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Asia is remarkable for being the quarter of the world in which the human race were first planted, and for having seen the seat of the Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian empires, and the residence of the Israelites.

2. In this quarter of the globe the Jewish, Christian, and Mahometan religions had their origin, as well as several systems of Paganism, which extensively prevail.

3. Asia includes the following countries, namely, Siberia, in the north; Tar'tary and Thibet', in the middle; Turkey, Arabia, Persia, Beloochistan', Afghanistan', Hindostan, Chin-India or Farther India, China, Corea, and Japan, in the south and southeast.

4. The two great ranges of mountains are the Himmä'leh and the Altä'i mountains.

5. The Alta'i or Altä'ian Mountains are a chain about 5,000 miles in length, extending almost across Asia, on the

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ASIA. 1. What is said of Asia? 2. What religions had their origin in Asia? 3. What countries does it include?

4 What ranges of mountains? 5. What is said of the Altai moun tains?

borders of Siberia and Tartary, and contain valuable mines of gold, silver, copper, iron, &c.

6. The Himmälleh or Himä'laya Mountains, which separate Hindostan from Thibet and Tartary, extend about 1,400 miles in length, and are supposed to be the highest mountains on the globe. The most elevated summits may be seen at the distance of 230 miles.

7. Some of the largest rivers are the O'by, Yenisei (yene-se'), and Le'na, in the north; the Amour (a-moor'), Ho'ang-Ho', and Ki'ang-Ku', in the east; the Cambodia or Mecon', Irrawad'dy, Brahmapoo'tra, Gan'ges, In'dus, Euphrates, and Tigris, in the south.

8. The largest lakes or inland seas are the Cas'pian, A'ral, and Ba'ikal.

9. The soil in the northern and central parts is mostly sterile; but in the southern parts, with the exception of the sandy deserts in the southwest, it is, for the most part, extremely fertile.

10. The climate embraces every variety; and it is extremely cold in the north, and hot in the south. The transition from a hot to a cold climate, is very sudden, owing to the great elevation of the central parts, and to the ranges of high mountains.

11. The islands connected with Asia are very numerous and important. Those which lie to the southeast of the continent have been classed in three great divisions, namely, the Eastern Archipelago, Australia, and Polyne'sia; and they have also been considered as forming a fifth divis ion of the globe by the name of Ocean'ica.

12 In the early ages, Asia was superior to the other parts of the globe in military strength; but, in the time of Alexander the Great, Europe obtained the ascendency, which it has ever since possessed, and Asia has continued comparatively weak.

13. Asia is, however, esteemed the most fruitful and the richest part of the globe, and it contains more inhabitants than all the other divisions. Yet the central and northern parts, including more than half of the continent, are mostly sterile, and very thinly inhabited. These parts have but little communication with the civilized world, and are, comparatively, but little known.

14. The southern parts and islands furnish to the other

6. What is saia of the Himmaleh mountains? 7. What rivers? 8. Likes 9. Climate? 10. Soil? 11. Islands? 12. Wha: is said of the ancient and present condition of Asia? 13. Wha o'its riches and population? 14. Productions?

portions of the world a variety of luxuries, as spices, tea, coffee, fruits, diamonds, and other precious stones. Of these parts some of the most useful vegetables are rice and the bamboo.

15. Asia is particularly distinguished for certain animals, as the elephant, camel, rhinoceros, and tiger.. The elephant is trained to various kinds of service; and the camel is very important to the Asiatics in performing the most arduous journeys.

16. The foreign commerce of this quarter of the globe is chiefly carried on by European nations and the United States. The internal trade is conducted mostly by caravans, which often consist of many thousands of merchants, and a still greater number of camels.

17. The prevailing government is despotism; but in some parts, particularly among the Arabs and other wandering tribes, the patriarchal form is in use.

18. The two prevailing religions are Paganism and Mahometanism.

19. Mahometanism is the prevailing religion of Turkey, Arabia, and Persia; and it is widely diffused in Tartary, Hindostan, and many of the islands; but far the greater part of the Asiatics adhere to Paganism, which here exists in various forms, as Bramanism, and Buddhism, including the religion of Fo and Shamanism, or the worship of the Grand Lama.

