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dictated them to France. Europe receives them (the French decrees) for her code, and the code shall be the Palladium of the seas."

On the 2d of November 1810 the President of the United States issues a Proclamation solemnly asserting that the French decrees are repealed. On the 13th December 1810, nearly six weeks after the date of the American assertions, the Emperor of France as solemnly declares that these same decrees are not repealed, neither shall be until England acknowledges that neutral flags make free goods; that is to say, until she submits to a doctrine repugnant to all the received laws and usages of civilized nations, a doctrine to which it is not in the power of Buonaparte, aided by his vassals throughout the world, to enforce her obedience. The American Executive and the French Executive are at issue upon this point,-the one asserts that the decrees are, the other declares that they are not repealed. accipe.

Utrum horum mavis,


No. 2 Hudson Square, New-York, 20th March, 1811.



Plan of the present work, 1-Mr. Walsh's "Letter," &c. 2.

Political Picture of Europe at the close of 1810, 3.

ANECDOTE of French lawyer, 4-supposed causes of the French

Revolution, 5—Edinburgh Review, 5—Mr. Burke, 5--real causes

of that event, 6-pre-existing state of society in continental Eu-

rope, 6-individual and national effects of popery, 6-contrast

between protestant and popish countries, 7-Mr. Villers, 7–

Frederic the Second of Prussia, 8-declension of protestantism

into deism, 8-practical identity of deism and atheism, 9-why

infidels worse in christian than in pagan countries, 10-Lord

Bolingbroke, 10-existing state of society in continental Europe

used by the politicians and philosophers of France, 10-great and

general profligacy in revolutionary France, 11-anecdote thereof,

11-contrast between France and England in their respective

revolutions, 12-dialogue between a French philosopher and an

American statesman, 13-M. de la Harpe, 13—Mr. Jefferson,

13-Captain Trowbridge, 13-three distinct revelations to man,

14-at the flood, 14-the coming of Christ, 14-the reformation,

14-probable, impending revolution of all continental Europe,

15-different process in Britain, 15-England, 15-Scotland, 15

-Ireland, 16-state of, as to morals, 16—why the fundamental

doctrines of christianity not lost in Britain, 17-Frederic the Se-

cond of Prussia and a Polish clergyman, 17-the same jacobin-

atheistic experiment in Britain, failed, 18-in the United States,

succeeded, 18-Temple of Truth, 18-religious reaction, 19-T.

Paine's "Age of Reason," 19-jacobinism in England, 19-Ire-

land, 19-United States, 20-in France and other countries, 20-

Richlieu, 21-Louvois, 21-Buonaparte, 21-French foreign and

domestic system, 22-misery and profligacy of France increased

by the revolution, 23—“Literary Panorama, 24-Colonel Pink-

ney, 24-Mr. Charles Sturt, 24-M. Gellert imprisoned, 24-

interior of France, 25-price of wheat in the different depart-

ments, 25-French metropolis, 25-women, 25-immorality, 25

-blasphemy, 25-interior of Holland, 26-irreligion, 26-Am-

sterdam, 27-Lyons, 28-christianity in France, 28-M. Talley-

rand, Buonaparte, and the Pope, 28-bishop of Amiens, 29-

popish clergy, 29-the low countries, 30-foundlings in France,

30-interest of money there, 30-probable reaction of continental

Europe,31--present power of France, 31--Mr. Fox, 31--Mr. Broug

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ham,31--Mr. Walsh,31--parallel between ancient Rome and modern

France, 32-between Carthage and Britain, 32-real state of

Carthage, 33-of Britain, 33-Mr. M'Arthur, 33-Buonaparte,

34-long continued ambition of France, 35—the Bourbons, 35-

Henry the Fourth, 35-Louis the Fourteenth, 35-French revo-

lution, 36-Publicola Chaussard, 36-Federative republics, 36-

Confederation of the Rhine, 36-treaties of Ryswick, 37-Aix

la Chapelle, 37-Amiens, 37-proof references, 37-counter-

checks to the power of France, 38-in her internal decay 38-

1st. her conscription system, 38-its effects, 39-its anticipation,

39-its deficit, 39-Spain, 40-Austria, 40-treaties of Presburgh

and Tilsit, 40—Buonaparte's 30th Bulletin, 41-battles of Elsin-

gen and Wagram, 41-treaty of Vienna, 41-war in the peninsula,

42-2d. want of courage in the French soldiers, 42-celebrated

French general's proposition as to the valor of nations, 43--En-

glish, 43-Irish, 43-Scottish, 43-Welsh, 43-American, 43-

French, 43-anecdote of Austrian and French intrepidity, 44-

superior talents of French generals and politicians, 44-corrup-

tion of Austrian cabinet and army, 45-of Prussian court and

soldiery, 46-French mode of outnumbering their assailants, 46-

battle of Jena, 46—of Talavera, 47-military and political talents

of Buonaparte, 47-Quarterly Review, 48-floating proverb in

Europe, 48-reluctance of French people to join the army, 48—

Suvarof and his Russians, 48-French troops sink under a re-

verse of fortune, 49-allied armies in the peninsula, 49-3d. ruin

of productive industry in France, 49-disorder of her finances,

50-agriculture, 50-manufactures, 51-commerce, 51-popula-

tion, 51-public debt, 51-taxation, 52-scheme of finance, 52-

plunder destroys reproduction, 52-depreciation of French na-

tional currency in 1796-1807, 53-report of French minister of

finance in 1810, 53-French army, 53-marine, 53—naval witti-

cism, 54-reply of Napoleon to Electoral college of Dordogne in

1810, 55-its meaning, 55—how to make a nation young, 56-old

age of Britain, 56-armies of republican Rome, 56—financial dif-

ficulties of France, 57-uniform tendency of despotism, 58.

