great compassion most men who are destined to young married people of America justified in living in boarding-houses for a time, if they could not afford, all at once, "the pomp, pride, and circumstance of glorious house spend their lives in India. Far from home and all its sweet and social comforts, and burdened perhaps with relations who keep them back in the paths of independence, they hey seek a resource in forming temporary connexions with the keeping." "How much is affection," she says, "curbed in this country, and how much happiness delayed, by the ambition for style!" natives. These, I am told, are often innocent and even amiable creatures, who are not aware of doing any thing reprehensible in thus attaching themselves. In the meantime, the poor woman who has devoted herself to him secures his affection by being the mother of his children: time runs on; the unfortunate mother, whom he TO A MOTHER, ON THE RECOVERY OF HER CHILD must tear from his heart and throw back to mis AFTER A DANGEROUS ILLNESS. AN UNPUBLISHED POЕМ, BY THE LATE POET-LAUREATE, ROBERT SOUTHEY, ESQ. ery and oblivion, is daily forming new ties to mind, and the more affectionate his heart, the I will spare myself and you the pain of finishing this picture, which you must know to be a likeness, not of an individual only, but of a whole tribe of expatriated Scotchmen, who return home exactly in this manner. This, my dear son, is what I dread in your case, and would fain avoid, that is, prevent it if I could. All that remains for me is, in the first place, not to burden you with encumbrances that may check the freedom of your will; and in the next, to assure you, that if any person, whom it would be decent or proper for you to connect yourself with by honorable ties, should gain your affections, your mother and your sisters will be ready to adopt her to theirs. Difference of nation, or even of religion, would not alienate us from any wife that you would choose. Doubtless, we should much prefer that you were married to one that we knew and esteemed; but we should far rather make room in our hearts for a stranger, who was modest and well principled, than see you in the predicament I have described. We fear that Mrs. Grant's liberality as to religion might only extend to the Episcopalian form, and of nation, to the English, and, perhaps, the Irish. She showed that strong prejudice against the French which was the feeling of her Anti-Gallican age. But Mrs. Grant was, on principle, a friend to early marriages; and, in contradistinction to Mrs. Trollope and others, thought the LADY, tho' silent long the bard has lain- Mute is the night-bird, whilst the driving blast, And oft in fancy's mirror I have seen For I had known her gentle, good, and mild; Hereafter doom'd to make the woman blest; And rightly I read; for, firmly meek, So may she every coming sorrow bear,- So smile at sorrow and the weight of care, Be hers her husband, children, friends to bless; Balliol College, March 23, 1794. THE MEETING OF THE ITALIAN SAVANS is fixed to take place on the 12th of September; and General Cæsar Cantu, the historian, has been commissioned by the municipality of Milan, to edit a Guide-book to that city and its environs; on which the most distinguished writers, in their different specialities are engaged; amongst them Litta, the author of the Illustrious Families of Italy,' Catena, the Orientalist, Labus, the antiquary, Crivelli, the geologist, and Carlini, the astronomer; and which work is to be presented by the town to the members of Congress.-Ath. Korusko, Nov. 20th, 1843. On the 21st of August I left Fayoum with the whole expedition, and started on the 23d from Beni Suef in a fine spacious vessel. I was obliged to give up our plan of a land journey, as too troublesome, and attended with comparatively little advantage; and yet on the very first day of our Nile voyage, we discovered a small rock temple of the nineteeth dynasty on exquisite luxury of the great of those times, to read the presages of the mishaps connected with the sudden fall of that last dynasty of the old monarchy which brought them for several centuries under the power of their northern foes. In the gladiatorial games, which frequently occupy whole walls, and form a characteristic feature of those ages, pointing us to a far extended custom, which, in later times almost disappeared, we often find among the red and dark-brown faces of Egyptian or other races of the south, men of light complexion, generally with red hair and beards and blue eyes, sometimes singly, and sometimes in small groups. These people appear often in the dress of servants, and are plainly