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El reconocimiento de los nuevos gobiernos. (Amos S. Hershey.)

La conferencia del desarme. (Rodrigo Octavio.)

Los gobiernos "de facto." (F. Larnaude.)

El conflicto entre el Perú y Chile. (José Benítez.)

La embajada mexicana en las republicas sud-americanas. (Continua.) Núm. 2 (Junio de 1922).

La Quinta Conferencia Pan-Americana y el fracaso de las anteriores. (La Dirección.)

Hay un derecho internacional americano. (Dr. Pinto Da Rocha.)
Notas de un mexicano sobre la República de Chile. (X.X.X.)
Núm. 3 (Septiembre de 1922).

Soberanía e interdependencia. (Miguel Cruchaga Tocornal.)
Arbitraje y principios internacionales de la América Latina.
Pérez Verdía.) (Continuará.)

Diplomacia mexicana. (Antonio de la Peña y Reyes.)

(Benito Javier

La responsabilidad del Estado por daños irrogados a la persona o a los bienes de extranjeros en luchas civiles. (L. A. Podestá Costa.) (Continuará.)

REVUE DE DROIT INTERNATIONAL ET DE LÉGISLATION COMPARÉE. (Tous les deux mois.) Sous la direction de C. de Visscher. 1869Bruxelles. Prix

de l'abonnement, Belgique, 35 fr. Union Postale, 40 fr.

Troisième Série. Tome III. (1922), Nos. 2-3.

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Le Règlement de la Cour Permanente de Justice Internationale. (A. Hammarakjold.)

Les Gouvernements étrangers en justice. Reconnaissance internationale et immunités (1re Partie). (Ch. de Visscher.)

L'Euvre de révision du Pacte de la Société des Nations accomplie par la Deuxième Assemblée (1re Partie). (Henri-A. Rolin.)

La Compétence de la Société des Nations concernant le règlement des différends internationaux. (Frede Castberg.)

Les Dispositions générales de l'accord belgo-luxembourgeois. (Jacques Crokaert.) La "Loi nationale" des sujets britanniques. (Thomas Baty.)

Troisième Série. Tome III. (1922), No. 4.

De la Compétence législative de la Haute-Commission interalliée dans les provinces du Rhin. (Marcel Nast.)

Les Gouvernements étrangers en justice. Reconnaissance internationale et immunités (2e Partie). (Ch. de Visscher.)

L'Euvre de révision du Pacte de la Société des Nations accomplie par la Deuxième Assemblée (2e Partie). (Henri-A. Rolin.)

Troisième Série. Tome III. (1922), Nos. 5-6.

La Situation internationale de l'Égypte (1914–1922) (1re Partie). (Robert Ruze.) La Doctrine des servitudes internationales en Scandinavie. (L. de Stael-Holstein.) Le Litige colombo-venézuelien et la sentence arbitrale du Conseil fédéral suisse (14 Mars, 1922). (Fernand de Visscher.)

Troisième Série. Tome IV. (1923), No. 1.

La Consolidation et l'extension de l'œuvre des Conférences de La Haye pour la codification du droit international privé. (Dr. Josephus Jitta.)

La Procédure de conciliation devant la Société des Nations. (Charles de Visscher.) La Double Conception du droit international et le caractère international du droit dit international privé (1re Partie).

La Situation internationale de l'Égypte (2o Partie).

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REVUE DE DROIT INTERNATIONAL PRIVÉ (Publication trimestrielle.) Publiée par A. de Lapradelle. 1905- Paris Libr. de la Société du Recueil Sirey. 18me Année, 1922-1923. Abonnement annuel: France, 50 fr.; étranger, 60 fr.

REVUE GÉNÉRALE DE DROIT INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC (Tous les deux mois). Publiée par P. Fauchille et A. de Lapradelle. 1re série: 1894-1918. 2e série : 1919

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Paris A. Pédone.

De la Compétence de la Cour Permanente de Justice Internationale. (J. Blociszevisky.)

La Morale internationale. (L. Bourgeois.)

De la Valeur et des rapports des notions de droit et de politique dans l'ordre international. (E. Giraud.)

L'Organisation permanente du travail. Sa Compétence en matière agricole. (M. Guerreau.)

