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664. Erat-ne ob hoc

Jamque aderit multo Priami de sanguine Pyrrhus, Natum ante ora patris, patrem qui obtruncat ad aras Hoc erat, alma parens, quòd me, per tela, per ignes, 665. Ut cernam hos- Eripis? ut mediis hostem in penetralibus, utque tem in mediis penetra- Ascaniumque, patremque meum, juxtàque Creüsam, libus, utque cernam Ascaniumque Alterum in alterius mactatos sanguine cernam? Arma, viri, ferte arma: vocat lux ultiina victos. 669. Sinite ut revisam Reddite me Danais, sinite instaurata revisam Prælia: : nunquam omnes hodie moriemur inulti. Hic ferro accingor rursus: clypeoque sinistram Insertabam aptans, meque extra tecta ferebam. 673. Conjux Creusa Ecce autem complexa pedes in limine conjux complexa meos pedes in Hærebat, parvumque patri tendebat Iülum. Si periturus abis, et nos rape in omnia tecum: Sin aliquam expertus sumptis spem ponis in armis, 677. Cui parvus Iülus Hanc primùm tutare domum. Cui parvus Iülus, relinquitur; cui tuus pa- Cui pater, et conjux quondam tua dicta, relinquor ? ter; et cui ego relinquor, Talia vociferans, gemitu tectum omne replebat: quondam dicta tua conCùm subitum dictuque oritur mirabile monstrum. Namque manus inter mœstorumque ora parentum,

limine domûs

675. In omnia pericula



chises had said, verse 645, supra, of his find-
ing death by his own hand, or that the ene-
my would take pity on him, and kill him.
Eneas here tells him the door to that death
is open, and easy to come at; for he imme-
diately adds: Jamque Pyrrhus: Pyrrhus
will soon be here from the slaughter of Pri-
am. Servius takes isti for istic, but without
sufficient reason.
Iste, properly, is that of

yours, hic, this of mine.

663. Qui obtruncat: who butchers the son, &c. This álludes to his killing Polites in the presence of his father, and after that atrocious deed, killing the aged monarch, dragged to the altars.

664. Hoc erat: was it for this, dear parent, that, &c. Ruæus says: Hæc-cine erat causa, cùr.

665. Eripis: in the sense of servavisti. Penetralibus: in the sense of domo, vel tecto. See 484, supra.

667. Mactatos: butchered the one in the blood of the other. This part. refers to the three preceding nouns.

668. Lux: in the sense of dies. 670. Prælia instaurata: the fight renewed. Nunquam: in the sense of non.

672. Insertabam: I put my left hand to my shield. fitting it-I fixed my shield upon my left arm. The clypeus was a shield of an oval form, not so large as the scutum. It was usually made of the skins of beasts, and interwoven in such a manner, as to be impenetrable to the missive weapons of the enemy. They carried it upon the loft arm. 674. Tendebatque parvum, &c. The poet ere appears to have had in his view that ing scene between Hector and Andro





mache, in the sixth book of the Iliad, where the circumstances are nearly the same. Andromache expostulates with Hector, as Creusa does with Eneas, and in like manner pleads her future forlorn condition, and that of her child, in case he should abandon them: and to add force to her entreaties, she puts Astyanax into his arms, as Creusa here does Iülus into the arms of Æneas.

675. Et: in the sense of quoque. Rape. in the sense of cape, vel trahe.

676. Expertus: having experience in the art of war-being skilled in war. Ponis you place any, &c.

677. Tutare: in the sense of defende. 678. Quondam: once called your wife. This is a very tender expostulation.

680. Subitum monstrum. This unexpected prodigy, or miracle, is extremely well timed. Had Anchises finally persisted in his resolution, it must have put an end to the poem, by involving Æneas and all his family in one common ruin. He had been urged by all human arguments in the strongest manner, without any avail; what then remained for the poet, but to have recourse to the interposition of the gods, to save his hero in this extremity. This was completely successful. Anchises is convinced of his duty to yield to the present necessity, and to save his life by flight. Oritur: in the of apparet.

