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The, 239, 1-16.

210-213-work of reconstruction, Austrian and German Alliance,
213-need of fusion with Germany,
215-217- Danubian Federation,'
216-218-relations between the
States, 217-revision of the treaty,
219-attack on Asiago, 362.

Republic, The Problem of
the, 234, 203-220.
Austro-German treaty, 232, 375.

policy, 234, 204.

Austro-Prussian War of 1866..224,

Austria-Hungary, result of the de-
struction, 240, 311-313-suprem-
acy of the Jews, 314-relation
between Monarchism and National Automobile Industry, Facts and
Socialism, 320.

character of her policy, 241,

Austria, Archduke Francis Ferdi-
nand, murdered, 223, 434, 447; 225,

[ocr errors]

Figures of the,' 240, 323.

Avebury, Lord, scientific work, 230,
455-experiments on insects, 240,


Azerbaijan, Republic of, 234, 428;
238, 55-relations with Georgia,
429-independence. 439.



Bach, Johann Christian, friendship with Zoffany, 227, 49-death, 50.

and Shakespeare, 239, 360379.

Bacon, Sir Francis, views on militarism, 224, 78-essay On the True Greatness of Kingdoms,' 225, 425- De augmentis scientiarum,' 230, 282-on progress, 234, 108— Novum Organum,' 109 —‘Advancement of Learning,' ib. -will, 236, 228-essay on Suspicion, 241, 280-essay 'Of Great Place,' 345.

--, Roger, discovery of gunpowder, 226, 452-scientific work, 240, 306. Badajos, capture of, 241, 263. Baddeley, W. St Clair, 'PlaceNames of Gloucestershire,' 228, 347 note.

Baden, Karl Friedrich, Duke of, administration, 231, 47.

Prince Max of, appointed Chancellor, 235, 139.

Baden-Powell, Sir R., development of the Boy Scout Movement, 225, 400-Aids to Scouting,' ib.-on the defects of the cadet system, 412-the scout training, 413.

Badger, Admiral C. J., on the control of the sea, 223, 312.

The, at Home, 240, 24-36. Vol. 243.

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Baghdad Railway, The, 235, 307– 329.

Bagwell, R., 'Ireland under the
Stuarts,' 242, 88.

Bahadur, Raja Sobhanadri Appa
Rao, Zemindar of Telaprole, anti-
Reform speech, 236, 47.
Bahrdt, K. F., founder of 'The
German Union,' 237, 93.
Bailey, John, 'Some Books on the
War,' 224, 483- A New Life of
Wordsworth,' 226, 116-'Swin-
burne,' 228, 228- Keats and Sir
Sidney Colvin,' 229, 459-Ser-
mons of a Poet,' 233, 317-
Records of Longevity,' 236, 226

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Bainville, Jacques, 'Histoire des
deux Peuples,' extract from, 224,

Bajazet I, method of administering

justice, 226, 32.

Baker, C. H. Collins, Lay Criticism
of Art,' 234, 375.

J. A., protest against naval
expenditure, 223, 121.

Ray Stannard, 'Woodrow
Wilson and World Settlement,'
241, 382.

Sir Samuel, Cyprus as I saw

it in 1879,' 227, 418.

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Prof., Botany and Religion,'
227, 450.

Bakewell, Robert, improvements in Balkan League, 223, 446.

cattle breeding, 242, 110.

Baku, evacuated, 230, 524.

Government established at,
234, 430-oil industry, 432; 238,
56-Bolshevik Gummet at, 234,


capital of Azerbaijan, 238, 56.
-, congress at, 239, 184, 191-
occupied by Bolsheviks, 190.
Baldwin, Charles, purchases St
James' Chronicle,' 227, 354.

Rt Hon. Stanley, corre-
spondence with the Denison House
Committee, 240, 193-on extrava-
gance of the Government, 203-
on the League of Nations, 241, 7—
mandate for Tariff Reform, 212,
219-policy, 242, 371, 464.
Balfour, Earl, on the German fleet,
224, 592-' Theism and Human-
ism,' 225, 301-308-on the rise
in freights, 481-introduction to
'Politik,' 226, 177-criticism of

[blocks in formation]

Treitschke's doctrines, ib.-on the Ball, Albert, German Methods in

battle of Jutland, 286, 293-
'Imperial Defence,' 227, 99 note-
on the magnitude of the work of

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Italy,' 224, 136.