La République tchécoslovaque et le droit international. (A. Hobza.)

Les Conceptions politiques de la Société des Nations et l'élaboration du pacte. (H. Lalouel.)

La Société des Nations et les puissances devant le problème arménien. (A. Mandelstam.)

Le Désarmement, les traités de paix 1919-20, la Conférence de Washington de 1921-1922. (A. Mérignhac.)

Le Droit international ouvrier dans le traité de Versailles. Bureau international de Genève et Conférences internationales de travail. (P. Pic.)

Règles à suivre pour la reconnaissance d'un gouvernement de facto par des États étrangers. (L. A. Podestá Costa.)

Les Commissions de conciliation et la Société des Nations. (X.X.X.)

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Les Tribunaux pour la navigation du Rhin et le pouvoir judiciaire de la Commission centrale du Rhin. (J. P. Niboyet.)

L'Avenir du sous-marin. (J. P. A. François.)

Le Traité de Bogota conclu 6 avril 1914 entre la Colombie et les États Unis d'Amérique. (A. de Boeck.)

Le Spitzberg et la Convention du 9 fevrier 1920. (C. Piccioni.)

Essai de systématique du droit international (Plan d'un cours de droit international public). (G. Ecelle.)

REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE DROIT MARITIME (Tous les deux mois). Publiée par
Léopold Dor, etc., 1885-
Paris Libr. Gén. de Droit et de Juris-
prudence. Abonnement annuel 100 fr.

elle). Publiée sous la direction de André Henry-Couannier. 1910-
Paris Édition Aérienne. Abonnement 50 fr. pour la France; 55 fr.


1922, Mars. L'Aviation doit être civile. (André Henry-Couannier.)
Avril. Hypothèque et Transfert de Propriété de l'aéronef. (Georges Ripert.)
Mai. Responsabilité du propriétaire et de l'exploitant de l'aéronef. (E. Sudre.)
Juin. La Partie pénale du Projet de Loi relatif à la Navigation aérienne. (P.

Juillet. Le Régime des droits réels en matière d'aéronef.


De la Responsabilité du transporteur aérien. (E. Porquet.) Août. De la Nationalité des aéronefs. (Henry-Fabry.) Septembre. Les Règles de la guerre aérienne. Une opinion portugaise. (Robert Homburg.)

Octobre. Situation de l'Assurance-Aéronautique en France. (A. Henry


Novembre. La Nationalité et le port d'attache des aéronefs. (Hugo Divald.) Decembre. L'Hypothèque aérienne. (Professeur Miroslaw Stieber.)

1923, Janvier. L'Adhésion des neutres à la convention internationale de la navigation aérienne du 13 Octobre 1919. (Edmond Pittard.)

Février. L'Exterritorialité en matière de locomotion aérienne. (Jean Perrin.) Mars. Législation et Juridiction compétentes en matière de navigation aérienne internationale. (Antonio Ambrosini.)

L'Exterritorialité aérienne. (Edmond Pittard.)

Avril. Législation et Juridiction compétentes en matière de navigation aérienne internationale. (Antonio Ambrosini.)


RIVISTA DI DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE. Direttori, D. Anzilotti e A. Ricci Busatti.
Roma Società Editrice Athenæum." Serie III., Vol. I.
(1921–1922), Fasc. 1-4. Vol. II. (1923), Fasc. 1-2. Abbonamento annuale
L. 25.
TRANSACTIONS OF THE GROTIUS SOCIETY (Annual, containing papers read before the
Society, 1916- ). Vol. VIII. Problems of Peace and War. London:
Sweet & Maxwell. 8 × 51. Pp. xliii + 132. 8s. 6d. net.


YEAR BOOK OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS. Second Year. January 1, 1921, February 6, 1922. 1922. Brooklyn: The Brooklyn Eagle. Cr. 8vo. Pp. 423 + Index. 7s. 6d.

ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR INTERNATIONALES RECHT (Niemeyers). Hrsg. von Th. Niemeyer. 1890München-Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot.

Bd. XXX. 1-4 Heft (1922).

Direkte Schuldenregelung vor der Friedensratifikation. (Nuszbaum.)

