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would take the form of a public rejoic- that they would not be right if they did ing, and that nothing calculated to not make in some way a public recounteract that feeling would be intro- cognition of his untiring energy and duced. They had, he said, great reason generosity. He then read a congratu to rejoice, in that their wishes had, latory address, enumerating the great under providence, been fulfilled. They benefits that the society had received had now a building belonging wholly to during its career from his (Mr. Alfred God, and not as before, in part to God Braby's) personal work and support. and part to man. After briefly alluding Coupled with Mr. Braby's name was to some incidents during the seven years also that of his brother, Mr. F. Braby. of the societies' existence, he introduced Mr. Alfred Braby, in acknowledging the next speaker, Mr. Thorn, the the compliments so liberally bestowed, treasurer, who read a report of the trusted that his remarks would not financial progress of the society, show- savour of ingratitude, but certainly he ing the ways and means by which it had never looked forward to such an had reached its present happy condi- evening as the present-it was not his tion. Commencing with its foundation aim. He had wished from his youth up at Newington Causeway in 1863, he to do something for the New Church in showed how they resolved in 1864 to London. He felt it his duty to make a build, until at the present time they sacrifice to the Lord, and if he had merely had an elegant building fitted with given what was of no value to himself, it every convenience and free from debt. could not be considered as such. This was due to the donations of encouragement they had given him that generous friends, the proceeds of a evening would help him in the future. bazaar, various entertainments, and the Mr. Frederick Braby regretted that such subscriptions of their own members. an unwarrantable use had been made of Mr. Alfred Braby, who in 1864 started his own name. He, however, should the building fund with a donation of always feel it a privilege and pleasure to £50, had, irrespective of his regular be the means of propagating a wholesubscriptions, given the munificent some religion. The religious world was sum of £715. Mr. F. Braby had also anxiously seeking for any light, and he largely contributed. £100 had been re- believed that the New Church had much ceived from Mr. Finnie, the "Peabody" to give. It was the glory of the New of the New Church. £550 had been Church that she was able to give a received from other societies and friends, system of Biblical interpretation with and £509 was realized by the bazaar. which she could reconcile the passages Mr. I. J. Alvey (the senior deacon), which to others are and have always said he could not but recollect other been stumbling-blocks. He trusted occasions when he had had to address their devoted minister and energetic audiences poorer (not in pocket) but numerically much poorer than the present. He could remember the meeting of the congregations at the church in Waterloo Road, which being broken up was continued in part at Friar Street, Doctors' Commons, and finally was amalgamated with that at Argyle Square. This was a long walk for those living in the south of London, and he was glad when they had the opportunity of meeting at the room on Newington Causeway, and finally at their beautiful little church. He had a duty which was a real plea sure to perform, and he believed that he that did well ought to have his good deeds acknowledged. Their friend, Mr. Alfred Braby, was one of those modest men who give liberally, and blush to find it out; but he was sure

officers might long be spared to hold up the candle of New Church truth in the South of London. The Rev. John Presland, in addressing the meeting, alluded to the fact that the first sermon he had preached was delivered in their society, then at Newington-causeway. He ascribed the success of the society to its unity of action, and the efforts of the members individually. The anthem, "Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel," was then very efficiently rendered by the choir. Mr. Gunton would ask his friends, now that they were getting well off, not to forget their friends who were still in troubled waters. He could, did time permit, have mentioned several societies who would be glad of their assistance, but as the evening was so far advanced, he would defer particulars for a more fitting occasion. The Rev.

Dr. Bayley said it was with sincere The walls are unsparingly decorated pleasure that he had joined in the re- with maps, object-lessons, pictures, joicing of his friends in South London busts, and curiosities, to attract and that night. The congratulations that had been made, he was sure, were all fully deserved. It must be a happy feeling, he said, for the chairman to look back upon the seven years of his ministry, which he (Dr. B.) looked upon as but an apprenticeship for the work that was in store for them. He would congratulate them all on their having attained a fresh starting-point; and he trusted that they might long be spared to prosecute the work they had so well begun. During the evening a selection of sacred music was performed, and the meeting was closed by singing a hymn, and a benediction from Mr. Austin, the minister of the church.-From the South London Press.

LONDON-ISLINGTON.-On the 14th March the second annual children's service was held. The sermon was preached by Mr. Bateman from Luke xviii. 17. A selection of hymns from "The Welcome" was sung, and the Creed intoned previous to the reading of the commandments. The presence of members and friends in goodly numbers gave that warmth and life to the occasion which adds so much to the use of such services both to the young and old. The contributions to the offertory sufficiently evinced the interest felt in the welfare of the Sunday-school.

