PRESENT EDITIΟΝ. xxvii fomething more has been drawn in the shape of notes, to which are subscribed his initials. Of this number is the explanation of that celebrated phrase, "the swinish multitude:" an explanation which was uniformly given by him to his friends, in conversation on the subject. But another note will probably intereft the reader still more, as being strongly expressive of that parental affection which formed so amiable a feature in the character of Mr. Burke. It is in page 208 of Vol. V. where he points out a confiderable passage as having been supplied by his " loft fon." Several other parts, possibly amounting all together to a page or thereabout, were indicated in the fame manner; but, as they in general confsist of single sentences, and as the meaning of the mark by which they were diftinguished was not actually expressed, it has not been thought necessary to notice them particularly. B PREFACE. EFORE the philosophical works of Lord BoLINGBROKE had appeared, great things were expected from the leisure of a man, who from the splendid scene of action, in which his talents had enabled him to make so confpicuous a figure, had retired to employ those talents in the investigation of truth. Philosophy began to congratulate herself upon such a proselyte from the world of business, and hoped to have extended her power under the aufpices of fuch a leader. In the midst of these pleasing expectations, the works themselves at last appeared in full body, and with great pomp. Those who searched in them for new discoveries in the mysteries of nature; those who expected something which might explain or direct the operations of the mind; those who hoped to fee morality illustrated and enforced; those who looked for new helps to society and government; those who desired to fee the characters and paffions of mankind delineated; in short, all who confider such things as philosophy, and require fome of them at least, in every philofophical work, all these were certainly disappointed; they found the landmarks of science precisely in their former places: : |