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less, much of the knowledge of the Scriptures may be acquired even by a child; and this is happily found in the case of many a Sunday-scholar, according to the grand design of our Sabbath-schools, which is not only to teach the young to read, but "to make them wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus."

Bible Class exercises cannot be too much simpliplified; and the present work is designed as an elementary manual of instruction on the subject of scriptural knowledge. Such a compendium has been acknowledged to be wanted, to put into the hands of the young; and several experienced instructors have repeatedly applied to the writer of this for such a directory, or "First Steps in Bible Classes." Though there exist already some excellent little works on biblical subjects, yet, with a view to meet the wishes of some devoted teachers, the present attempt has been made, especially for the purpose of preparing the minds of the young to enter, with more advantage, the Bible Classes of their respected pastors. This little manual includes answers to many questions, which the author has had proposed to him from time to time, by his own children, by his pupils in Sabbath-schools, and by more advanced Bible Classes; and from these circumstances, in the course of thirty years' experience, originated the present series of conversations.

CHAPTER II.-History of the Bible.

Teacher. My dear scholar, you remember young Timothy's praise by the apostle Paul on account of his acquaintance with the Bible. Let me hear you repeat it.

Scholar. "And that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus" (2 Tim. iii. 15).

Teacher. Repeat the last two verses in the chapter. Scholar. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (ver. 16, 17).

Teacher. Remember then from the testimony of these three verses, the origin and the design of the Holy Scriptures as contained in the Bible.

Scholar. I will endeavour to do so: but I wish you would inform me all about the Bible.

Teacher. I rejoice to hear you express that wish; though I cannot engage to satisfy you in this particular: because the Bible contains the revealed will of God to mankind, and varied instruction on so many different things, that it is the most learned book in the world.

Scholar. But I know a good deal about it myself: for I have read many parts of the Bible, which you gave to me as a reward in the Sunday-school; and my Manners and Customs of the Jews," and several other books that I have had from our school library. Teacher. I fear that you think too highly of your present attainments in the knowledge of the Scriptures. I know that you have read the Bible, and several other good books, with much attention; and the beautiful engravings with which some of them are adorned, have afforded you much instruction. It is evident also that you have gained considerable advantage from your reading, by your desiring of me to tell you all about the Bible.

Scholar. I should indeed, teacher, like to know all about the Bible; and I suppose that you know all about it, and every thing that is written in every part.

Teacher. Certainly I may be supposed to know

much more than you can possibly do, about that blessed book; but it was written by many holy men, in different ages, under the inspiration of God, and relating to so many various things, even in times yet future, and concerning the kingdom of Christ on earth and his everlasting glory in heaven, all of which it will be profitable for us to know, that no man_perfectly understands all that is contained in the Bible. You can recollect many of the things taught us in the Scriptures.

Scholar. O, yes: I know that the Bible speaks about a great many things, and about very many


Teacher. Mention to me now what you are able to recollect; and I will assist you in calling others to your mind.

Scholar. I cannot think immediately of all that I have read but I remember that the Bible tells us how the heavens and the earth were created; how Adam and Eve, the first man and woman were made; about wicked Cain killing his good brother, Abel; about the flood, when all the people in the world were drowned, except Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, with their wives; about the children of Israel; and about the life and crucifixion of our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Teacher. Those and many other things in the Bible ought to be carefully remembered by you: but I suppose you recollect who were the famous patriarchs?

Scholar. O, yes: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and his twelve sons were patriarchs.

Teacher. They were: but what other celebrated patriarchs do you remember by name?

Scholar. I am not sure that I remember any others, unless Adam, and Noah, and Job were patriarchs. Were these patriarchs, teacher?

Teacher. Certainly those were patriarchs. You know, I believe, the proper meaning of that title.

Scholar. I believe it means a father of a family: but then I suppose you are a patriarch; are you not, teacher ?


Teacher. A patriarch is indeed a father of a family but though, as you know, I have half as many children as the patriarch Jacob had sons, the title would not be properly applied to me, as I am not yet fifty years old: this title is appropriately given to a very aged father of a large family; and in an especial manner it is given to those aged heads

of families mentioned in the book of Genesis.

Scholar. I have often wondered at the great age of the patriarchs mentioned in the Bible; some of them lived to be almost a thousand years old!