John, Alpine Guides,' 227,

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Balla, Emil, Das Ich der Psalmen,' Bannatyne, Major J. M., 'Our 230, 12. Military Forces,' 225, 433 note.

Ignatius, 'The Romance of Bannerman, Colonel, Governor of

the Rothschilds,' 231, 435.

Ballard, A., The Domesday Inquest,' 239, 401 note.

Penang, 232, 273-relations with Sir S. Raffles, ib.-charges against him, 277-censured by Lord Hastings, ib.-death, 278.

Ballod, Dr, Die Statistik in Deutsch-Banstead, Manor of, 241, 25, 32. land,' 224, 449 note.

Baltic Provinces, invasion of the,
224, 274.

Baltzer, Dr, researches on the
Bonellia, 240, 236.

Balzac, Honoré de, Comédie Hu-
maine,' 232, 324-instinct for
order and economy, 325.

Bania Commerciale Italiana, 224, 142-formation, 143 capital, 144 -foreign directors, ib.-control of industries, 146.

Bani Hassan Canal, 232, 419.

Bank of England, amount of gold reserve, 223, 415; 225, 86-note circulation, 87.

notes, restrictions on the issue, 223, 415.

Bankers, Committee of, 229, 484.

Banking, English and German, in Relation to Trade and Industry, 226, 532-547.

-system, development, 228, 65— system of creating credit, 66–68.

and the Exchanges, The Currency Note in Relation to, 231, 97-111.

Banks, Central, system in India, 225, 374, 376-379.

German, method of founding in foreign countries, 224, 141. Banks, Sir Joseph, President of the Royal Society, 231, 284.

Banville, Théodore de, 'Petit Traité
de la Poésie Française,' 237, 63.
Barbat, Virgile J., 'Nietzsche: Ten-
dances et Problèmes,' 224, 124.
'Barbosa, Book of Duarte,' 236, 89.
Barcelona, riots, 232, 126-the
bloody week,' 127-trials, 128
note-strikes, 129.

Bardsley, Cyril C. B., 'Women and
Church Work,' edited by, 233, 344.
Baretti, Guiseppe, 'Frusta Lette-
raria,' 233, 297.

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Barfleur, Naval Policy, a Plea for
the Study of War,' 223, 207, 209.
Barham, Canon, or 'Thomas In-
goldsby,' 226, 550-friendship with
Mrs Hughes, 551-correspondence
with her, 553-' My
Nicholas,' 554.


Lord, First Lord of the Admiralty, character of his administration, 223, 204, 205-his rules on the duties of the First Lord and the First Sea Lord, 206. 'Barham Papers, The,' 236, 93 note, 99 note, 101 note. Baring, Hon. Maurice, Outline of Russian Literature,' 233, 405 note. Barker, J. Ellis, Germany, Turkey, and the Armenian Massacres,' 233, 385-The Present State of Feeling in Germany,' 234, 301-'The American Telephone and its Lesson,' 236, 308.

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Barnes, Rt Hon. G. N., article in the Bate, John Pawley, The Law of
'Review of Reviews,' 223, 143
note-introduction to 'Labour and
the Peace Treaty,' 235, 194 note.

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Barry, Dr, The World's Debate,'
229, 235.

Rev. W., letter to Sir W.
Smith, 231, 15.
Barstow, Beatrice, translation of
France in Danger,' 224, 483.
Barthélemy, General, head of the
'Deuxième Bureau,' 242, 426-
President of the Effectives Sub-
Commission, 436.

Barton, Edward, Ambassador to
Turkey, 230, 272.

Barwell, Mr, criticism of the 'White
Australia' policy, 238, 180.

Basel, Peace of, 228, 84.

Basra, province of, administration,
232, 411.

Bataille, Henry, character of his
poems, 237, 346.

Bataillon, Prof., experiments on
frogs' eggs, 240, 232.

Bâtard, Le Grand,' portrait, 240,

Bate, Sir Edward, founds the 'Morn-
ing Herald,' 227, 354.

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Neutrality,' 223, 565-'War-
Zones, Blockade, Contraband and
Right of Search, 224, 223- The
Freedom of the Seas,' 231, 184.
Batten, H. Mortimer, The Badger,
Afield and Underground,' 240, 24.
Battenburg, Prince Louis of, First
Sea Lord, 223, 212-resignation,

Battersea, Constance, Lady, Remi-
niscences, 239, 216-education,

Batum, 238, 67—population, ib.

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