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in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth.' For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.'



PERHAPS all the suggestions in the following paper may not be worthy of adoption; yet there is a large portion of good sense, and many wise hints which deserve the serious consideration of all superintendents of our Sabbath-schools. EDITOR.

Mr. Editor,-Having been engaged as a Sundayschool Teacher for several years, and feeling a great interest in the success and purposes of that laudable Institution, although but an humble instrument in its furtherance, I think it my duty to make a few observations, either for refutation or confirmation, as the case may be.

Though I cannot conscientiously yield to any one in zeal for the bettering the condition of the poor children, yet am I willing to grant, that error of judgment may be the lot of the most zealous and confident. That error, however, (if such it be), cannot be obviated, unless expressed, and neither can prejudices be removed without candid discussion.

I hardly think I need apologise for my present purpose; for maturity of years (being twenty-two), five years experience and earnest reflection, certainly give me some claim to be heard.

The excellencies and very great utility of Sundayschools, I need not here dilate upon; but as the time allotted for the exercise of its usefulness is but one day in the seven, my assertion, that the most careful economising of that precious time is of the utmost importance, next to the nature of the subjects taught, needs no argument.

It has ever appeared to me that a large portion of the allotted time is lost, or even injuriously employed, and that wrong means are taken to attain the desired ends; for we should remember that the mind of a child is infantile as well as the body, and to anticipate the powers of the mind by endeavouring to teach what it cannot comprehend, is merely to create false impressions and confound the understanding. We are in too great a hurry to make them pious, and experience has convinced me, that the end we desire is often defeated by the very means we take to secure it. In order to make them pious we tire out their patience at a church. How often has my heart bled, to see in churches and chapels a number of children seated on stools with some person over them with a stick, which the young urchins are doomed to feel, if they do not sit with the required degree of stillness. When my turn of superintendence came round, I allowed as many to go to sleep as were inclined, as the best means of maintaining quietness.

It seems to me a great degree of cruelty to keep a number of children in a state of painful constraint for so long a time, and which is for all that they can understand of what passes-completely thrown away. Endeavouring to make the impropriety of it appear to the superintendent, was about as much use as to think of emptying the sea with a spoon, for he generally settled it with his conscience by saying, that," it keeps them out of mischief if it does no other good." But what a deal of time is lost; for whilst they are compelled to sit within hearing of what they cannot understand, they might be improving under a lecture suited to their years and capacities, or in a variety of ways. But it is not

enough that they should be kept out of mischief only, for that end might equally be attained by locking them up in a room.

I well know from early recollections the irksomeness of sitting for two hours in such a state of constraint; and it is utterly impossible to keep the attention of children on the stretch to the whole of a church service and discourse. Then in what can they be benefited by it? To say it is pleasing in the sight of God, is to say that he delights more in time uselessly employed, than usefully. I once asked a superintendent of a Sunday-school, why he did not add writing to the things taught? to which he replied, that he considered it profaning the Sabbath. certainly necessary for the poorest person, be conBut why may not the teaching of writing, which is sidered as one of those cases authorized by our Saviour, as illustrated by the parable of the ass being pulled out of the pit? What right have we to conclude that it is more pleasing in the eyes of God to employ four hours of the Sabbath uselessly than usefully?

If this is allowed to have place in your Magazine, I should be happy to communicate some parts of my experience as a teacher, and to suggest such improvements in the teaching of Sunday-schools, as they appear to me so well capable of; for when so much of industry, and of ability, is ready in all parts of the country to be bestowed upon so excellent an institution, we ought not to neglect any opportunity by which its usefulness is likely to be increased to the utmost possible degree.



1. FEW there be who either love or fear God, that profess that they do both.

2. You say you love church, how often do you go there? and what set times have you for private devotion? I knew a little boy seven or eight years old, who made a constant practice of retiring to secret prayer after school.

3. As nothing is easier than to get into a sinful habit, so nothing is harder than to get out of it. Can you fly? then you who are accustomed to do evil may do good (Jer. xiii. 23), and can only be saved but as a "brand plucked from the burning."

4. As the note of the unseen bird denotes its names so doth the prevailing conversation of man the invisible spirit that is in him, good or bad.

