Cases Decided in the Court of Session, Court of Justiciary, and House of Lords, Volume 19T. & T. Clark, 1892 - Law reports, digests, etc |
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Common terms and phrases
action alleged appeal applied argued assoilzied averred bankrupt bill of lading Caledonian Railway charge charter-party claim clause codicil complainer concur contract conviction Court of Session creditors crofter curator bonis damages deceased decerned decree deed defender defender's demurrage deposit-receipt duty entitled evidence executors expenses fact favour Glasgow Glasgow Police Act granted ground harbourmaster held heritable Ingram interest interlocutor judgment June jurisdiction lands Laurencekirk lease liable liferent Loch Long LORD ADAM Lord Advocate LORD JUSTICE-CLERK LORD M'LAREN Lord Ordinary Lord President LORD TRAYNER Lord Young Lordship M'Kenzie Macph magistrate manure Martinmas ment notice objection obligation offence opinion parish parties payment person Portugalete premises proprietor pursuer question railway reclaimed respondent School Board Scot Scotland sequestration settlement Sheriff Court Sheriff-substitute shew ship statute tenant testator tion trustees vessel Vict words
Popular passages
Page 433 - Proceedings of the company, shall be conclusive evidence of the fact, without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of, or against, such resolution.
Page 190 - ... should be such as may fairly and reasonably be considered either arising naturally, ie, according to the usual course of things, from such breach of contract itself, or such as may reasonably be supposed to have been in the contemplation of both parties at the time they made the contract, as the probable result of the breach of it.
Page 54 - For the purpose of giving jurisdiction under this Act, every offence shall be deemed to have been committed...
Page 37 - Upon the discharge of any seaman, or upon payment of his wages, the master shall sign and give him a certificate of discharge...
Page 3 - E, not on what saves his pocket, but on what goes into his pocket. And the benefit which the appellant derives from having a rent-free house provided for him by the bank, brings in nothing which can be reckoned up as a receipt or properly described as income.
Page xi - It is a well established rule that the " subject is not to be taxed without clear words for that purpose, " and also that every Act of Parliament must be read according " to the natural construction of its words.
Page 83 - Effect, and which Warrant so indorsed shall be a sufficient Authority to the Person or Persons bringing such Warrant, and to all Persons to whom such Warrant was originally directed, and also to all Constables or...
Page 199 - London, (the act of God, the queen's enemies, fire, and all and every other dangers and accidents of the seas, rivers, and navigation, of whatever nature and kind soever, excepted,) unto order or to assigns, he or they paying freight for the said goods at 51.
Page 14 - Lords, this is an appeal against an interlocutor of the First Division of the Court of Session in Scotland, dated 14th March, 1958.
Page 89 - Laws as to them shall seem meet for the good Rule and Government of the Borough, and for Prevention and Suppression of all such Nuisances as are not already punishable in a summary Manner by virtue of any Act in force throughout such Borough...