of northern, at any rate of Semitic origin. We find, on the monuments of those times, victories of the kings over Ethiopians and negroes; there would, therefore, be nothing surprising in black slaves or servants. We find nothing, however, of wars against their northern neighbors, but it appears, that the immigrations from the north-east had already commenced, and that many wanderers sought, in luxurious Egypt, a the right bank near Surania, which seems not maintenance either as servants or in some other known to Champollion and Wilkinson; it is the way. In these remarks, I am thinking especially most northern temple of the old Pharaohs which of that very remarkable scene on the grave of Egypt has to show. It was dedicated by Me- Nehera-se-Numhetep, which brings before our nephtah II. (to use the old terminology) to Hathor: Menephtah III. has added his devices in the interior, and those of Ramses IV., the head of the twentieth dynasty, are to be found outside the rock. I am surprised that Champollion does not seem to have recognized the monuments of the old kingdom. He only remarked, in his whole journey through central Egypt to Dendera, the rock sepulchres of Benihassan, which he confounds with the "Speos Artemidos," and these seemed to him to be works of the sixteenth or seventeenth dynasty, and therefore of the new kingdom. He also names Saniet el Meiten and Siut, but makes scarcely any remark on them. Others also have either said nothing, or fallen into error respecting these monuments of central Egypt, so that every thing which I found here appeared new to me. Judge then of my surprise, when we discovered, at Saniet, a row of sixteen rock tombs, which gave us the names of * * eyes, in such lively colors, the entrance of Jacob with his family, and would tempt us to identify it with that event, if chronology would allow us (for Jacob came under the Hyksos), and if we were not compelled to believe that such family immigrations were, by no means, of rare occurrence. These were, however, the forerunners of the Hyksos, and doubtless, in many ways, paved the way for them. Champollion considered, these people to be Greeks, when he was at Benihassan; he did not, however, then know how ancient were the monuments before him. Wilkinson thought them prisoners, but this view is contradicted by their appearing with their wives and families, baggage and asses; I consider them to be an immigrating Hyksos family, begging for admittance into the favored land, and whose arrival probably opened the gates of Egypt to their kindred, the Semitic conquerors. The town to which this stately necropolis of Benihassan belonged, must have their occupants, and belonged to the times of been very important, and, doubtless, was situated the sixth dynasty, and, therefore, reached almost opposite on the left bank of the Nile, as were whole row of nobly executed tombs of the twelfth dynasty, of which, however, the great part are unhappily defaced. On the tomb of Ki-seTuthetep, is represented the transport of the great colossus, already published by Rosellini, though without the accompanying inscriptions, from which we learn, that the colossus was made of limestone (the hieroglyphical expression for which I first became acquainted with here), and that it was about two feet high. In the same to the time of the great pyramids. Five of them contained the devices of the long-lived (Makrobiot) Apappus Pepi, who was 106 years old, and reigned 100 years. One dated from old Cheops, and another from the times of Ramses. In Benihassan I had the whole of a rock tomb drawn: it will present a specimen of the magnificent architecture and art of the best times of the old monarchy under the mighty twelfth dynasty. I think it will make some stir among the learned in Egyptian lore, when they see, in connection from the work of Geh. Rath Bunsen, why I have ventured to transfer several well known monuments from the new to the old monarchy. That this was a glorious period for Egypt, is proved by these magnificent sepulchral halls alone. It is interesting, too, in these rich representations on the walls, showing as they do the degrees of the peaceful arts, and the nearly all the more important cities of Egypt. It will not seem strange, that Greek and Roman geography knew no more of this city, than of many other towns of the old monarchy, when we remember that the power of the Hyksos, of 500 years' duration, intervened. One seems to read, in the unfinished state of many of the tombs, the lack of inscriptions in still more, and the non-completion of the way up the steep bank of the river to them, the sudden nature of the fall of the monarchy