As in the crystal spring I view my face, 30 35 Let other swains attend the rural care, Feed fairer flocks, or richer fleeces sheer: But nigh yon' mountain let me tune my lays, Embrace my Love, and bind my brows with bays. That flute is mine which Colin's tuneful breath Inspir'd when living, and bequeath'd in death; 40 He VER. 39. Colin] The name taken by Spenser in his Eclogues, where his mistress is celebrated under that of Rosalinda. P. VEK. 27. VARIATIONS. Oft in the crystal spring I cast a view, IMITATIONS. P. Naïdes, indigno cum Gallus amore periret ? Virg. out of Theocr. P. VER. 27. Virgil again from the Cyclops of Theocritus, nuper me in littore vidi Cum placidum ventis staret mare, non ego Daphnim, Judice te, metuam, fi nunquam fallat imago. VER. 40. bequeath'd in death; etc.] Virg. Ecl. ii. Eft mihi disparibus feptem compacta cicutis Fistula, Damætas dono mihi quam dedit olim, Et dixit moriens, Te nunc habet ista fecundum. P. P. He said; Alexis, take this pipe, the same Oh! were I made by some transforming pow'r 45 And yet my numbers please the rural throng, 55 60 See what delights in sylvan scenes appear! Descending Gods have found Elyfium here. In woods bright Venus with Adonis stray'd, And chafte Diana haunts the forest shade. Come, lovely nymph, and bless the filent hours, When swains from sheering seek their nightly bow'rs; When weary reapers quit the sultry field, 65 And crown'd with corn their thanks to Ceres yield, C3 This IMITATIONS. VER. 60. Descending Gods have found Elysium here.] Habitarunt Di quoque sylvas - Virg. Et formofus oves ad flumina pavit Adonis. Idem. P. 70 This harmless grove no lurking viper hides, 8. The moving mountains hear the pow'rful call, But fee, the shepherds shun the noon-day heat, The lowing herds to murm'ring brooks retreat, 86 T. VER. 79, 80. VARIATIONS. Your praise the tuneful birds to heav'n shall bear, So the verfes were originally written. But the author, young as he was, soon found the abfurdity which Spenser himself overlooked, of introducing wolves into England. P. IMITATIONS. VER. 80. And winds shall waft, etc.] Virg. P. To closer shades the panting flocks remove; VARIATIONS. 90 VER. 91. Me love inflames, nor will his fires allay. P. IMITATIONS. VER. 88. Ye Gods, etc.] Me tamen urit amor, quis enim modus adfit amori? Idem. P. AUTUMN. THE THIRD PASTORAL, OR HYLAS and ÆGON. To Mr. WYCHERLEY. Eneath the shade a spreading Beech displays, B Hylas and Ægon fung their rural lays, This mourn'd a faithless, that an absent Love, Thou, whom the Nine with Plautus' wit inspire, The art of Terence, and Menander's fire; Whofe This Paftoral confifts of two parts, like the viiith of Virgil: The Scene, a Hill; the Time at Sun-fet. P. VER. 7. Thou, whom the Nine,] Mr. Wycherley, a famous Author of Comedies; of which the most celebrated were the Plain-Dealer and Country-Wife. He was a writer of infinite spirit, satire, and wit. The only objection made to him was that he had too much. However he was followed in the fame way by Mr. Congreve; tho' with a little more correctness. P. |