P. Vergili Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, Æneis. With a comm. and appendices by B.H. Kennedy

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Popular passages

Page 604 - ... for love, fair objects whom they wooed With gentle whisper. Withered boughs grotesque, Stripped of their leaves and twigs by hoary age, From depth of shaggy covert peeping forth In the low vale, or on steep mountain side; And, sometimes, intermixed with stirring horns Of the live deer, or goat's depending beard,— These were the lurking Satyrs, a wild brood Of gamesome Deities; or Pan himself, The simple shepherd's awe-inspiring God!
Page 603 - In that fair clime, the lonely herdsman, stretched On the soft grass through half a summer's day, With music lulled his indolent repose : And, in some fit of weariness, if he, When his own breath was silent, chanced to hear A distant strain, far sweeter than the sounds Which his poor skill could make, his fancy fetched, Even from the blazing chariot of the sun, A beardless Touth, who touched a golden lute, And filled the illumined groves with ravishment.
Page 604 - When winds are blowing strong. The traveller slaked His thirst from rill or gushing fount, and thanked The Naiad. Sunbeams upon distant hills Gliding apace with shadows in their train, Might with small help from fancy, be transformed Into fleet Oreads sporting visibly.
Page 748 - LIBRARY EDITION, with all the Original Illustrations, Maps, Landscapes on Steel, Woodcuts, &c. 2 vols. 4to. 48s. INTERMEDIATE EDITION, with a Selection of Maps, Plates, and Woodcuts. 2 vols. square crown 8vo. 21s. STUDENT'S EDITION, revised and condensed, with 46 Illustrations and Maps.
Page 748 - THE USEFUL ARTS, MANUFACTURES &c. Bourne's Catechism of the Steam Engine. Fcp. 8vo. 6*. — Examples of Steam, Air, and Gas Engines. 4to. 70*. — Handbook of the Steam Engine. Fcp. 8vo. 9*. — Recent Improvements in the Steam Engine. Fcp. 8vo. 6*.
Page 197 - haec nemora indigenae Fauni Nymphaeque tenebant gensque virum truncis et duro robore nata, 315 quis neque mos neque cultus erat, nec iungere tauros aut componere opes norant aut parcere parto, sed rami atque asper victu venatus alebat.
Page 160 - Lapsa cadunt folia, aut ad terram gurgite ab alto Quam multae glomerantur aves, ubi frigidus annus Trans pontum fugat et terris immittit apricis.
Page 8 - Linus, huic mater quamvis atque huic pater adsit, Orphei Calliopea, Lino formosus Apollo. Pan etiam, Arcadia mecum si iudice certet, Pan etiam Arcadia dicat se iudice victum.
Page 603 - Could find commodious place for every God, Promptly received, as prodigally brought, From the surrounding countries, at the choice Of all adventurers. With...
Page 176 - ... perpetuis soliti patres considere mensis. quin etiam veterum effigies ex ordine avorum antiqua e cedro, Italusque paterque Sabinus vitisator curvam servans sub imagine falcem Saturnusque...

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