WIGAN. The admirably conducted and popular Day-schools of the New Church at this town have been brought into unusual prominence by an unseemly controversy in the local papers. A neighbouring clergyman seems to have commenced the attack by assailing the management, and what he supposed to be the grounds of success. The controversy seems to have ended with the following letter, which we abridge from the Wigan Observer of February 13th:"Three Lovers of Education' send the following account of a visit made by them to these schools:- Having heard so much for and against the New Jerusalem Schools, we, who are in no way connected with them or their church, determined to visit them and see for ourselves what they were. We went on Monday evening last, and with each room we visited we were astonished.

improve the mind. Every room of itself is quite a museum, and it will take hours, and we think days, to examine everything in detail minutely. It is a person's own fault if he doesn't make progress at these schools. We particularly admire the infant schoolroom; there is every convenience,―for instance we may mention the little low forms that children only three years of age may get on themselves. The gallery is the same; there are methods so simple for teaching the infant mind to count, add and subtract, to tell what time it is, and to teach the infants the various uses of articles and the processes they have passed through, but we must not say more on this score. Mr. Johnson seems to be heart and soul in his work. He deserves all praise; he deserves to be encouraged and assisted. There is something in addition to all these for the convenience and accommo dation of the scholars. There is a heating apparatus on an improved principle for both warming the schools and cook ing or warming the children's dinners. There is also a dining-room, which will accommodate at least not fewer than one hundred children at one sitting. Mr. Johnson provides crockery. Adjoining the dining-room is a large lavatory, which is perfectly fitted out in every respect."

EDINBURGH.-By the exchange of pulpits in connection with the Scottish Association of the New Jerusalem Church, we have been favonred with two visits from the Rev. W. C. Barlow of Paisley. On Sabbath, November 29, 1874, his subjects were-Forenoon,

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Miracles, or Signs of the Kingdom," and in the evening "The Signs of the Second Advent," followed on Monday evening by a lecture on "The Incarna. tion and Glorification of the Lord." On Sabbath, February 21, 1875, his subjects were-Forenoon, "The Labourers in the Vineyard," and in the evening, "Angelic Influences in the Christian Life," followed on Monday evening by a lecture on "How is the Lord Jesus Our Redeemer." At these services and lectures the different subjects were ably treated, and the distinctive features of our views were clearly brought out.

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At Alloa, Clackmannanshire, on the 14th November last, Thomas Lawson, an aged, very useful and respected member of the New Church Society.

Also, on the 23rd December, Mrs. Graham, relict of Robert Graham, who passed into the spiritual world three months before her. They were both devoted members of the Alloa Society. They lived happily together while here during a lengthened life in the midst of their family, who are friendly to the Church, but mostly living out of Alloa. The two old people have again united in a more interior union above.


prepared for the press, she was his amanuensis, his sight at that time being almost gone.

She also saw through the press for the Swedenborg Society the Index to the Apocalypse Explained. The last years of her life, herself and all her pleasures were cheerfully sacrificed, that she might devote her whole time to her father, whose almost helpless condition necessitated her conShe was unstant care and attention. well at the time of his death, August 31st, 1874, but her illness was not thought to be of a serious character till the beginning of October, when the disease (cancer) developed with unusual rapidity. Though daily becoming worse and suffering most acutely, she bore her trial with calm patience and resignation.

Removed to the Spiritual World on the 18th of December 1874, Nanny, the wife of John Westall of Accrington, in the 86th year of her age. She was the eldest daughter of the late Joseph Cronshaw, one of the founders of the Accrington Society, and has thus enjoyed the rare privilege of witnessing the growth of that Society from its commencement. She was first attached to the Church by the example of her good and beloved father, and that attachment continued to grow and deepen up to her removal to the life beyond. She was married in 1814, and has thus lived in happy wedlock in this lower sphere for a period of over sixty She was an affectionate wife, years.

that state where a glorious welcome

awaited her.

Her memory is greatly revered by her aged partner and her family; and the influence of her spirit will be amongst the strongest bands drawing them to the world above.

Elizabeth Ellen Bundy passed into the spiritual world on December 17th 1874, in the 58th year of her age. was baptized in infancy into the New Church, and remained connected with a most devoted mother, and an exemShe was called from this the Cross Street (now Camden Road) plary woman. lower world after a three hours' sickness Society till her death. About 80 years looking forward with confidence to ago her mother, then a very young woman, accepted the doctrines of the Church, and became a member of Dr. Hodson's congregation, which subsequently merged into the Cross Street Society. Miss Bandy was one of the deaconesses of that Society, and an earnest and thorough believer in the divinity of the doctrines contained in the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. She belonged to that class of New Church people who make a rule of never allowing a day to pass without reading some portion of the writings. During the latter years of Mr. Noble's life she used to go regularly to read to him, and when the second edition of his translation of the Heaven and Hell was being

