PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, Nos. 58-64 Cornhill, Boston, PUBLISH AND OFFER FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING WORKS, WHICH WILL BE SENT, POSTPAID, ON RECEIPT OF THE SUMS AFFIXED. COMMENTARIES (Critical and Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol. Grammatical) OF C. J. ELLICOTT, The Commentaries of Prof. Ellicott supply an urgent want in their sphere of criticism. Prof. Stowe says of them, in his Notice to the Commentary on the Galatians: "It is the crowning excellence of these Commentaries that they are exactly what they profess to be, -critical and grammatical, and therefore in the best sense of the term, exegetical His results are worthy of all confidence. He is more careful than Tischendorf, slower and more steadily deliberate than Alford, and more patiently laborious than any other living New Testament critic, with the exception, perhaps, of Tregelles." "They [Ellicott's Commentaries] have set the first example in this country [England] of a thorough and fearless examination of the grammatical and philological requirements of every word of the Sacred Text. I do not know of anything superior to them, in their own particular line, in Germany; and they add, what, alas! is so seldom found in this country, profound reverence for the matter and subjects on which the author is laboring; nor is their value lessened by Mr. Ellicott's having confined himself for the most part to one depart ment of a commentator's work, the grammatical and philological." - Dean Alford. COMMENTARY ON GALATIANS. With an Introductory Notice by C. E. STOWE, Professor in Andover Theological Seminary. 8vo. pp. 183. $1.75. "We have never met with a learned commentary on any book of the New Testament so nearly perfect in every respect as the Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians, by Prof. Ellicott, of King's College, London - learned, devout, and orthodox." - Independent. "We would recommend all scholars of the original Scriptures who seek directness, luminous brevity, the absence of everything irrelevant to strict grammatical inquiry, with a concise and yet very complete view of the opinions of others, to possess themselves of Ellicott's Commentaries." - American Presbyterian. COMMENTARY ON EPHESIANS. 8vo. pp. 190. $1.75. COMMENTARY ON THE PASTORAL EPISTLES. 8vo. pp. 265. $2.50. THE SET in five vols., tinted paper, cloth extra, bevelled edges, gilt tops. $12.00. HENDERSON ON THE MINOR PROPHETS. THE BOOK OF THE TWELVE Minor Prophets. Translated from the Original Hebrew. With a Commentary, Critical, Philological, and Exegetical. By E. HENDERSON, D.D. With a Biographical Sketch of the Author, by E. P. BARROWS, Hitchcock Professor in Andover Theological Seminary. 8vo. pp. 490. $4.00. "This Commentary on the Minor Prophets, like that on the Prophecy of Isaiah, has been highly and deservedly esteemed by professional scholars, and has been of great service to the working ministry. We are happy to welcome it in an American edition, very neatly printed." - Bib. Sacra. "The American publisher issues this valuable work with the consent and approbation of the author, obtained from himself before his death. It is published in substantial and elegant style, clear white paper and beautiful type. The work is invaluable for its philological research and critical acumen. The notes are learned, reliable, and practical, and the volume deserves a place in every theological student's library."- American Presbyterian, etc. "This is probably the best Commentary extant on the Minor Prophets. The work is worthy of a place in the library of every scholar and every diligent and earnest reader of the Bible." --Christian Chronicle. MURPHY ON GENESIS. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Genesis, with a new Translation. By JAMES G. MURPHY, LL.D., T.C.D., Professor of Hebrew, Belfast. With a Preface by J. P. ТноMPSON, D.D., New York. 8vo. pp. 535. $3.50. "The most valuable contribution that has for a long time been made to the many aids for the critical study of the Old Testament is Mr. Draper's republication of Dr. Murphy on Genesis, in one octavo volume. Dr. Murphy is one of the Professors of the Assembly's College at Belfast, and adds to a thorough knowledge of the Hebrew, and of the science of interpretation, great common sense, genuine wit, and admirable power of expression. Hence his commentary is racy and readable, as well as reliable. No volume will be more useful to those who have been troubled by the Colenso criticisms; and no man has pricked the bubble of that inflated bishop with a more effectual and relieving wound than Dr. Murphy. It is a good deal to say of a commentary, but we say it in all sincerity, that this volume furnishes about as fascinating work for one's hours for reading as any volume of the day, in any department of literature; while its general influence will be salutary, and effective for the truth." - [Congregationalist.] "Dr. Thompson, in the preface, commends this work as a timely antidote to much of the negative and destructive criticism upon the Pentateuch." Dr. Murphy is an Irish Presbyterian, who has prepared several books which show high scholarship and patient research; and this book proves him to be a devout and believing Christian. His handling of Colenso's difficulties shows his Irish wit, as well as his learning and logic. The translation here given is very beautiful, and in such explicit language as to be a rich commentary. of itself, while the abundant and rich information given in the notes charms the reader on with more than the zest of fiction. The volume reads more like a book of critical his tory, and must have a decided popularity in this country. - [Boston Recorder] Commentary on Genesis, embodying the