G81. Iter minus craque: between the hands and face of his mournful parentswhile they were holding him in their arms, behold, &c.

Ecce levis summo de vertice visus Iüli

Fundere lumen apex, tactuque innoxia molli
Lambere flamma comas, et circum tempora pasci.
Nos pavidi trepidare metu, crinemque flagrantem
Excutere, et sanctos restinguere fontibus ignes.
At pater Anchises oculos ad sidera lætus
Extulit, et cœlo palmas cum voce tetendit :
Jupiter omnipotens, precibus si flecteris ullis,
Aspice nos: hoc tantùm: et, si pietate meremur,
Da deinde auxilium, pater, atque hæc omina firma.
Vix ea fatus erat senior, subitoque fragore
Intonuit lævum, et de cœlo lapsa per umbras
Stella facem ducens multâ cum luce cucurrit.
Illam, summa super labentem culmina tecti,
Cernimus Idæâ claram se condere sylvâ,
Signantemque vias: tum longo limite sulcus
Dat lucem, et latè circùm loca sulfure fumant.


682. Levis apex: the waving tuft, or plume. Apex properly signifies the top, or eminence of any thing. Hence it may mean the top of one's hat, cap, or bonnet, as in En. viii. 664. Vertice: in the sense of capite.

683. Fundere: in the sense of emittere. Innoxia: inoffensive-not hurting him. Tactu. This is the reading of Heyne and Davidson. But Rumus and Valpy read Eractu. Molli: gentle-easy. Heyne has mollis, agreeing with flamma. Most copies

have molli.

684. Lambere: to glide along his hairgently touch it.

685. Nos pavidi : we, trembling for fear, (begin) to bustle about, to shake his flaming hair, and to extinguish the sacred fire with water. Fontibus: in the sense of aqua.

689. Si flecteris: if thou art moved.

691. Firma hæc omina: confirm this omen. The Romans deemed one omen not sufficient, unless it were followed or confirmed by a second. Hence secundus and secundo came to signify prosperous, and to prosper.

693. Lævum intonuit: the left thundered with a sudden peal.

Both the Greeks and Romans considered those omens, that were presented in the eastern part of heaven, to be prosperous or lucky. But the former, in observing the omens, turned their faces to the north., which brought the east on their right hand. The Romans, on the contrary, turned their faces to the south, which brought the east on their left hand. This was therefore a lucky omen. It seconded, or confirmed the former, that is, the lambent flame on the head of Iülus. See Ecl. i. 18. Lævum: an adj.

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of the neu. gender, used as a sub. the same with lava pars cœli.

694. Stella lapsa, &c. Servius applies the several parts of this prodigy as figurative of the events that were to happen to Eneas and his followers. The star is said, condere se Idaa sylva, to fall or hide itself upon mount Ida, to indicate that the Trojans were to resort to that mountain: cum multa luce, with much light, to figure their future glory and dignity signantem vias, the sparkles of fire left behind, intimate the dispersion of his followers, and that they should fix their residence in various parts: longo limite sulcus, marks Eneas' many wanderings, and the length of his voyage: lastly, by the smoke and sulphur, he understands the death of Anchises. The stars do not move from their stations; they are fixed, and remain in the same part of the heavens. Meteors are of common occurrence, and are supposed to consist of electric matter, which in passing from one part of the atmosphere to another, becomes visible. In the language of the vulgar and ignorant, such an appearance is called the shooting of a star. Virgil conforms to this mode of expression. He calls the meteor a star. Facem: a train.

695. Labentem. Ruæus takes this in the sense of cadentem: falling behind the roof of the house. But it may be taken in its usual acceptation, gliding, or passing over the roof: for it appears that the meteor was near, since it filled the air about them with its sulphurous smell.

697. Sulcus: a trail-indented track.The meteor drew after it a trail of light, as it passed through the heavens. It appeared to mark its way or path, which it left luminous behind it.

Hic verò victus genitor se tollit ad auras,
Affaturque Deos, et sanctum sidus adorat:


Jam jam nulla mora est: sequor, et, quâ ducitis, adsum.
Dî patrii, servate domum, servate nepotem.

