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baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; or, I baptize thee in the name of Jesus Christ.

Question. What inward grace does this outward sign represent?

Answer. A death unto sin, and a new spiritual birth unto righteousness.

Question. What is required of persons to be baptized?

Answer. Repentance of all their sins, and faith in Christ as their Saviour.

Question. Why then are infants baptized?

Answer. That their parents may bind themselves to train them up to a Christian life, and as children of God.

Question. For what was the ordinance of the Lord's Supper ordained?

Answer. To be a continual remembrance of him; of all he did and said; of his sufferings, his death, his resurrection; and of all the benefits which the world enjoys in the completion of his mission on earth.

Question. What are the outward signs of this ordinance ?

Answer. Bread and wine.

Question. What is the signification of these elements?

Answer. They are to represent the body and blood of Christ; and while we eat of them, we are in holy remembrance to feed upon the bread of life which he gives to the world; i. e. we are to think devoutly of him, and in love to bind ourselves to serve him, and pray that through his Word and

Spirit we may partake of his life and grow up him as our Head.


Question. What ought all to do before coming to this supper?

Answer. They ought seriously to examine themselves to repent of their sins; and steadfastly to purpose to lead a new life; to have a lively faith in God's mercy through Christ, with a thankful remembrance of his death; and to be in charity with all men.

Question. What do you understand the Church of Christ to be?

Answer. The fellowship or society of all Christians, visible or invisible.

Question. What is the visible Church, and what is the invisible?

Answer. The visible Church consists of all who profess the name of Christ; and the invisible Church consists of all who are at heart children of God, even the blessed company of all faithful people.




Candidates for Confirmation, that is, admission into the communion of the Church, shall have first received the Sacrament of Baptism, if not in infancy, or at some subsequent period, then now. To any such person or persons presenting themselves, the Minister shall say, in the presence of the Congregation:

Do you believe in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus

Christ, as revealed and taught in the Scriptures of the New Testament? Do you receive it as Divine, and accept it as the rule of life and the way

of salvation?

Ans. I do.

Do you truly and earnestly desire, in presence of this congregation, to confirm the object which your parents devoutly coveted at your baptism; and to secure which, they then solemnly bound themselves to instruct you in the knowledge of salvation, through Jesus Christ our Lord?

Ans. I do.

Are you willing and desirous to become a member (members) of Christ's Church; and, by your faith and conversation, your loathing and avoidance of sin, your love and pursuit of all things holy, pure, and of good report, are you resolved, with the

blessing of God, and the aid of his Holy Spirit promised to all who truly seek it, to endeavor to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world, and thus adorn and commend your Christian confession?

Ans. I am.

Then the Minister shall say in these words, or others of like import:

EARLY beloved: on this your open and vol


untary confession of Christ, we affectionately welcome you to the communion and fellowship of his Church on earth; that by the right use of all its divinely appointed privileges and means, you may become prepared in God's own time for the Church triumphant above. Amen.

Then, the person or persons kneeling, he shall say:
Receive the blessing of the Church.

And laying his hands on the head of each, he shall say:


EFEND, O Lord, this thy servant (these thy servants) with thy heavenly grace; that he (she, or they) may continue thine for ever, and daily increase in thy Holy Spirit and truth more and more; that so an abundant entrance may be administered unto him (her, or them) into thine everlasting kingdom. Amen.

Then shall he say:

The Lord be with you.
Ans. And with thy spirit.

Min. Let us pray.

Almighty and everlasting God, who workest in us to will and to do, we make our supplications unto thee for these thy servants, whom thou hast called by thy grace to be partakers of the life and priv; ileges of the Christian Church. Give unto them, O Lord, remission of sins. Strengthen them, we beseech thee, with the Holy Ghost, and daily increase in them thy manifold gifts of grace, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, of knowledge and true godliness. Let thy fatherly hand, we beseech thee, be always over them; let thy Holy Spirit be always with them; and so lead them in the knowledge and obedience of thy word, that they may obtain everlasting life. Almighty God, vouchsafe, we beseech thee, to direct, sanctify, and govern both our hearts and our bodies in the ways of thy laws, and in the works of thy commandments, that through thy gracious protection, here and ever, we may be preserved in body and soul, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.



HE blessing of God, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Spirit, be with you ever Amen.

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