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which his services could obtain in the unanimous approbation of that House, and he congratulated the House on the choice they had made, since the arduous and laborious situation to which his right hon. friend had been elevated, was filled by a gentleman whose impartiality had never been questioned, even in the most stormy sessions, and whose patience, temper, and courtesy had been equally experienced and approved by all. This was a subject on which he could dilate with great pleasure to himself; but the topics suggested by it had been so ably touched upon by the mover and seconder, that he felt it unnecessary to occupy the time of the House by the expression of feelings in which he was sure every member of that House participated.

Sir Joseph Yorke congratulated the House on the selection they had made, and would only express his hope, that every man who took office in the House, might enter upon it with as much integrity as the right hon. gentleman in the Chair. The House then adjourned.

Wednesday, November 15.

The Lords Commissioners having taken their seat on the wool-sack, the deputy usher of the Black Rod was sent to the House of Commons to desire their attendance. Shortly after,

The Speaker, followed by a considerable number of members, presented himself at their lordships' bar. The right hon. gentleman then said, that he was commanded by his Majesty's faithful Commons, to inform their lordships that in obedience to his Majesty's commands, they had in the exercise of their ancient and undoubted privilege proceeded to elect a Speaker, and their choice had fallen upon him. For his own part, he could only say, that he was fully aware of the great importance of the situation to which he had been appointed, and was also aware of his many imperfections. If, however, his Majesty should be pleased to disapprove of the choice made by his most faithful Commons, there would be little difficulty in selecting some other person more competent than he was, to fill so arduous and dignified a situation.

The Lord Chancellor, in reply to this address, said, that his Majesty was fully

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sensible of Mr. Speaker's zeal, as also of his ability to fill the high office to which he had been elected. His zeal and ability had been tried and proved in three successive parliaments, and his Majesty fully and readily confirmed the choice made by his faithful Commons.

The Speaker then said; - My lords, with all gratitude and respect, I submit to his Majesty's royal pleasure. It therefore becomes my duty, in the name of the Commons of the united kingdom, to claim, by humble petition, all the ancient rights and privileges granted to that branch of the constitution, more especially, freedom of arrest for themselves and their servants; freedom in debate; and freedom of access to his Majesty, on all requisite occasions; and also, that a favourable interpretation may be given to all their proceedings. If any involuntary error should occur on their part, I hope that to me, and not to his majesty's faithful Commons, the blame may be imputed.

The Lord Chancellor.-I am commanded by his Majesty to declare his readiness to confirm to his faithful Commons all the rights and privileges that have ever been granted to the Commons by any of his Majesty's royal predecessors; and I am also commanded to inform you, that his Majesty will at all times put the most favourable construction on all the words and actions of his faithful Commons.

The Speaker and the other members of the House of Commons then bowed, and retired.

Wednesday, November 15.

The Speaker having taken the chair on his return from the House of Peers, said; I have to state to the House, that this House has been in the House of Peers, where the lords, authorized by his Majesty's commission, signified his Majesty's royal approbation and confirmation of me, as the Speaker of this House. I proceeded to lay claim, by humble petition, to all their undoubted rights and privileges, especially those of freedom from arrest for themselves, their servants, and estates; free access to his Majesty when occasion should require, and that all their proceedings should receive the most favourable construction. The lords, authorized by his Majesty's commission, signified his

your sanction to the provisions of that order, and for carrying them into effectual execution.

Majesty's assurance that all those privileges should be granted, and confirmed by him, in as ample a manner as they had ever been confirmed or granted by any of his "I have great satisfaction in being able predecessors. I may now avail myself of this opportunity of again expressing the to inform you, that the hopes entertained most thankful acknowledgments for the at the close of the last session of parliahigh honour you have conferred upon me.ment, respecting the termination of the I know well how to estimate that honour, war in the Burmese territories, have been and I will struggle to deserve it. The fulfilled, and that a peace has been conHouse shall find me ever watchful and cluded in that quarter highly honourable determined in co-operation with them, for the preservation of our privileges; not to the British arms, and to the councils of ours alone, but the privileges of all the the British government in India. Commons, and I implore of the House to assist me in maintaining a strict attention to all established rules and ordinances, not only as they are essential for the due and convenient despatch of business, but as they are most important safeguards for the property and best interests of the people. I have now to submit to the House, that the proceeding on which we are to enter, is to take and subscribe the oaths and declarations as prescribed by law.