Teacher. They did in the early ages of the world: how long did Adam live ?

Scholar. Adam lived nine hundred and thirty years!

Teacher. Noah, you will find, was born 126 years after the death of Adam: and you can tell me the age of Noah when he died.

Scholar. Noah died when he was nine hundred and fifty years old.

Teacher. You will find that Noah's age added to 126, and the years of Adam's life, will make 2006 years; Abraham was born two years after the death of Noah, so that the world was 2008 years old from the creation at the birth of Abraham.

Scholar. I did not think that any person could tell how old the world was at the birth of Abraham!

Teacher. Probably you did not think on the subject; but you may easily reckon it yourself when you are a little better acquainted with arithmetic. I believe you can tell how old the world was at the birth of Christ.

Scholar. O, yes; it was four thousand and four | years for I have noticed this at the top of the first page in my grandfather's large Bible.

Teacher. And how many years since the birth of Christ?

Scholar. I remember that by what we call, "The year of our Lord;" and it is now one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six.

Teacher. You are right; and how long did the apostle John live after the birth of Christ?

Scholar. About one hundred years; for it says in the corner of the page in my grandfather's Bible, that it was the year ninety-six when John wrote the book of the Revelation.

Teacher. Then of how many years do the Scriptures relate the history, from the creation of the world till the writing of the book of the Revelation?

Scholar. Reckoning what were before the birth of Christ, and ninety-six years after, there must have been four thousand and one hundred years from the creation to the writing of the Revelation.

Teacher. Who was the earliest writer of the Scriptures ?

Scholar. Moses: for Genesis is called the "first book of Moses ;" and you have told me that Genesis was the earliest written book of the Bible.

Teacher. Can you tell me how many years the death of Moses was before the coming of Christ?

Scholar. I think I have heard you say, one thousand four hundred and fifty-one years; and that he wrote the book of Genesis perhaps fifty years before his death, in the land of Midian.

Teacher. And who wrote the last book of the Old Testament ?

Scholar. Malachi the prophet.

Teacher. How long was it that Malachi lived before the coming of our Saviour?

Scholar. About four hundred years, as I have heard you say to our Bible Class.

Teacher. And who wrote the last book in the New Testament?

Scholar. The apostle John wrote the book of the Revelation, the last of the disciples of our Saviour.

Teacher. John certainly lived to be the last survivor of the apostles of Christ: but he was not the last of his disciples. I hope that you, my dear boy, are a disciple of Christ, as well as your namesake the apostle John, learning more fully to understand the doctrine of Christ, and loving his blessed service; and that you, and I, and all in our Sabbath-school, shall meet the Saviour and his apostles in heaven, eternally to praise and glorify God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Scholar. I hope so too, teacher; but I want you to tell me more about the Bible.

Teacher. That I will gladly do at another opportunity; and, in the meantime, I hope you will attentively reflect on what I have already told you about the Holy Scriptures.


MR. EDITOR.-Popery, I fear, is increasing in England; and many entertain painful apprehensions of its regaining a dominant influence in our favoured country. Now, although I cannot entertain the notion of some whom I esteem, on the subject of Romanism, I am not satisfied that Protestantism is making those advances in Europe that I could wish : but I am not sufficiently acquainted with the state of religion in the different nations, to form a correct opinion in relation to Europe. I wish, therefore,

you would do me the favour to give a general view of this division of the globe as regards the several forms of Christianity. I have reason to believe that this would be esteemed a favour by many readers of the Christian's Penny Magazine, besides your

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'Inquirer" and many of his friends seem to be unnecessarily alarmed at the apprehended growth of popery in England. There can be no doubt but the profession of the Roman Catholic religion has, within and, at the present time, there are about 550 places the last fifty years, greatly increased in England; of worship of that denomination in the United Kingdom. But there are about 11,000 places of worship belonging to the church of England, besides about 8000 belonging to the several denominations of Protestant Dissenters. These do not include upwards of 1000 places of worship of the Presbyterian church of Scotland, and about 900 belonging to other Protestant denominations in that country.

This will give the relative proportions of places of worship in Great Britain as follows:Protestant Church of England


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Presbyterian Church of Scotland 1000


Episcopalians, nearly

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Roman Catholic places of worship in England, Wales, and Scotland.

