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A Few Dollars Invested on Easy Terms in a

Twin Falls, Idaho, Orchard

will insure

An Income for Life

sufficient to keep a family in comfort. It will pay for a home that is not an expense,

A Source of Revenue


Or, for an investment which will pay from 100% to 500% every year as long as you live, and longer, after it comes into bearing.

By calling at our office or writing us you can obtain full information.


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Our FREE BOOK tells you why Leg-strap appliances and
Spring trusses like shown above CANNOT help you and how
the Cluthe Ball-bearing Self-Massaging Pad STRENGTHENS
the weakened muscles while Holding with ease and CURES
Rupture Waterproof, durable: sent under Garantee Trial.
Remember- NO body-spring, NO plaster, NO leg-strap to
pull pad on pelvic bone Write NOW for this helpful FREE
BOOK with 3500 Public Endorsements on this safe and
Simple Home Cure. When writing, give our box number:-
125 East 23rd Street, New York City

Genuine Tom Watson
Melon Seed

Larger, Sweeter, Better Shipper, Better
Keeper, than any other melon

One-fourth pound, 40c.; one-half pound, 75c.; one
pound, $1.25; five pounds, $6.00

These seed were all grown on Tom Watson's farm by his son,
J. D. WATSON, Thomson, Ga.

In writing to advertisers please mention Watson's.

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A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever


T. Felix Gouraud's Oriental
Cream of Magical Beautifier

Removes Tan, Pimples, Freckles,
Moth Patches, Rash and Skin Dis-
eases, and every blemish on beau-
ty, and defies detection.
It has stood the test of
64 years, and is so harm-
less we taste it to be
sure it is properly made.
Accept no counterteit of
similar name. Dr. L. A,
Sayre said to a lady of
the hautton (a patient):
"As you ladies will use
them, I recommend
the least harmful of all
the skin preparations."
For sale by all druggists
and Fancy-Goods Deal-
ers in the United States,
Canada and Europe.

FERD T. HOPKINS, Prop., 37 Great Jones St., N. Y.


Al-To-Co-Mo Infirmary

Morphine, All Drug Addictions and Alcoholism
Successfully Treated.

I absolutely guarantee to cure, within ten days, Opium, Morphine and Alcohol Addictions by an entirely new method of treatment without Nervousness, Distress or Suffering and I completely control the withdrawal sufferings and my treatment is perfectly harmless and humane. Unconditional guarantee. No Cure, No Pay. Or patient can place his money in bank or with any responsible citizen until a cure is realized. I have no home treatment and do not believe that one case in one thousand is cured by the home method of treatment. I treat all patients at my infirmary and they are under my personal care and direction. Correspondence considered strictly confidential. No barred rooms, but perfect freedom in my treatment to all.

DR. S. C. FROST, Nashville, Tenn. Office, 4201⁄2 Union St.; Infirmary,812 3rd Ave. S.


[blocks in formation]

Read Up on the Utilization of Farm
Waste and Wood Waste by Distillation

A general consideration of the NEW INDUSTRY,
including a full description of the distilling ap-
paratus used and the principle involved, also
method of chemical control and disposal of the
products; first edition illustrated by seventy-four
engravings, 156 pages. This book is cloth bound.
It will be sent to any address postpaid on receipt
of $3.20.

Stills, 5-Gal. Tax-Free, Cost $135.00, pays for itself every month. Alcohol Solidified, 32 Solid Sample Cubes, 194-proof and its Formula, including one Alcohol Stove, postpaid for $2.00. Address Wood Waste Distillieries News Co., Wheeling, W. Va.

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We want to send you this beautiful Oxford Sugar Shell, made by the Rogers Company. We doubt if you can buy this for less than $1.00 at your retail stores. It is made of heavy plate silver. Entire spoon is six inches long, handle is four inches long, beautifully carved and embossed in the Narcissus pattern and finished in the popular grey French style. The bowl is two inches wide, having a beautifully carved and deeply embossed Narcissus in the bottom. It is finished in highly polished silver plate. We guarantee this spoon to be genuine Oxford Silver Plate. We guarantee it to meet your highest expectations. We want to send it to you without cost, except expense of mailing, just to show you the kind of ware it is and to tell you how you can earn a set of six Oxford Silver Tea Spoons just like it without a cent of outlay on your part.


To pay postage, packing, etc., and we will mail you, free of all charges, this excellent Oxford Silver Sugar Shell, postage prepaid. The sugar shell will be yours to keep without another cent cost or without any conditions whatever.

Use the coupon below now before you forget it. We have only a limited number of sugar shells and we may have to withdraw the offer any day. Address all orders to

THE JEFFS, Thomson, Ga.

[blocks in formation]

THE JEFFS, Thomson. Ga.: Enclosed find 10 cents, for which please send me, prepaid, your Oxford Silver Sugar Shell, as advertised in Watson's Magazine.



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Watches and Jewelry



WHY WAIT FOR THAT DIAMOND RING OR WATCH until you have saved the price? BUY NOW AND WEAR WHILE YOU PAY FOR IT. OUR DIVIDED-PAYMENT PLAN PROVIDES THE WAY. No matter how far away you live, or how small your salary or income, WE WILL TRUST YOU. WRITE FOR OUR HANDSOME NEW 1911 CATALOG with beautiful photographic illustrations of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and Novelties. Select any article you would like to own or present to a loved one; it will be sent on approval. A postal brings it.

The Durham Company

22 Edgewood Ave. ATLANTA, GEORGIA

Maplewood, Bethlehem, N. H.

The Social and Scenic Centre, in

the Heart of the White Mountains

A High Class Hotel, Accommodating 500

High Altitude. No Hay Fever. Mountain Spring Water. Excellent Cuisine. Table Supplied with Dairy Products, Poultry, Eggs and Vegetables from Maplewood 700-Acre Farm. Symphony Orchestra. Morning and Evening Music. Dancing. Four Fine Tennis Courts. $45,000 Casino, Seating 1,200, with Spacious Piazzas Overlooking Base Ball, Tennis and Golf Grounds and Commanding Extensive Mountain Views. Billiards, Bowling and Reading Rooms. Attractive Shops. Souvenir and Ladies' Variety Store. Shower Baths. Many New Private Baths. Extensive improvements, including Large Plate Glass Windows in Office and Dining Hall.


Fine Livery. Magnificent Drives. Ample
Garage, with Electricity and Gasoline Sup-
plies. Motor Cars for hire. Saddle Horses for
Riding, under Experienced Expert Teacher.
R. R. Station Maplewood on Hotel Grounds.
American Express. Western Union Telegraph.
Send for Special Folder Describing Twelve
Private Cottages for Rent.

Write for Booklet and Information.
LEON H. CILLEY, Mgr., Maplewood, N. H.
New York City Office: 1180 Broadway.


In writing to advertisers please mention Watson's.

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