Prin. We are wise girls, to mock our lovers so. Ros. They are worse fools to purchase mocking so. That same Birón I'll torture ere I go. O, that I knew he were but in by the week! Prin. None are so surely caught, when they are catch'd, As wit turn'd fool: folly in wisdom hatch'd, Ros. The blood of youth burns not with such exAs gravity's revolt to wantonness. [cess, Mar. Folly in fools bears not so strong a note, As foolery in the wise, when wit doth dote; Since all the power thereof it doth apply, To prove, by wit, worth in simplicity. Enter BOΥΕΤ. Prin. Here comes Boyet, and mirth is in his face. Boyet. O, I am stabb'd with laughter! Where's her grace ? Prin. Thy news, Boyet? Boyet. Prepare, madam, prepare!Arm, wenches, arm! encounters mounted are Against your peace: love doth approach disguised, Armed in arguments; you'll be surprised : Muster your wits; stand in your own defence; Or hide your heads like cowards, and fly hence. Prin, Saint Dennis to saint Cupid! What are they, That charge their breath against us? Say, scout, say. Boyet. Under the cool shade of a sycamore, And ever and anon they made a doubt, shoulder; Making the bold wag by their praises bolder. Prin. But what, but what, come they to visit us? Boyet. They do, they do; and are apparel'd thus, Like Muscovites, or Russians: as I guess, Their purpose is, to parle, to court, and dance: And every one his love-feat will advance Unto his several mistress; which they'll know By favours several, which they did bestow. Prin. And will they so? The gallants shall be task'd : For, ladies, we will every one be mask'd; And change your favours too; so shall your loves Ros. Come on then; wear the favours most in sight. Kath. But, in this changing, what is your intent? They do it but in mocking merriment; Ros. But shall we dance, if they desire us to't? Prin. No; to the death, we will not move a foot: Nor to their penn'd speech render we no grace; But, while 'tis spoke, each turn away her face. Boyet. Why, that contempt will kill the speaker's heart, And quite divorce his memory from his part. kers come. Enter the KING, BIRON, LONGAVILLE, and DUMAIN, in Russian habits, and masked; Мотн, Musicians, and Attendants. Moth. All hail, the richest beauties on the earth! (The ladies turn their backs to him. That ever turn'd their backs-to mortal views! Biron. Their eyes, villain, their eyes. Moth. That ever turn'd their eyes to mortal views ! Out Boyet. True; out, indeed. Moth. Out of your favours, heavenly spirits, vouch safe Not to behold Biron. Once to behold, rogue. Moth. Once to behold with your sun-beamed eyes, --with your sun-beamed eyes Boyet. They will not answer to that epithet; You were best call it, daughter-beamed eyes. Moth. They do not mark me, and that brings me out. Biron. Is this your perfectness? Be gone, you rogue. Ros. What would these strangers? Know their minds, Boyet: If they do speak our language, 'tis our will Boyet. What would you with the princess? Boyet. Nothing but peace, and gentle visitation. Ros. Why, that they have! and bid them so be gone. Boyet. She says, you have it, and you may be gone. King. Say to her, we have measured many miles, To tread a measure with her on this grass. Boyet. They say, that they have measured many a mile, To tread a measure with you on this grass. Boyet. If, to come hither you have measured miles, And many miles; the princess bids you tell, Biron. Tell her, we measure them by weary steps. Boyet. She hears herself. Ros. How many weary steps, Of many weary miles you have o'ergone, Biron. We number nothing that we spend for you; Our duty is so rich, so infinite, Ros. My face is but a moon, and clouded too. King. Blessed are clouds, to do as such clouds do! Vouchsafe, bright moon, and these thy stars, to shine (Those clouds removed,) upon our wat'ry eyne. change: Thou bid'st me beg; this begging is not strange. Ros. Play, music, then: nay, you must do it soon. [Music plays. Not yet;-no dance: thus change I like the moon. King. Will you not dance? How come you thus estranged? Ros. You took the moon at full; but now she's changed. King. Yet still she is the moon, and I the man. The music plays; vouchsafe some motion to it. Ros. Our ears vouchsafe it. King. But your legs should do it. Ros. Since you are strangers, and come here by chance, We'll not be nice: take hands; we will not dance. King. Why take we hands then? Ros. Only to part friends : Court'sy, sweet hearts; and so the measure ends. King. More measure of this measure; be not nice. Ros. We can afford no more at such a price. King. Prize you yourselves; What buys your company? Ros. Your absence only. King. That can never be. Ros. Then cannot we be bought: and so adieu; Twice to your visor, and half once to you! King. If you deny to dance, let's hold more chat. Ros. In private, then. [They converse apart. Biron. White-handed mistress, one sweet word with thee. Prin. Honey, and milk, and sugar; there is three. Biron. Nay, then, two treys, (an if you grow so nice,) Metheglin, wort, and malmsey ;-Well run, dice! There's half a dozen sweets. Prin. Seventh sweet, adieu! Since you can cog*, I'll play no more with you. Biron. One word in secret. Prin. Let it not be sweet. Biron. Thou griev'st my gall. Prin. Gall? Bitter. Biron. Therefore meet. [They converse apart. Dum. Will you vouchsafe with me to change a word? Mar. Name it. Dum. Fair lady, Mar. Say you so? Fair lord, Take that for your fair lady. Dum. Please it you, As much in private, and I'll bid adieu. [They converse apart. Kath. What, was your visor made without tongue ? Long. I know the reason, lady, why you ask. Kath. O, for your reason! quickly, Sir; I long. * Falsify dice, lie. a |