Total 21,600

Probably this numerical statement will not perfectly satisfy our " Inquirer" without some remark on the increase of Roman Catholics in England. It may, therefore, be observed, in relation to their real increase, which is evident, that it arises from one or other of the following causes:

1. The natural increase of the population, of course those who are Roman Catholics as well as Protestants.

2. The emigration of Catholics from Ireland to England.

3. The removal of civil disabilities from Roman Catholics, through which they appear more evidently as a part of the community, and manifest zeal for the prevalence of their religious opinions and professions.

4. The active diligence of their priests, who, being all unmarried, consequently having no family incumbrances, supposing them sincere, are devoted to their duties in an exemplary manner,

While, however, it is admitted that Roman Catholics increase in England, and as they themselves profess their religious faith is unchangeable, nothing is more manifest than the fact, that every intelligent Roman Catholic repudiates and abhors the intolerant, persecuting principles and practices which are exhibited on the page of even English history. Popery, as a religious system, we abhor, as dishonouring to our Lord and Saviour, and as delusive to the souls of men.

Intolerance and persecution were, however, not confined to the Papists: nor are they limited at the present day to that class of professed Christians, either in the British isles or the continent of Europe. But perfect religious freedom advances in our favoured times, just in the degree that the Holy Scriptures alone are made the sole and exclusive rule of judgment and authority in faith in all matters of Christianity.

Popery, with every other form of antichristianity,

must, according to the revealed purpose of God, be ultimately annihilated: but this will be brought about by means of the active zeal of Christians; the Lord Jehovah pouring forth his Holy Spirit upon the minds of men in the use of those divinely appointed means of knowledge and religion. The manifest duty of every true Christian is, first, to "live by faith" upon the word and promise of God, that he may enjoy daily "fellowship with the Father and his Son Jesus Christ," and secondly, as Providence shall afford him opportunities, labour to diffuse the light of divine truth according to the Holy Scrip


Correctly to pourtray Europe as to its religious condition, is no easy task imposed upon us by our correspondent " Inquirer." All that can be done is to give a general view of the states and kingdoms according to their profession; and this can be done but imperfectly; because in many states, Protestants and Catholics, and in a few, those of the Greek church, are intermingled. However, the following, from the pen of Josiah Conder, Esq., is probably the most correct analysis that has yet been given to the public, in so short a compass, of the population and religious statistics of Europe.

"The nations of Europe comprise ten distinct races, of which the most ancient are the least numerous. Taking the aggregate population at 200,000,000, M. Malte Brun calculates, that the nations speaking the Greek, the Albanian, the Turkish, and the Finnic languages, in the eastern part, and the Basque, the Erse, and the Cymric, in the western, do not exceed 27,000,000; while the three great races, distinguished by the names of Slavonian, Teutonic (including the Scandinavian nations,) and the Italian or RomanoCeltic, comprise a population of more than 173,000,000. Distributed according to their religious creeds, the same geographer estimates the numbers of the several communions as follows:

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Thus, although the members of Protestant churches do not amount to half the number of those belonging to the Romish church, the European population under Protestant and Non-Catholic governments, now that France is alienated from the papacy, is nearly double that of the Roman Catholic states. Taking the total population subject to Protestant and Roman Catholic powers, inclusive of the colonies, the balance is still more strikingly in favour of the former. The Protestant empires throughout the world include nearly 200,000,000, exclusive of France and Russia, which contain 95,000,000; while the Roman Catholic empires do not comprise quite 140,000,000. Total under nominally Christian governments, 435,000,000.

"On a view of the map, Russia will be seen to occupy more than half the surface of Europe, but with not quite a fourth part of the aggregate population, the inhabitants being not more than about 345 to the square marine league. In Norway and Sweden, they are 103, in France, 1900; in England, 2700. The agricultural class is supposed to comprehend about two-thirds of the population, and the military, in the service of the respective governments, is one-hundredth part, or about 2,000,000. Great Britain, which ranks as the fourth power of Europe as to population, and the seventh or eighth as to extent of territory, exclusive of her colonies in other parts, ranks as the first in revenue. France is the second in revenue, the fourth in extent, and in population about equal to Austria, which ranks as the third in extent, and the fourth in revenue. point of extent of territory, Sweden and Norway united, rank next to Russia, though otherwise among the smaller powers; and Turkey ranks next to France. Spain is the sixth in extent, and, though in revenue inferior, has a population above that of Prussia. The time is probably not very distant, when she will resume her proper rank among the great powers of Europe."



