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47 Can any man forbid water, hath cleansed, that call not thou that these should not be baptiz-common. ed, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?

10 And this was done three times and all were drawn up

48 And he commanded them again into heaven.

to be baptized in the name of 11 And behold, immediately the Lord. Then prayed they there him to tarry certain days.


were three men already come unto the house where I was, sent from Cesarea unto

1 Peter accused for going to the 19 The gospel is preached in many places | 12 And the Spirit bade me ....27 Agabus prophesieth of a great dearth. go with them, nothing doubting.


ND the apostles and breth- Moreover, these six brethren acren that were in Judea, companied me, and we entered heard that the Gentiles had also into the man's house:

received the word of God.

13 And he shewed us how he

2 And when Peter was come had seen an angel in his house, up to Jerusalem, they that were which stood and said unto him, of the circumcision contended Send men to Joppa, and call for with him, Simon, whose surname is Peter; 14 Who shall tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved.

3 Saying, Thou wentest in to men uncircumcised, and didst eat with them.


4 But Peter rehearsed the 15 And as I began to speak, matter from the beginning, and the Holy Ghost fell on them, as expounded it by order unto them, on us at the beginning. 16 Then remembered I the 5 I was in the city of Joppa word of the Lord, how that he praying and in a trance I saw said, John indeed baptized with a vision, A certain vessel de- water; but ye shall be baptized scending, as it had been a great with the Holy Ghost. sheet, let down from heaven by 17 Forasmuch then as God four corners; and it came even gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who believed on the

to me:

6 Upon the which when I had Lord Jesus Christ, what was I, fastened mine eyes, I considered, that I could withstand God? and saw four-footed beasts of the 18 When they heard these earth, and wild beasts, and creep- things, they held their peace, ing things, and fowls of the air. and glorified God, saying, Then 7 And I heard a voice say-hath God also to the Gentiles ing unto me, Arise, Peter; slay, granted repentance unto life. and eat. 19 Now they which were

8 But I said, Not so, Lord: scattered abroad upon the persefor nothing common or unclean cution that arose about Stephen, hath at any time entered into travelled as far as Phenice, and my mouth. Cyprus, and Antioch, preaching 9 But the voice answered me the word to none but unto the again from heaven, What God Jews only.

20 And, some of them were the brethren which dwelt in men of Cyprus and Cyrene, Judea. which when they were come to

30 Which also they did, and Antioch, spake unto the Gre- sent it to the elders by the hands cians, preaching the Lord Je- of Barnabas and Saul.



21 And the hand of the Lord 1 Herod persecuteth the Christians: 20 his was with them: and a great pride, and miserable death. number believed, and turned un-NOW about that time, Her

to the Lord.

od the king stretched forth 22 Then tidings of these his hands to vex certain of the things came unto the ears of the church.

church which was in Jerusalem: 2 And he killed James the and they sent forth Barnabas, brother of John with the sword. that he should go as far as Anti- 3 And because he saw it och. pleased the Jews, he proceeded 23 Who, when he came, and further to take Peter also. Then had seen the grace of God, was were the days of unleavened glad, and exhorted them all, bread. that with purpose of heart they 4 And when he had apprewould cleave unto the Lord. hended him, he put him in pris24 For he was a good man, on, and delivered him to four and full of the Holy Ghost, and quaternions of soldiers to keep of faith and much people was him; intending after Easter to added unto the Lord. bring him forth to the people.

25 Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul:

5 Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made 26 And when he had found without ceasing of the church him, he brought him unto Anti- unto God for him.

och. And it came to pass, that 6 And when Herod would a whole year they assembled have brought him forth, the same themselves with the church, and night Peter was sleeping betaught much people. And the tween two soldiers, bound with disciples were called Christians two chains; and the keepers befirst in Antioch. fore the door kept the prison. 27 And in these days came 7 And behold, the angel of prophets from Jerusalem unto the Lord came upon him, and a Antioch. light shined in the prison; and 28 And there stood up one he smote Peter on the side, and of them named Agabus, and raised him up, saying, Arise up signified by the Spirit, that there quickly. And his chains fell off should be great dearth through- from his hands.

out all the world: which came 8 And the angel said unto to pass in the days of Claudius him, Gird thyself, and bind on Cesar. thy sandals and so he did.

29 Then the disciples, every And he saith unto him, Cast thy man according to his ability, garment about thee, and follow determined to send relief unto me.

9 And he went out, and fol- shew these things unto James, lowed him, and wist not that it and to the brethren. And he dewas true which was done by parted, and went into another the angel; but thought he saw place.

a vision.

18 Now as soon as it was 10 When they were past the day, there was no small stir first and the second ward, they among the soldiers, what was came unto the iron gate that lea- become of Peter..

deth unto the city which opened 19 And when Herod had to them of his own accord: and sought for him, and found him they went out, and passed on not, he examined the keepers, through one street; and forthwith and commanded that they should the angel departed from him. be put to death. And he went 11 And when Peter was come down from Judea to Cesarea, to himself, he said, Now I know and there abode.

of a surety, that the Lord hath 20 And Herod was highsent his angel, and hath delivered ly displeased with them of Tyre me out of the hand of Herod, and and Sidon. But they came with from all the expectation of the one accord to him, and having people of the Jews. made Blastus the king's cham

12 And when he had consid-berlain their friend, desired ered the thing, he came to the peace, because their country was house of Mary the mother of nourished by the king's country. John, whose surname was Mark; 21 And upon a set day, Herwhere many were gathered to- od arrayed in royal apparel, sat gether, praying. upon his throne, and made an

13 And as Peter knocked at oration unto them.

the door of the gate, a damsel 22 And the people gave a came to hearken, named Rhoda. shout, saying, It is the voice of 14 And when she knew Pe- a god, and not of a man. ter's voice, she opened not the 23 And immediately the angate for gladness, but ran in, gel of the Lord smote him, beand told how Peter stood before cause he gave not God the glory: the gate. and he was eaten of worms, and 15 And they said unto her, gave up the ghost. Thou art mad. But she con- 24 But the word of God stantly affirmed that it was even grew and multiplied. So. Then said they, It is his 25 And Barnabas and Saul angel. returned from Jerusalem, when 16 But Peter continued they had fulfilled their minisknocking. And when they had try, and took with them John, opened the door, and saw him, whose surname was Mark. they were astonished.