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Tuesday, November 21.

THE KING'S SPEECH ON OPENING THE SESSION.] This day his Majesty came in state to the House of Peers, and being seated on the Throne, the gentleman usher of the black rod was directed to summon the Commons to attend. The

Speaker immediately presented himself at the bar, attended by a great number of members. His Majesty then delivered the following Speech to both Houses :

"My Lords and Gentlemen, "I have called you together at this time for the special purpose of communicating to you the measure which I judged it necessary to take, in the month of September, for the admission into the ports of the United Kingdom of certain sorts of foreign grain not then admissible by law.

"I have directed a copy of the Order in Council issued on that occasion to be laid before you, and I confidently trust that you will see sufficient reason for giving

"I continue to receive from all foreign powers assurances of their earnest desire to cultivate the relations of peace and friendly understanding with me.

"I am exerting myself with unremitting anxiety, either singly or in conjunction with my allies, as well to arrest the progress of existing hostilities as to prevent the interruption of in different parts

of the world.


"Gentlemen of the House of Commons, "I have directed the Estimates for the

ensuing year to be prepared, and they will, in due time, be laid before you.

"I will take care that they shall be formed with as much attention to economy, as the exigencies of the public service will permit.

"The distress which has pervaded the commercial and manufacturing classes of my subjects, during the last twelve months, has affected some important branches of the Revenue; but I have the satisfaction of informing you, that there has been no such diminution in the internal consumption of the country, as to excite any apprehensions that the great sources of our wealth and prosperity have been impaired.

"My Lords and Gentlemen,

"I have deeply sympathised with the sufferings which have been, for some time past, so severely felt in the manufacturing districts of this country; and I have contemplated with great satisfaction the exemplary patience with which those sufferings have been generally borne.

"The depression under which the trade and manufactures of the country have

been labouring has abated more slowly | conjunction with his allies, is endeavourthan I had thought myself warranted in ing, not only to arrest the progress of hosanticipating; but I retain a firm expect-tilities, but also to put an end to those which already exist. In referring to that ation that this abatement will be progres-part of his Majesty's most gracious Speech sive, and that the time is not distant which relates to the finances, I see much when, under the blessing of Divine Pro-ground for hope, and none for desponvidence, the commerce and industry of dency. During the last eight years, taxes the United Kingdom will have resumed to the amount of twenty-six millions have their wonted activity." been repealed, and still the income, up to January, 1826, has been equal to the His Majesty then retired, and the Com-demand upon it, and since that time the mons returned to their House.

ADDRESS ON THE KING'S SPEECH AT THE OPENING OF THE SESSION.] His Majesty's Speech to both Houses having been read by the Lord Chancellor, and also by the reading clerk at the table,

The restora

deficiency has been less in each succeed-
ing quarter. In connexion with the
distress in the manufacturing districts,
I will briefly recur to the internal state of
the country at different periods since the
conclusion of the late war.
tion of peace did not at first bring with it
its usual blessings, security, and content;
but, on the contrary, poverty, distress,
and a long train of ills. Our manufac-
tures were diminished, and want of em-

Earl Cornwallis rose, and spoke as follows:-My lords, in rising to move an Address of Thanks, I trust I shall meet with that kind indulgence which others, standing in my place, have invariably ex-ployment had engendered a great degree perienced. For the communication re- of dissatisfaction in different classes of the specting the admission of some descrip- community. Since that period the pictions of foreign grain, before the time ture was for a short time most pleasingly allowed by law, there can, I should hope, reversed; our manufacturers were fully be no objection to thank his Majesty; as employed; our credit had reached its it will be no bar to future discussion, highest pitch; agriculture, too, was rewhen the Order in Council shall be laid suming its proper position in the different upon your table. In looking to the East interests of the country; and that from Indies, the termination of the Burmese natural causes, and without any interwar affords ample scope for congratula-ference of parliament, not that parliament tion; as I trust that our vast possessions was unwilling to interfere, but that parin that quarter will no longer be exposed liament declined interfering, because it to inroads of a similar description. In could not interfere with effect. This was turning to the continent, it is highly the state of things, when, owing to a gratifying to be told of the friendly dis- plethora of riches, speculations, which for position existing there towards this coun- number, folly and absurdity never were try; which I attribute, in a great measure, exceeded, produced a panic in the merto the wise policy which his Majesty's cantile world, and a run upon all the ministers pursued respecting the war be- country, and most of the London, bankers. tween France and Spain. There were These, my lords, and not the Corn-bill two parties-the one the ever faithful (though I am no friend to the Corn-bill supporters of existing abuses; the other, in its present form), were the real causes the no less dangerous abettors of revolu- of those heart-rending distresses, which tionary movements, who were anxious to have been borne with such exemplary enlist this country under their banners. firmness in the manufacturing districts, Each was telling his Majesty's ministers and which, we are to-day told, from the what tone they should hold, and what throne, are, in some degree, abating. This position they should take up; but they would not have been the case had there wisely chose their own position, and that been much resemblance between the panic upon neutral ground. The late war of 1825 and that of 1797. In 1797, diswill, I trust, be a pretty good lesson to astrous events followed in quick succesthe present, and to all future ministers, sion: a rebellion in Ireland, a mutiny in not hastily to embark their country in a the navy, a run upon the Bank, and war continental conflict; and it is most satis-in its most appalling aspects:-in 1825, factory to be told, that his Majesty, in we were in a state of peace, and order

