Persia. 1922, Feb. 18. Australia and Canada withdrew from the agreement signed at Teheran on March 21, 1920, modifying commercial convention of Feb. 9, 1903. Aug. 15. Agreement signed at Washington by which Dr. Millsbaugh (economic adviser to the United States Department of State) became Administrator-General of the finances of Persia. See also China, April 21, 1922. Peru. See Brazil, May 22, 1922; Chile, July 20, 1922, March 25, 1923; Great Britain, March 2, 1922; Uruguay, Feb. 15, 1922; Venezuela, March 14, 1922. Poland. 1922, March 13. Inter-Allied Commission for delimitation of West Prussia reached decision by which five villages were given to Poland. March 31. Latvia ratified political agreement concluded at Warsaw with Finland, Esthonia and Poland on March 17, 1922. June 8. Convention concluded with Czecho-Slovakia at Warsaw concerning exchange of census statistics. July 20. Juridical convention concluded with Czecho-Slovakia at Warsaw. Aug. 4. Agreement concluded with Germany at Warsaw regarding restitution rights granted by Art. 238 of Treaty of Versailles. Sept. 23. Sanitary convention concluded with Czecho-Slovakia at Warsaw together with a convention relating to the practice of medicine. Sept. 25. Economic agreement concluded with Austria. Ratifications exchanged Jan. 5, 1923. Oct. 19. Commercial agreement concluded with Serb-Croat-Slovene Kingdom. Nov. 15. Ratifications exchanged of commercial agreement concluded with Roumania by an exchange of notes of July 1 and 5, 1921. Dec. 19. Poland authorised by Conference of Ambassadors to occupy the right bank of the Vistula as from Dec. 20. 1923, Jan. 31. Petrol convention of thirty years' duration concluded with Italy granting most-favoured-nation treatment. March 15. Conference of Ambassadors fixed eastern frontiers of Poland, allotting to her Eastern Galicia and Vilna. (L'E. N. 7.4.23, p. 442.) See also Austria, Jan. 27, 1922; Belgium, Dec. 30, 1922; Czecho-Slovakia, Feb. 4, Oct. 5, 1922; Danzig, April 27, 1922; Jan. 27, Feb. 1, 1923; France, May 12, 1922; Germany, April 29, May 15, 1922; Italy, May 12, 1922; Latvia, July 7, 1922; Russia, Dec. 2, 1922; Silesia (Upper); Switzerland, June 27, 1922. Portugal. 1922, July 25. Portugal denounced commercial agreement with Germany of Dec. 6, 1921, as from Dec. 6, 1922. Sept. 1. Portugal denounced commercial agreement of July 5, 1894, with Netherlands. Sept. 1. Portugal denounced copyright convention with France of July 11, 1866. Sept. 9. Portugal denounced copyright convention with Belgium of Oct. 11, 1866. Dec. 11. Commercial treaty concluded with Czecho-Slovakia at Lisbon granting most-favoured-nation treatment. 1923, April 3. Modus vivendi prolonging Part I of Transvaal-Mozambique convention (which expired on March 31, 1923) signed at Lisbon. See also Albania, Dec. 10, 1921; Brazil, Sept. 26, 1922; Bulgaria, Oct. 7, 1922; France, July 31, 1922; Germany, April 28, 1923; Sweden, May 25, 1921. Reparations. 1922, May 4. Reparation Commission sent note to German Government relative to German-Soviet Russian treaty of April 16, 1922. May 31. Reparation Commission sent note to German Government confirming with reservations partial moratorium granted on March 21. June 2. Agreement between Reparation Commission and German Government concluded at Paris relating to application of Part VIII of Treaty of Versailles. (L'E. N. 24.6.22, p. 790.) June 6 and 9. Protocol to Franco-German (Gillet) agreement of March 15, 1922, signed. June 10. Bankers' Committee appointed on May 24 decided not to recommend an international loan to Germany. (T. 12.6.22, p. 7.) July 12. German Note sent to Reparation Commission asking for moratorium for cash payments until end of 1924 and other concessions. (L'E.N. 10.8.22, p. 1006.) On Aug. 31 Reparation Commission sent reply to Germany embodying joint proposal of Belgian and Italian Governments for acceptance of six months' Treasury bonds in settlement of reparation payments due from Germany from Aug. 15 to Dec. 15. (T. 1.9.22, p. 8.) Sept. 5-19, negotiations held between Belgian and German Government's respecting placing of one hundred million gold marks in foreign banks as security for bonds. Reichsbank guaranteed the bonds until June 1923. On Sept. 25, first instalment of ten bonds, covering payments due for Aug. 15 and Sept. 15, handed to Reparation Commission. Aug. 4. Reparation Commission confirmed decision of July 5, 1922, concerning release from reparation