17 But he beckoning unto 1 them with the hand to hold their peace, declared unto them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. And he said, Go


Paul and Barnabas sent to the Gentiles

....42 The Gentiles believe.... 45 The Jews

blaspheme, and raise a persecution. NOW there went Antioch were

church that was at

certain prophets and teachers: 11 And now behold, the hand as Barnabas, and Simeon that of the Lord is upon thee, and was called Niger, and Lucius of thou shalt be blind, not seeing Cyrene, and Manaen, which had the sun for a season. And imbeen brought up with Herod the mediately there fell on him a tetrarch, and Saul. mist and a darkness; and he went

2 As they ministered to the about seeking some to lead him Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost by the hand.

said, Separate me Barnabas and 12 Then the deputy, when he Saul, for the work whereunto I saw what was done, believed, have called them. being astonished at the doctrine


3 And when they had fast- of the Lord. ed and prayed, and laid their 13 Now when Paul and his hands on them, they sent them company loosed from Paphos, they came to Perga in Pamphy4 I So they being sent forth lia: and John departing from by the Holy Ghost, departed un- them, returned to Jerusalem. to Seleucia; and from thence 14 ¶ But when they departed they sailed to Cyprus. from Perga, they came to Anti

5 And when they were at och in Pisidia, and went into Salamis, they preached the word the synagogue on the sabbathof God in the synagogues of day, and sat down. the Jews. And they had also 15 And after the reading of John to their minister. the law and the prophets, the

6. And when they had gone rulers of the synagogue sent unthrough the isle unto Paphos, to them, saying, Ÿe men and they found a certain sorcerer, a brethren, if ye have any word of false prophet, a Jew, whose exhortation for the people, say name was Bar-jesus:


7 Which was with the deputy 16 Then Paul stood up, and of the country, Sergius Paulus, beckoning with his hand, said, a prudent man; who called for Men of Israel, and ye that fear Barnabas and Saul, and desired God, give audience.

to hear the word of God.

17 The God of this people

3 But Elymas the sorcerer of Israel chose our fathers, and (for so is his name by interpre- exalted the people when they tation) withstood them, seeking dwelt as strangers in the land of to turn away the deputy from Egypt, and with a high arın the faith. brought he them out of it.

9 Then Saul, (who also is call- 18 And about the time of ed Paul) filled with the Holy forty years suffered he their manGhost, set his eyes on him, ners in the wilderness.

10 And said, O full of all sub- 19 And when he had destroytilty, and all mischief, thou child ed seven nations in the land of of the devil, thou enemy of all Chanaan, he divided their land righteousness, wilt thou not to them by lot.

cease to pervert the right ways 20 And after that, he gave of the Lord? unto them judges, about the

30 But God raised him from

space of four hundred and fifty tree, and laid him in a sepulyears, until Samuel the prophet. chre. 21 And afterward they desired a king: and God gave unto the dead: them Saul the son of Cis, a man 31 And he was seen many of the tribe of Benjamin, by the days of them which came up space of forty years. with him from Galilee to Jerusa

22 And when he had remov-lem, who are his witnesses unto ed him, he raised up unto them the people.

David to be their king: to whom 32 And we declare unto you also he gave testimony, and said, glad tidings, how that the promI have found David the son of ise which was made unto the Jesse, a man after mine own fathers,

heart, which shall fulfil all my 33 God hath fulfilled the same will. unto us their children, in that he 23 Of this man's seed hath hath raised up Jesus again; as God, according to his promise, it is also written in the second raised unto Israel a Saviour, psalm, Thou art my Son, this Jesus: day have I begotten thee. 24 When John had first 34 And as concerning that he preached, before his coming, the raised him up from the dead, now baptism of repentance to all the no more to return to corruption, people of Israel. he said on this wise, I will give 25 And as John fulfilled his you the sure mercies of David. course, he said, Who think ye 35 Wherefore he saith also in that I am! I am not he. But another psalm, Thou shalt not behold, there cometh one after suffer thy Holy One to see corme, whose shoes of his feet Iruption. am not worthy to loose.

36 For David, after he had 26 Men and brethren, chil- served his own generation by the dren of the stock of Abraham, will of God, fell on sleep, and and whosoever among you fear- was laid unto his fathers, and eth God, to you is the word of saw corruption :

this salvation sent.

37. But he, whom God raised 27 For they that dwell at Je-again, saw no corruption. rusalem, and their rulers, because 38 ¶ Be it known unto you they knew him not, nor yet the therefore, men and brethren, voices of the prophets which that through this man is preachare read every sabbath-day, they ed unto you the forgiveness of have fulfilled them in condemn- sins; ing him.

39 And by him all that be28 And though they found no lieve are justified from all things, cause of death in him, yet de- from which ye could not be justisired they Pilate that he should fied by the law of Moses. 40 Beware therefore, lest that 29 And when they had ful- come upon you which is spoken filled all that was written of him, of in the prophets;

be slain.

they took him down from the

41 Behold, ye despisers, and

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