and due submission to the laws prevailed, sarily been a departure from the system (with very little exception) in every part established by the existing law, but I cannot, of the country. I cannot sit down with- for a moment, anticipate any objection to out reminding your lordships of his Ma- the measure on that account; for, had the jesty's parental anxiety for his people. At Order in Council alluded to, not issued an early period of his reign, when every till the quarterly average prices had been class of the community was suffering from obtained, the country could not, whatever the transition from war to peace, he gave distress might have prevailed, have beneup part of his income for their relief, and fitted by the importation of the grain rewhat he has done within the last year is quired, at so advanced a season of the too well known to your lordships, and 1 year, from the northern ports of Europe.hope too deeply engraven in the hearts It certainly does appear to me to be matter of his subjects to require any comment of congratulation that peace has been from me. The noble earl concluded by concluded, on terms so honourable and so moving an Address of Thanks to his Ma- satisfactory, with the Burmese. Your jesty, which was, as usual, an echo of the lordships are well aware that the war Speech from the Throne. against that people, however just and necessary, commenced under circumstances of peculiar difficulty. The little intercourse which had subsisted between Europeans and the Burmese country had afforded hardly any means of obtaining much topographical knowledge of it, and it was soon discovered that, to an invading army, obstacles were opposed of an almost unprecedented nature; added to which, our forces had to contend against an enemy much more powerful than the Burmese themselves, in the effects of the climate of their country, generally considered one of the worst in India. Nevertheless, my lords, it appears by his Majesty's most gracious communication, that these obstacles have all been surmounted; and we have now the satisfaction of knowing that, by the energy of the British government in India, by the zeal, ability, and perseverance, of the commanders of the forces, by land and sea, by the valour and discipline of the officers, troops, and seamen, both British and native, a peace has been concluded, on such terms as seem to ensure the duration of it. This event, combined with the brilliant success of our arms in the capture of the fortress of Bhurtpoor, in the north-western quarter of India, holds out, I trust, reasonable grounds for the hope, that the tran

Lord Colville rose, and spoke as follows: -My lords, in presenting myself to your lordships, for the purpose of seconding the motion which has been made by the noble earl, for an Address of thanks to his Majesty. I cannot but feel how much I shall require that kind and patient indulgence, which you are always disposed to shew to those who, like myself, are little in the habit of addressing you, and who, consequently, must rise under some degree of embarrassment. If I had thought, my lords, that the task I have undertaken was one which required the powers of eloquence to support it, I should have been as I certainly ought to have been-the last person in your lordships' House to have undertaken it; but such is not my opinion, and I therefore trust, that the motion of the noble earl will not suffer by not having had a more able supporter. Under the present circumstances of the country, I think, my lords, our gratitude is due to his Majesty for having called his parliament together. In regard to the first topic to which the Address alludes-I mean the special purpose for which parliament has been assembled at this time-I trust there can be no difference of opinion, and that your lordships will approve of the conduct pursued by the ministers of the Crown-quillity of our Eastern empire will not again first, in recommending, on their own responsibility, a measure which I think I may safely assert that circumstances, up to the present hour, have proved the necessity of; and, secondly, in their having had recourse, as speedily as possible, to parliament for that sanction to the measure, which the constitution requires it should have, and to which, in my opinion, it is so justly entitled. I am aware, my lords, that in the measure alluded to, there has neces

