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Liquitur, et piceum, nec respirare potestas,
Flumen agit: fessos quatit æger anhelitus artus.
Tum demùm præceps saltu sese omnibus armis
In fluvium dedit. Ille suo cum gurgite flavo
Accepit venientem, ac mollibus extulit undis;
Et lætum sociis ablutâ cæde remisit.


813. Nec est potestas illi respirare

816. Ille fluvius accepit eum venientem cum suo flavo gurgite, ac extulit eum mollibus undis; et remisit eum lætum so ciis, cæde ablutâ.


attack Turnus with such fury that he is unable to maintain his ground. His solid armor of brass is bruised and shattered by the heavy stones hurled at him; his plumes fall from his head; his trusty shield begins to give way; and the enemy to repeat their strokes with redoubled fury, with darts and spears. In this situation, worn out with fatigue, and panting for breath, he flings himself into the Tiber, and returns in safety to his camp.

814. Agit piceum flumen: pours a black pitchy stream. Turnus sweat so copiously that it fell from him in a stream. Mingled

with dust, which would adhere to his body, it became tough and clammy like pitch, and nearly of a similar color. Eger anhelitus. This is such a difficulty of breathing as they have, who are sickly, and asthmatic.

816. Ille suo gurgite. This is extremely beautiful. The poet represents the river god, expanding his gulfy bosom to receive Turnus, and bearing him off in safety upon his waves.

818. Cæde ablutâ: the blood being washed off. Not the blood from any wounds he had received; but from those wounds which he had inflicted.


How is this book distinguished from all the rest?

What does Turnus in the mean time?
Does he attempt to burn the Trojan ships?
What becomes of them?

At whose particular request was this granted to them?

What does Dr. Trapp observe of this passage?

Does he consider it a blemish to the book?
By whom is Turnus roused to arms?
To what does the poet compare the
marching of his troops?

Where does the Ganges empty?
What is its length?

What course does it run?

In what light is it considered by those

who live near it?

Where does the Nile rise?

Where does it empty?

And by how many mouths?

What effect has it upon the fertility of

[blocks in formation]

At the conclusion, what does he recommend to his men?

When does he resolve to attack the camp of the Trojans?

What orders docs he give to be observed during the night?

What is the condition of the Trojans?
What do they in the mean time?

Is there any proposition made to recall Eneas?

By whom was it made?

Who were Nisus and Euryalus?

Had any mention been made of their friendship before?

In what book?

And upon what occasion?

What is the character of this episode?
How many lines does it occupy?

In what state does the poet represent the Rutulian camp during the night?

Which of the two friends is the elder? Do they pass peaceably through the enemy's camp?

What then did they do?

How long did they continue the slaughter?

Did they both make their escape from the camp?

What prevented Euryalus from accompanying Nisus?

By whom was he taken prisoner? Who commanded this troop of horse? Where was Nisus during these transactions?

When he perceived his friend to be missing, what course did he pursue?

Having found him in the hands of the enemy, what did he do? Whom did he kill?

What effect had this upon the mind of Volscens?

By whom was Euryalus slain?

When he found he was about to be killed, did Nisus discover himself?

Did he make any appeal to the enemy upon this occasion?

What was his object in doing this?
Unable to save his life, what resolution

did he take?

Whom did he kill?

Was he slain himself also?

What is the character of this episode?
Is it objectionable in any respect?
What are the principal grounds of objec-

At the return of day, what does Turnus do? In what way did the Trojans learn of the death of Nisus and Euryalus?

What effect had the news upon the mother of Euryalus?

How was she employed at that time? What effect had the sight of his head upon her?

In what light may her lamentation be considered?

What is the character of this sequel? Who among the ancients is said to have greatly admired it?

By what troops was the assault commenced?

What do you mean by the testudo, or target defence?

On what occasion was that used?

What was the character of this assault? Were the enemy repulsed in this attack? What feats of valor did Turnus perform? What effect had the burning of the tower upon the Trojans?

By whom was it set on fire?

After this, was the assault renewed? Was any part of the Trojans, at this time, without the ramparts?

Were they able to defend themselves? What did the sentinels at the gates do in this crisis?

Why did they open the gates?

Who were stationed as guard at the gates?
What was their stature and strength?
Did Turnus enter along with the fugi-

Was he perceived at the time?

Was the gate closed immediately on his entrance?

What feats of valor does he here perform?
Whom does he first kill?

Are the Trojans able to stand before him? What remark does the poet make after the admission of Turnus, and the closing of the gate?

How does the poet account for this want of thought in the hero?

By whom are the Trojans finally rallied, and brought again to the attack?

What becomes of Turnus.

How does he escape from them? Did he receive any injury from the host of weapons sent at him?

