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and pray'd for the Peace of it with as much Zeal and Fervency as any in the Kingdom, as they made manifest in their Lives, and in their Sufferings with it and for it. He had from his Entrance into the World, without any Difguife or Diffimulation, declar'd his own Opinion of that Claffis of Men And as foon as it was in his Power, he did all he could to hinder the Growth and Increase of that Faction, and to restrain those who were inclin'd to it, from doing the Mischief they defir'd to do. But his Power at Court could not enough qualify him to go through with that difficult Reformation, whilft he had a Superior in the Church, who having the Reins in his Hand, could flacken them according to his own Humour and Indifcretion, and was thought to be the more remifs, to irritate his cholerick Disposition. But when he had now the Primacy in his own Hand, the King being infpir'd with the fame Zeal, he thought he fhould be to blame, and have much to answer for, if he did not make hafte to apply Remedies to thofe Difeafes which he faw would grow apace.

In the End of September 1633, he was invested in the Title, Power, and Jurifdiction of Archbishop of Canterbury, and entirely in Poffeffion of the Revenue thereof, without a Rival in Church or State; that is, no Man profefs'd to oppose his Greatnefs; and he had never interpos'd or appear'd in Matters of State to this time. His first Care was, that the Place he was remov'd from might be fupplied with a Man who would be vigilant to pull up thofe Weeds which the London Soil was too apt to nourish, and fo drew his old Friend and Companion Dr. Juxon as near to him as he could: They had been Fellows together in one College in Oxford; and when he was firft made Bishop of St. David's, he made him Prefident of that College: When he could no longer keep the Deanery

I Deanery of the Chappel-Royal, he made him his Succeffor in that near Attendance upon the King: And now he was rais'd to be Archbishop, he eafily prevail'd with the King to make the other Bifhop of London: The Archbishop's Heart was fet upon the Advancement of the Church, in which he well knew he had the King's full Concurrence, which he thought would be too powerful for any Oppofition, and that he fhould need no other AĞGiftance; but tho' the Nation was at this time generally well affected to the Church, yet fome doctrinal Points in Controverfy had been of late Years agitated in the Pulpits with unusual Warmth, the most popular Preachers, who had not look'd into the ancient Learning, took Calvin's Word for what they advanc'd, and did all they could to propagate his Opinion in those Points: They who had ftudied more, and were better vers'd in the Antiquities of the Church, the Fathers, the Councils, and Ecclefiaftical Hiftories, with the fame Heat and Paffion, in preaching and writing, defended the contrary.

And because in the late Dispute in the Dutch. Churches, the Opinions of the latter had been fupported by Jacobus Arminius, the Divinity-Profeffor in the University of Leyden, they were call'd Arminians: Either Party profefs'd to adhere to the Doctrine of the Catholick Church, (which had been ever wiser than to determine the Controverfy.) And yet that Party here, which could leaft fupport themselves with Reason, were very follicitous, according to the Ingenuity they always practise to advance any of their Pretences, to have the People believe that they who held with Arminius did intend to introduce Popery; and truly the other Side were no lefs willing to have it thought, that all who adher'd to Calvin in those Controverfies, did in their Hearts likewife adhere


to him with reference to the Discipline, and defir'd to change the Government of the Church, deftroy the Bishops, and to fet up the Difcipline he had establish'd at Geneva; whereas, in Truth, none of the one side were at all inclin'd to Popery, and very many of the other were most affectionate to the Peace and Profperity of the Church, and very pious, learned Men.