Called suddenly into the spiritual world, Mrs. Mary Mason of Embsay, on the 6th of February 1875, in the 63rd year of her age. She was amongst the earliest receivers of the New Church doctrines at Embsay, and was truly a mother in Israel. She was an intelligent and warm receiver of the truths of the New Dispensation, which were manifested in a life of quiet unobtrusive usefulness. Faithful and attentive as a

wife-loving and wise as a mother, and amidst the multifarious labours and anxieties of her family, she always, until shortly before her departure, devoted a short time every day to the study of the Word in its living spiritual unfoldings, and from this habit extending over many years, although her understanding became strong, being well stored with useful knowledge, yet all her information was blended with and softened down in gentleness and love by her sweet and child-like innocence. Truth with her did not become knowledge but wisdom, it was brought down into the heart, mind and life. She has now gone home to her Father's house, where He hath need of her; entered into the joy of her Lord, whom she loved and desired to serve when she was here below.

settled with the church at Heywood. Her husband during his lifetime was one of the leading and most influential members of the Society. He was a steady attender on public worship, a constant member of the committee, and one of the most liberal contributors to the funds. In all this he was heartily seconded and supported by his wife. Her love for the Church was fervent and sincere, and she was always prepared to aid any prudent endeavour for its sup port. During her widowhood she has set the example of steady attendance at public worship, and occasionally at other meetings of the Society. She has been ever forward to support the Church by her contributions to its funds, and has sympathized in every effort for its permanent establishment and extended usefulness. Within the last fourteen

Mr. Matthew Hartley, of Daisy Hill, months two of her daughters have preAccrington, passed into the Spiritual ceded her to the spiritual world, and World on the 8th of last month, at the now without notice she has been age of 58. He had been an active and called to join them in their home useful member of the Society for many having deprived her of consciousness, above. The call was sudden, a stroke years, and was a hearty and earnest lover of the truths of the New Church, which she did not wholly recover. His career was one of great practical found her ready, and though we shall The call we have every reason to believe and persevering industry, in which he met with the rewards of his fidelity and constancy. The last two years of his life were characterized by suffering of an unusually severe kind, occasioned by cancer, but throughout them all he was enabled to maintain an admirable spirit of unfailing patience and resignation. He has left a widow and family, who, with a large circle of friends, deeply lament the loss occasioned by his re

moval from their midst.

miss her encouraging presence on earth, we look beyond to the higher life and brighter enjoyment of the Church above on which she will now enter.

of his son at Fallowfield, near ManOn February 13, 1875, at the house chester, after a brief illness, Mr. James Twiss of Manchester, departed this life, in the 82nd year of his age. For many years our deceased friend had been an appreciative receiver of the doctrines of At Heywood, on January 9, 1875, the New Jerusalem, numbering among Miss Jane Rawson, aged 42. The his early friends the late Mr. Thomas deceased had passed through a long and Wilson of Failsworth, and other veterans painful illness, and was one of those of the New Church in the North. The who in their earthly pilgrimage are called to pass through much tribulation. The night of her affliction has ended, and she has entered into her rest.

On the 9th of February, at Heywood, Mrs. Ann Rawson, aged 70 years. The deceased had been connected with the New Church from very early life, first at Middleton, and afterwards at Heywood. On her marriage she became permanently

diligent and faithful performance of the uses of his life characterised him during the period when active effort was con genial and possible to him, and prepared the state of gentle, unobtrusive kind. ness which marked his old age, and which endeared him not only to all the members of his family circle, but to all who came within the sphere of his influence. His end was peace.

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In contemplating the sublime and interesting theme of Angelic Occupations, it is necessary to divest the mind of nearly every association with which the subject is usually connected as regards the affairs of earth. Here business is mainly engrossed in the satisfaction of material needs. "What shall we eat? what shall we drink? wherewithal shall we be clothed?" are questions which necessarily underlie nearly all the trade and commerce, manufacture and daily toil of this present world. But in heaven these occasions for labour are entirely superseded; because there every essential of life, as habitation, food, and raiment, is freely given by the Lord (H. H. 393).

tion, also, which here demands such complicated work in connection with navigation, railways, and the use of horses and other beasts of burden, is there effected immediately and freely, without cumbrous apparatus or lengthened process; since all spirits and angels appear in the place where their thought is (D. L. W. 285), and move from one spot to another in accordance with their change of state (H. H. 192, 195). Education, too, in the ordinary acceptance of the term, is for the most part unnecessary; for in the other life every one possesses a spontaneous acquaintance with all varieties of language (A. C. 1637), and an intuitive perception of that science of representatives (A. C. 3226) which constitutes so important a medium for the communication of heavenly ideas. Thus there is a vast and radical difference between the employments of angels and those of men. We are constrained, and doubtless for some infinitely wise and loving purpose, to

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