By whom was Turnus assisted in his mighty achievements?

Did he return in safety to his troops?


JUPITER calls a council of the gods, and forbids them to assist either side. On this oceasion, Venus makes a very pathetic speech in favor of the Trojans, and entreats Jupiter to interfere in their favor, and not to suffer them to be entirely destroyed. Juno replies in a strain haughty and imperious, and attributes their misfortunes to their own folly and misconduct, and particularly to the conduct of Paris in the case of Helen; and insinuates that Eneas was playing the same game at the court of Latinus. Jupiter concludes their deliberations by a speech, in which he declares he will assist neither party, that success or disaster should attend their own actions.

As soon as Eneas had concluded a treaty with the Tuscans, he hastens his return, accompanied by his allies. On his way he is met by a choir of nymphs: one of whom informs him of the transformation of his ships, of the attack of Turnus upon his camp, of the great slaughter he had made, and the distress to which his friends were reduced. When he arrives in sight of his camp, the Trojans shout for joy; and Turnus resolves to prevent their landing. Leaving a sufficient number to besiege the camp, he marches with the rest of his forces to the shore. Æneas divided his troops into three divisions, and, in that order, effected a landing. Here a general engagement commences, and Eneas performs prodigies of valor. The Arcadians were routed by the Latins. When Pallas perceives them give way, he hastens along the ranks, animates his men, and brings them again to the charge. Here he performs feats of valor. Lausus, who commanded one wing of the Latins, opposed him with equal skill and valor. Arcadian, Tuscan, and Trojan, fell before him.

In the mean time, Turnus, informed of the havoc made by Pallas, determines to attack him in person. He proceeds against the youthful warrior, who, undaunted, meets him with strength and arms unequal.

After the death of Palias, a great slaughter of the Trojans ensues. Æneas, in an other
part of the line, informed of the death of Pallas and the slaughter of his troops, imme-
diately sets out in search of Turims. In his way he kills a great number, and puts to
flight whole ranks. Venus assists the Trojans, and Juno intercedes with her husband
to favor the Latins; but to no purpose. However, he permits her to bear away Turnus
from the fight, and save him from the vengeance of Æneas. The goddess instantly
repairing to the field of battle, assumed the shape and attire of Æneas; and, by a de-
vice of hers, conducted Turnus from the fight. As soon as he was out of danger, the
phantom vanished. Discovering the deception, the hero becomes frantic with rage and
Mezentius succeeds Turnus in command, and makes head against the Trojans. The
fight is renewed with great fury, and he performs feats of valor. Victory, for a time,
seems equally poised. Æneas beholds him thundering along the ranks, prostrating all
who stand before him; and resolves to meet him. Mezentius throws a spear, which,
glancing from the shield of Æneas, kills Antores, who had been the companion of Her-
cules. The spear of Æneas wounds him in turn, but not mortally. In this situation,
Lausus succors his father, and, flinging himself between the combatants, affords him an
opportunity to retire, and, in the pious duty, loses his own life. He retires to the river,
and washes his wound. All his anxiety is for his son, his affectionate, his dutiful Lau-
sus. Messenger after messenger he sends to recall him from the fight. But when he
learns his death, he resolves to return to fall by the hand of Æneas, or to bear off his
spoils. For this purpose, he mounts his faithful courser, arms himself, and rushes into
the field, seeking the victor. The book concludes with the death of Mezentius.

PANDITUR intereà domus omnipotentis Olympi :
Conciliumque vocat Divûm pater atque hominum rex
Sideream in sedem; terras unde arduus omnes,
Castraque Dardanidûm aspectat, populosque Latinos.
Considunt tectis bipatentibus. Incipit ipse:
Calicolæ magni, quianam sententia vobis

Versa retrò? tantùmque animis certatis iniquis?
Abnueram bello Italiam concurrere Teucris :
Quæ contra vetitum discordia? quis metus, aut hos,
Aut hos arma sequi, ferrumque lacessere suasit?
Adveniet justum pugnæ, ne accersite, tempus,


1. Olympi. Olympus is a very high mountain in the confines of Thessaly and Macedonia, whose summit is above the clouds. Hence the poets made it the residence of Jove. Here they assigned him a sumptuous palace. The epithet omnipotens is added by way of eminence; that being the proper epithet of Jove, who had there his residence. The poet here imitates Homer, Iliad, lib. viii.

4. Aspectat: in the sense of despicit. Arduus: in the sense of sublimis.

5. Bipatentibus: opening both ways, to the right and left.

6. Cœlicola: in the sense of Superi. Quianam: in the sense of cur. The meaning is: why have ye changed your purpose of assisting neither party? Why do ye contend with so much animosity? and disregard my prohibition that the Italians should not oppose the Trojans?