and of this once flourishing city. Nor is Benihassan the only town where we meet with works of the twelfth dynasty. A little south of the vast plain on which the emperor Hadrian erected, in memory of his drowned favorite, the city of Antinoë, with its gorgeous and still partly remaining streets with their hundreds of columns, there descends, towards the east, a narrow dell, in which we found a * * ing of flags, with choral songs and hearty toasts, drunk in a glass of genuine Rhine wine. I need hardly add, that on such an occasion we did not omit to think of you. As night closed in, we lit two cauldrons of pitch, at the entrance of the temple, on both sides of which our banners were planted; we also kindled a large bonfire at the Pronaos, which shed a glorious light on the magnificent proportions of the column-supported hall, which for the first time for centuries we * * valley, on the southern wall of rock, is another were restoring to its primitive purpose of a fesrow of tombs, with but few inscriptions, but tive hall, a "hall of panegyrics," and cast a which, to judge by the style of the hieroglyphics, magic gleam on the two mighty, calm, colossal and the titles of the dead, belongs to the sixth Memnons. The temple of Edfu is one of dynasty. In Siut we recognized, from the best preserved, was dedicated to Horus at some distance, the magnificent style of the rock and Hathor, the Egyptian Venus, who was sepulchres of the twelfth dynasty. But here, also, ruin has been at work in modern times, it having been found more convenient to break off the walls and columns of these grottoes than to fants-naked and with his finger on his mouth. one time entitled here the queen of men and women. Horus as a child is here represented like all Egyptian children-at any rate all in I had some time since made out of the inscription the name of Harpokrates, but here I have found it represented and written en toutes lettres as Har-pe-chreti, i. e. Horus the child. The Romans misunderstood the Egyptian gesture of the finger, and made out of the infant that cannot speak, the god of silence that will not speak. The most interesting inscription, which has not as yet been noticed or mentioned by any one, is that on the eastern outside wall, built by Ptolemy Alexander I., in which a large historical inscription mentions several dates of kings Darius, Amyrtæus, and Nectanebus, and appears to relate to the building of the city and temple. The day was so overpoweringly hot, that I was obliged to defer a closer investigation and the copying cut building stones out of the massive rock. I learned from Selim Pasha, the governor of Upper Egypt, who received us in a most friendly way at Siut, that, a few months before, quarries of alabaster had been discovered a short distance off in the direction of the eastern mountains, the excavation of which had been committed to him by Mohammed Ali; and I heard from his dragoman, that there was an inscription to be found on them. I accordingly set off. on a hot ride to the place appointed, the next morning, and found there a little colony, in all thirty-one people, in the solitary, desert, burning cave. Behind the tent of the overseer, I discovered the remains of an inscription, recently much longer, but still containing the name and title of the wife, so much honored by the Egyptians, of the inscription till our return, till which time of the first Amasis, the founder of the eighteenth dynasty which drove out the Hyksos, engraved in clear, sharply cut, hieroglyphics. These are the first alabaster quarries whose age can be proved by an inscription: upwards of 300 blocks, the largest eight feet long, two thick, have been cut out during the last four months. The Pasha informed me, by his dragoman, that I might have, on my return, a slab of the best quality, of whatever size I chose to fix on, as a testimony of his joy at our visit. The quarries as yet found lie all between Berseh and Gauáta; one would, therefore, feel inclined to think El Bosra the old Alabastron, if one could reconcile with it the passage in Ptolemy; at any rate Alabastron can have nothing to do with the ruins in the valley of El Amazna, with which the description in Ptolemy as little agrees. ** a We remained in Thebes twelve days-twelve astounding days-which scarcely sufficed for glimpse of all the palaces, temples, and tombs, whose gigantic and royal magnificence fills the vast plain. In the gem of all the Egyptian public buildings-the palace of Ramses Sesostris, which this mightiest of the Pharaohs raised, worthily of the god and himself, to the honor of their highest divinity, Ammon Ra, the king of