire to ftand faithful in, with Integrity to the Lord Jefus, as King of Saints, and King of Nations, And therefore

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it is, I fay, to have a Magiftracy as at the firft, and Counsellors as at the beginning, Men fearing God and hating Covetoufnefs. And that Miniftry as doth preach the everlasting Gofpel.

Here Mr. Sheriff interrupted him, faying, 'Tis defired that you spend the reft of your Time in prepa ring your felf. Another faid, You spend your felf, Sir, in this Difcourfe. Another faid, It rains. Then Mr. Carew faid, I will pray.

His Prayer being ended, a Friend that flood by faid, It is expected you should speak Something to the Matter of your Suffering. The Under-Sheriff faid, 'Tis not to be fuffer'd, What are you, that you put on Men to Speak? What are you, Sir?

Mr. Carew faid, Farewel my dear Friends, fare wel; the Lord keep you faithful. The Friend faid, We part with you with much Foy in our Souls.

Mr. Carew faid to the Executioner, Stay a while, I will Speak one Word, and then faid very follemn by with a loud Voice, Lord Jefus receive my Soul, Lord Jefus into thy Arms I commend my Spirit. And then was turn'd off.

Mr. JOHN COOKE's Execution, the 16th Day of October, 1660, as related by a Friend of bis.

Mr. Cooke to Mr. Peters in the Dungeon faid.

Rother Peters, we fhall be in Heaven to mor row in Blifs and Glory ; what a blessed Thing is that? my very Heart leaps within me for Joy; I am now juft as I was in the Storm, almoft in Sight of Heaven; read me Ifaiah 43. 9, 10. Ifa. 61. 10, 1г. Hof. 13. 14.

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Then looking upon his Bed, faid, that fhall be my laft Pillow; I will lay me down and sleep a while, and he flept about an Hour and half, and then awoke, faying, Now farewel Sleep, no more Sleep in this World, and farewel Darkness


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