(Continued from p. 279.)

41. Religion, transforms the tiger-spirit into a lamb-like disposition; what change has it wrought in you?

42. If we are too lazy to rise early to afford ourselves opportunity to pray and read when God and

conscience calls, it may be, that ere long we shall be forced to rise when labour compels.

43. "Promotion cometh not from the east nor from the west, but of God only who setteth up one, and putteth down another."

44. "Be sure your sin will find you out" (Numb. "evil shall hunt the wicked man to xxxii. 23), yea, overthrow him" (Psa. cxl. 11), and thinkest thou to escape?

45. It is the greatest presumption to suppose that we shall be saved, merely from a self-confidence that we were chosen of God in Christ from before the foundation of the world; but it is our greatest consolation and happiness to know that Christ gave himself a ransom for all, and that when he the sharpness of death, he opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers."


46. Though we cannot always pray with fervour when we would, yet we always should when we can; thus we secure beforehand, a blessing in time of need.

47. Our being with the rich man in hell or with Lazarus in heaven, may depend upon our being soon or late at church. "The early bird gets the early worm." In vain do the maimed and the halt step into the waters after they have ceased to be troubled. Let us think not to obtain a blessing if we are indif. ferent to seek it earnestly at the time appointed, and in the way of the divine appointment. Cambridge.


L. C.

The Baptists in America; a Narrative of the Deputation from the Baptist Union in England, to the Baptist Churches of the_United_States of America and Canada. By the Rev. F. A. Cox, D.D. and LL.D.; and the Rev. JAMES HOBY. Second Edition, revised and enlarged, with twelve Engravings. London: Thomas Ward and Co. WE are truly rejoiced to see this very valuable work in a second edition. We again recommend this important volume to our readers, as it cannot fail to be perused with deep interest by Christians of all denominations, though it more particularly relates to that section of the church to which the respected deputa

tion are an honour.


Continued from page 280.

"MEN and brethren, still let me freely speak:"You know the patriarch David is both "Dead and buried; and now his sepulchre "Is honour'd this day by all our nation: "By the prophetic spirit influenc'd, "Before of the resurrection of Christ "He spake, that hell did not detain his soul, "Nor did his sacred flesh behold corruption. "This Jesus, God hath rais'd again, of which "All we stand witnesses. By God's right hand "Exalted, he received the Holy Ghost, "The promise of the Father's sovereign grace; "And shed it forth on us, as you now see "And hear. Dissolv'd in dust, David is not "Ascended into the heavens. Therefore, "Let all the house of Israel know that God "Hath constituted Jesus, that self-same


Jesus, whom you have crucified in shame,

"How fearful to his foes!-both Lord and Christ."

The truth divine they heard: their hearts were prick'd:

Conscious guilt their spirits penetrated:

They broke the momentary silence: tears,
Copious, and groans, express'd their bitter grief.
At length, in general burst, the thousands cried-
Ye holy men of God!-O brethren speak-
"For pardon-tell us quickly, what to do!"


Warm'd with the fire of God's free love to man, Benev❜lence pure inspir'd th' aposles' breasts, And Peter promply answer'd thus-" Repent. "In the name of Jesus Christ let every one "Of you be now baptiz'd, for sins' remission, "And you shall have the Holy Spirit giv'n. "The promise is to you-to your children,"To those in regions far and near, to whom "The Lord our God shall send his gracious call." With many other words appropriate, Did Peter testify of Jesus Christ, As God's anointed Son, the only true Messiah, promis'd to our race, by all The prophets' ministry, in every age. With exhortations too, pathetic, warm, As men deserving God's eternal wrath, He charg'd them, and not in vain, "Save yourselves,

"From this untoward faithless generation."

Pow'r and grace divine gave efficacy To his words of truth, which many gladly Receiv'd, and were baptiz'd. THREE THOUSAND


A glorious harvest gain'd from holy seed,
By virtue of this first missionary
Sermon, were added to the church and sav'd.