liens of certain Austrian assets and revenues. Aug. 7-14. Allied conference held in London. Conclusion indefinite, with exception of agreement to allow the £2,000,000 due from Germany for private claims on Aug. 15 to be paid within next four weeks. £500,000 paid by Germany on Aug. 15. Aug. 10. Agreement reached between Germany and United States at Berlin respecting appointment of a mixed commission to discuss reparations. Commission began work on Nov. 1, 1922. Dec. 9-11, 1922, and Jan. 2-4, 1923. Allied conferences held in London and Paris. French and British proposals irreconcilable. Dec. 26. Reparation Commission (British delegate dissenting) declared Germany in voluntary default respecting timber deliveries. On Jan. 9 default declared respecting coal deliveries. On Jan. 10, French Government informed German Government that mission of control would be sent into Ruhr. Germany replied to French note and protested by proclamation to German people on Jan. 11. (L'E. N. 20.1.23, p. 87.) French occupation of Ruhr began, Jan. 11. On Jan. 13 Reparation Commission decided that payment due from Germany on Jan. 15 should be postponed to Jan. 31 pending its decision on letters received from German Government of Nov. 14 and 27, 1922. On Jan. 16 new defaults respecting coal and live-stock deliveries declared; on Jan. 26 general default declared and request for moratorium refused. 1923, Jan. 23. Reparation Commission allocated secured and unsecured debts of Austria and Hungary. Feb. 19. Agreement reached between Great Britain and France, by which portion of railway line in British zone was handed to French. March 21. Inter-Allied Commission and Bulgarian Government signed documents concerning Bulgarian reparations. Approved by Reparation Commission, May 1, 1923. Roumania. 1922, May 19. Exchange of ratifications of treaty of Oct. 28, 1920, with Allied Powers, assigning Bessarabia to Roumania. Oct. 15. Coronation of King and Queen of Roumania at Alba Julia. Dec. 6. Agreement reached with Germany concerning restitution of gold marks deposited by Roumania at Berlin before the war; refunded Dec. 22. Dec. 18 and 19. Provisional commercial agreement concluded with Netherlands by an exchange of notes at Bukarest. 1923, March 29. New Roumanian constitution sanctioned by King. See also Austria, Dec. 30, 1921, Jan. 27, 1922; Bulgaria, June 28, 1922; CzechoSlovakia, April 6, Oct. 5 and 14, 1922, March 10, 1923; Poland, Nov. 15, 1922; Serb-Croat-Slovene Kingdom, July 3, 1922; Spain, April 25, 1923; Sweden, Nov. 11, 1922; Switzerland, Feb. 13, 1923. Russia. 1922, Jan. 12. Commercial agreement with Austria and Ukraine of Dec. 7, 1921, ratified by Soviet Republic. Feb. 14. Ratifications exchanged at Vienna of prisoners of war convention concluded with Austria and Ukraine on Dec. 7, 1921. Feb. 17. Economic agreement concluded at Moscow with Far Eastern Republic. Sept. 9. Commercial agreement signed at Berlin between Mr. Leslie Ürquhart and M. Krassin. Soviet Government refused to ratify, Oct. 6. Nov. 14. Far Eastern Republic voted incorporation in Soviet Russia. Dec. 2-12. Disarmament conference held at Moscow with Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Esthonia and Poland. Conference closed without agreement. Dec. 30. Treaty of confederation signed at Moscow with Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and White Russia. (C. H., March 1923, p. 955.) 1923, March 27. Death sentences passed on Archbishop Ciepliak and Mgr. Butkevitch. Sentence of former commuted, latter executed on March 31. April 7. Frontier agreement concluded with Latvia. April 25. Provisional agreement concluded with Denmark at Moscow renewing diplomatic and commercial relations. See also Canada, July 3, 1922; China, Jan. 8, 1922; Czecho-Slovakia, June 5, 1922; Denmark, April 23, 1923; Esthonia, May 9, 1922; Finland, June 1, 13 and 22, Aug. 12, Sept. 20, Oct. 25, 1922; Germany, Nov. 5, 1922, Jan. 31, 1923; Hague Conference; Italy, May 24, 1922; Japan, Sept. 5, 1922; Latvia, Nov. 6, 1921. Saar Basin. 1922, July 5. Agreement concluded with France concerning double taxation. German Government protested in note of Jan. 19, 1923, against use of certain terms as giving Saar territory appearance of an independent State. Nov. 24. Agreement concluded with Germany concerning railway traffic. Ratified by Germany, Jan. 9; Governing Commission, Jan. 16, 1923. 