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8. Translate into ENGLISH:

Dan. ii. 16-28.

9. Translate into HEBREW with the vowels and accents the following: Blessed is the man that hath not slipped with his mouth, and is not pricked with the multitude of sins. Blessed is he whose conscience hath not condemned him, and who is not fallen from his hope in the Lord. Riches are not comely for a niggard: and what should an envious man do with money? He that gathereth by defrauding his own soul gathereth for others, that shall spend his goods riotously. He that is evil to himself, to whom will he be good? he shall not take pleasure in his goods, There is none worse than he that envieth himself; and this is a recompense of his wickedness. And if he doeth good he doeth it unwillingly; and at the last he will declare his wickedness. The envious man hath a wicked eye; he turneth away his face, and despiseth men. A covetous man's eye is not satisfied with his portion; and the iniquity of the wicked drieth up his soul.

10. Translate the following into ENGLISH:

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Theological Examination Papers.

October, 1855.


PROF. JEREMIE, D.D. Trinity College.
PROF. SELWYN, B.D. St John's College.
PROF. BROWNE, M.A. Emmanuel College.
PROF. JARRETT, D.D. Trinity College.

REV. W. C. MATHISON, M.A. Trinity College.
REV. C. HARDWICK, M.A. St Catharine's College.
REV. J. S. WOOD, M.A. St John's College.


ADD the vowels to the following passage:

ויהי אחר הדברים האלה חטאו משקה,Beginning ולא זכר שר המשקים את יוסף וישכחהו : ,Ending


Genesis, Chap. (a) ix. 8—17,

(b) xiii.,

(c) xxiii. 1-18;

adding such notes as you think n eedful.

2. Add the pronominal affixes for his, and your, m. both to the singular and the plural of the following nouns :

Tay, wel, nke, nie, 07, 13, na, aș

3. Add the pronominal affixes for him, her, and your, f. to the following particles:

אַחֲרֵי אֶל־ מִן עַל

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4. Give the third person sing. mas. of the present tense of the following verbs:

5. Add the pronominal affixes for him, and them, m. to the first person sing. of the past tense of the following verbs:

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MINUCIUS FELIX. OCTAVIUS, e. xxxII. to the end.

TRANSLATE the following, and quote the passages of Scripture which the author may have had in view, giving the original words as far as possible:

c. xxxii. Sed enim Deus actum hominis ignorat, et in cœlo constitutus non potest aut omnes obire aut singulos nosse. Erras o homo et falleris ; unde enim Deus longe est, quum omnia cœlestia terrenaque et quæ extra istam orbis provinciam sunt, Deo cognita, plena sint? ubique non tantum nobis proximus, sed infusus est. In solem adeo rursus intende: cœlo adfixus, sed terris omnibus sparsus est; pariter præsens ubique interest et miscetur omnibus: nusquam enim claritudo violatur. Quanto magis Deus auctor omnium ac speculator omnium, a quo nullum potest esse secretum, tenebris interest, interest cogitationibus nostris, quasi alteris tenebris? Non tantum sub illo agimus, sed et cum illo, prope dixerim, vivimus.

xxxiv. Nec ut creditis, ullum damnum sepulturæ timemus, sed veterem et meliorem consuetudinem humandi frequentamus. Vide adeo, quam in solatium nostri resurrectionem futuram omnis natura meditetur? Sol demergit et nascitur; astra labuntur et redeunt; flores occidunt et reviviscunt: post senium arbusta frondescunt; semina non nisi corrupta revirescunt: ita corpus in sæculo, ut arbores in hiberno occultant virorem ariditate mentita. Quid festinas, ut cruda adhuc hieme reviviscat et redeat? expectandum nobis etiam corporis ver est.

xxxvii. Et quod corporis humana vitia sentimus et patimur, non est pœna; militia est. Fortitudo enim infirmitatibus roboratur, et calamitas sæpius disciplina virtutis est; vires denique et mentis et corporis sine laboris exercitatione torpescunt: omnes adeo vestri viri fortes, quos in exemplum prædicatis, ærumnis suis inclyti floruerunt. Itaque et nobis Deus necnon potest subvenire nec despicit: quum sit et omnium rector et amator suorum: sed in adversis unumquemque explorat et examinat, ingenium singulorum periculis pensitat, usque ad extremam mortem voluntatem hominis sciscitatur, nihil sibi posse perire securus. Itaque ut aurum ignibus, sic nos discriminibus arguimur.

Quis non miles sub oculis imperatoris audacius periculum provocet ? nemo enim præmium percipit ante experimentum.

Absque enim notitia Dei quæ potest esse solida felicitas, quum mors sit? Somnio similis, antequam tenetur, elabitur.

Explain the following:

c. xxxii. delubra et aras non habemus.

By what words did the early Christians express their places of worship? Ibid. litabilis hostia bonus animus, et pura mens, et sincera sententia. xxxvii. Viros cum Mucio, vel cum Aquilio, aut Regulo comparo ? Quote the epigram of Martial on this subject.