Proofs decisive of their genuine faith
They gave abundant: for they continued
Stedfast in doctrine with the apostles,
In holy fellowship with them in prayers,
And breaking bread, commemorating Christ,
As he commanded, broken in his death,
For their redemption and eternal life.

The numerous converts watch'd their teachers:
Observ'd their holy lives; and saw the signs
And wonders frequent wrought at the command
Of the apostles; proofs that God was nigh,
To justify their claims, as messengers
To men, inspir'd instructors of the world.

Grace renew'd the minds of the believers :
Pure benevolence fill'd their glowing hearts :
They liv'd together; with all things common,
Their property they sold for general good,
Granting a share to every brother's need.
Their simple food they ate with singleness
Of heart, and pious gladness; and daily
From house to house, the bread of fellowship
They brake, in mem'ry of their dying Lord.
Constantly they visit the temple, as

God ordain'd the seasons of public pray'r,
Praising God, and having favour with all
The wond'ring people. Their numbers increas'd
Daily with large additions: not of those
Who merely chang'd a useless creed or form,
But "such as should eternally be sav'd."

End of Canto I.


London Printed by JAMES S. HODSON, at his residence, No. 15, Cross Street, Hatton Garden, and Published by him at 112, Fleet Street; where all communications for the Editor (post paid) are to be addressed; sold also by Simpkin, Marsball, and Co., and by all other Booksellers, Newsvenders, &c. in the Kingdom.

The trade may be supplied in London, by STEILL, Paternoster Row ; BERGER, Holywell Street, Strand; in Manchester, by Ellerby; Sheffield, Innocent; Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Finlay and Charlton Liverpool, Arnold,

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HISTORICAL NOTICES OF BERLIN. GERMANY, and that part of it especially comprehended within the Prussian dominions, has many claims upon the regard of all denominations of even British Christians. Divine Providence, in that part of the continent of Europe, brought to pass a series of events, in the raising up of the magnanimous Luther and his gifted associates-to lay open to the people the Holy Scriptures in a translation of the whole Bible-to receive and instruct the persecuted fathers of the church of Christ in England and Scotland-and to afford counsel to those great men who laboured in establishing the doctrines of the Reformation in both divisions of the United Kingdom.

Germany is highly distinguished for its scholars, critics, and theologians; and many, both in Great Britain and America, are looking to that country for some of the most useful labourers in evangelizing the heathen world. Such have already been furnished to the Church Missionary Society and the London Missionary, from several universities and theological seminaries in Prussia, especially Halle, Berlin, and the Missionary Institution at Bremen.

BERLIN is the capital of the Prussian dominions, and without comparison, the most elegant and beautiful of all its cities. Berlin is situated on the river Spree, which is here divided into three branches, and communicates with the rivers Havel, Oder, and Elbe, by canals, as well as with the German ocean and the Baltic, which greatly facilitate commercial intercourse. This city is composed of five towns, viz. Berlin Proper, Coln, Werder, Dorothystadt, and


Frederickstadt. Berlin Proper owes its origin to a a colony of Netherlanders, who built this city in 1152, under the reign of Albert the Bear, of the family of Anhalt, which possessed Brandenburg for 170 years before the present dynasty. The other towns were added after successive periods. In 1645, Berlin contained only 1236 houses; in 1747, about 5513; in 1779, about 6437; in 1798, about 6950. In 1774, it contained 104,874 inhabitants; of whom 5518 were French, 1162 Bohemians, and 3950 Jews; and the garrison, reckoning their attendants, 29,540 souls, which may be added to the number of its inhabitants. So rapidly has the population increased since that period, that in 1798, it contained, exclusive of the garrison, according to Hoeck, 142,099 inhabitants; and from an average taken upon the two preceding years, the number of inhabitants was increasing at the ratio of 3726 yearly. In 1803, the population was 153,123, exclusive of the garrison; with a proportionate increase of houses. The present population of Berlin is estimated at about 225,000 besides the garrison of 30,000. The whole city, including its five divisions mentioned above, is twelve miles in circumference, being four miles and a half in length, and three in breadth: but within this inclosure are many gardens and even fields. On the south it is defended by a wall, on the north only by palisades; and it has fifteen gates. The streets are large, straight, clean, and well paved. There are several large and handsome squares, with pleasant walks; and it is surrounded with beautiful gardens, which produce excellent fruit. The bulk of the population is industrious and active, and a great


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