5. Didst thou ever deny thyself one single gratification because thou fearest God, purely for Christ's sake, or even because it was sinful to do it? Do not pass over this question without answering it, for if the love of God be not in you, you are none of his. 6. There is temptation peculiar to every situation

of life.

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THE late Rev. Mr. Kinsman began to be seriously impressed with a concern for the salvation of his soul about the seventeenth year of his age and these serious impressions made him think of interesting his relations in inquiries concerning this grand and important object. Their great indifference even to the form of godliness, frequently caused young Kinsman to cry to God in secret, that Christ might be formed in their hearts. Being, however, unable to suppress his feelings any longer, one evening he exclaimed, with an affectionate emotion, as they were retiring to their chambers, "What! shall we go to bed without prayer? How do we know but some of us may wake in hell before morning!" This unexpected address so wrought upon his parents, that, seized with conscious shame, they gazed at each other with silence and astonishment. In the mean time the young man fell upon his knees, and prayed with that readiness and fervor, that they were struck with amazement. Shortly after, by his religious exercises, he became instrumental, in the hands of God, in the conversion of his father, his mother, and three sisters.


The Baptists in America: A Narrative of the De putation from the Baptist Union in England to the United States and Canada. By the Rev. F, A. Cox, D.D. LL.D., and the Rev. J. HOBY, D.D. 12mo. cloth, pp. x.-516. London: Ward and Co.

"ENGLAND and the United States of America," are related to each other in many respects far more intimately than any other country, not excepting even the "sister isle" of Ireland. Language, liberty, literature, religion, and blood, constitute America, though now an independent empire, nearly allied to Great Britain, as to the mother country; resembling in manners, thoughts, and free institutions, much more those of the parent state, than are to be found generally in the united island.

America, therefore, must possess many attractions to Britons, more especially to British Christians; and, considering the unparalleled progress of religious profession in that vast country, and the gigantic efforts which professing Christians in America have made towards evangelizing the heathen world, and the universal support which education meets with in connexion with the most magnificent undertakings for the improvement of their several states, no country upon earth can be so deeply interesting as those vast regions, once colonies of Great Britain.

"Deputations to America" from several of the denominations of Christians in England, were not only to be expected, especially when it was reported that God, in his sovereign mercy, had poured forth his Holy Spirit in an extraordinary manner upon the churches of that country, by which a corresponding revival and increase of religion had been produced among the people. Correspondence between the Christian pastors of both countries became increased, beneficial, and most delightful; and hence "delegates" were sent from both countries, to communicate and learn according to their mutual experience and wisdom.

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Drs. Cox and Hoby were deputed by the their observations in that important mission, is contist Union in England," in 1835, and the report of tained in the volume before us. The work is worthy of the united pens of its authors: its details are instructive, its information is valuable, and they cannot be attentively read without inducing the most profitable reflections. The volume, as its title imports, relates to the " Baptists in America," and little else is contained in it: but it is written in a catholic spirit; and though it is denominational, it is not sectarian, but Christian. By its statistical tables, the Baptists appear to be the largest body of religious professors in the whole United States of Ame


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To man, reproving Nature said,
"I formed thee soft and mild,
And laid thee on thy cradle-bed
A tender, tearful child;
Thy feeble wail, thy lisping word,
The soul of kind affection stirred

To guard thy helpless state;
By fragrant flower and tuneful grove,
I taught my dialect of love,-

How art thou turned to hate."

Meek Pity spake-" I lured thy heart
From every cruel deed,

To take the trampled insect's part,
The famished sparrow feed,-
How dost thou scorn my plaintive prayer!
And like the lion from his lair

The savage combat wage;
Thy brother of the clay destroy,
And with a fierce, demoniac joy

Seek the red battle's rage." Religion came with dewy eye,

And mournful was her tone:
"I taught thee of that glorious sky
Where discord is unknown,

I bade thee sow the seeds of peace,
And share those joys that never cease,
Which no rude sorrows mar;
And hast thou all my love forgot,
My sacred precepts heeded not,

But bartered heaven for war ?"

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THE QUAGGA AND WILD Ass. QUAGGA, OF QUACHA, and OPEAGHA, are names given to a singular species of the Equus, or horse, by the modern Hottentots.

