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1. Peru, before its conquest by the Spaniards, was the seat of the celebrated empire of the Incas, famous for its civilization, and for its abundance of the precious metals; but the most valuable silver mines have been detached from the country, which now retains the name of Peru.

2. The country lying between the Andes and the Pacific ocean, is called Low Peru, and consists chiefly of sandy deserts and plains, having no vegetation except on the borders of the rivers; and much of it has little or no rain.

3. High Peru, which lies to the east of Low Peru, is composed of lofty mountains, interspersed with fertile valleys and plains.

4. Peru, like other countries in South America, is very thinly peopled, and suffers for want of roads, bridges, and canals; and goods are transported on the backs of mules and lamas.

5. Some of the most noted productions are gold, silver, mercury, and cinchona or Jesuit's bark.

6. LIMA (le'ma), the capital, 7 miles from Callao, its port, was formerly a city of great opulence and splendor; but it is now much reduced.

7. Cuz'co, formerly the seat of the empire of the Incas, is still a large town, and contains monuments of its former splendor.

8 Some of the other principal towns are Arequipa and Gunman'ga; also Guan'ca Vel'ica, more than 12,000 feet high, and noted for mines of quicksilver; and Ayacucho, for a

celebrated battle.


1. This country, which once formed a part of Peru and afterwards a part of Buenos Ayres, was, in 1825, formed

PERU.-1. What is said of Peru? 2. What is said of Low Pe ru? 3. High Peru? 4. What of the condition of the coun try? 5. Noted productions? 6. What is said of Lima? 7 Cuzco? 8. What other towns?

BOLIVIA. 1. What is said of the formation of the republic of Bolivia?

See Map of South America. - How is Peru bounded? What rivers rise in it? What mountains are there? How is Lima situated? Cuzco? Arequipa? Callao? Guainanga? Guan. ca Velica? Caxamarca? Ayacucho? What towns on the coast south of Lima? What ones north?

into an independent republic, and named Bolivia, in honor of General Bolivar.

2. It is mostly an elevated and mountainous country, containing stupendous summits of the Andes, some of which, according to recent measurements, are higher than Chimborazo.

3. Bolivia contains rich silver mines, the most celebrated of which are those of Potosi, which were formerly the most productive mines in America.

4. Some of the principal towns are LA PLATA or CHUQUISA CA (chû-ke-sä'ka), the capital; Potosi, famous for its silver mines and great elevation; La Paz and Cochabum'ba, large towns; and Cobi'ja, the only port.

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1. Brazil is one of the largest empires in the world in ex

2. What of the country? 3. Mines? 4. Towns? BRAZIL.-1. What does Brazil comprise?


See Map of South America. How is Bolivia bounded? rivers rise in it? Where is lake Titicaca? What part of Bolivia borders on the ocean? How is Chuquisaca situated? Potosi? Cochabamba? La Paz? Cobija? Charcas? Oro pesa?

tent of territory, comprising the eastern and central parts of South America; but the greater portion of it is uninhabited except by Indians.

2. It has a great variety of surface, soil, and climate; comprising mountainous regions and plains of vast extent, some of them barren, and others very fertile; and its natural resources are great.

3. It has an abundance of valuable productions, as cotton, sugar, coffee, grain, tobacco, and fruits; also gold and diamonds. Great numbers of cattle are raised, and the forests abound in valuable timber.

4. Some of the great rivers are the Amazon, Madeira, Topajos, Xingu, St. Francis'co, Paraguay', and Paranä.

5. Rio JANEIRO, the capital, has an excellent harbor, and is the most populous and commercial city in South America.

6. St. Salvador or Bäh'ia, and Pernambuco, are large seaport towns, and have an extensive commerce.

7. Cuya'ba, Villa Rica, and Villa Boa, in the interior, are noted for gold mines; Teju'co, for the most celebrated diamond mines in America.


1. This country once formed the Spanish Viceroyalty of Rio de la Plata. In 1816 it was declared independent, and assumed the name of the United Provinces of South America, in 1825, the United Provinces of La Plata, and, in 1826, the Argentine Republic; it is also often called Buenos Ayres (bwa'nos-ä'e-rez), from the name of the chief city.

2. It is watered by the great river La Plata and its branches, the two principal of which are the Paraguay and Puranä'.

2. What is said of the country? 3. Productions? 4. Rivers? 5. Rio Janeiro? 6. What other towns?

UNITED PROVINCES.-1. By what name has this country been known? 2. By what is it watered?