results of the latest investigations and criticisms, and treating the record fairly and in a Christian spirit, has long been needed. We think the want is here excellently well supplied. Dr. Murphy is evidently at home in Hebrew criticism. He is soundly orthodox' in his own doctrinal views. He rejects, with the contempt they deserve, the absurd glosses and inventions of rationalist theologians, whether German or English; and he is not afraid to stand loyally by all the demands of the original record, strictly interpreted. We do not hesitate to say that his exposition of the first chapter of Genesis satisfies our own mind better than any other we have ever seen. He holds that the days of creation were literal days; a sufficient interval of time, as he thinks, being implied between the first and second verses of the chapter for all those immense effects which Geologists claim to trace, and the work of the six days being simply the preparation of the earth's present surface for its present inhabitants. The author's views on this, as on other points, may not commend themselves to all classes of teaders; yet we think that with such abatements as those who differ from him may feel compelled to make, the work will be found, upon the whole, much the best commentary on Genesis now extant." - [Christian Times and Witness.] POND'S PASTORAL THEOLOGY. Lectures on Pastoral Theology. By ENOCH POND, D.D., Professor in Bangor Theological Seminary. 12mo. pp. 395. $1.75. "We are glad to notice a new edition of 'Lectures on Pastoral Theology, by Rev. Dr. Pond, of the Theological Seminary in Bangor, Me., first published twenty years ago. These lectures have been almost entirely rewritten, and several of them bave been modified in important respects. A valuable feature of the book is its practical character: pastoral duties and relations, and questions which are likely to perplex the minds of young ministers, especially, being treated with minuteness and plainness. Clear common sense -a rare quality - and a correct view of the mutual relations of pastor and people are characteristics of every lecture; and the devout spirit pervading the treatment of the many subjects is what we should naturally expect from the author." - [Congregationalist.] W ORKS OF ARCHBISHOP WHATELY. Published under the sanction of the author, from his latest revised editions. ESSAYS ON SOME OF THE DIFFICULTIES IN THE WRITINGS OF ST. PAUL. 12mo. pp. 397. Cloth extra, gilt tops. $2.00. "Dr. Whately's writings are characterized by sound thought and solid judgment. Clear and solid sense is his peculiar characteristic. He is often ingenious, generally candid, almost always plain and transparent. He sometimes fails in acuteness, as is seen in the third Essay of the present volume, where, as we think, he fails to apprehend the exact idea of Election'; still, he is more sharp-sighted than the majority of writers on theological topics. We regard the present volume as, on the whole, the ablest of his theological works. It deserves the faithful study of every clergyman. Dr. Whately is one of those authors who can be as profitably read by those who do not agree with him as by those who do. The religious opinions of a writer who earned so eminent a name in the department of logic and rhetoric, and who had so great skill in the practical affairs relating to the state as well as the church, cannot be without peculiar interest to the theologian. - [Bib. Sac.] ON SOME OF THE PECULIARITIES OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION. 12mo. pp. 264. Cloth extra, gilt tops. Nearly ready. HISTORIC DOUBTS CONCERNING NAPOLEON. 12mo. pp. 48. WORKS OF MOSES STUART, late Professor in Seminary. Andover Theological COMMENTARY ON THE EPISTLE TO THE ROMANS. Third Edition. Edited and revised by PROF. R. D. C. ROBBINS. 12mo. pp 544. $2.25. "His Commentary on the Romans is the most elaborate of all his works. It has elicited more discussions than any of his other exegetical volumes. It is the result of long-continued, patient thought. It expresses, in clear style, his maturest conclusions. It has the animating influence of an original treatise, written on a novel plan, and under a sense of personal re sponsibility. Regarding it in all its relations, its antecedents and consequents, we pronounce it the most important Commentary which has appeared in this country on this Epistle.-Bib. Sacra. "We heartily commend this work to all students of the Bible. The production of one of the first Biblical scholars of our age, on the most important or all the doctrinal books of the New Testament, it deserves the careful study, not only of those who agree with Prof. Stuart in his theological and exegetical principles, but of those who earnestly dissent from some of his views in both respects."-Watchman and Reflector. "This contribution by Prof. Stuart has justly taken a high place among the Commentaries on the Epistle to the Romans, and, with his other works, will always be held in high estimation by the student of the Sacred Scriptures."- New York Observer. COMMENTARY ON THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS. Edited and re vised by PROF. R. D. C. ROBBINS. 12mo. pp. 570. $2.25. "It is a rich treasure for the student of the original. As a commentator, Prof. Stuart was especially arduous and faithful in following up the thought and displaying the connection of a passage, and his work as a scholar will bear comparison with any that have since appeared on either side of the Atlantic."-American Presbyterian. "This Commentary is classical, both as to its literary and its theological merits. The edition before us is very skilfully edited by Professor Robbins, and gives in full Dr. Stuart's text, with additions bringing it down to the present day."