This beautiful animal was, till lately, confounded with the zebra, which it nearly resembles. It is now, however, acknowledged to be a distinct species, though closely allied to it. It is marked with fewer and larger bands, which are of a browner colour than the zebra, and are chiefly disposed on the fore parts of the animal, while the hind parts are rather spotted than striped. Its nature is much more mild and docile than the zebra. It inhabits the same parts of Africa, the eastern and southern provinces, although never found in the same herd, or associating with them. The quagga, like the zebra, is less than the horse, and larger than the ass; and although it has often been compared to those two animals, and called the "wild horse," and the "striped ass," it is a copy of neither, but might rather be called their model. The southern part of Africa is their true climate, their native country, and where the Dutch have made every exertion to tame them, without being able greatly to succeed. Their mouths are very hard, and their ears very sensible. Restive,


like a vicious horse, and yet obstinate as the mule, it is generally believed that if this animal was accustomed to obedience from his earliest years, he would become as tractable as the horse and ass.


Some naturalists have conceived that the "wild ass" so frequently mentioned in Scripture, and formerly well known in the east, at least resembled the quagga or zebra; as it was a much handsomer and more dignified animal than the common ass. wild ass is called D, para, by the Hebrews, and ovaypos, or onager, by the Greeks. That the wild ass was known and valued for its spirit, appears from a passage in Herodotus (Pol. 86), where that writer says, "The Indian horse were well armed like their foot: but beside led horses, they had chariots of war, drawn by horses and wild asses." The reference of these animals to the troops of India, deserves attention; as it is intended to describe, not our Hindostan, but a province at the head of the river INDUS, in the mountains of Persia. Oppian describes the wild ass as "handsome, large, vigorous, of stately gait, and his coat of a silvery colour, having a black band along the spine of his back; and on his flanks patches as white as snow." Mr. Morier says, "We gave, chase to two wild asses, which had so much the speed of our horses, that when they had got at some distance, they stood still and looked behind at us, snorting their noses in the air, as if in contempt of


our endeavours to catch them."-Second Journey in Persia.

Sir Robert Ker Porter, in his "Travels in Persia," has given a description of this animal: the mode of hunting the onager is, as it was in the time of Xenophon, by means of several horses relieving each other, till the onager is completely tired. The colour of Sir Robert's figure is a bright bay; which may suggest a derivation of the name atun, as the asses are called as possessed by Abraham, Gen. xii. 16; by Balaam, Num. xxii. 23; and judges of Israel in the time of Deborah, Judg. v. 12. It is by no means credible, however, that female asses only should be collected in such great numbers, should be so often referred to, as we find them in Scripture, and should imply wealth and dignity in their owners, without any reference whatever to the males of the

same race.

Professor Gonelin, however, has laid us under obligations for more correct information on this point, by bringing a female and a colt from Tarberg to St. Petersburgh. The female which had been caught when very young, though of small stature, and probably stinted in growth by its captivity, and by want of suitable food, travelled from Astracan to Moscow, (1400 werstes, or 928 English miles) with the ordinary posts, without any other repose than that of a few nights; she also travelled from Moscow to Petersburgh (730 werstes) and did not seem to have suffered by the journey; though she died in the autumn following, apparently from the effect of a marshy soil, and the cold humidity of so northern a climate. She had nothing of the dulness and stupidity of the common ass.

"I remarked," says the professor, "that she often passed two days without drinking, especially in moist weather, or when very heavy dews fell. She also preferred brackish water to fresh; and never drank of what was troubled. She loved bread sprinkled with salt, and sometimes would eat a handful of salt. I was told, that when at Derbent, she always ran to drink of the Caspian sea, though fresh water was nearer to her. She always selected plants impregnated with saline particles, or those of bitter juices. I was informed that the Persians, when taming the young onagers, fed them with rice, barley, straw, and bread. Our animal was extremely familiar, and followed persons who took care of her freely, and with a kind of attachment. The smell of bread strongly attracted her; but if any attempt was made to lead her against her will, she showed all the obstinacy of the ass: neither would she suffer herself to be approached behind, and if touched by a stick, or by the hand on her hinder parts, she would kick, and this action was accompanied by a slight grumbling, as expressive of complaint. The male onager, which was bought at the same time as the female, but which died in the voyage from Derbent to Astracan, was larger and less docile. His length from the nape of the neck to the origin of the tail was five feet; his height in front, four feet four inches; behind, four feet seven inches; his head two feet in length; his ears one foot; his tail, including the tuft at the end, two feet three inches. He was more robust than the female; and had a bar or streak crossing at his shoulders, as well as at that streak which runs along the back, which is common to asses. Some Tartars have assured me that they have seen their cross-bar double in some males. Our onager was higher on her legs than the common ass; her legs also were more slender than those of the ass; and she resembled a young filly; she could also scratch her neck and head easily with her hind foot. She was weak on her fore legs, but behind