gods, the protector and patron of the royal city of Ammon, on a gently sloping terrace, calculated to command the wide plain, and looking over the majestic river, to the distant Arabian mountain chain, we celebrated the birthday of our beloved king, with firing of guns and wav we have delayed all the more laborious work; but even then the selection from the inexhaustible materials, all more or less adapted to our purpose, and this too with reference to what is already published, will be far from easy. In Assuan we were obliged to change our vessel, on account of the cataracts, and had for the first time for six months one of the pleasures of home, in the shape of abundant rain, and a tremendous storm, which gathered on the other side of the cataract, rolled violently over the granite belt, and then hurried on amid terrific explosions down the valley, to Cairo (as we afterwards heard,) which it flooded in a manner almost unheard of, within the memory of the inhabitants. So we can say with Strabo and Champollion: "In our time it rained in Upper Egypt." Rain is indeed so rare here that our watchmen had never seen such a sight, and our Turkish Carass, who knows the country well in all respects, when we had long since carried our baggage into the tents and caused them to be more firmly fastened, did not offer to move his own property, but continued repeating abaden moie, "never rain," words which he was obliged to hear often afterwards, as a severe illness compelled him to remain some time patiently at Philœ. Philæ is as charmingly situated as it is interesting through its monuments. Our residence of eight days on this holy island is one of the most cherished recollections of our journey. We used to assemble after our desultory day's labor, before we sat down to dinner, on the lofty Ptolemy Lathyrus cut his hieroglyphical interrace of the temple which hangs steep over scriptions over the earlier ones. The hierothe river, on the eastern coast of the island, and glyphical genealogy of the Ptolemies here bewatch the shadows of the sharply cut, well pre- gins again with Philadelphus, while in the Greek served dark blocks of sandstone, of which the text of the Rosetta inscription it begins with temple is built, growing over the river, and Soter. Another remarkable fact is, that here blending with the black volcanic masses of rock, Epiphanes is called the son of Ptolemy Phipiled wildly one upon the other, between which lopator and Cleopatra, while according to histhe yellow sand seemed pouring like streams of torical accounts Arsinoë was the only wife of fire into the valley. This island appears to Philopator, and is so called in the inscription of have acquired its sacred character late, under Rosetta and on other monuments. She is certhe Ptolemies. Herodotus, who himself ascend- tainly called Cleopatra in a passage of Pliny; ed the cataracts under the Persians, does not but this would have passed for an error of the mention Phile; indeed it was then held by the historian or copyist, were not the same change Ethiopians, who even possessed half of Ele- of name confirmed by a hieroglyphical and offiphantine. The oldest buildings on the island cial document. There is, therefore, no more are of a date 100 years after Herodotus' visit, ground to place the sending of Marcus Attilius erected by the last king of Egyptian descent, and Marcius Acilius by the Roman senate to Nectanebus, on the southern point of the island. Egypt, to form a new treaty on account of the There is no trace of older remains in any state Queen Cleopatra, mentioned by Livy, under of ruin. Much older inscriptions are to be found Ptolemy Epiphanes, as Champollion-Figeac on the large neighboring island of Bigeh, whose does, instead of Ptolemy Philopator, as other hieroglyphical name was Senem, and which historians informs us. We must rather suppose, was adorned during the old monarchy with either that the wife and sister of Philopator bore Egyptian monuments; for we found there a both names, which undoubtedly does not remove granite statue of King Sesustes III., of the all the difficulty, or that the project mentioned twelfth dynasty. The little rocky island of Ko- by Appius, of a marriage between Philopator nosso, cailed in hieroglyphics the isle of Kenes, and the Syrian Cleopatra, afterwards wife of contains some very old inscriptions, and has in- Epiphanes, was carried into effect after the mur troduced to me a previously unknown monarch of the age of the Hyksos; but this island is clearly not Abaton, as Letronne has imagined. The hieroglyphical name of Phile has hitherto der of Arsinoë, although not mentioned by any historians. We