Haltung aus Vorkriegsverträgen nach dem Vertrag von Versailles. (Wolff.)

Vollstreckung ausländischer Urteile (Kleinfeller.).

Zum bulgarischen Fremdenrecht. (Barbar.)

Rechtsverbindlichkeit des Friedensvertrages von Versailles. (Hold-Ferneck.) Durchführung des Friedensvertrages von St. Germain in Oesterreich. (Kunz.) Reparationen 1792-1918. (Engmann.)

Ferdinand von Martitz. (Triepel.)

Bd. XXX. 5 & 6 Heft. (1923.)

Zwischenstaatliche Gerichtsbarkeit und die Gemischten Schiedsgerichtshöfe des Versailler Vertrages. (Zitelmann.)

Erbschaftsbesteuerung der Ausländer. (Beyer.)

Formgültigkeit in Deutschland errichteter letztwilliger Verfügungen hinsichtlich im Staate New York belegenen Vermögens. (Lorenzen.)

ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR VÖLKERRECHT. Begr. von Joseph Kohler. Unterständ. Mitarb. vom Prof. Dr. Meurer u.a. Hrsg. vom Dr. Max Fleischmann, Prof. Dr. Karl Strupp. Bd. XII. H. 3. (159 S.) 1922. Breslau: J. U. Kern. Gr. 8o. Mk. 6.72. (Bd. I-XI u. 6 Ergänzungshefte, Mk. 432.)

League of Nations.1


Albania, The Economic and Financial Situation of. Report by Professor Albert Calmes (Luxembourg), regarding his Mission of Enquiry in Albania. Annex presented to the Council by the Financial Committee of the Provisional Economic and Financial Committee on its Eighth Session, Geneva, September,

1922. 1s. 6d. net.

General Report of the Commission of Enquiry and Resolution adopted by the Council on May 14, 1922. (Extract No. 3 from Official Journal.) 9d. net. Austria, The Financial Reconstruction of. Report of the Financial Committee of the Council, with relevant papers. (Eng. and Fr. in sep. ed.) 5s. net. Report by the Provisional Delegation at Vienna. 6d. net.

The Restoration of. Agreements arranged by the League of Nations and signed at Geneva on October 4, 1922, with the relevant documents and public statements. 2s. 6d. net.

See also Monthly Summary (Special Supplements).

Brussels Conference. The Recommendations of the Conference and their Application. Vol. I., 5s. net. Vol. II., 2s. net. Vol. III., 1s. net.


Communications and Transit, Advisory and Technical Committee for. Minutes
of the Third Session, held at Geneva August 30 to September 2, 1922.
Annexes. 2s. net.
Convention Germano-Polonaise relative à la Haute-Silésie. (This is the official
French text, and there will be no edition in English.) 12s. net.
Danzig. See under Official Journal (Special Supplements).
Economic Committee. Report on the Seventh Session. 6d. net.
Esperanto as an International Auxiliary Language. Report of the General
Secretariat of the League of Nations adopted by the Third Assembly, 1922.
6d. net.

European Health Conference, held at Warsaw from March 20 to 28, 1922. 2s. 6d. net.

Genoa Conference, The, and the League of Nations. Memorandum by the Secretary General. (Eng. and Fr.) 6d. net.

Monthly Summary of the League of Nations. (Eng., Fr., Ger., It., Jap., Sp., in sep. ed.) April 1921- Annual subscription, 1922, 6s., 1923, 5s., post free. Single numbers 6d.

Special Supplements: October 1922, The Financial Reconstruction of Austria.
With a Preface by Sir Arthur Salter. 6d. net. March 1923, The Financial
Reconstruction of Austria. 6d. net.

Official Journal. February 1920

(Fr. and Eng. since January 1922, separately.) Annual subscription, 1922, £3; 1923, £2 10s. Single numbers, various prices.

Special Supplements (Fr. and Eng.). No. 7, July 1922. Constitution of the Free City of Danzig. (Ger. text, with translations in Eng. and Fr.) 3s. 6d. net. No. 8, July 1922. Index to the Minutes of the Sessions of the Council,

1 Published by the Publication Department of the League of Nations, Geneva.. British Agents: Constable & Co., Ltd., 10–12 Orange Street, London, W.C.2.

