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disobeying orders, ib. Secretary of state to issue warrants,
to conduct aliens out of the kingdom, ib. Declaration by
masters of vessels of aliens on board, ib. Not to land aliens
till declaration made, ib. Penalty on masters landing aliens,
99. Vessels forfeited, ib. Penalty on neglect to make de
claration, ib. Arms brought by aliens may be seized, 100.
Not to depart from the place of arrival without passport, ib.
Passports may be refused, ib. Aliens changing their abode
to obtain passports, 101. Magistrates may require
passports to be exhibited, ib. Penalty on forging pass-
ports, ib. Penalty on being found at large without licence,
103. If licence refused, party to be committed, ib. If out
of the district, licence forfeited, ib. Fresh licence granted,
if licence lost, ib. Not to quit the realm without passport. Pe-
nalty on masters of ships taking aliens on board, 101. Aliens
not to be arrested for debts contracted abroad, ib. Aliens
may be transported, 106. If aliens escape after sentence, or
be found at large, death, ib. Continuance of act, 107.
Persons exempt from the act, 105.

Aliens, ii. 331, 338.

Allegiance, oath of, iii. 480.

Almanack. See Stamps.

Amendment of matters of form at sessions, iii. 1029. iv. 400.

See Sessions.

Amercement, i. 672. 674. iii. 157.

Anatomising murderers, ii. 855.

Animals, larceny of, ii. 332, 333.

Animals, vicious, iii. 470.

Animus furandi, ii. 326.

Annuities, i. 107.

Apothecaries, iii. 647. See Physicians,
Apparel, injuring of, ii. 349.



Appeal, i. 107. Different natures of appeal, 108. Capital or
not capital, ib. Of death, king cannot pardon, ib. Of ar.
son, of larceny, 109. Of rape, ib. Of mayhem, ib.
what court to be brought, ib. Who may appeal, 110.
Within what time, 111. Where tried, ib. After acquittal
cannot be indicted, 112. Sume judgment as on an indict.
ment, 113. To the sessions, iv. 399.

Apples and pears by what measure to be sold, iv. 1115. See
Weights and Measures.

Apprentices, i. 114. Who may take apprentices, 115. Must
be bound by indenture, ib. Binding to a master who is an
infant, 116. Who may bind themselves, ib. Persons allow
ed to take apprentices, 119. In husbandry, ib. In cities
and corporations, ib. In towns not corporate, 120. In
any place whatever, ib. Jurisdiction of justices of peace to
bind out apprentices, 128. Binding out poor children, ib.
Form of indentures and other proceedings thereon, ib. Who

are compelled to take apprentices, 127. Power of justice
to bind out children of poor persons apprentices to the sea
service, 135. Who may be bound, ib. Age to be inserted
in the indenture, ib. Fee to be paid the master, ib. Pri
vileged from being impressed, ib. Who obliged to take ap
prentices, ib. Master dying, 137. Master to enter the num
ber of apprentices ib. Register to be kept by the collector,
ib. Usage of apprentices, ib. Power of justices in hinding
poor children apprentices to chimney sweepers, ib. Form
of indenture, 138. Register of apprentices bound by the,
overseers to be kept, 141. Penalty for neglect, 142. Ea
tries to be inspected, ib. Form of register, 143. The au
thority of the master over his apprentice, and the interest he
has in his service, 144. Correcting apprentices, ib. Ea-
ticing them away, ib. Impressing apprentices, 145. Ab.
senting themselves, 146. Assigning and turning over ap
prentices to other masters, 147. Form of assignment, ib.
Death of the master before the expiration of the apprentice-
ship, 149. Covenants for maintenance of parish apprentices
how long in force, 151. Within three months justices may
order apprentices to serve the residue of their time, forms of
proceedings, 152. Master becoming bankrupt, 153. As
thority of justices in discharging apprentices, and compelling
masters to refund, 155. Form of proceedings thereon, 1,
What apprentices may be discharged, 160. For what, 161.
How discharged,ib. Complaint of apprentice against the mas
ter, 165. Master against the apprentice, ib. Master to re-
fund, ib. Proceedings thereon, ib. Justices may order ap
prentices clothes to be delivered up, and money paid to place
him out again, 167. May compel parish officers to prose.
cute masters, ib. Masters of certain apprentices may be aned,
168. Justices may discharge apprentices, 169. Proceedings
thereon, ib. Charitable donation for binding apprentices,
170. Stamp duty upon indentures, 171. Necessity of
serving an apprenticeship as a qualification to set up a trade,
173. Form of indictment for exercising a trade, 174. What
shall be sufficient service, 177. Penalty on apprentice en-
listing as a soldier, iv. 587. Masters to entitle them to
claim apprentices to make oath, ib. Form thereof, s.
Masters giving up indentures to receive part of the bounty,
588. Apprentices claimed, to be carried before a justice
and committed, ib.

