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42. Hebron, Gerar, and Beersheba were also, at different times, the residences of Isaac.

42 Jacob, after having resided about twenty years with his father-in-law, Laban, at Ha'ran, returned with his family and flocks to Ca'naan.

44. At Mahana'im he was met by his brother Esau, and also by an angel, and had his name changed to Is'rael.

45. Having resided a while at Suc'coth, on the east side of the Jordan, he then crossed the river, and took up his abode near She'chem.

46. He next journeyed to Beth'el, where he had seen a vision before he went to Haran. Afterwards he removed to Helbron; and, finally, after Joseph had revealed himself to his brethren, he migrated, by way of Beersheba, with ris whole family, into Egypt.


The Region between Egypt and Canaan: Journeyings of the Israelites.

1. The country lying between Egypt and Ca'naan, and between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, consists mostly of extensive deserts, having few streams of water; and it now forms a part of what is called Arabia Petra'a or Stony.

2. In this region the Israelites passed 40 years.

3. Their route from Egypt to Canaan is differently delinented on different maps. The positions of most of the places of encampment, which are all enumerated in the thirty-third chapter of Numbers, are laid down on maps from no better authority than probable conjecture.

4. The Red Sea, of which only the northern extremities appear on the Map (No. VI.), is about 1400 miles in length, and 200, where widest, in breadth.

42. At what places did Isaac reside? 43. What is mentioned respecting Jacob? 44. What happened to him at Mahanaim?

45. Where did he afterwards reside? 46. What were his subse quent movements?

CHAPTER II. 1. What is said of the country lying between Egypt and Canaan? 2. How many years did the Israelites pass here? 3. What is mentioned respecting their route? 4. What is the extent of the Red Sea?

5. Esau was called Edom, which, in Hebrew, signifies red, because he sold his birthright for a mess of red pottage and, as his posterity inhabited the country to the north of this sea, some suppose it was called, after his name, the Red Sea. Others suppose it was so called from its red sand; others, from coral; and others, from its waters being colored by small animalcules.

6. Mounts Si'nai and Ho'reb, celebrated in Scripture history, belong to a range which is situated between the northern branches of the Red Sea, in the midst of a gloomy desert, and contains several lofty summits.

7. At Horeb, God appeared to Moses in a burning bush, while he kept the flocks of his father-in-law Je'thro; and from Sinai he received the law.

8. The summit of Sinai has been estimated at the height of about 6,000 feet; and it affords an extensive prospect of the Red Sea and the adjacent country.

9. On this summit there are now a Christian church and a Mahometan mosque; and near the bottom of the mountain a convent, from which to the top steps are cut in the rock, or formed by loose stones piled in succession.

10. The children of Israel sojourned in Egypt 215 years, reckoning from the time of the migration of Jacob and his family.

11. During this period, they were reduced to cruel bondage; but, notwithstanding the oppression which they endured, they increased so rapidly, that, at the end of it, the number of men, exclusive of women and children, amounted to 600,000.

12. After a variety of grievous plagues had been inflicted upon Egypt, the Israelites were, at length, delivered from Egyptian bondage in a miraculous manner, by Moses, who had previously resided 40 years in Midian.

13. Having passed over the western branch of the Red Sea on dry ground, they commenced their journey through the wilderness, in order to take possession of the land of Ca'naan, which had been promised to Abraham.

5 Why was it called the Red Sea ?

6. How are mounts Sinai and Horeb situated? 7. What memorable events took place at these mountains? 8. What is said of the summit of Sinai? 9. What are now found on the summit and near the bottom? 10. How long did the children of Israel sojourn in Egypt? 11. What is said respecting their increase? 12. By whom were they delivered from Egyptian bondage? 13. What is mentioned respecting the commencement of their journey?

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14. They passed through the sea at Ba-alze'phon, and en camped in the wilderness at Ma'rah, where the waters, which were bitter, were made sweet.

15. Their next place of encampment was E'lim, where there were twelve wells of water and seventy palin-trees.

16. From Elim they proceeded to Reph'idim, through the Wilderness or Desert of Sin, passing by Dopka and Alush; and in this wilderness they began to be fed with manna, which was continued till they entered Canaan.

17. At a place called Mas'sah, or Mer'ibah, Moses procured water for the people by smiting a rock in Horeb.

18. Not far distant, at a place called Jehovah-nis'si, the Am'alekiles attacked the Israelites, but were entirely defeated.

19. Near this place Moses received a visit from Jethro, his father-in-law, priest of Midian, who brought to him his wife and children.

20. At Mount Sinai, the Law, containing the Ten Commandinents, was delivered to Moses.

21. After the memorable transactions at Sinai, the Israelites proceeded to Tab'erah, Kib'roth-Hattı'avah, and to Haze'roth; at the last of which places Aa'ron and Mir'iam were guilty of sedition against Moses.

22. From Haze'roth, they proceeded through the Desert of Paran, or Ka'desh, to Rith'mah, near Ka'desh-Bar'nea. 23. From this place twelve men, one of each tribe, were sent to search or spy out the land of Canaan.

24. All these twelve men, except Joshua and Caleb, brought back an unfavorable report respecting the country; on account of which the Israelites were disheartened, and resolved to return to Egypt.