1921. 5s. net. No. 9, October 1922. Resolutions and Recommendations adopted by the Assembly during its Third Session (September 4-30, 1922). 2s. net. Permanent Mandates Commission. Minutes of the Second Session, held in Geneva August 1-11, 1922, under the Chairmanship of the Marquis Theodoli. Quarterly Bulletin of Information on the Work of International Organisations. Compiled by the Section of International Bureaux. October 1922Annual subscription, 5s. Single numbers, 1s. 3d. Raw Materials. Report on certain Aspects of the Raw Materials Problem. By the Provisional Economic and Financial Committee, with relevant documents submitted to the Committee by Professor Gini. (Eng. and Fr. in sep. ed.) Vol. I., 2s. 6d. net. Vol. II., 9s. net.

10s. net.

Report on the Problem of Raw Materials and Foodstuffs. By Professor Gini. With Annexes prepared under his direction. Reduction of Armaments. Report of the Third Committee to the Third Assembly. Rapporteur, Lord Robert Cecil. 1s. 6d. net.

Russia. Report on Economic Conditions in, with special reference to the famine of 1921-1922 and the state of agriculture. 4°. Pp. viii+164 and maps.

2s. 6d. net.

See also under International Labour Office.

Saar Basin. General Report. September 1922-January 1923. 2d. net. Special Report from the Governing Commission on the Economic Situation. 9d. net.

Temporary Mixed Commission on Armaments, Geneva, September 7, 1922.

4s. net.

Third Assembly. Supplementary Report to, on the Work of the Council and on the Measures taken to execute the Decisions of the Assembly. (July-August 1922.) Geneva, August 28, 1922. 1s. net.


See also Esperanto, Official Journal (Special Supplements), Reduction of ArmaTraffic in Opium, Advisory Committee on. Report on the Work of the Committee during its Second Session held at Geneva from April 19-29, 1922. Approved by the Council on July 21, 1922. 1s. 6d. net.

Treaty Series and International Engagements registered by the Secretariat of
the League of Nations. Published as a Supplement to the Official Journal.
Vol. VI. Nos. 1-4. 12s. net.
Vol. VII. Nos. 1-3.
Vol. VIII. Nos. 1-4.
Vol. IX. Nos. 1-4.

12s. net. No. 4. 3s. net.

12s. net. 15s. net.

Vol. X. Nos. 1-4. 15s. net.

INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE.-Bibliography of Industrial and Labour Questions in Soviet Russia. Pp. 174. 2s. 6d., 60 c.

Constitution and Rules of the Permanent Labour Organisation 1923. Pp. 70.

1s. 3d.

Documents of the International Labour Conference. Fourth Session, held at Geneva, 1922. Reports (Eng. and Fr.), various prices. Summary of the reports concerning the different items on the agenda (Ger.). 1s. Summary of the appendix to the Report of the Director on the Unemployment Enquiry (Ger.). 1s.

Emigration and Immigration: Legislation and Treaties (Eng. and Fr.). Pp.
XV439. 6s., $1.25.

The Fourth Session of the International Labour Conference. 1922. Pp. 24. 6d.
Informazioni Sociali. (Periodical Publication.) July 1922-
Florence R. Bemporad e Figlio.

The International Labour Review.
Annual sub. 24s.

Internationale Rundschau der Arbeit.

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(Monthly.) Single copies 3s. each.

(Periodical Publication.) 1923–

- Legislative Series. (Irregular periodical publications). 1919. (Eng. only.) 1920(Eng., Fr. and Ger.) Annual sub. £1. --Studies and Reports. (Irregular periodical publications). Annual sub. £1 5s. Series A (Industrial Organisation). No. 25. Series B (Economic Conditions). Nos. 11 and 12. Series C (Employment and Unemployment). Nos. 6 and 7. Series D (Wages and Hours of Work). Nos. 2-9. Series E (The Disabled). No. 4. Series J (Education). No. 1.

INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE.-The Third Session of the International Labour Conference. (Preface by Viscount Burnham.) 1922. Pp. 38. 6d. PERMANENT COURT OF INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE.1

Series B. (Collection of Advisory Opinions.)