Approvement in felony and treason, i. 179.

Approvers, i. 179. See Pardon.

Aquavita. See Excise.

Arrack. See Excise.

Army. See Militia and Soldiers.

Armorial bearings. See Assessed Taxes.

Array, challenge of, iii. 95,

Arraignment, i. 182.

Arrest, i. 184. In criminal cases who may be arrested, ib.
In what cases private persons are enjoined by law to arrest
offenders, 185. In what cases private persons are permitted
to arrest, and what will justify their making an arrest, 186.
Arrest in pre-
What are sufficient causes of suspicion, ib.
vention of crimes, 187. What public officers may arrest,
ib. By justices of peace, 188. By sheriffs, ib. By coron-
ers, ib. By constables in case of felony, 189. Iu felonies,
190. By bailiffs of towns, 192. By watchmen, ib. Ar.
rests under a warrant, in what cases a justice may grant a
Form of
warrant, the form, and to whom directed, 193.
How warrant to be executed, 198.
warrant, 195.
ders escaping into another county, ib. Backing warrant
and form thereof, ib. Warrant to be immediately ex-
ecuted, 199. Manner of arresting, 200. Charging offend
ers already in custody, ib. Suffering the party to go at
large, cannot retake him upon the same warrant, 200.
Execution of search warrant, 201. Resisting the arrest, 203.
Where doors may be broke open to make arrest, 206. What
is to be done with the prisoner, 209.

Arrest of judgment, iii. 74.

Arson, ii. 370. See Felony.

Articles of the peace, iv. 709.

Artificers. See Manufactures, and Manufacturers.
Assaults and Batterie, i 211.


What is decraed an assault,
In what cases may be
ib. What is deemed a battery, 212.
justified, 213. How to be justified, 214. In what manner
punished, 215. Different kinds of assaults, 220. Indict-
With intent to rob, ii. 335.
ment for an assault, ib.

Form of warrant for an assault, i. 221. Indictment for a
The like with intent to commit a
common assault, ib.

rape, ii. 419.

Assembly, riotous or unlawful, iii. 925.

Assessed taxes, iv. 739. Table of the duties, iv. 740. Duties
on windows, 741. Rules for charging, 743. Exemptions
Duties on servants, 748.
from. Duties on houses, 745.
Duties on carriages, 752. Duties on horses, class 1. 755.
Duties on horses, class 2. 759, Duties on dogs, 792.
Duties on horse dealers, 763. Duty on hair powder, ib.
Duty on armorial bearings, 764. Allowance in respect of
children, 766. What persons shall be commissioners for
managing the assessed taxes, iv. 768. Powers and qualifi-
cation of commissioners, 5. The first meeting of the
commissioners to appoint the respective subdivisions, and
issue precepts for the appearance of assessors, 774. The
second meeting to appoint assessors, and deliver the charge,
775. Appointment of assessors, ib. Manner of making
the assessments, and of the authority of the surveyors and

inspectors. 782. Assessing the duties on windows and
houses, ib. Assessing the duties on servants—carriages-
horses-dogs-horse dealers-hair powder-armorial heat.
ings and coach makers, 788. The third meeting to sign
the assessment, and warrant to collect, 804. The fourth
meeting, hearing and determining appeals, 808. How the
rates shall be collected and paid over to the receiver general,
815. Receiver-general to pay the money into the exchequer,
828. Transmitting duplicates of the assessments to the receir.
er-general, and into the exchequer, 829. Indemnity of
officers doing their duty, and of their punishment for mis
behaviour, 831. Recovery of the penalties, 835. General
clauses not reducible to any head, 837
Assignees of bankrupt. See Bankrupt.
Assignment of Bankrupt's effects. See Bankrupt.
Assizes, i. 221, Commissions under which the
222. Where the assizes are to be held, 224.
the peace, and sheriffs bound to attend, 226.
Assize of bread, i. 356.

judges sit,

Justices of

Attachment, i. 226. Sessions cannot award an attachment for

a contempt, ib.

