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These Articles can be supplied, including the range, by the Roy Irish Association to the Itinerant Teacher of Cookery either for sale the Manager for the school use, or may be hired out to the class at cost of 58. per week, and all breakages replaced. The range necessary, as the Teacher will give lessons on any grate.

is no



I. Practice Lesson.
II. Demonstration.

Parafin Washing, Table Linen.
Lecture on Water, and how to soften.

III. Prac. Flannels, Pocket-Handkerchiefs, and Body Linen.
IV. Dem. Disinfecting, Removing of stains.

V. Prac. Shirts.

VI. Dem. Use of Starch, Size, and Blue.
VII. Prac. Collars and Cuffs, Muslins.

VIII. Dem. Use of Bran, Vinegar, and Soap.

IX. Prac. Chintz, Prints.

X. Dem. Bleaching, Drying, and Gum.

XI. Prac Fancy Work, Lace, Silks.

XII. Dem. Soda, Borax, and Ammonia. How to clean Irons.

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The question of adopting measures for keeping school grounds and premises in a more tasteful and orderly condition has been under the sideration of the Commissioners of National Education.

The Commissioners feel assured that in rural localities the National Stools and the school plots connected therewith, even where the plots are small, might advantageously subserve the object of awakening in the ds of the pupils a practical interest in the cultivation of vegetables, faits, and flowers.

as to planting shrubs, flowers, &c.

It is gratifying to note that there are many schools whose Teachers
both Male and Female) have done excellent work in the direction here
ted: their schools, and also their residences, affording evidence of
d taste, and even skill, in horticulture and floriculture.

The Commissioners would suggest to the Managers in rural districts
that the desirable object in view might be encouraged if on the occasion
of their visits to the schools they would impress upon the Teachers the
irability of utilizing the school plots as gardens, as far as might be
redient, especially for the cultivation of shrubs and flowers in front
of the schools and Teachers' residences, and in the margins of play-
rands. The cultivation of climbing and window plants is also worthy
of attention on the part of Teachers.

The Commissioners have instructed their Inspectors to confer with
the Managers and Teachers, and to make a statement in their reports
to the adoption of arrangements for the carrying out of this object.
The Commissioners further desire that the Managers will, whenever
practicable, endeavour to secure plots of sufficient size (not less than a
rood) for the establishment of "School Gardens," and also inform the
Teachers of the special encouragements afforded under the Rules and
Regulations for (a) the cultivation of the "School Gardens," and (b) for
the instruction of the pupils in Garden Culture. In addition to the
es for knowledge of the Text Book ("Practical Farming") the
following fees are now payable to Teachers who have recognized
"School Gardens":~

per pupil of Fourth Class, and 5s. per pupil of the higher classes, for practical proficiency, as tested in School Garden. 208. for satisfactory condition of School Garden.

10s. for satisfactory management of Pigs, Poultry, &c.

The Commissioners trust that these increased fees, together with the special interest that Gardening ought in itself to have for Teachers of rural schools, may lead to a satisfactory development of Garden Culture in connexion with those schools throughout the country.

Appendix. Section II.,

Working of




REPORT of the NATIONAL SCHOOL TEACHERS' (Ireland) PENSION F under the Act 42 & 43 Vict., cap. 74, for the Year ended December, 1897.

1. The eighteenth year of the operation of the Act ended on the December, 1897.

2. The fluctuation of numbers on the Pension Establishment under the was as follows:

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3. The Model School Teachers who have availed themselves of the suppleme privileges conferred under Rules 37 to 48, are as follows:


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Gratuities paid during the year,


097 737 3


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23 2,277

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2,083 554 16,132 1,266 43.644

1 68


33 3,255 19


• Including the Supplemental Pensions shown in paragraph 3.

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Fourth test. To darn strongly and neatly a hole the size of a shilli Section II. taking the runnings about half-an-inch into the web on either side; c on for a sock, and knit three or four rounds, beginning the rib. From an hour to an hour and a quarter may be given, as in previ Inspectors class, for each test.

Instructions to

as to Results


In all classes the pupils' test specimens of sewing and of cutting should be brought away by the Inspector.


55. Reading. At least two books must be used, one to be a suita treatise on Domestic Economy, the subject matter of which must known, the other a Reading Book approved by the Commissione Explanation of the lessons read will be required.

56. English Composition. The subject proposed for the composit exercise may be varied at discretion. The exercise may be conside to include Grammar only so far as this subject is necessary to sect correctness of expression; and Geography is mentioned chiefly furnishing some suitable matter on which to write.

57. Plain Needlework.-Under this scheme it is essential that t third test given under the ordinary programme for Sixth Class shall applied.

58. Special Industries.-The same special Industries may be tak up in successive years, but a pupil presented a second time for exami tion in any branch must show increased proficiency in order to warra payment of fees. This may be shown by some additional work, so1 different articles knit, some new stitches in lace, &c., &c.


59. Use of Sewing Machine.--The pupil should display a fair kno lege of the use of Sewing machine, setting needle correctly, regulati tension as required for work, preparing and attaching the bobbin, at being competent to join evenly, and with regular line of neat stitchin two curved edges, such as occur in back and in sidepiece next back bodice.

60. Advanced Dressmaking.--Pupil to cut out, in Inspector's presen pattern of dress bodice, consisting of the following:--Side pieces, fror and back, neckband, upper sleeve, under sleeve; and to tack thes together so as to produce correct pattern of dress bodice. No model c pattern of any kind to be permitted for use of pupils. Cutting ot should be done either by a scientific system, by measurement of a con panion's figure, or from pupil's own clear recollection of the shapes an sizes of the various pieces.

It is desirable that each pupil should exhibit a dress made by herse during the year, having buttonholes neatly worked in bodice.

61. Vocal Music.-"Singing by ear" may be accepted in the junio classes to fourth, inclusive, as sufficient for the song test; but in Fift and Sixth Classes pupils should be able to Sol-Fa their parts separatel before joining together in harmony.

62. Drawing. Pupils must show evidence of due training and practice in this subject; the lines must be drawn freely, and withou shifting the position of the paper. Frequent rubbing out and soiling o the paper should preclude the awarding of a pass.

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