8. Abnueram: I had forbidden the Italian nations, &c. This prohibition had not been



5. Super considunt tectis bipatentibus. Jupiter ipse incipit sic

9. Quæ est hæc discordia contra meum vetitum? Quis metus suasit aut hos Italos, aut hos Teucros sequi

mentioned by the poet before. On the contrary, Jove had declared that Æneas should carry on a great war in Italy, bellum ingens geret Italia. En. i. 263. It is probable that the poet would have corrected this passage, if he had lived to revise this part of his works.

10. Lacessere: in the sense of commovere, says Ruæus. Suasit: in the sense of impulit. Arma: by meton. for bellum.

11. Adveniet justum: the proper time for war will arrive, &c. Jove declares in council that the Italians had engaged in the war against the Trojans, contrary to his wish and inclination; that it was his desire Italy should open its bosom, and receive them in friendship and amity. But do not, ye gods, infer hence that I wish they should always escape the calamities of war. time will come in its proper season, nor do ye hasten it, when warlike Carthage shall bring a great destruction upon the Roman towers. Then you may indulge your ani


16. Jupiter dixit hæc paucis verbis.

Cùm fera Carthago Romanis arcibus olim
Exitium magnum, atque Alpes immittet apertas.
Tum certare odiis, tum res rapuisse licebit.
Nunc sinite, et placitum læti componite fœdus.
Jupiter hæc paucis: at non Venus aurea contrà
Pauca refert:

O pater, ô hominum Divûmque æterna potestas!



19. Quid aliud numen (Namque aliud quid sit, quod jam implorare queamus ?) sit, quod Cernis ut insultent Rutuli? Turnusque feratur Per medios insignis equis, tumidusque secundo Marte ruat? non clausa tegunt jam monia Teucros : Quin intra portas, atque ipsis prælia miscent Aggeribus murorum, et inundant sanguine fossæ.

25. Eneas ignarus Æneas ignarus abest. Nunquamne levari

harum rerum abest,

Obsidione sines? muris iterum imminet hostis
Nascentis Trojæ, nec non exercitus alter :
Atque iterum in Teucros Ætolis surgit ab Arpis


mosities, then you may foment discord; but now cultivate harmony, and practice good will toward each other. Carthage was the most powerful rival of Rome. It was a very flourishing and commercial state. The interests of the two nations soon began to interfere, and a war broke out between them. A naval battle was fought off Sicily, in which the Carthaginians were victorious; but the Romans had the advantage by land. A peace was concluded very much to the disadvantage of the former. The Carthaginians gave up all the islands between Africa and Italy, and agreed to pay 2,200 talents annually, for twenty years, to the Romans. This took place in the year of Rome 513. Twenty-four years after this, a second war broke out between the two rival powers. Hannibal was commander-in-chief of the Carthaginians. He led his army into Spain, which he subjugated as far as the Iberus. He thence passed over the Alps into Italy, where he defeated the Romans in several engagements, with great slaughter, and filled Rome itself with fear and consternation; and if he had marched directly to Rome, it would, in all probability, have fallen before his victorious arms. In this juncture of affairs, Fabius Maximus was made dictator; who, by his prudent measures, and, above all, by his declining a general engagement, and protracting the war, in some measure, recovered the Roman affairs. In the mean time, Scipio was sent into Africa to attack Carthage. Hannibal was recalled to defend his country. The Romans, however, were victorious, and Carthage became tributary. The intrepid Hannibal saved his life by fleeing his country. This war lasted seventeen years. In the third Punic war, as it was called, Carthage was utterly rased, under the younger Scipio, in the year of Rome 608.

12. Fera: warlike-fierce.


13. Apertas Alpes. Scaliger thinks per is to be supplied; meaning that the Carthaginians marched through or over the Alps. This to be sure is the true meaning: but the construction will not bear it. We must not throw away the atque. Both Dr. Trapp and Ruæus understand the people of the Alps, whom Hannibal took with him. I can hardly think this to be the meaning. The expression is highly figurative and poetical. It represents Hannibal and his army pouring through the passages of the Alps, as if the mountains themselves were moved or sent against Rome.

14. Tum licebit, &c. The gods are here represented as divided and split into factions and parties. To calm their dissentions, Jove tells them a time will come when they may indulge their passions, and plunder and commit acts of violence. Dr. Trapp thinks the words licebit, &c. refer to the Trojans and Latins, on account of whom the gods were split into factions. It is common for writers, especially the poets, to ascribe the evil actions of men to the gods, under whose influence they were supposed to act. Res: the Roman state. Ruæus says, Trojanas res.