be speedily disturbed. Considering, my lords, how desirable it is, that the nations of Europe should continue to enjoy that repose, still so necessary, after the exertions of a war, unprecedented in its duration, it must be highly satisfactory to your lordships to know, that "his majesty continues to receive from all foreign powers assurances of their earnest desire to cultivate the relations of peace and friendly understanding with his Majesty ;" and our

gratitude is due to his Majesty for the ex- that day from the throne. All the fault ertions, which his Speech, delivered this which he had to find was, that the Speech day from the throne, informs us "his Ma- did not go far enough-that it omitted jesty is making, either singly, or in con- the most material occurrences. As far as junction with his allies, as well to arrest it went, it was good enough, but it did the progress of hostilities, as to prevent not say enough: it did not describe the the interruption of peace in different parts real state of the country, and it was thereof the world." Your lordships will, I am fore his intention to move an Amendment. sure, feel grateful to his Majesty for the Their lordships had been told, both in the deep sympathy which he has expressed Speech from the throne, and in the speech for the sufferings which have been so se- of the noble seconder, a great deal about verely felt in the manufacturing districts the distress which had prevailed; and this of the kingdom, and it is highly gratifying was repeated in the proposed Address, so to know, that "the depression under that it was a seven-times repeated tale. which the trade and manufactures of our To speak of that deep distress in such a country have been labouring, and which manner was to no purpose. It was not a has led to that distress, has, in some de- bit more manly or more useful, than the gree, abated, and that there is reason to proclamation published yearly, at every believe that that abatement will be pro-assize town, in the name of his Majesty gressive." From a topic which alludes George 4th. Talking of the distress did to the sufferings of any class of our fellow- no more to relieve it than that proclamasubjects, it is indeed a difficult task to find tion could do. He would rather see some subject for consolation; yet, my lords, I can remedial measures; a determination to not but think that even there some consola- reduce the expenditure of the country; a tion is to be found: I mean, my lords, in determination to diminish the army, to that patience with which those sufferings diminish the national burthens, and to get have been borne; because that patience, and rid of the Corn-laws. It was all vox et the implicit obedience to the laws, which præterea nihil-mere opiates to lull them have been every where observed, afford the asleep, and what parliament wanted was, strongest proofs, that the operative classes not opiates, but something to rouse it to of the kingdom are well aware, that their examine the state of the country. The sufferings do not proceed from causes, beginning of a new parliament was a fawhich it is in the power of man imme-vourable opportunity to revise their past diately to remove; and that they entertain a full reliance on receiving all that aid which can be afforded in the paternal anxiety of their sovereign, and in the watchful attention of his ministers to avail themselves of every means that offer towards alleviating their distress. The feverish excitement consequent upon the sudden changes which arose from the transition from war to peace, appears to have subsided, and the illusions which it gave birth to have disappeared. Time and patience will, by the blessing of Pro vidence, soon, I trust, restore our commercial pursuits to their wonted prosperity that prosperity which has placed our country on the proud eminence on which she stands amidst the surrounding nations of Europe. I shall not, my lords, avail myself of your kindness any longer; but beg to add, that I have the honour to second the motion of the noble earl.

Lord King rose to assure their lordships, that he had no objection either to the Address proposed by the noble earl, or to the Speech which his Majesty had delivered

acts, to repent their manifold sins and
transgressions, and to resolve to lead a
new life. The last parliament had done
something good; but it might have done
more, if they had adopted the Corn-bill of
the noble earl opposite, and the economy
recommended by that side of the House.
That parliament did many things it ought
not to have done, and it left undone many
things it ought to have done. That par-
liament voted a profligate expenditure,
and for that he found fault with it. It
was also an army-voting parliament, and
for that he condemned it.
It was a pa-
lace-voting parliament, and he hoped this
would not be a palace-voting parliament.
That parliament did many incorrect and
many foolish things; but the worst and
most foolish thing it did was that relative
to the Dead Weight, which surpassed in
mystery the mystery of transubstantiation.
The Catholics were often derided in that
House for their absurd faith; but they
might now retort on the Protestant chan-
cellor of the Exchequer of that day,
who had proposed the extraordinary mys-

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