See Map of South America. - How is Brazil bounded? On which side of the equator is the most of it? What part is in the Southern temperate zone? What are the course and termination of the Amazon? What rivers flow into the Amazon on the north side? What ones on the south side? What rivers in the south part of Brazil? What rivers of Brazil flow into the Atlantic? How is Rio Janeiro situated? St. Salvador? Pernambuco? Maranham? Para? Tejuco? Villa Boa? Villa Rica? Cuyaba? What towns on the coast north of St. Salvador? What ones south?

3. The northern and western parts are nountainous; but the country is mostly a plain, and a great portion of it is formed of the immense basin or valley of the La Plata, and much of the portion bordering on the river is liable to inundation.

4. In the southern parts are found immense Pampas or plains, which are more than 1000 miles long and 500 broad. They resemble the prairies of North America, and are destitute of trees, and covered with high grass, which affords pasture to vast numbers of cattle and wild horses.

5. The climate is various but generally healthy; much of the soil very fertile, but little cultivated; and the country abounds in cattle, horses, and mules, and in mines of gold, silver, copper, and lead.

6. BUENOS AYRES, the capital, and much the largest city, is the outlet of almost all the commerce of the country, but the navigation to it is difficult. It derives its name from the salubrity of its climate.

7. Some of the other principal towns are St. Juan, Mendoza, and Cor'dova.


1. These are two small republics formed within a few years from territories which formerly belonged to the United Provinces.

2. PARAGUAY, which lies between the rivers Paraguay and Parana, is generally a very level and fertile country, abounding in various productions; but famous especially for the small plant called mat'te or Paraguay tea, which is used very extensively in South America, as the tea of China is with us.

3. What is said of the surface of the country? 4. Pampas? 5. Climate, soil, and productions? 6. Buenos Ayres? 7 What other towns?

PARAGUAY AND URUGUAY. -1. Of what are these republics formed? 2. What is said of Paraguay?

See Map of South America. - How are the United Provinces bounded? What are the two principal branches of the La Plata? Where do they unite? What rivers flow into the Parana? What rivers southwest of the La Plata ? What is the course of the Uruguay ? Where are the Pampas? How is the country of Paraguay bounded? Uruguay? How is Buenos Ayres situated? Cordova? St. Juan Mendoza? Assumption? Monte Video? Maldonado? What towns on the west towards Chili? What towns in the north?

3. ASSUMPTION, the capital of Paraguay, is a considerable town, on the river Paraguay, 1200 miles above Buenos Ayres.

4. URUGUAY, formerly called Banda Oriental, is a fertile and healthy country, situated between the river Uruguay and the Atlantic ocean.

5. MONTE VIDEO, the capital of Uruguay, is situated on the La Plata, and has the best harbor on the river, and considerable commerce.

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1. Chili (che'le) is a long and comparatively narrow country, lying chiefly between the Andes and the Pacific


2. Its general aspect is that of an inclined plane, rising gradually from the Pacific ocean to the Andes, which extend along the eastern side, presenting many elevated summits, some of which are volcanoes.

3. The country is watered by numerous small rivers, which descend, with rapid currents, from the mountains to the ocean.

4. The climate is generally very healthy and pleasant; though in the northern part, in the country bordering on the coast, rain seldom or never falls.

5. Much of the soil is very fertile, and the country abounds in vegetable productions and in cattle, and has also rich mines.

6. The Araucanians, a celebrated tribe of independent Indians, possess a large tract of country in the southern part of Chili.

7. The most considerable island is that of Chilo'e. — Juan' Fernandez, a desert island off the coast of Chili, is famous for the lonely residence of Alexander Selkirk, a Scotch sailor; a circumstance which gave rise to the celebrated romance of Robinson Crusoe.

8. SANTIÄ'GO or ST. JA'Go, the capital of Chili, is situated on a beautiful plain, about 90 miles from Valparaiso, and its houses are built of unburnt bricks.

9. Some of the other principal towns are Valparäi'so,

3. What is said of Assumption? 4. What is said of Uruguay? 5. Monte Video?


What is said of Chili? 2. What is said of the aspect of the country? 3. What is said of the rivers? 4. Climate? 5. Soil? 6. The Araucanians? 7. Islands? 8. Santiago? 9. What other towns?

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