are naturally in want of means to settle clearly this interesting point. There are innumerable Greek inscriptions at been erroneously read Manlak. I have found Phile, and it will interest Letronne to hear, the word written llak; from this, combined with that I have found on the still remaining base of the article arose Philak, and hence the Greek the second obelisk, of which only a part was Phile; but why in the plural? There appears carried with its fellow to England, the remains originally to have been a group of istands; -hard indeed to decipher-of a Greek inscripPhiny mentions four, if the text be accurate. tion written in red, which probably was at one The mark which Champollion read "man," I time gilt, like the two last discovered on the have found interchanged with the i, so that the base in England. I have already written to him inscription is now clearly Ilak and Jueb, which that the hieroglyphical inseriptions of the obelast I take to be Abaton. In the court-yard of lisks, which, together with the Greek of the base, the great temple of Isis we made a valuable dis- I myself copied in Dorsetshire, and afterwards covery, namely, two decrees (?) of the Egyptian published in my Egyptian Atlas, have nothing priests, containing a tolerable number of words to do with the Greek, and were not inscribed at in two languages, i. e. hieroglyphic and com- the same time; but there still remains a quesmon, one of which contains the same text as the tion whether the inscription of the second base decree of the Rosetta stone. At least, I have is not in connection with that of the first: the compared the seven last lines, which not only interesting correspondence of the three known correspond with the inscription of Rosetta in inscriptions appears at any rate complete in ittheir contents, but also in the respective length self. The chief temple in the island was dediof the lines. The inscription must first be cated to Isis, who is called, par excellence, Lady drawn out before I can pronounce farther on it; of Philek; Osiris was only συνναος which has at any rate it will be no unimportant acquisition its peculiar hieroglyphical inscription, and was to Egyptian philology, if only a part of the only par courtoisie called sometimes Lord of broken decree of Rosetta can be completed by it. Philek; on the other hand, he was Lord of The whole of the first portion of the inscription Ph-i-ueb, hitherto generally read as Manueb, of Rosetta, which precedes the decree, is wanting here. Instead of this there is at the side a second decree, relating to the same Ptolemy Epiphanes: in the introduction is mentioned the fortress of Alexander, i. e. the city of Alexander, being the first mention of it on any monuments with which we are as yet acquainted. Both decrees close, as does the inscription of Rosetta, and Isis was there συνναoς, and, by courtesy, Lady of Phiueb. From this it appears that the famous tomb of Osiris is on his own island of Phiueb, and not on Philce. Both places are marked as islands, and clearly as distinct. We must not, therefore, imagine Abaton to be a particular part of the isle of Phile; it was an island of itself, and doubtless answered to the with the direction to set up the inscription in hieroglyphical Phiueb. This is expressed clearthe hieroglyphic and common languages, and ly by Diodorus and Plutarch, when they place in Greek. Here the Greek is wanting, unless it it προς ψιλαις. Diodorus marks the island with was written in red and washed away when the grave of Osiris quite distinctly as a separate island, which, on account of this circumstance, | waiting for your last proofs, as he did for Docwas called ἱερον πεδιον, "the sacred plain." This tor Forster's. I know it's killin me, says he; is a translation of Ph-i-ueb, or Ph-ih-ueb, (for but if I die of overwork it's in the way of my this h is also to be found in the hieroglyphics,) vacation. Poor boy! I did all I could to nurin the Coptic Ph-iah-ueb, the sacred field. Dio- ridge him: Mock Turkey soop and strong dorus and Plutarch call this sacred field the ̓Αβατον, the unapproachable, save and except by the priests. The fact that Diodorus in the same place describes Osiris as ἐν ψιλαις κειμενον proves still more clearly what the plural form points at, that the Greeks understood by Phile, not only the island Philek, but the whole group of islands by the cataracts, according to Pliny and others, even Elephantine, which lies at the northern extremity of the cataracts. The name Philek is never found in the plural, but in the inscriptions I have discovered the names of eleven different islands, all probably belonging to this