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which an African was the preacher. In attending this meeting I felt a renewed and deep conviction that the system of expounding in this way at will has very great and serious disadvantages, and demands the deep consideration of all classes of society. It certainly is the cause of much being expressed which ought not to be expressed, and of employing agents not qualified for such an office.

12th. A Fantee came to give me a little vocabulary of words by dictation. He, and a person who accompanied him, evinced great interest when they heard the words they had given to me read from the paper I had written. On the 13th a Timanee came for the same purpose; from him I took down most of the words corresponding with the vocabulary in the African lessons. Another part of the day was employed in visiting the Merchant Seaman's Hospital previous to our departure. We wished also to have seen the Military Hospital; but, some difficulties occurring, we gave it up, on account of the shortness of our stay. On the 14th we had a visit from one of the American men of colour who accompanied Paul Cuffee to Sierra Leone about eight years ago. He came on behalf of the rest, (about five families,) to request that we would meet them at one of their houses in the evening. We went; and they all soon afterwards assembled with their children, except one invalid, and another attending upon him. They appeared solid, steady people. They told us that notwithstanding great sufferings from sickness during the first two years of their being here, which exhausted the little property they had brought with them, they had now by persevering

exertion recovered themselves, and each obtained a comfortable dwelling of his own, and were in the way of supporting themselves reputably. We staid some time with them; then looked at each of their houses and took leave."


Departure from Sierra-Leone—Arrival at St. Mary's -Progress of the Scholars-Establishment of a School at the Cape.

"On the evening before our departure from SierraLeone, and in the morning, (the 16th,) although it had felt much like home to me to be in the colony, and I had wished to do what I could as to obtaining information whilst there, yet aware of much imperfection in this, as in other engagements, there did not appear all the relief of mind I could have desired, and the feeling was rather like that of an introduction to a scene of labour than the satisfactory accomplishment of a contemplated object. I yet hoped that what remained for me of the requirings of duty respecting this colony might be fulfilled by correspondence with those with whom I had now become acquainted, and who appeared very kindly disposed to receive any hints or suggestions I was inclined to offer; and also by such assistance as might in some way be provided for the schools, after a representation in England of what appeared, both to myself and the teachers, to be yet wanting to promote the children's more effectual instruction and improvement.


With these hopes, I set sail on the 18th. We called at the isles de Los, and staid a part of two days. On the 25th, a gale of wind came on, and continued from six till twelve at night. This being

the usual time of the equinoctial wind, I could not but almost wish that we should be driven back, or induced to return to Sierra-Leone. The vessel, too, required much pumping during that time; and I was led to consider how far it could have been right to have engaged places in this small schooner, merely because it was the first that we could return in, after the packet which sailed soon after our arrival. The Hope (a brig) was to sail ten days later, and I felt that, whether or not this was the right time, the manner of concluding about it was not what it ought to have been. What was felt of condemnation in this will not, I hope, be lost upon me. May I be more and more led to obedience to that wise and beneficent injunction, 'In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy steps!'

"The following day the wind had abated; but the sea being yet rather high, and the motion of the vessel strong, I kept in my berth, not having been able to sit up any part of this voyage, except on first entering the ship; but was able to read when lying still on deck, or in the cabin. It was

a comfort that at least I could spend a part of each day in reading, either for information or amusement, and sometimes I was able to make a few memoranda in writing. I should much like to see tract libraries formed for the villages in SierraLeone, as well as for the schools there. Some must be leaving the schools often who would be able to read such tracts as might be provided, but they should be chosen for them peculiarly. A library might be well adapted for England that would have in it many books unsuitable, or of no use in this district.

"There is a great work for Christian benevolence in Free Town, but the labourers are few. I was grieved to hear that large quantities of spirits are consumed in this place. A tax was levied some years since, intended to check the consumption. It has not had that effect; yet has produced a large amount to the revenue. Why should the poison of spirituous liquors be allowed to be imported by those who profess to be the civilizers of Africa? It seems to be a common propensity in this country to be given up to the inclination for strong, intoxicating liquors. Why should Europeans take a part in the sin of facilitating their obtaining them? We were told that no present would be acceptable to the king of Combo, in whose country Birkow is, unless we accompanied other parts of the present with the favourite rum. This we could not do; yet when a visit was paid to him, and the gifts presented, both the gifts and the visit were well received.

"There is much to do in Africa. At this moment I am reminded of the want of right care which is so often evident with respect to the poor domesticated dumb creatures. In Sierra-Leone there is often a difficulty in procuring provender for horses; (hardly as they are riden ;) perhaps the want of foresight in the masters is the cause of this. But why may not the Gambia corn be grown in Sierra-Leone? Many dogs are kept,-and many are starved, and beaten and neglected: these in Free Town are a great annoyance in the night, and wake the inhabitants when they would gladly sleep. A merchant was showing me his new house, and among other parts of the furniture he

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