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The seeming presumption of seeking to shelter my humble production under your illustrious name demands apology. The best, perhaps, that I can offer, is that which must be best upon all occasionsthe simple truth, that it is the hope of gaining for the work a value and consideration beyond its intrinsic merits, that induces me to lay it at your Royal Highness' feet.

To a former production, entitled "THE GIPSY MOTHER," I ventured to prefix the name of your Royal Highness' illustrious daughter; that work has met with a success which exceeded my utmost hopes, and I am conscious far exceeded my merits. Yet, while I thus candidly confess the selfish motives of this unauthorised appeal to your Royal Highness' protection, allow me to claim credit for equal sincerity

when I assert, that nothing but the fullest conviction that the illustrious name, by which it is sought to stamp a value on my humble work, is not degraded to obtain currency for a counterfeit; but that the metal, though so light and attenuated, as to be of little worth, is nevertheless pure and undebased, could induce me so to presume.

With those sentiments of deep respect and admiration, which are common to all my countrywomen, who have beheld and benefitted by your Royal Highness' bright example,

I subscribe myself,


Your Royal Highness devoted servant,


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Ere I had told its beauties !-It was slight,

Even as yon willow, and like its scft stem,
Fell into thousand motions, and all lovely!

But for her cheek-look on those streaks of rose,
Tinting the white clouds o'er us!"


Irvas at the close of a fine day, in June, one thousad eight hundred and that a carriage and for, with outriders and postilions in handsome liveries, -ith all indeed that could betoken the possessor a pern of rank. and affluence,-drove up to the door of the principal inn, in the small town of T---, in Gloucestershire. It had been, as we have already said, a fine day; but it was more, it was the evening of the Sabbath-that blessed interval of rest, for the toil-worn artisan-of enjoyment, for those who find their best pleasure in the exercise of their dutiesand of peace and quietude to all.

The religious observances of the day had closed;


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and while the elder folks were gathered tog enjoy the beauties of the setting sun, and the cool fragrance of the evening breeze in the of their doors, or at their casements, garland honeysuckles and jasmines, the younger were co in small groups, either at the garden gates, or orth. green which ornamented the centre of the village,



The arrival of such a gay equipage in this sequ tered spot, of course, superseded every other topic conversation, and engrossed the attention of ever a eye and ear among the simple villagers. The young men quitted their fair partners, to approach the objec.s of their curiosity; and the girls gathering closer tog ther, by turns gave utterance to their conjectures, or their admiration, of the splendid carriage, the bright Lays, or the showy liveries of the attendants.

"There is only one gentleman in it," said a young ınan, approaching a knot of girls, who looked anxiously to him for information, "and he looks so yellow, and sickly, and discontented; and spoke so ill-temperelly to his servant, that in spite of all his riches and finery, I felt I did not envy him."

"Not envy him, William Mansel!" exclaimed a beautiful girl, who had stood hitherto silent; "Not envy him!" she repeated with animation, "heavens,

how can you talk so foolishly!"

William Mansel coloured with vexation.

"It may be foolish in your eyes, Miss Woodford; but I say it again,-if riches and distinction could be purchased, by my exchanging with that unhappylooking man, I would sooner remain what I am-a plain farmer's son."


Maria Woodford, however, heard not, or attended not, to this reply to her exclamation, for she at that moment discovered that the envied possessor of the elegant equipage, having entered the best parlour at the inn, was now busily employed in scrutinising, with the help of his eye-glass, the different groups who were assembled in front of it; and, totally regardless of William's angry surprise at her inattention, the conscious beauty immediately drew aside from her companions, so as conspicuously to display her elegant figure, and with an affected air of negligence, which strongly contrasted with the undisguised rustic curiosity of her mates, who still stood staring at the carriage, from which the horses were now unharnessing, she contrived to approach near enough to the window of the room, to give its inhabitant a full view of a face which she was conscious could not be beheld without admiration.

"Where are you going, Maria?" demanded a mild, pale, gentle-looking girl, who hastily followed her; "Have you forgotten that we promised to be home at nine; and that William Mansel and his brother are waiting to

"You may go with them, if you like, Grace; but I am not in such a hurry, and if William does not choose to stay my time, I can find somebody, I dare say, to see me home," sail Maria, casting another glance at the window; and observing with inward exultation, that the person whom her fancy had invested with at least the rank of a nobleman, if not of royalty itself, had now raised the sash, and was

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