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When grief or anxiety harasses the mind, the organic nervous system sympathizes and fully participates in the troubles of the mind. The painful sensation and oppression experienced about the heart, in popular language, is the result of the communication established between the superior central ganglion, the cardiac ganglion, and the semilunar ganglions, through the branches of the par vagi, (animal nerves,) which inosculate with the branches of the solar plexus and the branches of the cardiac plexus.

Connection between the Brain, the Superior Central Ganglion, and the Lenticular Ganglion.

When a person looks at a dazzling or luminous body, such as the sun, the iris or pupil instantly contracts, in order to exclude the rays of light as much as possible, and thus protect the retina from injury. The retina is the termination or expansion of the optic nerve, (an animal nerve;) the mind be comes cognizant of the danger which threatens it, but has not the power within itself to ward off the danger; it therefore communes with one of the vital ganglions, (the superior central,) whose duty it is to protect from injury as well as keep in a state of preservation the various organs of the body. The superior central ganglion communes with the lenticular through a very small branch of the third nerve, (an animal nerve.) The iris is supplied with nerves from the lenticular ganglion, and it at once contracts under their influence, and excludes the rays of light as much as possible.*

The mind listens to various sounds through the portio mollis, (an animal nerve,) distributed to the internal ear; but when it becomes necessary, or it is the wish of the individual to hear a sound at a great distance, the mind communes with the superior central ganglion; the latter affords the assistance re

*It is to be remarked, the lenticular body is such an extremely small body, that it takes an expert anatomist to find it. Notwithstanding which, it controls the movement of the iris, causing its contraction or dilatation to meet the requirements of the mind.

quired, by communicating with the otic ganglion through a branch of the facial nerve; the tensor tympani muscle, being supplied with nerves from the otic ganglion, at once contracts, rendering tense the drum of the ear, and thus affording the facility to the mind it required for listening to the distant sound.*

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When a man is told disastrous news, the mind, located in the brain, communes with the superior central ganglion, (a vital organ;) the trouble is communicated to the cardiac ganglion, to the pulmonary ganglion, to the semilunar ganglions, to the renal ganglions, and spermatic ganglions, by the par vagi and its branches, inducing palpitation, suspended animation, or fainting, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, involuntary discharge of urine, and in the event of the person being a female, three months or eight months pregnant, abortion or death of the fœtus. In the case just detailed, the whole organic nervous system is involved in the trouble, and in the case of a female the trouble is communicated to the foetus in utero, through the retina of organic nerves surrounding the maternal and fœtal vessels, which inosculate in the placental lobule.†

Playing on a Musical Instrument."

A person playing on a musical instrument affords a good illustration of the connection and communion between the animal and organic nervous systems. The mind wills that the finger shall touch certain notes in rapid succession. Certain

It will be remembered that the tensor tympani muscle, acting under the influence of the otic ganglion, contracts or relaxes to meet the requirements of the mind with regard to hearing sounds at long or short distances.

For behold, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in my ears, the infant in my womb leaped for joy."—St. Luke, i: 44.

"And it came to pass, whensoever the strange cattle did conceive, that Jacob laid the rods before the eyes of the cattle in the gutters, that they might conceive among the rods."- Genesis, xxx: 41.

Jacob was inspired; otherwise it is not likely he would have hit upon so true a physiological experiment. Any person can verify the truth of Jacob's experiments who has some white rabbits.

It is a remarkable fact, that the Deity has invariably carried his Omnipotent power into operation through the agency of material agents; a fact which will be at once admitted by any one who has read the Old and New Testaments.

relaxations and contraetions of the muscles are required to produce the effects contemplated by the mind; although the mind wills the movement of the fingers, yet it has not the control over the muscles to insure their proper relaxations and contractions to meet the requirements of the mind. The mind communes with the superior central ganglion; the latter with the ganglions at the roots of the nerves which go to form the brachial plexus; the animal nerves thus placed in communion with the organic ganglions, after forming the brachial plexus, are distributed to the muscles of the forearm and hand, where their capillary or terminating branches inosculate with the organic nerves on the coats of the arteries. The organic nerves, in company with the arteries they surround, are distributed to the muscular fibres, and cause their contractions and relaxations to meet the requirements of the mind.*