The Archbishop had all his Life eminently oppos'd Calvin's Doctrine in thofe Controverfies, before the Name of Arminius was taken notice of, or his Opinions heard of; and thereupon, for want of another Name, they had call'd him a Papist, which no body believ'd him to be, and he had more manifefted the contrary in his Difputations and Writings than moft Men had done; and it may be the other found the more fevere and rigorous Ufage from him, for their propagating that Calumny against him: He was a Man of great Courage and Refolution, and being moft affur'd within himself that he propos'd no End in all his Actions and Designs but what was pious and juft, he never ftudied the eafieft Way to thofe Ends; he thought, it may be, that any Art or Industry that Way would difcredit, at leaft make the Integrity of the End fufpected, let the Cause be what it will. He did court Perfons too little, nor cared to make his Defigns and Purpofes appear as candid as they were, by fhewing them in any other Dress than their own natural Beauty, tho' perhaps in too rough a Manner; and did not confider enough what Men faid, or were like to fay of him. If the Faults and Vices were fit to be look'd into and discover'd, let the Perfons be who they would that were guilty of them, they were fure to find no Connivance or Favour from him. He intended the Difcipline of the Church fhould be felt as well as fpoken of, and that it should be ap

plied to the greatest and most splendid Tranfgreffors, as well as to the Punishment of fmaller Offences, and meaner Offenders, and thereupon call'd for, or cherish'd the Discovery of those who were not careful to cover their own Iniquities, thinking. they were out of the Reach of Juftice: Perfons of Honour and great Quality were every Day, cited into the High Commiffion-Court, upon the Fame of their Incontinence, or other Scandal in their Lives, and were there profecuted to their Shame and Punishment: And as the Shame (which they call'd an infolent Triumph upon their Degree and Quality, and levying them with the common People) was never forgotten, but watch'd for Revenge; fo the Fines impos'd there were the more queftion'd and repin'd againft, because they were affign'd to the rebuilding and repairing St. Paul's Church; and thought therefore to be the more feverely impos'd, and the lefs compaffionately reduc'd and excus'd: Which likewife made the Jurifdiction and Rigour of the Star-chamber more felt, and murmur'd against ; and fharpen'd many Men's Humours against the Bishops, before they had any ill Intention towards the Church.

The Archbishop never abated any thing of his Severity and Rigour towards Men of all Conditions, or in the Sharpnefs of his Language and Expreffions, which was fo natural to him, that he could not debate any thing without fome Commotion, when the Argument was not of Moment, nor bear Contradiction in Debate, even in the Council, where all Men are equally free, with that Patience and Temper, which was neceffary; of which they who wish'd him not well took many Advantages, and would therefore contradict him, that he might be tranfported with fome incident Paffion; which, upon a fhort Recollection, he was always forry for, and most readily


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and heartily would make Acknowledgment. No Man fo willingly made unkind Ufe of all those Occafions as the Lord Cottington, who being a Mafter of Temper, and of the most profound Diffimulation, knew too well how to lead him into a Mistake, and then drive him into Choler, and then expose him upon the Matter and the Manner to the Judgment of the Company; and he chofe to do this moft, when the King was prefent, and then he would dine with him the next Day. Clar. 99.

Whatfoever was the Cause of it, this excellent Man, who stood not upon the Advantage-ground before, from the time of his Promotion to the Archbishoprick, or rather from that of his being Commiffioner of the Treafury, exceedingly provok'd or underwent the Envy, and Reproach and Malice of Men of all Qualities and Conditions, who agreed in nothing else: All which, tho' well known to him, were not enough confider'd by him, who believ'd, as moft Men did, the Government fo firmly fettled, that it could neither be fhaken from within or without; and that lefs than a general Confusion of Law and Gospel could not hurt him, which was true too; but he did not foresee how eafily that Confufion might be brought to pafs. Pag. 102.

He defended himself at his Tryal with great and undaunted Courage, and lefs Paffion than was expected from his Conftitution: He anfwer'd all their Objections with Clearnefs and irrefiftible Reason, and convinc'd all impartial Men of his Integrity, and his Deteftation of all treafonable Intentions. So that tho' few excellent Men have ever had fewer Friends to their Perfons, yet all reasonable Men abfolv'd him from any foul Crime that the Law could take notice of and punish; however, when they had faid all against him they could, and he all for himself that need to be faid,


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