1923, March 12. Provisional decree dated March 7, 1923, issued by Governing Commission enacting measures for maintenance of public order. (L. N. O. J., April 1923.) Salvador. See Nicaragua. Serb-Croat-Slovene Kingdom. 1921, July 29. Agreement concluded with Great Britain at Paris respecting final disposal of ex-Austrian and ex-Hungarian tonnage. 1922, Feb. 6. Reciprocal commercial agreement with Austria of June 27, 1920, prolonged to June 30, 1922. Prolonged further on July 12 as from July 1, until definite agreement reached. July 3. Railway agreement signed with Roumania. Sept. 15. Commercial agreement concluded with Czecho-Slovakia at Belgrade. 1923, March 1-23. Serbo-Bulgarian Commission met at Nish. Agreement reached on frontier questions with exception of two points. March 7. Judicial convention concluded with Czecho-Slovakia. See also Albania, July 13, 1922; Austria, Jan. 27, 1922, Feb. 24, 1923; Bulgaria, Aug. 18, 1922; March 23, 1923; Czecho-Slovakia, April 6, Aug. 31, Oct. 5, 1922; Germany, June 10, 1922; Italy, Oct. 23, 1922; Poland, Oct. 19, 1922. Siam. See Great Britain, April 20, 1922. Silesia (Upper). 1922, May 15. German-Polish economic convention respecting Upper Silesia signed at Geneva. Ratifications exchanged and Interpretative Declaration signed at Oppeln on June 3. Came into force on June 15. Additional protocol signed on Oct. 21, regarding execution of Art. 224 of agreement. June 15. Notification of frontier to German and Polish Governments by commission of experts and signature of arrangements regarding the transfer of territory. Transfer completed on July 9; powers of Inter-Allied Commission ended on July 17. South Africa. See Portugal, April 3, 1923. Spain. 1921, Dec. 29. Exchange of notes with Sweden, supplementing provisional commercial agreement concluded on June 19 and 20, 1921. 1922, Feb. 23 and 24. of notes. Commercial agreement concluded with Bulgaria by an exchange March 23. General arbitration treaty with Uruguay signed at Madrid. June 12. July 8. Commercial agreement concluded with France. Oct. 17. Commercial agreement and additional protocol respecting navigation concluded with Norway at Madrid. This agreement had been in force since Sept. 30, with retroactive effect from Sept. 1, 1922. Oct. 31. Commercial and navigation agreement concluded with Great Britain. Nov. 5. Spain denounced commercial agreement of Aug. 1, 1906, with United States and of March 26, 1909, with Japan. 744 Dec. 20. Spain ratified workmen's compensation convention with Argentine of Nov. 27, 1919. 1923, April 25 and 30. exchange of notes. Commercial modus vivendi arranged with Roumania by an See also Albania, Dec. 10, 1921; Argentine, Dec. 28, 1922; Austria, Oct. 4, 1922; Sweden. 1921, May 25 and April 24, 1922. Agreement concluded with Norway by exchange of notes regarding reciprocal notification of particulars concerning nationals of unsound mind. Similar agreement concluded with Austria, May 26, 1921, and April 10, 1922; Switzerland, May 27, 1921, and Nov, 29, 1921; Portugal, July 4 and Sept. 20, 1921; Mexico, July 28 and Oct. 17, 1922. Dec. 17 and 19. Agreement concluded with Switzerland by an exchange of notes at Stockholm regarding abolition of passport_visas. Similar agreement concluded with Belgium, June 27 and 30, 1922; Luxemburg, Oct. 3 and Dec. 6, 1922; France, Nov. 27 and Dec. 4, 1922; Italy, Dec. 1-Feb. 3, 1923; Spain, Feb. 26 and 27, 1923. 1922, Nov. 7. Agreement concluded with Denmark concerning air navigation. Ratifications exchanged, Jan. 16, 1923. Nov. 11 and Dec. 18. Commercial agreement concluded with Roumania by an exchange of notes granting most-favoured-nation treatment. 1923, Feb. 3. Maritime agreement concluded with Finland at Stockholm. Further See also Austria, Oct. 4, 1922; Finland, May 19, 1922; Feb. 3, 1923; Great Britain, Switzerland. 1922, April 25. Ratifications exchanged at Berne of arbitration treaty with Germany of Dec. 3, 1921. May 12. Commercial agreement concluded with Spain at Berne. June 27. Commercial agreement concluded with Poland. Sept. 29. Provisional agreement concluded with Germany at Berne concerning claims in Switzerland against German life insurance companies. Ratifications exchanged, Oct. 24, 1922. 1923, Jan. 27. Provisional commercial agreement concluded with Italy at Zurich. Feb. 18. Referendum resulted in Swiss rejection of convention with France of Feb. 27. Extradition treaty concluded with Uruguay at Montevideo. See also Austria, Oct. 4, 1922; Belgium, June 13, 1922, Feb. 16, 1923; Colombia, March 24, 1922; Germany, March 25, 1923; Italy, Jan. 27, 1923; Norway, July 6, 1922; Sweden, May 25, Dec. 17, 1921. Transcaucasia. 