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(Incorporated by Royal Charter.)


WEDNESDAY, September 6th-Afternoon, 2 to 3.30.


Examiner-J. A. LERICHE, B.A.

[Candidates must satisfy the Examiner in at least two parts of this paper.]

I. Translate into English :

Lorsque Colomb eut découvert l'Amérique, le cardinal Mendoza donna un grand banquet où l'on assigna la place d'honneur à l'illustre navigateur. Dans ce banquet, dit-on, un des convives, peut-être un des envieux de Colomb, lui demanda si aucun autre homme n'eût pu découvrir aussi bien que lui le NouveauMonde. Colomb, pour toute réponse, fit un signe, on apporta un œuf, et il proposa à toutes les personnes présentes de le faire tenir debout. L'assistance ayant fait, pour y parvenir, d'inutiles essais, renvoya l'oeuf à Colomb. Celui-ci, le frappant légèrement contre la table, brisa un bout de la coque et il le posa sur la partie brisée. Et tout le monde de s'écrier: "Cela était bien aisé ! " 66 Que ne Vous en avisiez-vous donc ?" répondit Colomb. Et il ajouta: "Oui, mes seigneurs, il était simple et facile de découvrir le Nouveau-Monde. Cependant, avant que j'en ensse montré la route, personne n'était parvenu à la trouver." Quelques années après, celui qui avait donné l'Amérique au roi d'Espagne mourut dans la misère et l'oubli.

II. Grammatical Questions.

1. Write the first person singular and third person plural of the preterite indicative of donna, fit, tenir, renvoya, découvrir,


2. Eut découvert, n'eût pu découvrir.

What difference does

the circumflex accent make between eut and eût? Write in full the tense eut découvert and n'eût pu.

3. When do you render him by le, when by lui? them by les, or by eux, elles?

[See next page.

découvert l'Amérique; On lui assigna la place d'honneur. Translate actively—I am called; he was asked.

5. Give the feminine of envieux, léger, public, Américain, instituteur; and the plural of un jeu nouveau, un splendide repas, tout le jour, mon plus intime ami.

III. Translate into French :

Alexander the Great asked a pirate, who had been taken prisoner, and was brought before him, why he was so daring as to infest the seas, and commit depredations in so shameful a manner? "For my own private advantage, as you do," replied the pirate. "But as I only employ a single galley (galère), I am called a pirate; whereas you, because you make your excursions with your own fleet, are called a king!" Alexander immediately ordered the man to be set at liberty.

[blocks in formation]

[Candidates must satisfy the Examiner in at least two parts of this paper.]

I. Translate into English :

Einst fiel der König Porsena von Etrurien mit einem großen Heere in das Gebiet der Römer ein. Diese zogen ihm entgegen, wurden aber zurückgeschlagen. Da flohen sie eiligst nach Rom zurück, und die Feinde folgten ihnen auf dem Fuße nach. Als sie an die einzige über die Tiber führende Holzbrücke kamen, stellten sie sich noch einmal zur Wehr, wurden aber wieder zurückgetrieben. Sie flohen daher über die Brücke in die Stadt, und die Etrusker wären ihnen nachgezogen und hätten die Stadt erobert, wenn sie nicht ein tapferer Römer Namens Horatius Kokles daran gehindert hätte. Dieser vertheidigte mit zwei anderen Römern den Ausgang der Brücke, während sie die Römer auf der anderen Seite zerstörten. Als ein großer Theil der Brücke abgetragen war, schickte er auch seine beiden Gefährten zurück und vertheidigte den Ausgang allein, bis die lezten Balken am andern Ufer in die Fluthen stürzten. Dann rief er die Götter um Schuß an, sprang in die Fluthen und kam wohlbehalten an das heimathliche Ufer. Die Etrusker aber versuchten vergeblich den Fluß zu überschreiten.

II. Grammatical Questions.

1. State the rules (with exceptions) for the declension of German feminine nouns, and illustrate them by examples.

2. Explain the declension of nouns ending in (i.) thum, (ii.) ium, (iii.) niß; and decline in full one example of each class.

3. Render the following sentences into German : (i.) He ought to come; (ii.) They ought to have come; (iii.) You must not tell him; (iv.) She was not allowed to read this letter; (v.) I could not leave the room; (vi.) May I see what you are writing; (vii.) I wish he would come.

[See next page.

tanzen, studieren, marschieren, bringen, denken, brennen, werden, vollenden, empfinden, gelingen, ertragen, brechen, entdecken, nehmen, wegführen, absenden, ausgehen.

5. Explain the rule for the declension of present participles used substantively-(reisen, to travel).

6. Conjugate in full the following present tenses:-es gelingt mir; ich wundere mich; ich schmeichle mir.

7. Indicate the difference between als, wenn, wann (when), and illustrate it by examples.

III. Translate into German :

"We must not," Gustavus Adolphus said, "await the enemy in Sweden. For all would be lost, if we should lose a battle here; but all will be gained, if we make a successful commencement in Germany. The sea is wide, and we have an extensive coast to defend. If the Imperial fleet should escape us, or our own be defeated, it would be impossible for us to prevent the enemy from landing. Everything depends upon our retaining Stralsund. So long as this port is open to us, we shall be masters of the Baltic Sea and maintain a free communication with Germany. But, to protect Stralsund, we must go over to Pomerania with an army. Let us, then, talk no longer of a defensive war, by which we should sacrifice our greatest advantages."

III. Translate into German :

Tullus Hostilius was the third king of the Romans. He was yet young when elected, and loved peace less than Numa. He is said to have been even more warlike than Romulus himself. The courage of his grandfather, who fought so bravely in the war between the Romans and Sabines, was visible in him. An opportunity soon appeared to commence a war. The Romans had driven away cattle from the Alban territory, the Albans from the Roman territory. From both parties (sides) ambassadors were sent to demand back the cattle. Tullus, who wished [for] war,

made use of a trick, and thus caused the war to break out. The Romans were conquerors in this war; from the two peoples one was made, the city of the Albans was destroyed, and the inhabitants were led to Rome.

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