she could very well support the heaviest man. Notwithstanding her state of exhaustion, she carried her head higher than the ass, her ears well elevated, and showed a vivacity in all her motions. The colour of the hair on the greater part of the body, and the end of the nose, is silvery white; the upper part of the head, the sides of the neck, and the body, are flaxen, or pale Isabella colour. The mane is deep brown; it commences between the ears, and reaches the shoulders; its hair is soft, woolly, three or four inches long, like the mane of a filly. The coat in general, especially in winter, is more silky and softer than that of horses, and resembles that of a camel. The Arabs, no less than the Tartars, esteem the flesh of the onager; and the Arab writers, who permit the eating of flesh, make the same difference between this ass and the domestic ass, as the Hebrews did, whose law did not permit the coupling of the onager with the she-ass, as being of different kinds.”

This description of the wild ass will illustrate many passages of Scripture. Job xi. 12; xxxix. 5.


MR. EDITOR.—I have just obtained the Nautical Magazine, bound, for 1835; and, in an article on the "Frequency of Shipwreck," I find the following statements, which will interest many of your readers who may have no immediate connexion with seamen, and, perhaps, lead them to sympathize with that important class of our country's labourers. My object will, in a great degree, be answered, if it lead any of your opulent subscribers to pray for and aid the successes of the British and Foreign Sailors' PHILO-MARINUS. Society.

"The mercantile navy of Great Britain, including that of the plantations, consists at present of about 24,500 vessels, manned by about 160,000 seamen. The total burden of the registered vessels is about 2,650,000 tons; and valuing them, rigging and stores included, at a rough average of 10l. per ton, the entire aggregate value of our mercantile shipping will be no less than 26,500,000." After making various observations upon the causes of shipwrecks, the writer says, "Of the 800 shipwrecks that occurred in 1833, we have been well assured that not more than 200, or at most 250, can be fairly ascribed to natural causes. The remaining 550 or 600 shipwrecks are wholly owing to the ignorance, incapacity, and carelessness of the masters."

The following are copied from Lloyd's lists of Feb. 19 and 23 :—

Scarbro', Feb. 17th.-Last night it blew tremendously from W.S.W. to W.N.W. The Janet and Agnes, Clerk, from London to Alloa, was totally wrecked near this port this morning. Crew saved. The life-boat, in attempting to reach the vessel, upset, and ten out of fourteen of the crew were drowned. A sloop has foundered with all the crew behind the outermost pier.

Feb. 18th.-The John, of Port Gordon, Read, is on shore on Cayton Sands, a complete wreck. Crew drowned.

20th.-A boat marked outside Tally Ho', and inside John Irvin, came on shore near Filey, and a gaft white, thirty-two feet long, and a boom green, thirty-eight feet, with sails and rigging, have been picked up near Speeton.

Hasbro, 18th Feb.-A schooner was off the southern end of this station this afternoon with a signal of distress. No assistance could be rendered.

Ramsgate, 18th Feb.-The Nancy, Shipley, from London to Shields, was driven upon the Kentish Knock this morning; she soon came off, but filling with water, and the rudder being unshipped, the crew took to the boat, were picked up by the Arrow (steamer), and landed here. The vessel has since drifted on shore near Kingsgate, and gone to pieces. A loaded schooner brought up near the inner part of the North Sand Head yesterday afternoon in a dangerous situation. She was not seen this morning, and fears are entertained for her safety.