den, 67-Tyrol, 67—Austria, 67-decree of King of Prussia, 68

Spaniards and Portuguese, 69-probable issue of their pre-

sent conflict, 69—governments fall, but a whole people never, 70

-Persia, 71-Austria, 71-Spain, 71-Roman and Moorish wars

in the peninsula, character of the Spaniards by the British, and

by the French, 72-Buonaparte's invasion of Spain, 73-Moni-

teur, 73—Austrian war, 74-progress of French armies in Spain,

75-defensible state of the peninsula, 76-number of French who

have perished in the contest, 77-how is Spain to be conquered?

78-Spanish "precautions," 78-devastation of the peninsula, 79

-decree of Joseph, dated October 1810, 80-no Spanish armies

under the French banner, 80-Spanish women kill the French

soldiers, 81-effects of a democracy in revolutionary and in quiet

seasons, 82-effects of occasional war upon nations, 83-past and

present state of Spain, 84-character and conduct of the Portu

guese, 85-Sir John Moore, 85-Edinburgh Annual Register, 86

-Earl of Buckinghamshire, 87-effects of Spanish success in

the present conflict, 87-opinion of Mr. Burke on Spain, 88-

positions of Mr. Walsh examined, as to the conduct of the Span-

iards, 89-desertion from the French armies in the peninsula, 91

-military and numerical population of France diminished, 92-

Mr. Malthus, 92-Sir James Steuart, 92-proportion of French

military population in arms, 93-the real point at issue between

those who contend that France will, and those who insist that she

will not subdue the whole of Continental Europe, 93-probable

effect of Buonaparte's death on the world, 94-Spain, 95-Hol-

land, 95-Sir Francis Walsingham, 95—what effect will the con-

quest of Spain have on Britain? 96-the Spanish-American colo-

nies, 96their emancipation, 97.


for 1807-1808, 119-net produce of permanent taxes in Great-

Britain for 1805—6—7—8—9—10, 120-public expenditure of

Great Britain in 1805-6-7-8-9, 120-of Ireland for 1808—9,

122-expenditure, how supported, 123-war and peace-trade in

Britain, 123-price of freight in Britain, 125-her tonnage in

1784-1805, 125-her imports and exports in 1784-1805, 126—

difference between official and real value, 127—Sir F. M. Eden,

127-British Imports and exports in 1800, 127-from 1788 to

1809, 128-Irish Imports and Exports for 1805-6-7—8—

British exports and Orders in Council for 1810, 129—trade be-

tween Britain and the United States in 1806-7-8-9, 130—

and between Britain and all other parts of America during the

same period, 131-dependance of the world on Britain, 132— in-

dependence of Britain on the world, 133-her home and colonial

resources, 135-number of vessels built and registered in Britain

from 1804 to 1810, 137-number of vessels belonging to Great-

Britain and Ireland from 1803 to 1810, 138-internal or home

trade of Britain, 139-Meux's brewery, 140-British Manufac-

tures, 140-their extent and morality, 140—their annual amount,

141-wool and woollen trade, 141-number of sheep in England

and France, 141-amount yearly of English wool, 142-annual

value of British woollens, 142-their exports from 1790 to 1810,

142-woollen systems in England three, the master-clothier, the

factory, and the domestic, 143-machinery, 143—apprenticeship,

145-annual value of Yorkshire woollens, 146—quality of British

woollens, 146-Brissot, 146—King of Sardinia, 147-American

war, 147-Highland Society, 147-Dutch woollens, 147-mix-

ture of Spanish and British wool in cloth, 148-the proportions,

148-Lord Somerville, 148-Dr. Parry, 149-quantity of wool an-

nually imported into Britain, 149-quality of British wool deteri-

orated, 150-improvements in Scottish Highlands, 151-Lord

Selkirk, 152-Spanish Merino-wool naturalized in Britain, 153——

quality of British wool improved, 154-Agriculture in Britain, 155

great recent improvements in, 156-total acres of England,

Scotland and Wales, how employed, 156-Scottish farmers,

157-English and Irish farmers, 157-Farming Society of Ire-

land, 158-agriculture ancient and modern of Scotland, 158-im-

portations of grain into Britain, from United States, and other

countries, 159-great increase of grain-growth in Britain, 160-

improved state of British poor, 161-their condition from Henry

8th to George 3d, 162-number of paupers, 163-progress of

poor's rate, public revenue, exports, and population of England,

from 1673 to 1803, 164-number of paupers, vagrants, &c. 165

-proportion of poor in the different counties, 166—in London,

166-better condition of British poor, 167-in food, raiment,

health, &c. 168-average price of labor and provisions in Bri-

tain, from 1790 to 1804, 169-Mr. Burke, 169-Dr. Smith, 169

-poor laws of England, their impolicy, 170-Mr. Malthus, 170

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