Tooke's Pantheon of the Heathen Gods, and Illustrious Heroes: Revised for a Classical Course of Education, and Adapted for the Use of Students of Every Age and of Either Sex

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E.J. Coale, 1827 - Mythology, Classical - 305 pages

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Page 293 - Extemplo Libyae magnas it Fama per urbes, Fama, malum qua non aliud velocius ullum ; Mobilitate viget, viresque acquirit eundo; 175 Parva metu primo ; mox sese attollit in auras, Ingrediturque solo, et caput inter nubila condit...
Page 28 - He spoke, and awful bends his sable brows, Shakes his ambrosial curls, and gives the nod, The stamp of fate, and sanction of the god : High Heaven with trembling the dread signal took, And all Olympus to the centre shook.
Page 224 - The verdant fields with those of heav'n may vie, With ether vested, and a purple sky — The blissful seats of happy souls below : Stars of their own, and their own suns, they know. Their airy limbs in sports they exercise, And. on the green, contend the wrestler's prize. Some, in heroic verse, divinely sing : Others in artful measures lead the ring.
Page 77 - Of sounding brass ; the polish'd axle, steel. Eight brazen spokes in radiant order flame; The circles gold, of uncorrupted frame, Such as the heavens produce : and round the gold Two brazen rings of work divine were roll'd.
Page 267 - Is beaten by the winds — with foggy vapours bound. Snows hide his shoulders: from beneath his chin, The founts of rolling streams their race begin: A beard of ice on his large breast depends.
Page 199 - O'er whose unhappy waters, void of light, No bird presumes to steer his airy flight; Such deadly stenches from the depth arise, And steaming sulphur, that infects the skies.
Page 50 - That high, through fields of air, his flight sustain, O'er the wide earth, and o'er the boundless main...
Page 33 - Patareaque regia servit ; luppiter est genitor; per me, quod eritque fuitque estque, patet ; per me concordant carmina nervis. certa quidem nostra est, nostra tamen una sagitta certior, in vacuo quae vulnera pectore fecit ! 520 inventum medicina meum est, opiferque per orbem dicor, et herbarum subiecta potentia nobis. ei mihi, quod nullis amor est sanabilis herbis nee prosunt domino, quae prosunt omnibus, artes...
Page 38 - I hung thy sacred fane, Or fed the flames with fat of oxen slain ; God of the silver bow ! thy shafts employ, Avenge thy servant, and the Greeks destroy.' Thus Chryses pray'd: — the favouring power attends, And from Olympus

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