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The numbers refer to the pages. Tate means Tate's "Second Part of Absalom and Achitophel.”


Abate, v.z. lessen, "abate of virulence," 221.
Abbethdin, sb. chief judge among the Jews, 97.
Admire, v.i. wonder, 31, 262, 500.
Adown, prep. down, 516.

Adulterate, adj. impure, 299, 340.
Affect, v.t. desire, seek, 82, 96, 154 (Tate).
Affered, p.p. (from Chaucer), frightened, 567.
Affright, so. fear, 93, 607.

Affright, v.t. frighten, 31, 208.

Agen, adv. again, 448, 552; elsewhere spelt again.

Alga, sb. seaweed, 18.

Allay, sb. alloy, 231, 364, 466; alloy also occurs. Alluded, p.p. mentioned, 262.

Almain, sb. Germany, 313.

Alms, sb. "an alms," 294; used as plural, 256. Alow, adv. low, 640.

Amain, adv. vehemently, immediately, 268, 556, 560, 622, 626, 640.

Ambient, adj. surrounding, 136, 653.
Anniverse, sb. anniversary, 287.
Annoy, sb. annoyance, 562.

Intic (spelt antique in original editions), adj. strange, grotesque, 42, 127; the spelling antique preserved, 265, where it may mean ancient, but not necessarily so.

Apoplex, sb. apoplexy, 293.
Appeach, v.t. accuse, 518.
Arlequin, sb. Harlequin, 422.
Armado, sb. army, 45.

Armipotent, adj. powerful in arms, an epithet
of Mars, 536, 546.
Arose, pp. arisen, 11.
Arow, adv. in a row, 586,
Artique, adj. arctic, 312.

Assay, v.t. try, essay, 7, 272; essay also occurs,

209, 629, 637; the noun always spelt essay. Atchievements, sb. armorial ensigns, 547, 558. Atone (spelt attone in original editions), v. t.

reconcile, harmonize, 25, 96; used intransitively with for following, 194. Attend, v.. wait, 582; v.t. wait for, watch, 623, 630.

Attent, adj. attentive, 600.

Auctority, sb. authority, 235, 244; elsewhere spelt authority.

Auspice, sb. patronage, 84, 288.

Authentic, adj. authoritative, genuine, 5, 273,

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Bad, v. perfect of bid, ordered, 236, 553, 623.
Banquier, sb. banker, 404, 423.

Bate, v.i. lessen, "bates of his mettle," 433
Beamy, adj. large, wide, 549.
Bearn, sb. bairn, child, 458.

Becoming, pr.p. properly suiting, followed by of, 501.

Bellows, sb. used as singular, 555.

Bent, sb. (from Chaucer), hill, 536.

Benting, adj. "benting times," times when pigeons feed on bent, a coarse grass, 283. Bewared, p.p. put on guard, 580.

Bid, v.t. count, 595; bid as perfect, "bid my beads," 576.

Big-corned, adj. big-grained, applied to powder,


Bilander, sb. coasting vessel, 226.

Bittour, sb. (from Chaucer), bittern, 598.
Blatant, adj. bellowing, 243.

Bleaky, adj. bleak, 267.

Bloomy, adj. blooming, 287, 588.

Boistrous, adj. strong, 611.

Botch, sb. sore spot, eruption, 249.
Boult, v.t. (from Chaucer), sift. 575.
Box, sb. musical wind-instrument, 580.
Boyism, sb. puerility, 498.

Brave, sb. bravo, 119, 130, 413, 414..
Breathe, v. t. lance, applied to opening a vein,

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9, 548, 567.

Composs, sb. compost, dung, 569.

Composure, sb. reconciliation, 93; study, composition, 300.

Concernment, sb. care, concern, 40, 493.
Confident, sb. a person confided in, 9, 610.
Congee, sb. bow, 454

Conglobate, adj. compressed into a globe, 334. Connatural, adj. of same nature, "connatural to," 41.

Consequent, sb. consequence, 89.

Contain, v. used intransitively, remain or keep oneself within, 154 (Tate).

Contended, p.p. contended for, 321, 531.
Converse, sb. conversation, 391, 427.
Convict, adj. convicted, 154 (Tate).

Cops, sb. copse, 611.

Corps, sb. corpse, body, used both for singular

and plural; plural, 224, 645.

Couch, v.t. lay down, 254.

Couchee, sb. evening reception, 236.
Counterbanded, p.p. contraband, 495.
Counterbuffed, p.p. struck back, 640.

Courage, sb. used in the plural, courages, 54, 56.

Courtship, sb. courtliness, 316; used elsewhere
in the ordinary sense of court-paying.
Cozenage, sb. deception, 243.
Crack, sb. noise of falling, crash, 77.
Cross, adv. across, 65, 77, 478, 579.

Cruise or cruse, sb. small cup, 276, 437.

Cudden, sb. clown, 636.

Curious, adj. carefully worked, 301.
Curtana, sb. sword of mercy, 247.

Cyclops, sb. used both for singular and plural; plural, 216.

Cymarr, sb. a loose long robe, 635; also spelt symarr.

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Digestive, sb. medicine to aid digestion, 568.
Dint, sb. force, 258, 311, 315.

Disembogue, v.i. empty out, 250.
Disheir, v.t. deprive of an heir, 270.
Disherited, pp. disinherited, 559.
Disinteressed, adj. disinterested, 199.
Dismission, sb. dismissal, 232.
Dispose, sb. disposal, 477, 603, 604.
Doddered, adj. covered with dodder, 558.
Doom, v.t. used peculiarly, 73, "doom woo.
into France, &c."
Dop, v.i. curtsey, 452.
Dorp, sb. village, 267.
Doted, adj. doting, 257.
Drib, v. t. filch, 454.