- Episcopal Recorder. "We have always regarded this excellent Commentary as the happiest effort of the late Andover Professor. It seems to us well-nigh to exhaust the subjects which the author comprehended in his plan."- Boston Recorder. COMMENTARY ON THE APOCALYSE. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 504, 504. $4. COMMENTARY ON THE BOOK OF PROVERBS. 12mo. pp. 432. $1.75. "This is the last work from the pen of Professor Stuart. Both this Commentary and the one preceding it, on Ecclesiastes, exhibit a mellowness of spirit which savors of the good man ripening for heaven; and the style is more condensed, and, in that respect, more agreeable, than in some of the works which were written in the unabated freshness and exuberant vigor of his mind. In learning and critical acumen they are equal to his former works. No English reader, we venture to say, can elsewhere find so complete a philological exposition of these two important books of the Old Testament."-Bib. Sacra. COMMENTARY ON ECCLESIASTES. Second Edition. Edited and revised by R. D. C. ROBBINS, Professor in Middlebury College. 12mo. pp. 346. $1.50. The Introduction discusses the general nature of the book; its special design and method, diction, authority, credit, and general history; ancient and modern versions, and commentaries. The Commentary is strictly and minutely exegetical. MISCELLANIES. pp. 369. 12mo. $1.00. CONTENTS. I. Letters to Dr. Channing on the Trinity. - II. Two Sermons on the Atonement. - Sacramental Sermon on the Lamb of God. - IV. Dedication Sermon.-Real Christianity. - V. Letter to Dr. Channing on Religious Liberty. - VI. Supplementary Notes and Postscripts. CRITICAL HISTORY AND DEFENCE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT CANON. 12mo. pp. 450. $1.50. The Author thus states the purpose he had in writing this book: Referring to Norton's EVIDENCES OF THE GENUINENESS OF THE GOSPELS, he says: "It is not my design in the present work to review at length and controvert all the positions of Mr. Norton. ... My intention is to confine myself, in the main, within the limits of a critical and historical view of the Jewish Canon of Scripture in the days of Christ and his apostles, and to show that this Canon as received by the Jews at that time, was declared by our Saviour and his apostles to be of divine origin and authority, and was treated by them as entitled to these claims." HEBREW GRAMMAR: Translated from Gesenius. 8vo. $1.00. 4 CLASSICAL WORKS AND TEXT-BOOKS. BATEMAN'S QUESTIONS ON KUHNER'S ELEMENTARY GREEK GRAMMAR; with Modifications and Notes by S. H. TAYLOR, LL.D., Principal of Phillips Academy. 12mo. pp. 57. Paper covers, 40 cents. These questions are designed to aid the pupil in making his knowledge of the principles of the Grammar more definite, and in fixing them more permanently in his mind. Teachers also will derive much assistance from their use. POLITICAL ECONOMY. Designed as a Text-book for Colleges. By JOHN BASCOM, A.M., Professor in Williams College. 12mo. pp. 366. $1.50. "It goes over the whole ground in a logical order. The matter is perspicuously arranged under distinct chapters and sections; it is a compendious exhibition of the principles of the science without prolonged disquisitions on particular points, and it is printed in the style for which the Andover Press has long been deservedly celebrated." Princeton Review. DÖDERLEIN'S HAND-BOOK OF LATIN SYNONYMES. Translated by Rev. H. H. Arnold, B.A., with an Introduction by S. H. TAYLOR, LL. D. New Edition, with an Index of Greek words. 16mo. pp. 267. $1.25. "The present hand-book of Döderlein is remarkable for brevity, distinctness, perspicuity, and appositeness of its definitions. It will richly reward not merely the classical, but the general student for the labor he may devote to it. It is difficult to open the volume, even at random, without discovering some hint which may be useful to a theologian..... From the preceding extracts it will be seen that this hand-book is useful in elucidating many Greek as well as Latin synonymes." -Bib. Sacra. "This little volume, mentioned above, introduced to the American public by an eminent Scholar and Teacher, Samuel H. Taylor, LL. D., is one of the best helps to the thorough appreciation of the nice shades of meaning in Latin words that have met my eye. It deserves the attention of teachers and learners, and will amply reward patient study." - E. D. Sanborn, late Professor of Latin in Dartmouth College, RUSSELL'S PULPIT ELOCUTION. Comprising Remarks on the Effect of Manner in Public Discourse; the Elements of Elocution applied to the Reading of the Scriptures, Hymns and Sermons; with Observations on the Principles of Gesture; and a Selection of Exercises in Reading and Speaking. With an Introduction by PROF. E. A. PARK and Rev. E. N. KIRK. 413 pp. 12mo. Second Edition. $1.50. "Mr. Russell is known as one of the masters of elocutionary science in the United States. He has labored long, skilfully, and successfully in that most interesting field, and has acquired an honored name among the teachers and writers upon rhetoric. It is one of the most thorough publications upon the subject, and is admirably addressed to the correction of the various defects which diminish the influence of pulpit discourses. It is already an established authority in many places." - Literary World. HEBREW ENGLISH PSALTER. Containing the Hebrew and Eng lish, in parallel colmuns, versified in both languages. The Hebrew text is according to Hahn, versified according to Rosenmüller; the English is the common version, but arranged line for line with the Hebrew, forming a very convenient manual for those wishing to become familiar with the Hebrew. 16mo. $1.50. HEBREW PSALTER. 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