No. 1. Text of Advisory Opinion given by the Court on July 31, 1922. (Nomination of Workers' Delegate for the Netherlands to the International Labour Conference.) Fl. .60.

Nos. 2 & 3. Text of Advisory Opinions given by the Court on August 12, 1922. (Competence of the International Labour Organisation in regard to agricultural questions.) Fl. 1.20.

No. 4. Text of Advisory Opinion given by the Court on February 7, 1923, together with Text of Resolution adopted by Council of League of Nations on October 4, 1922. (Tunis and Morocco Nationality Decrees.) Fl. 1.20.

Series C. (Acts and Documents relating to judgments and advisory opinions given by the Court.)


No. 1. First Ordinary Session (June 15, 1922–August 12, 1922.)
relating to Advisory Opinions Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Fl. 17.50. (Bound, Fl. 20.)
No. 2. Second (Extraordinary) Session (January 8-February 7, 1923). Documents
relating to Advisory Opinion No. 4. Fl. 9.50. (Bound, Fl. 12.)

Series D. (Acts and Documents concerning the Organisation of the Court.)

No. 1. Statute and Rules of the Permanent Court of International Justice.
Fl. 3. (Bound, Fl. 3.90.)

No. 2. Preparation of the Rules of Court. Minutes of meetings held during the Preliminary Session of the Court, with Annexes. (January 30-March 24, 1922.) Fl. 20. (Bound, Fl. 22.50.)

Great Britain.2

Aaland Islands. Convention respecting the Non-Fortification and Neutralisation of the Aaland Islands, signed at Geneva, Oct. 20, 1921. (Treaty Series, No. 6, 1922.) [Cmd. 1680.] 6d. (6žd.). Afghanistan. Treaty between the British and Afghan Governments, signed at Kabul, Nov. 22, 1921. (Treaty Series, No. 19, 1922.) [Cmd. 1786.] 3d. (3 d.).

Africa, East. Papers relating to Native Disturbances in Kenya, March 1922. (1922.) [Cmd. 1691.] 6d. (7d.).

Africa, West. Report on the British Mandated Sphere of Togoland for 1920-1921 (together with a covering Despatch from the Governor of the Gold Coast). (1922.) [Cmd. 1698.] 1s. (1s. 11⁄2d.).

Air Council. Order in Council, July 14, 1922, providing for the Membership of, and the Exercise of Powers and Duties and the Transaction of Business by, the Air Council. (S.R. & O., 1922, No. 819.) 1d. (11d.).

Air Navigation. Convention for the Regulation of Aerial Navigation of Oct. 13, 1919. Procès-Verbal of the Deposit of Ratifications, and Notification of the Accession of Persia. Additional Protocol (Treaty Series, No. 11, 1922). [Cmd. 1741.] 3d. (3}d.).

Order, June 20, 1922. (S.R. & O., 1922, No. 663.) 11d. (1s.). Austria-No. 1 (1922). Agreement for guaranteeing a loan to Austria signed by Representatives of Great Britain, France, Italy, Czecho-Slovakia and Austria. Oct. 4, 1922. (1922.) [Cmd. 1765.] 1s. (1s. 1d.).

Treaty of Saint Germain-en-Laye with Austria. Rules, Dec. 30, 1922, made by the Administrator of Austrian Property, and approved by the Board of Trade under Art. I. (xiv) of the Treaty of Peace (Austria) Orders, 1920–1922. (S.R. & O., 1922, No. 1444.) ld. (ĺžd.).

Bahrein. The Bahrein (Amendment) Order in Council, April 1, 1922. (S.R. & O., 1922, No. 764.) 1d. (11⁄2d.).

Bechuanaland. The Bechuanaland Protectorate (Railway Lands) Order in Council, May 25, 1922. (S.R. & O., 1922, No. 571.) 1d. (ljd.).

1 Published by A. W. Sijthoff's Publishing Company, Leyden, The Netherlands. 2 May 1, 1922-January 31, 1923. Published by H.M. Stationery Office, Kingsway, London, W.C.2.

The figures in parentheses indicate the price including postage.

Abbreviations: [Cmd.], Papers by Command; S.R. & O., Statutory Rules and


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