25. On account of the disposition and conduct manifested by the people on this occasion, it was decreed that all who were then twenty years old and upwards, except Josh. ua and Caleb, should die in the wilderness.

26. They made a long stay in Ka'desh; and here the re bellion of Ko'rah, Da'than, and Abi'ram, took place.

14. Where did they pass through the sea, and where did they encamp? 15. What was their next place of encampment? 16. What events next took place? 17. What took place at Massah, or Meribah? 18. At Jehovah-nissi? 19. From whom did Moses receive a visit near this place? 20. What took place at Mount Sinai? 21. To what places did they proceed after the transactions at Sinai? 22. To what places did they then proceed? 23. What measure was adopted near Kadesh Barnea? 24. What report did these twelve men bring back respecting the country? 25. What was the consequence of this conduct of the people? 26. What took place in Kadesh

27. On leaving the neighborhood of Ka'desh-Bar nea, they proceeded to Sha'pher, by Rim'mon-Pa'rez, Lib'nah, Rissah, and Kehel'athah.

28. From Shapher, they journeyed to Mose'roth, near the Red Sea, by Har'adah, Makhe'loth, Ta'hath, Ta'rah, and Mith'cah.

29. From Mose'roth they proceeded to E'zion-ge'ber, at the northern extremity of the eastern branch of the Red Sea, by Ben'e-Ja'akan, Horhagid'gad, Jot'bathah, and Ebro'nah.

30. From Ezion-geber, they journeyed to the Wilderness of Zin, or Ka'desh (where ́Miriam died), to a place named Mer'ibah.

31. At this place, Moses obtained water by smiting a rock; but, on account of his offence here, in " speaking unadvisedly," he was not permitted to enter Canaan.

32. They next encamped at Mount Hor, and on the top of this mountain, at a place called Mose'ra, Aa'ron died, in the fortieth year after leaving Egypt.

33. After departing from Mount Hor, many of the people died by being bitten by fiery serpents.

34. Their next places of encampment were Zalmo'nah, Pu'non, O'both, Ij-e-ab'arim, Di'bongad, and Al'mon-Diblatha'im.

35. Sihon, king of the Am'orites, refusing to permit the Israelites to pass through his dominions, was totally defeated at Ja'haz.

36. Og, king of Bashan, was destroyed, with his whole army, by the Israelites, at Ed're-i.

37. After these victories, the Israelites encamped on the Plains of Moab.

38. Balak, king of Moab, together with the princes of Mid'ian, sent to Balaam, a soothsayer of the city of Pe'thor, on the Euphra'tes, to curse the Israelites.

39. Moses divided the territories which belonged to Sihon and Og between the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and the half tribe of Manas'seh.

40. Moses, having finished his instructions and exhorta

27. To what_place did they proceed from Kadesh? 28. To what from Shapher? 29. To what from Moseroth? 30. To what from Ezion-geber? 31. What took place at Meribah? 32. At Mount Hor? 33. What took place after leaving Mount Hor? 34. What were their next places of encampment? 35. What took place with respect to Sihon? 36. What respecting Og? 37. Where did the Israelites encamp after these victories? 38. What next took place? 39. How did Moses dispose of the territories of Sihon and Og? 40. What is further related of Moses?

tions to his people, ascended the mountain of Ne'bo and the summit of Pis'gah, took a view of the promised land, and soon afterwards died.

41. The Israelites, under the command of Joshua, the successor of Moses, then passed over the Jordan at Gil'gal, took the city of Jer'icho, conquered the nations of Canaan, and divided their lands among their tribes.


The Canaanites and neighboring Nations.

1. In the time of Moses and Joshua, the land of Canaan was inhabited by seven nations, the descendants of Canaan, namely, the Am'orites, Jeb'usites, Hil'tiles, Perlizziles, Gir'gashites, Ca'naanites, and Hi'vites.

2. All these nations the Israelites were commanded to ex terminate, on account of their great wickedness.

3. The most powerful of these seven nations were the Amorites, who had extended their conquests to the east of the Jordan, where the kingdom of Sihon was situated.

4. Besides these, there were, in Canaan, or on its borders, six other nations, with whom the Israelites, at various times, maintained severe conflicts.

5. These six nations were the Philis'tines, Midianites, Mo'abites, Am'monites, Am'alekites, and E'domites.

6. The Philistines are supposed to have been descended from Miz'raim, the son of Ham, and to have emigrated from Egypt.

41. What was next accomplished by the Israelites ?

CHAPTER III.1. By what seven nations was the land of Ca naan inhabited in the time of Moses and Joshua? 2. Why were the Israelites commanded to exterminate these nations> 3. Which of these seven nations was the most powerful? 4. What is said respecting six other bordering nations? 5. What were these six nations? 6. What was the origin of the Philistines?

See Map No. VI. How are mounts Sinai and Horeb situated? What deserts or wildernesses are situated between the northern branches of the Red Sea ? What ones further north? How was Baalzephon situated? Ezion-geber? Rephidim? Marah and Elim? Jehovah-nissi? Massah, or Meribah? KadeshBarnea? Rissah? Kadesh-Meribah? Mount Hor? Mounts Nebo and Pisgah? How was Edom situated? Moab? The kingdom of Sihon? The kingdom of Og? The Amalekites? What nations inhabited to the west of the Dead Sea and the Jordan?

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