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When a singer wishes to produce certain notes, the mind, through the recurrent branches of the par vagi, instructs the larynx; the latter is supplied with numerous muscles to render lax or tense the vocal cords; but the mind having no control over the muscles, so as to produce their relaxation or contraction at pleasure, communes with the superior central ganglion; the latter communes with the eighth pair of nerves in the basilar plexus, and through these with the superior cervical ganglions; as the latter send retinæ of organic nerves round the arteries to the muscles of the larynx, the muscles contract and relax to meet the requirements of the mind, and bring out the required note by the vocal cords.t

* The absolute necessity for having a great number of nerve-fibres inclosed in the sheath of a single nerve is now quite evident, particularly when the numerous and varied operations of the mind, as exemplified in playing a musical instrument, are recollected-as the action of the fingers represents the operations of the mind.

†The brain represents the animal nervous system. The superior cervical ganglion represents the organic nervous system. The musical note represents the combined wisdom of the animal and organic nervous systems. Without being deemed, I trust, too fanatical or presumptuous, I beg to state that a very strong analogy is presented between the TRINITY of PERSONS in the DEITY and

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When a man wishes to leap a certain distance, for instance, from the top of one high place to the top of another high place, where the distance must be measured exactly in the mind to prevent falling, the mind wills the act, but has no control over the action of the muscles as regards their proper relaxation and contraction. The mind communes with the superior central ganglion; the latter with the prevertebral ganglions, at the roots of the nerves; the spinal nerves are distributed to the muscles; their terminating branches inosculate with the organic nerves on the coats of the arteries; which latter, being distributed to the muscular fibres, produce the precise condition required by the mind.

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When a person wishes to look behind his shoulders, the will directs the act, but has no power over the muscles, so as to be able to make them contract harmoniously together, to meet the requirements of the mind. The mind communes with the superior central ganglion; the latter communes with the superior cervical ganglion, which latter regulates the proper axis of the pupil, through its connection with the lenticular ganglion; as well as the proper abduction of the eye, through its connection with the sixth nerve in the cavernous sinus, (which is distributed to the external rectus muscle;) and also the muscles of the neck, through its connection with the roots of the spinal nerves.

"Dislocation of Shoulder."

In a recent dislocation of the shoulder, the surgeon places his index and middle fingers of one hand under the head of the humerus, (if the dislocation is in the axilla,) and grasping the elbow of the patient with the other, he directs the attention of the patient to some extraordinary subject, and at the

the attributes of man: "Let us make man to our own image and likeness."-Genesis, i: 26. The organic nervous system represents the FATHER. The animal nervous system, the SON. The melodicus note, the HOLY GHOST. I suggest this explanation for the benefit of disbelievers in the TRINITY.

same moment, by well-directed action of both hands, reduces the dislocation. Thus, by throwing the patient off his guard, he has no difficulty in reducing the dislocated bone. In the event, however, of his not being able to distract the patient's attention, this easy method may fail, inasmuch as, so long as the patient keeps his eye upon the affected shoulder, the animal and organic nerves will act in concert, and by strong contraction of the muscles, baffle his attempt. It will be observed, no matter how willing the person is to assist the surgeon, he cannot do so. The superior central ganglion being a vital ganglion, knows that on the reduction of the dislocation a sudden shock would be given, and guards against the occurrence, through its communion with the prevertebral ganglions, at the roots of the several nerves which go to form the brachial plexus, and from which branches are distributed to the muscles of the shoulder, terminating in filaments which inosculate with the organic nerves on the coats of the capillary arteries, which are distributed to the muscular fibres; hence spasm or rigid contraction of the muscles follows.

Vital Actions-(Excitation of Organic Nerves.)

Connection of the animal and organic nerves, as may be observed in the secretion of saliva, the secretion of milk, the secretion of gastric juice.

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When a person longs for food, the popular expression is, that his "teeth water," or a copious secretion of saliva takes place.


The brain, the animal nervous ganglion, communes with the superior central ganglion; the latter communes through the brain and superior maxillary nerve (the second division of the fifth) with the spheno-palatine ganglion; the spheno-palatine ganglion communicates with the submaxillary gland, through the chorda tympani nerve, which is distributed to the gland, and inosculates with the organic nerves surrounding the capillary arteries; the capillary arteries become dilated through

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