Attainder, i. 228.

Attaint, i. 230. See Jurors.

Attainted persons, i. 228.

Attempt to rob, i. 220.

Attorney, i. 231. Who are capable of acting as attornies, ib,
To be bound five years, 232. Admission, ib. Oaths there.
on, ib. Penalty on acting before admitted, ib. Papists may
act, 233. Licence to be taken out, ib. Penalty on acting
without certificate, 234. Clerks articled to attornies, 237.
Stamp duty on articles, ib. Must serve five years, 238.
Duty of an attorney, and his power, 239. Not obliged to
appear for a defendant, ib. Not to become bail in civil
suits, ib. May be bail in criminal cases, ib. Remedy for
his fees, 245. Privileges of an attorney, 246. As to courts
of conscience, 247. When privilege lost, 248. How pun
ished for misdemeanors, ib. No attorney to act as justice
of peace, 236. Officers of franchises not to act, 235 No
attorney to act as under sheriff, ib. Persons convicted of
forgery not to act, 236. No attorney under confinement to
sue, ib. Clerk of the peace, and under sheriffs not to act in
sessions, ib.

Avowry, what, i. 714. See Distress.

Auctions and auctioneers. See Excise.

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Backing warrants, i. 198,679. iii.138. See Warrant and Arrest.
Bail, what, i. 252. Difference between bail and mainprize, ib.
Bail may take up the party, ib. Where a person may be
discharged without bail, ib. In what cases bail is grantable,
253. Who may be bailed, ib. Offences not bailable at
common law, 254. Homicide, ib. Commitments by the
king, 255. By his justices, 256. For the forest, ib. Of
fences not bailable by the statute, ib. Persons who may be
bailed, 258. Where bail may be taken by a justice of peace,
260. Two justices to take bail in felonies, 261. Where one
may, 262. Where by justices of, 263.
Where by the court of King's Bench, ib. Where by the
other courts at Westminster, 266. What shall be deemed
sufficient bail, ib. Taking insufficient bail, 267. Grant-
ing bail where it ought to be denied, ib. Denying, delay.
ing or obstructing bail, where it ought to be granted, 269.
In what form to be taken, ib.

personating bail. See Felony.
Bailiff of sheriffs, iv. 463.

Baker, See Bread.

Ballast from ships not to be thrown into rivers, ii. 721.
Ballast lighters, convicts to be sent to, 426.

Banks, destroying sea banks, i. 306. ii. 375. See Felony.
Bank of England, ii. 375. Frauds by servants thereof, ii.

Bankrupt, etymology, i. 272. What business a man must pursue
before he can be adjudged a bankrupt, 273. Acts of bank-
ruptey,279. The commission and manner of executing it, 283.
Power of the commissioners, 285. Proof of debts, 288. The
assignees, 291. The commissioners assignment, 293., The
bankrupt's examination, 295.. The certificate, 300. The divi-
dend and allowance to the bankrupt in respect thereof, 302.
The supersedeas, 305. Respecting suits at law and equity,

Baron, court, i. 307.

Baron and feme,as accessaries, i. 15. Baron and feme in ge
neral iv. 1119.


Barretry, i. 309. Form of an indictment for common barretry,

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i. 3111. C
Bastard, i. 311.-who are bastards and their rights and incapa
cities, 312. Who though born in marriage, ib. Wife,evidence
of non-access inadmissible, 312. Their rights and incapacities,
315. How bastards are to be provided for, and the duty and
power of a justice of peace, 316, Compelling the reputed fa
ther to indemnify the parish, ib. Form of the proceedings in
bastardy, 316. 318. 319. 320. 321. Order of filiation and
maintenance, 324. Power of two justices, 329. Place of

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