What account does Octavius give of the agreements of heathen philosophers with scriptural statements? What was the result of the Dialogue? Mention a remarkable instance of conversion recorded in Augustine's Confessions.

By what ancient writers is this work of Minucius Felix mentioned? Within what limits may its date be ascertained? Under what title was it first published in modern times? By whom restored to its true author? State the proofs. How many manuscript copies are extant, and where preserved ?


1. WITH what years of the Christian æra does the narrative of the Acts of the Apostles commence and close? Point out some instances in which the events which it records are combined with political facts, of which we know the dates.

2. State clearly how far Religious Toleration existed, in theory or in practice, under the Roman Government; and point out the causes of the peculiar opposition to which Christianity was exposed.

3. What is the date of the Letter of Pliny the Younger to Trajan, on the subject of the Christians? Shew the view which it gives of the policy of the Roman Government, and of the condition of the Christians at that period.

4. In what terms are the Christian Martyrdoms mentioned by Epictetus and by Marcus Aurelius respectively? Mention any tenets of the Stoics in general, or any opinions of those two philosophers in particular, which serve to explain their opposition to Christianity.

Translate and explain the following passage:

Καὶ γὰρ εἰ χρὴ καὶ τῷ εἰκότι χρῆσθαι λόγῳ περὶ τῆς ἀρχῆθεν Χριστιανῶν συστάσεως, φήσομεν ὅτι οὐ πιθανὸν, οὔτε τοὺς Ἰησοῦ ἀποστό λους ἄνδρας ἀγραμμάτους καὶ ἰδιώτας, ἄλλῳ τινὶ τεθαῤῥηκέναι πρὸς τὸ καταγγεῖλαι τοῖς ἀνθρώποις τὸν Χριστιανισμὸν, ἢ τῇ δοθείσῃ αὐτοῖς δυνάμει, καὶ τῇ ἐν τῷ λόγῳ εἰς τὰ δηλούμενα πράγματα χάριτι· ἀλλ' οὐδὲ τοὺς ἀκροωμένους αὐτῶν μετατεθεῖσθαι ἐκ πατρίων πολυχρονίων ἐθῶν, μὴ ἀξιολόγου τινὸς δυνάμεως αὐτοὺς καὶ τεραστίων πραγμάτων μετακινησάντων ἐπὶ τὰ οὕτω ξένα καὶ ἀλλότρια τῶν συντρόφων αὐτοῖς δογμάτων. ORIG. c. Cels. VIII.

5. Give a short account of Julian's attempt to rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem. By what authors is it mentioned? with what variations? What explanations have been offered (1) of particular details, and (2) of the whole account? What weight do they appear to you to possess?

6. Trace the progressive meanings of the word kavov, and explain its application to Holy Scripture.

7. Trace the progressive meanings of the word aïpeσis, and refer to the passages in the New Testament in which it occurs.

8. Give a short account of Tertullian. In what did the errors of Montanus consist? What circumstances led Tertullian to adopt them? Mention briefly the subjects of the following Treatises: (1) Scorpiace, (2) De Præscriptione Hæreticorum, (3) De Coronà Militis, (4) De Testimonio Animæ.

9. Give a sketch of the life and character of Cyprian, and mention particularly the part which he took during the disputes concerning the Lapsed, and the Rebaptizing of Heretics. State briefly the nature and design of his Treatise De Unitate Ecclesiæ.'

10. What is known of the life of Marcion? from what authors is our knowledge of his system derived? what appear to have been his opinions respecting Jesus Christ and the Future Judgment? what was the object of his work called Antitheses'? From what Evangelist is his Gospel chiefly compiled? Give a few instances of the alterations of the text which he is said to have made. Do they all appear to have been corruptions? What portions of the New Testament were contained in his 'Apostolicon '?

11. Examine the Scriptural texts, to which the Romanists appeal, in support of the Supremacy of the Pope. Refer to any incidents in the history of the early Church which throw light on the degree of authority acknowledged in the See of Rome. Describe briefly the principal circumstances which contributed to the rise of the Papal Power.

12. By what arguments do the Romanists defend their doctrine concerning the Invocation of Saints? Examine and refute those arguments. Trace the progress of error in the history of the Worship of Images.


1. (a) ADDUCE such points of coincidence between the Epistles to the Romans and Corinthians and the Acts of the Apostles as shall enable you to refer those Epistles to their proper place in the historical narrative. (b) On what external testimonies do the following subscriptions rest: πρὸς Γαλάτας ἐγράφη ἀπὸ Ρώμης, πρὸς Τιμόθεον ᾶ ἀπὸ Λαοδικείας, β ἀπὸ Ῥώμης, πρὸς Τίτον ἀπὸ Νικοπόλεως? If you think the Epistles themselves furnish any decisive evidence on the subject, adduce it. (c) How do you account for St Basil's comment on Eph. i. 1: Toîs 'Eperíos ἐπιστέλλων ὡς γνησίως ἡνωμένοις τῷ ὄντι δι ̓ ἐπιγνώσεως, ὄντας αὐτοὺς

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