1922, March 12. Treaty of alliance concluded between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Aug. 23. Agreement signed between Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey (Angora) concerning transport, postal, telegraph and consular questions. See also Russia, Dec. 30, 1922. Turkey. 1922, June 26. Mutual appointment of ambassadors by Angora Government and Persia effecting recognition. July 30. Greek proclamation of autonomy in Anatolia. Aug. 18-Sept. 9. Turkish offensive in Asia Minor. Military evacuation of Smyrna Sept. 11. Sept. 14. Allied Note sent to Angora Government proposing an immediate military conference at Mudania and inviting Turkey to a conference on Near Eastern affairs at Venice. on Sept. 29. (T. Oct. 3-4 and 9-11. (T. 25.9.22, p. 10.) Proposal for military conference accepted 2.10.22, p. 12.) Conference held at Mudania between Allied Generals and Turkish delegate. Agreement reached. Nov. 1. Grand National Assembly passed resolution separating the Ottoman Caliphate and the Ottoman Sultanate. Nov. 20-Feb. 4, 1923. Near East Conference held at Lausanne between Allies and Turks. Conference broke down on Feb. 4. (Records of proceedings and draft terms of peace. [Cmd. 1814.]) 1923, Feb. 7. Allied warships ordered to withdraw from port of Smyrna. Allies refused and demanded withdrawal of order. Incident officially closed on Feb. 25. March 8. Turkish counter-proposals to treaty drafted at Lausanne despatched to Allies. March 21-27. Inter-Allied conference in London considered counter-proposals. Reply sent inviting Turkey to resume Lausanne Conference. (T. 2.4.23, p. 10.) Invitation accepted, April 7. April 23. Lausanne Conference resumed. See also Afghanistan, Oct. 20, 1922; Italy, April 24, 1922; Transcaucasia, Aug. 23, 1922. Ukraine. See Czecho-Slovakia, June 5, 1922; Esthonia, May 27, 1922; Latvia, March 16, 1923; Russia, Jan. 12, Feb. 14, Dec. 30, 1922. United States. 1922. Sept. 21. President Harding signed Fordney tariff bill. Sept. 22. President Harding signed act relating to naturalisation and citizenship of married women. (See Note on p. 169.) Oct. 18. British Government protested against seizure by United States of vessels occupied in illegal liquor traffic outside the three-mile limit. On Oct. 26, President Harding ordered prohibition officials not to act outside this limit. Nov. 10. Extradition treaty, replacing treaty signed Jan. 21, 1922, concluded with Costa Rica. Ratifications exchanged, April 27, 1923. Nov. 13. United States Supreme Court decided that Japanese were not entitled to United States citizenship. On Feb. 19, 1923, similar decision reached regarding Hindus. 1923, Jan. 10. American troops on the Rhine recalled. Feb. 8. Protocol signed at Washington with Costa Rica affecting possible development of Nicaraguan railway route. Feb. 24. President Harding asked Senate to approve adhesion of United States to the protocol establishing the Permanent Court of International Justice. Proposal postponed till next session of Senate. See also Albania, Dec. 10, 1921; Belgium, Dec. 27, 1921; Canada, Oct. 21, 1921, March 2, 1923; China, March 4, 1922; Chile, July 20, 1922; Colombia, Nov. 14, 1922; Denmark, April 28, 1922; Dominican Republic, Oct. 20, 1922; Egypt; Esthonia, Sept. 22, 1922; Finland, March 4, 1922; Great Britain, April 12, May 15, Oct. 16, 1922, Jan. 8, 1923; Japan, April 14, 1923; Latvia, July 28, 1922; Lithuania, June 30, 1922; Norway, July 22, 1922; Palestine, May 9, 1922; Paraguay, March 22, 1922; Persia; Reparations, Aug. 10, 1922; Spain, Nov. 5, 1922; Venezuela, Jan. 19, 1922. Uruguay. 1922, Feb. 8. Ratifications exchanged at Montevideo of convention of April 11, 1918, with Argentine concerning triangulation of Uruguay river. Feb. 15. Ratifications exchanged of arbitration treaty with Peru of July 18, 1917. March 23. General arbitration treaty with Spain signed at Madrid. Ratified by Uruguay on June 9. May 18. Aerial navigation treaty with Argentine signed at Buenos Aires. Ratified by Uruguay on June 9. June 5. Additional protocol to extradition treaty with Argentine of Jan. 23, 1889, ratified by Uruguay. Oct. 19. Agreement reached with Great Britain by an exchange of notes for regulation of traffic in drugs. See also Argentine, Aug. 18, 1922; Brazil, Feb. 4, 1922; Colombia, April 28, 1922; |