15. Sinite: be quiet-permit it to be so. Componite: in the sense of facite, vel conciliate. Placitum: in the sense of destinatum. Quod placet mihi, says Ruæus.

22. Tegunt: protect-defend.

23. Miscent: in the sense of committunt. 24. Ipsis aggeribus: on the very ramparts of the walls.

27. Nec non in the sense of quoque, vel etiam. Imminet: presses upon-besieges. Ruæus says, instat.

28. Etolis Arpis. Arpi was a city of Apulia. It is called Ætolian from Ætolia, the country of Diomede, who led a colony into that part of Italy, and founded Arpi.

Tydides. Equidem, credo, mea vulnera restant:
Et tua progenies mortalia demoror arma.
Si sinè pace tuâ, atque invito numine, Troës
Italiam petiêre, luant peccata; neque illos
Juveris auxilio. Sin tot responsa secuti,

[blocks in formation]

31. Si Troës petiêre Italiam sinè

33. Sin fecerunt id secuti tot responsa oracu35 lorum, quæ

35. Aut cur quisquam potest condere

39. Nunc etiam Juno

40 movet

Quæ Superi Manesque dabant; cur nunc tua quisquam
Flectere jussa potest? aut cur nova condere fata?
Quid repetam exustas Erycino in litore classes?
Quid tempestatum regem, ventosque furentes
Æoliâ excitos? aut actam nubibus Irim?
Nunc etiam Manes (hæc intentata manebat
Sors rerum) movet et superis immissa repentè
Alecto, medias Italûm bacchata per urbes.
Nil super imperio moveor: speravimus ista,
Dum fortuna fuit: vincant, quos vincere mavis.
Si nulla est regio, Teucris quam det tua conjux
Dura: per eversæ, genitor, fumantia Trojæ
Excidia obtestor; liceat dimittere ab armis
Incolumem Ascanium; liceat superesse nepotem.
Æneas sanè ignotis jactetur in undis;

Et, quamcunque viam dederit fortuna, sequatur:
Hunc tegere, et diræ valeam subducere pugnæ.
Est Amathus, est celsa mihi Paphos, atque Cythera,
Idaliæque domus: positis inglorius armis
Exigat hìc ævum. Magnâ ditione jubeto


He was the son of Tydeus. Turnus sent to him with a view to engage him in the war, but without success, as will appear in the following book. Venus, to aggravate her case, would insinuate that a Grecian army was approaching the Trojan camp under the conduct of great Diomede. This is the hostis, and the alter exercitus, just mentioned.

29. Mea vulnera restant: my wounds remain. Ruæus thinks this is a reference to the wound she received from Diomede, when she rescued Æneas from the encounter with that hero. Iliad, v. 335. And she fears the same thing may happen again. This elucidates the words demoror mortulia arma. But Venus may speak in the name of the Trojans, considering their wounds and sufferings as her own. Demoror: in the sense of expecto.

31. Pace: permission or leave. Pace: in the sense of venia. Numine: in the sense of voluntate.

34. Manesque. This perhaps refers to the predictions and intimations, which Eneas had received from the ghosts of Hector, Anchises and Creusa. Manes, sometimes are taken for the infernal gods. It is here opposed to Superi, the gods above.

35. Flectere: to avert or turn aside. Fata: purposes-decrees. Condere: to make-ordain-appoint. Ruæus says, statuere.

36. In Erycino litore: on the Sicilian



40. Alecto immissa in superis regionibus lu


43. Dum fortuna fuit propitia: illi vincant 45. O genitor, obtestor te per fumantia excidia

52. Ascanius inglo rius exigat ævum nìc, armis positis.

shore. See Æn. v. 660. Where the Trojan matrons, at the instigation of Iris, set fire to their ships. Repetam: in the sense of commemorem.

37. Regem: Eolus king of the winds. See Æn. i.

39. Manes movet. Here Manes plainly means the infernal powers, whom Juno roused up against the Trojans, when she called up Alecto from her dire abode. This was the first time Juno had recourse to the powers below, to assist her in the destruction of the Trojans. This will help us to understand the words: hæc sors rerum manebat intentata. Sors: in the sense of pars.

41. Bacchata: est is understood.

42. Moveor nil: I am not solicitous about empire-I am not moved, &c.

46. Liceat: may it be permitted me to remove (or take) Ascanius, &c.

50. Valeam: I would wish to be ableI could desire to be permitted. Tegere: to protect-rescue.

51. Amathus: gen. amathuntis; a city of the island of Cyprus. Hodie, Limisso. Paphos or Paphus; another city of the same island. Hodie, Paffo. Cythera: neu. plu. an island between the Peloponnesus and Crete. Idalium or Idalia: a city of Cyprus. All these places were sacred to Venus. 52. Domus: in the sense of sedes.

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