The Plays of Philip Massinger ...G. and W. Nicol, 1805 - English drama |
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admiral Angelo Anton appear Artem Artemia Aston Cockayne Beauf BEAUFORT junior Belg Cæsar Christian court Coxeter dare daughter death Diocle Dorothea Duke of Milan dutchess edition emperor Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fair Fatal Dowry father favour fear fortune Fran Francisco give Grac Graccho hand happy Harp Harpax hast hath hear Hircius honour hope Isab Jonson king King's company lady live look lord Macrinus Malef Malefort Marc Marcelia Mari Mason Massinger Massinger's mistress modern editors Montr Montreville musick ne'er never noble observe old copies Parliament of Love Pesc Pescara PHILIP MASSINGER play poet pray printed quarto Renegado Sapritius SCENE scorn servant serve Sfor Sforza Shakspeare shew slave soul speak Spun Spungius stand Steph sweet thee Theoc Theocrine Theoph Theophilus there's thing thou art Tiberio Unnatural Combat Virgin-Martyr word writers
Popular passages
Page cxii - Though I look old, yet I am strong and lusty: For in my youth I never did apply Hot and rebellious liquors in my blood; Nor did not with unbashful forehead woo The means of weakness and debility; Therefore my age is as a lusty winter, Frosty, but kindly: let me go with you; I'll do the service of a younger man In all your business and necessities.
Page 29 - No, my dear lady, I could weary stars, And force the wakeful moon to lose her eyes By my late watching, but to wait on you. When at your prayers you kneel before the altar, Methinks I 'm singing with some quire in heaven, So blest I hold me in your company...
Page cviii - And yet I found, What weak credulity could have no faith in, A treasure far exceeding these : here lay A manor bound fast in a skin of parchment, The wax continuing hard, the acres melting ; Here a sure deed of gift for a market-town, If not redeem'd this day, which is not in The unthrift's power : there being scarce one shire In Wales or England, where my monies are not Lent out at usury, the certain hook To draw in more.
Page cxiv - Here they, that never see themselves, but in The glass of servile flattery, might behold The weak foundation upon which they build Their trust in human frailty. Happy are those, That knowing, in their births, they are subject to Uncertain change, are still prepared, and arm'd For either fortune...
Page 263 - But when We enter towns by force, and carve ourselves Pleasure with pillage, and the richest wines Open our shrunk-up veins, and pour into them New blood and fervour Med.
Page cxiv - Humanity then lodged in the hearts of men, And thankful masters carefully provided For creatures wanting reason. The noble horse, That, in his fiery youth, from his wide nostrils Neigh'd courage to his rider, and brake through Groves of opposed pikes, bearing his lord Safe to triumphant victory ; old or wounded, Was set at liberty, and freed from service. The Athenian mules, that from the quarry urew Marble, hew'd for the temples of the gods.
Page xiii - In the large book of plays you late did print " In Beaumont and in Fletcher's name, why in't " Did you not justice, give to each his due ? " For Beaumont of those many, writ but few: " And Massinger in other few ; the main " Being sweet issues of sweet Fletcher's brain.
Page 109 - Being almost past through, in this last moment Destroy whate'er thou hast done good or great — Thy youth did promise much ; and, grown a man, Thou mad'st it good, and, with increase of years, Thy actions still better'd : as the sun, Thou did'st rise gloriously, kept'st a constant course In all thy journey ; and now, in the evening, When thou should'st pass with honour to thy rest, Wilt thou fall like a meteor ? Sap.
Page cvii - Hermes' moly, Sibylla's golden bough, the great elixir, Imagined only by the alchemist, Compared with thee are shadows, — thou the substance, And guardian of felicity ! No marvel My brother made thy place of rest his bosom, Thou being the keeper of his heart, a mistress To be hugg'd ever ! In by-corners of This sacred room, silver in bags, heap'd up Like billets saw'd and ready for the fire, Unworthy to hold fellowship with bright gold That flow'd about the room, conceal'd itself. There needs no...
Page 29 - Handfuls of gold but to behold thy parents. I would leave kingdoms, were I queen of some, To dwell with thy good father ; for, the son Bewitching me so deeply with his presence, He that begot him must do't ten times more.