Vestrum hoc augurium, vestroque in numine Troja est.


Cedo equidem, nec, nate, tibi comes ire recuso.
Dixerat ille et jam per moenia clarior ignis
Auditur, propiùsque æstus incendia volvunt.
Ergò age, chare pater, cervici imponere nostræ :
Ipse subibo humeris: nec me labor iste gravabit.

709. Quòcunque res Quò res cunque cadent, unum et commune periclum, cadent, periclum erit Una salus ambobus erit: mihi parvus Iülus unum, et commune no- Sit comes, et longè servet vestigia conjux. bis ambobus, salus erit una et eadem nobis

Vos, famuli, quæ dicam, animis advertite vestris.

712. Tumulus est iis Est urbe egressis tumulus, templumque vetustum egressis urbe Desertæ Cereris; juxtàque antiqua cupressus, 716. Nos omnes venie- Relligione patrum multos servata per annos. mus ex diverso Hanc ex diverso sedem veniemus in unam.




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702. Patrii Dii. By these we are to understand the guardian gods of Anchises' family; those that his ancestors worshipped; who presided over parental and filial affection. Domum: in the sense of familiam.

703. Hoc augurium est: this omen is yours: Troy is under your protection. This is plainly the meaning of numine in this place. Ruæus says, potestate.

706. Incendia: in the sense of flammæ. Estus: heat.

707. Imponere: 2d person of the imp. be thou placed, i. e. place yourself upon my neck: I will bear you upon my shoulders. Subibo humeris: portabo te humeris, says Ru


Labor: in the sense of pondus.

710. Mihi parvus Iülus. Donatus reads, mihi solus Iülus: let Iülus only be a companion to me. This avoids the too frequent repetition of parvus Iülus, and at the same time shows the prudent caution of Æneas, to secure their flight; since the fewer went together, they would be the less liable to be discovered. Pierius approves this reading. 711. Conjux servct: let my wife observe my steps at a distance-let her stay behind, yet so as to have me in view, that she may not lose her way. The reason for his giv ing this direction was perhaps to prevent discovery, and to diminish the danger of escape by being divided into parties. This reason justifies Æneas. It was proper for the poet to mention this circumstance, to give probability to the account of her being lost. Servius takes longè in the sense of valde. The meaning then will be: let my wife carefully observe my steps. The usual acceptation of longè is the better. The loss

of Creusa is a fine device of the poet. It gave him an opportunity of finishing the catastrophe of Troy from the mouth of Æneas. As soon as he found his wife was missing, he resolves to return in search of her. He carefully retraces his footsteps, visits his own house, which was now in flames, and searches for her in the most frequented parts of the city. In the course of his search, he sees the spoils collected together in the temple of Juno, and the Grecian guards standing around. Unable to find her in any of these places, he calls her by name, and makes the streets resound with Creüsa. Her ghost met him, solaced his mind, unfolded to him the purposes of the gods, and encouraged him to look for more prosperous times. She tells him that in the land destined him by fate, a royal bride awaited him.

712. Advertite: turn with your minds to those things which I shall say. This is equivalent to, advertite vestros animos ad ea, quæ dicam.

714. Desertæ Cereris.

deserted, is added to Ceres, on account of her This epithet of by Pluto; or on account of the state of her being deprived of her daughter Proserpine worship, which was then neglected, her priest having been slain. Ruæus understands it as referring to her temple: an ancient temple of Ceres deserted. He interprets deserta by, desertum, agreeing with templum. See Ecl. v. 79.

715. Relligione: by the religious veneration of our ancestors. Servala agrees with antiqua cupressus. Juxtà: near-near by.