Dropping, pr.p. dripping, 411, 526, 589.
Dumb-founding, sb. a game of striking by sur-
prise on the back, 470.

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Face, v. t. put on a facing, 258.
Factor, sb. agent, 17.
Fainty, adj. faint, 589.
Farmost, adj. farthest off, 614.
Fatal, adj. fated, 508.

Fescue, sb. a wire for pointing with, 476.
Few, adj. used with a singular noun, 257.
Firmamental, adj. of the firmament, 83.
Flaw, sb. crack, 206.

Flix, sb. fur of the hare, 61.
Fogue, sb. fury, 20.

Forbear, v.t. forbear from, 92, 165, 512.

Forbid, pp. forbidden, 327.

Force, v. "force yield," to not being used

after force when a verb follows, 173 (Tate).

Forceful, adj. strong, 525.

Forelay, v.t. lay wait for, 522.

Foreseize, v.t. snatch beforehand, 177 (Tate.)

Forfeit, adj. forfeited, 614, 640.

Forfend, v. t. forbid, 568.

Forgot, p.p. forgotten, 245, 395, 421, 509.
Forsaken, p.p. "forsaken of," 129, 561
Forslow (spelt foreslow in original edition), v.t.
retard, 139, 291.

Forthright, adv. straightforward, 530.
Fowl, sb. bird, birds, used with plural as well
as singular meaning; plural, 55, 282, 536;
fowls occurs also, 267.
Fraischeur, sb. freshness, 26.

Fraught, sb. freight, 215; fraught occurs fre-
quently as adjective.

Frequent, adj. crowded, 255.

Fright, v.t. frighten, 26, 50, 58, 170, 225, 406,
409, 445, 454, 569.

Frontless, adj. shameless, 191, 277, 281.
Froze, p.p. frozen, 84.

Fry, v.i. burn, 527.

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Hold, v.i. abstain, 212.

Hope, v. t. expect, wait for, 529.
Holland, sb. cloth from Holland, 72.
Hudling, p.p. in a heap, in a hurry, 398.


Imp, v.t. repair, applied to wings, 63.
Impassible, adj. incapable of suffering, 226.
Increase, sb. offspring, 292, 543; accumulation,
282; growth, size, 143, 230.

Industrious, adj. "industrious of," 250, 325.
Infused, p.p. poured in, 309.
Innocency, sb. innocence, 188.

Innovate, v.t. introduce for first time, 41.
Inquire, v.t. inquire of, 131.
Instop, v.t. fill up, 64.

Insurancer, sb. insurer, 210.

Interessed, pp. interested, 187.

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Mary-bones, sb. marrow-bones, 598.



Marling, sb. a small tarred line for winding round ropes, 64.

Martlet, sb. a species of swallow, 59. Medicinable, adj. having medicinal power, 623.

In this and the two next words the i of
the second syllable is elided.
Medicinal, adj. like medicine, 207, 209.
Medicinally, adv. in the way of medicine, 131.
Menage, v.t. manage, 347, 642.

Millenary, adj. of the millennium, 509.
Mingle, sb. mixture, 397.

Mischief, sb. an agent of mischief, 621; "at mischief," so as to hurt, 550.

Miss, v.i. "miss of," 281.

Missioner, sb. missionary, ambassador, 250,

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Officious, adj. obliging, serviceable, 5, 25, 69, 214, 556, 590; used elsewhere in the unfavourable sense of the word..

Once, adj. some time (like the Latin olim), 206. Oraison, sb. prayer, 351..

Ore, sb. "Lemmon Ore," a sandbank in Great Yarmouth roads, 289.

Orient, adj. bright-coloured, 565.

Overbare, v. perfect) overbore, 551.
Overpoise, sb. superiority of weight, 328.
Out, v.t. oust, 188.

Owe, v.t. own, 448.


Pad, v.i. to go out robbing, 448.

Padder, sb. robber on the road, 402, 436.
Pain, v.t. to exert violently, 577, 578.

Pain, sb. labour, 48; punishment, "pain of life," 530.

Painture, sb. art of painting, 340.
Palliard, sb. lewd person, 250.
Pardalis, sb. panther, 269.

Parlous, adj. formidable, perilous, 597.
Paronomasia, sb. pun, 40.

Pasquin, sb. jester, 310.

Paste, sb. applied figuratively to human nature, 490, 619.

Pay o'er, v.t. spread over, 64.
Picture, sb. art of painting, 318.
Pile, sb. troop, 241.

Plagiary, sb. plagiarist, 42.
Pleasure, v.t. please, 483.
Plume, v. t. pluck, 117.

Plume, sb. pen, 412.

Plump, sb. cluster, "plump of fowl," 630.
Poll, v.t. cut down, 268.

Practise, v.t. frequent, 114.

Prelude, v.t. usher in, 292; v. i. 590.

Presage, sb. omen, prophecy, 148, 290, 508.

Presage, v.t. foreshow, predict, 209, 289, 514,

523, 572, 613.

Presume, v.i. followed by of, 233, 265.

Prevail, v. avail; prevail oneself of, 39, 104. Prevaricated, p.p. disingenuously used, 189. Prevent, v.t. anticipate, go before, 5, 11, 22,

101, 252, 287, 542, 582; used elsewhere in the present ordinary sense of hinder. Prime, sb. spring, 266.

Procedure, sb. proceeding, 17.

Profer, v.t. proffer, 271, 531, 593, spelt else. where proffer.

Proponent, ad. propounding, 226.
Prospective, sb. telescope, 469.
Protractive, adj. protracting, 279.
Pruce, sb. Prussia, 540.
Prune up, v.i. perk up, 434.
Purchase, sb. acquisition, 17.
Purfled, p.p. bordered, 585.

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