group of the cataracts. HOOD'S MAGAZINE, From the Literary Gazette. Hood's Magazine came out a few days too late this month, but the following apology for it is so truly in the writer's best vein, that we cannot regret the accident, and only hope it will cause no loss to him. Poor editors had little need to have bad health added to their other ills. Ed. L. G. "The Echo. The writer of the following letter guesses so truly at the main cause of the delay in the publication of the present number, that our best explanation to our subscribers will be, to give the epistle entire, verbatim et literatim, -as addressed to the Editor: Sir,-By your not cumming out on the Furst, I conclude you are lade up-being notorus for enjoyin bad helth. Pullmery, of course. Like my poor Robert-for I've had a littery branch in my own fammily-a periodical one like yourself, only every Sunday, insted of once a munth; and as such, well knew what it was to write long-winded articles with Weekly lungs. Poor fellow! As I often said, so much head work, and nothin but Head work, will make a Cherubbim of you: and so it did.-Nothing but write -write-write, and read-read-read: and, as our Doctor says, it's as bad to studdy till all is brown, as to drink till all is blew. Mix your cullers. And wery good advice it is when it can be follerd, witch is not always the case; for if necessity has no Law it has a good deal of Litterature, and Authers must rite what they must. As poor Robert used to say about seddontary habits, it's very well, says he, to tell me about-like Mr. Wordsworth's single man as grew dubble-sticking to my chair; but if there's no sitting, says he, ther'll be no hatching: and if I do brood too much at my desk it's because there's a brood expected from me once a week. Oh, it's very well, says he, to cry Up, up with you; and go and fetch a walk, and take a look at the daisies, when you've sold your mind to Miffy Stofilis; and there's a Divil slops, and Wormy Jelly and Island Moss; but he couldn't eat. And no wunder; for mental laber, as the Docter said, wares out the stummack as well as the Branes, and so he'd been spinnin out his inside like a spider. And a spider he did look at last, sure enuff-one of that sort with long spindle legs, and only a dot of a Boddy in the middle. Another bad thing is sittin up all nite as my Sun did, but it's all agin Natur. Not but what some must, and partikly the writers of Politicks for the Papers; but they ruin the Constitushun. And, besides, even Poetry is apt to get prosy after twelve or one; and some late authors read very sleepy. But as poor Robert said, what is one to do when no day is long enuff for one's work, nor no munth either. And to be sure, April, June, November, and September, are all short munths, but Febber-very! However one great thing is, relaxing-if you can. As the Doctor used to say, what made Jack a dull boy-why being always in the workhouse and never at the playhouse. So get out of your gownd and slippers, says he, and put on your Best Things and unbend yourself like a Beau. If you've been at your poetical flights, go and look at the Tems Tunnel; and if you're tired of being Witty, go and spend a hour with the Wax Work. The mind requires a Change as well as the merchants. So take my advice, Sir-a mother's advice-and relax a littel-I know what it is: You want brassing, a change of Hair, and more stummuck. And you ought to ware flannin, and take tonicks. Do you ever drink Basses Pail? It's as good as cammomile Tea. But above all, there's one thing I'd recummend to you: Steal Wine. It's been a savin to sum invalids. Hoping you will excuse this libberty from a stranger, but a well-meaning one, -I am, Sir, 'A SUESCRIBER."" CURIOUS ETYMOLOGY.-When one visits Paris, he will observe over the doors of certain shops the word reliûre, which he will soon discover means bookbinding. The appearance of this word caused us at first a few minutes' reflection. What was its etymology? What had reliûre to do with the binding of books? A little examination disclosed that reliûre comes from the same root as the word religion, and that, in fact, both terms almost mean the same thing etymologically. Religion is compounded from two Latin roots, re, again, and ligo, to bind, and may be considered as meaning to be bound again, or rebound; thereby importing that the religiously disposed have thrown off certain rude and natural habits, and bound themselves to lead a new and better life. Who could have imagined that the signboard term reliûre had any connection with religion? The study of etymology, however, makes us acquainted with many such relationships.-Chambers's Ed. Jour. |