716. Ex diverso: the same as ex diversis viis. Sedem: in the sense of iocum.

Tu, genitor, cape sacra manu, patriosque Penates.
Me, bello è tanto digressum et cæde recenti,
Attrectare nefas; donec me flumine vivo



Hæc fatus, latos humeros subjectaque colla Veste super, fulvique insternor pelle leonis, Succedoque oneri: dextræ se parvus Iülus Implicuit, sequiturque patrem non passibus æquis. Ponè subit conjux. Ferimur per opaca locorum: Et me, quem dudum non ulla injecta movebant Tela, neque adverso glomerati ex agmine Graii, Nunc omnes terrent auræ, sonus excitat omnis Suspensum, et pariter comitique onerique timentem. Jamque propinquabam portis, omnemque videbar 730 Evasisse viam; subitò cùm creber ad aures


717. Sacra: the holy, or sacred utensils; such as were used in offering sacrifices, and in other ceremonies of religious worship: neu. plu. of sacer, used as a sub. Heyne thinks sacra here, and in verse 293, supra, means the images of the gods; thus making it the same with Penales. The reader must judge for himself. His words are: Sacra et Penates possunt pro eadem re haberi: et sic de Deorum simulacris, etiam de Penatibus ipsis.

Penales. This word is derived probably from penus, which signifies all kinds of food or provisions for the use of man. The Penies were usually worshipped in the interior part of the house. Their number is not known, nor is it certain what gods were so denominated. Some reckon Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, among the Penates; others, Neptune and Apollo; others again, Calus and Terra: and Arnobius reckons ihe Dii Consentes, or Complices, among their number. There were three orders of the Dii Penates. Those that presided over kingdoms and provinces, were called solely Penales: those that presided over citics only, were called Dii Patrii, domestic gods, or gods of the country: those that presided over particular houses and families, were called Parvi Penates.

It is not certain under what shape or figure they were worshipped. Some suppose it was under the figure of a young man sitting and holding a spear. It is said that Dardanus introduced them from Samothracia into Troy, and that Eneas took them with him into Italy. See Geor. ii. 505. 719. Nefas me: it is unlawful for me, having come, &c. In like manner, Homer makes Hector say he was afraid of performing religious worship to Jupiter, while his hands were polluted with blood, Iliad vi. 334. It was the custom of the Greeks and Romans, and most other nations, to wash their hands, and sometimes their whole bo

718. Nefas esset me digiessum

722. Fatus hæc, insternor super latos humeros, subjectaque colla

726. Et nunc omnes auræ terrent, omnis sonus excat me, et reddit me suspensum, et pariter timentem comitique, onerique; me, inquam, quem dudum non ulla injecta tela, neque Grai

dies in water, before they performed acts of religion, especially if they had been pollu ted with bloodshed. On such occasions they were obliged to use pure water, like that of fountains or running water. Hence Eneas says: Donec abluero me vivo flumine until I shall have washed myself in pure or living water. Flumine: in the sense of aqua. Bello in the sense of pugnâ.

722. Insternor super: I am covered upon my broad shoulders and bended neck with a garment, &c.-I cover myself, &c. This use of the verb answers to the middle voice of the Greeks. So imponere: be thou placed place thyself; verse 707, supra. Subjecta. in the sense of submissa.

723. Succedo oneri. The meaning is: 1 take my father upon my shoulders-I place myself under the load.

725. Opaca locorum: the same as opaca loca. Or the word spatia may be understood, connected with opaca, and governing locorum.

727. Glomerati ex adverso: collected together in hostile array. Here we have a very beautiful image of our hero's pious and filial affection. With unshaken fortitude he faced the greatest dangers, when his own person only was exposed: now every appearance of danger strikes him with terror, on account of his dear charge. Adverso: in the sense of hostili.

729. Suspensum: in the sense of solicitum. 730. Videbar, &c. Rumus interprets the following words by, excessisse ex omnibus viis; which appears entirely inadmissible. The meaning is that he seemed to have escaped all the danger of the way; when, to his surprise, a frequent sound of feet suddenly struck his ears.

731. Viam. This is the common reading. Heyne, at the suggestion of Markland, reads vicem, in the sense of periculum; which is preferable, if we had sufficient authority for the substitution.

Visus adesse pedum sonitus: genitorque per umbram 733. Hostes propin- Prospiciens, Nate, exclamat, fuge, nate: propinquant Ardentes clypeos atque æra micantia cerno.