Cromer, 18th Feb.-The Trent of South Shields, came on shore this morning during a severe gale. Crew drowned.

Blakeney, 18th Feb.-A large brig, apparently water-logged, went down off here this morning. All

on board lost.

Palling, 19th Feb.-A brigantine of about ninety tons, apparently loaded, with rudder gone, and waterlogged, a signal of distress flying, was seen yesterday making for the beach. She struck the outer bank and went to pieces. The crew drowned. Part of a log-book, marked Priscilla, of London, has been washed on shore.

Dundee, 19th Feb.-The Jean and Mary, sailed from Port William, 2nd inst., and is supposed to have been wrecked next day off the Banks of Liverpool during a gale, the bodies of several of the crew having been washed on shore.

Greenwich, 19th Feb.-The Isabella, of Sunderland, from Shields to Lowestoffe, was struck by a sea 17th inst. off Cromer, which washed away the master and crew, except one man, who was saved from the wreck by the Toms, Taylor, of Hull.

Aberdeen, 19th. Feb.-The Duchess of Gordon, of Port Gordon, Geddes, has sustained much damage in the harbour of Findochty. A sloop and a schooner are reported to have come on shore, bottom upwards, between Banff and Portsoy, and all hands lost.

Liverpool, 10th Feb.-The Liverpool, of Maryport, from Limerick to Glasgow, was wrecked to the westward of Portrush 17th inst. Crew drowned.


(Continued from p. 214.)

"The dead shall be raised incorruptible" (1 Cor. xv. 52).

"There shall be no more death" (Rev. xxi. 4).

"So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory'" (1 Cor. xv. 54).

MATTER" (Eccles. xii. 13).

"Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins; and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost" (Acts ii. 38).

"And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst, Come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life, freely" (Rev. xxii. 17).

“ How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation" (Heb. ii. 3).

"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the pre

sence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen" (Jude 24, 25).

A CAUTION TO CHRISTIANS. WHEREAS a tall, well made person, of genteel mien, smooth tongue, and fine address, who can converse freely about any thing, or every thing of the world, its religion, sciences, politics, &c. and generally keeps the most polite company, but very frequently insinuates himself also into the company and converse of Christians: he appears very engaging, and many professors are quite captivated with his presence; yet he never leaves them, but he is sure to rob them; and though they find that after he has withdrawn himself from them, they have suffered loss, yet so bewitched are many, as to admit him again and again into their company. Now in order that he may be known and guarded against, you will observe, that his complexion and conversation are such as are very pleasing to the flesh only, but contrary to the spirit of a Christian, and his name (which he is very loth to own, and desirous to conceal) is VAIN CONVERSATION" Look to yourselves" (John ii. 8).


MR. EDITOR.-I know not whether many of your readers are greatly interested in maritime affairs: but whether or not they cannot fail to be edified by a perusal of the following, which I have taken from a religious newspaper sent to me from America; would that all were such in Great Britain ! PHILO-MARINUS.


Ir was a lovely night. All on board could say from the very heart, The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth his handy work." All sails were set, and we were moving swiftly, as in a thing of life, on our way to Boston. George was on duty at the bows. I felt deep interest in him. I had heard his voice in prayer, and seen a Bible in his hand. Indeed, his whole manner was unlike that of any of his fellows on board the ship. As he was standing at his post on the watch, I went up to him rather abruptly, and said, “ George, are you not a Christian?" His countenance brightened in the light of the moon, as he looked me in the face, and I saw at once that I had touched a subject near his heart. A pious soul loves to speak of the goodness of God. With much emotion he replied, " I trust that I am; I think I can testify to the goodness of God in the gift of his Son for my soul.” There was so much humility in his manner, and such an evidence of grace in his soul in what he said, that I longed to know more of him. I asked him to tell me something of his history, when he gave me this narrative :—

"I have always been a sailor. My father was a sailor before me. My mother was a pious woman; and whenever I went on shore to see her, she used to say a great many things to me about my soul. I paid no attention to them, but lived as though I had no soul. I was a fool, as I said in my heart, there is no God.' Boldly did I profane the name of Him who says, 'The Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.' My frame trembles when I look back upon those days of sin and daring.

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