20. Though Christianity had its origin in Asia, yet it is now found here only in a very limited degree, and mostly in a very corrupted form. It exists chiefly under the denomination of the Greek and Armenian churches, in the Russian and Turkish dominions. It has also been introduced, to some extent, into the European colonies; and great exertions have of late been made to extend its bless ings to the natives by means of missionaries, and the diffusion of the Scriptures.

21. The Asiatics, with regard to their_manners and customs, differ in many particulars from the Europeans. They arc less active and enterprising; more effeminate in their character and habits; more remarkable for a warm imagination, for a figurative style of writing, and for the use of hyperbolical language.

22. Instead of the close dress of Europeans, they com

15. What of its animals? 16. Commerce? 17. Government? 18. What of its religion? 19. What is said of the prevalence of each? 20. What is said respecting Christianity in Asia? 21. What is said of the Asiatics? 22. What of their dress?

monly wear loose and flowing garments, and make use of turbans instead of nats.

23. The want of wood for building has obliged the wandering and pastoral tribes of Arabia and the central parts of Asia, to lodge in tents, formed of skins or stuffs, which are the produce of their herds.

24. Most of the Oriental nations make no use of chairs, but sit cross-legged upon their heels, on the ground or floor; and, in the houses of the wealthy, on carpets or sofas.

25. In eating, they generally make no use of high tables or of knives and forks. But their food is placed upon the floor in large vessels, round which the guests sit upon their heels, or recline upon sofas or couches, and feed themselves chiefly by the use of their fingers, which are sometimes assisted by some simple instrument.

26. The condition of women among Mahometans and Pagans, is far less favorable than among Christian nations. In most Oriental countries, they are very much confined, and are permitted to see little or no company, except their relatives; nor are they allowed to go abroad without having their faces covered.

27. Polygamy is generally permitted among the Asiatic nations. Marriage is not generally founded on the mutual affection of the parties, as women are commonly sold for wives, and are not permitted to exercise any choice of their

23. What is said of the habitations of the pastoral tribes? 24. Manner of sitting? 25. Of eating? 26. Condition of the women? 27. What is said respecting marriage?

See Map of Asia

What ocean lies north of Asia?

What seas on the west? On the south? On the east?
What three large rivers flow into the Arctic ocean?

What are tue

three largest in the east of Asia? What rivers in the south Where are the Altai mountains? The Himmaleh mountains? What three large islands are crossed by the Equator? What are some of the other principal islands to the southeast of Asia? What is the southernmost point of the continent of Asia? What strait is at the northeast point? What one at the southwest? Where is Asia joined to Africa?

Where is Kamtschatka? Corea? Nova Zembla? The Japan islands? What country lies in the north of Asia?

What countries in the east? In the south? In the west? In the central part? How is Siberia, or Russia in Asia bounded? Independent Tartary? Chinese Tartary? Turkey? Arabia? Persia? Afghanistan? Beloochistan? Thibet? Hindostan? Birman Empire? Malacca? Siam? Laos? Cambodia? Cochin-China? Tonquin ? China? Corea?

own. They are treated rather as the saves, than as the companions, of their husbands.

28. At funerals, it is now common, among Oriental nations, as it was in ancient times, to employ mourning wo men for the purpose of making lamentation, and showing various outward expressions of grief and sorrow.

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1. Turkey in Asia comprehends several fine countries, which were of great celebrity in ancient history, both sacred and profane, and were the scenes of most of the events recorded in the Scriptures.

2. The principal modern divisions are Natolia, Syria, Armenia, Kurdistan', Diarbe'kir, and Ir'ak-Ar'abi or Bag'


3. The surface of Natolia, Syria, and Diarbekir, is greatly diversified; Armenia and Kurdistan are very moun tainous; and Irak-Arabi is generally level or moderately


4. The two great rivers are the Euphra'tes and Tigris the smaller ones are Kizil ermak, Oron'tes, and Mein'der.

23. What is said respecting funerals?

TURKEY IN ASIA.-1. What is said of Turkey in Asia? 2. Sur face? 3. Divisions? 4. Rivers and lakes?

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