735. Hic malè ami- Hic mihi nescio quod trepido malè numen amicum cum numen, necio quod Confusam eripuit mentem. Namque avia cursu numen, eripuit mihi tre- Dum sequor, et notâ excedo regione viarum : pido

138. Conjux Creüsa Heu! misero conjux fatone erepta Creüsa substitit; incertum eft, Substitit, erravitne viâ, seu lassa resedit, erepta-ne misero fato, Incertum: nec pòst oculis est reddita nostris. erravit-ne viâ, seu Nec priùs amissam respexi, animumve reflexi, Quàm tumulum antiquæ Cereris, sedemque sacratam Venimus hic demum, collectis omnibus, una Defuit; et comites, natumque, virumque fefellit.

741. Nec respexi, reflexive animum, eam esse amissam, priùsquàm venimus ad


743. Uxor una defuit Quem non incusavi amens hominumque Deorumque ? Aut quid in eversâ vidi crudelius urbe ? Ascanium, Anchisenque patrem, Teucrosque Penates 748. Recondo eos, in Commendo sociis, et curvâ valle recondo.

750. Stat sententia re

novare omnes

Ipse urbem repeto, et cingor fulgentibus armis. Stat casus renovare omnes, omnemque reverti 755. Ubique est hor- Per Trojam, et rursus caput objectare periclis. ror; simul ipsa silentia Principio, muros, obscuraque limina portæ, noctis terrent animos. Quà gressum extuleram, repeto: et vestigia retrò Inde refero me domum, Observata sequor per noctem, et lumine lustro. Horror ubique animos, simul ipsa silentia terrent. Inde domum, si fortè pedem, si fortè tulisset,

ut viderem, si fortè, si fortè Creüsa tulisset pedem huc.


732. Umbram: in the sense of tenebras. 734. Cerno: I see their glittering shields and gleaming brass. Era: brazen armour. 735. Male: in the sense of non. Male amicum in the sense of inimicum vel infestum.

736. Confusam mentem. His mind was confused, and in a state of perturbation, for fear that something might befall him in his retreat. He had retained his presence of mind so far as to make good his escape in the best possible manner. Now, on a sudden, he loses all recollection; he forgets himself; he knows not what he does: he is deprived of that presence of mind which he had hitherto retained, by some unfriendly deity. In consequence of this he left the plain rond, taking the by-paths: nor did he recollect to look back to see if his wife was following him.

Avia an adj. agreeing with loca understood; out of the way: from the ordinary or common way. Of a, privativum, and via. 737. Nota regione viarum: simply, from the known or beaten way.

738. Misero fato. Some render misero, with mihi understood. But miser signifies that which makes miserable, as well as simply, miserable. In this sense it may be connected with fato: distressing fate. When thus construed, it hath a peculiar force. Both Ruæus and Heyne say, misero mihi.

741. Reflexi animum: turned back my






mind-reflected. Heyne reads ve. The common reading is que. 742. Tumulum. The hill, or eminence, on which the temple of Ceres was situated. See 714. supra.

745. Quem hominumque: whom both of men and gods did I not blame? Amens: distracted in mind-deprived of my reason: of a, privativum, and mens.

747. Teucros: in the sense of Trojanos. 750. Stat. Sententia, or some word of the like import, is understood: my purpose is fixed: I am resolved. While the mind is in doubt and uncertainty, it reels to and fro from one thing to another, fluctuat, vacillat: but when it is determined and resolved, then it stands still; it is at rest. Casus: in the sense of pericula. Reverti: in the sense of redire.

752. Limina: threshold-entrance. 753. Extuleram gressum: where I had come out. A phrase.

754. Lumine. Lumen properly signifies light: it also signifies an eye. In this last sense, Ruæus takes it, and interprets it by oculis. It is perhaps better to understand it of the light occasioned by the conflagration of Troy. In this case, sequor, &c. may be rendered I follow back my footsteps observed in the darkness, and search them out by the light of the flames. Davidson agrees with Ruæus.

756. Si fortè, si fortè: if by chance, if by

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