We regret that we are obliged to omit a large part of what we had intended to publish on the work, but our readers will gain a fair idea of the work from its description of the celebrated German philosopher, Schopenhauer, who died at Frankfort in 1860. He is correctly described as "gloomy," "snappish," " irritable," " suspicious," "jealous," " self-conceited." He usually called his fellows of the race, not "men," but "bipeds." He asserted that he was not a man-hater but a man-despiser." He says: "I have lifted the veil of truth further than any mortal before me; but I should like to see the man who could ever boast of being begirt with worse contemporaries than I have had." "In this world there is very much that is very bad, but the worst thing in it is society." "The jabber of companies of men is as profitless as the idle yelping of packs of hounds." These are fair specimens of his ordinary conversation. He died suddenly, with his Indian Bible, the Oupnekhat, lying on the table, and the gilded statuette of Gotama Buddha on the mantel-piece. Of this inveterate pessimist and misanthrope, Mr. Alger says, that if the Christian heaven be a verity, pardon cannot be wanting to him; he is there with the Saviour: "if that heaven be the dream he thought it, why then he is where he aspired to be, with Kapila, Sakya Muni, and the other conquering kings of mind, blent in the unknown destiny of the All, clasped in the fruition of Niruána" (pp. 358-365). The entire volume is characterized by this spirit of indifference or opposition to the evangelical system. It is written with freshness of style, and an affluence of information, is replete with interesting and curious statements; but its religious character is unhealthful. THE FATHERHOOD OF GOD, considered in its General and Special Aspects, and particularly in Relation to the Atonement; with a Review of Recent Speculations on the Subject. By Thomas J. Crawford, D.D., Professor of Divinity in the University of Edinburg. Second edition, revised and enlarged, with a Reply to the Strictures of Dr. Candlish. 16mo. pp. 450. Edinburg and London: William Blackwood and Sons. 1867. This work contains able refutations of the theories of Maurice, Campbell, Robertson, Young, and Bushnell on the atonement. Its chief value consists in these refutations. In his first edition Professor Crawford calmly criticised certain views of Dr. Candlish on the Fatherhood of God; in the present edition he responds to Dr. Candlish's reply. Dr. Crawford writes with precision and dignity. His present volume will reward a thoughtful study. THE SILENCE OF SCRIPTURE. By the Rev. Francis Wharton, D.D., LL.D., Rector of St. Paul's Church, Brookline, Mass. pp. 122. Boston: E. P. Dutton and Co. 1867. "Archbishop Trench speaks of the Bible's silence as being more expressive than other books' speech; and Dr. Wordsworth, of the silence of revelation as itself inspired; and Dr. Arnold, of inspiration being marked by what it does not say, as well as by what it does." This volume proposes " to take up for exposition and application some of the points in which this silence may be observed:" "to notice the practical inferences to be drawn from the silence of scripture in some of those instances in which this silence is most marked." The volume treats of the silence of scripture in regard to the Creation of the World, the Origin of Evil, Divination, Liturgy, Creeds, The Virgin Mary, The Lord's Personal Appearance and its Relations. The style of Dr. Wharton is clear and strong. He gives many felicitous illustrations of just and sound principles. He often introduces original sentences which are apothegms. His book merits an extensive sale. HISTORY OF BROWN UNIVERSITY: with Illustrative Documents. By Reuben Aldridge Guild, Librarian of the University. Author of Life, Times, and Correspondence of James Manning, etc. 8vo. pp. 443. Providence, R. I. 1867. This is a superbly printed volume, adorned with twelve engravings, and reflecting great honor on the Providence press. Among other records it contains an historical sketch of the University, an account of its library, of its charter, of its finances, of its buildings, of its commencement exercises from 1770 to 1866. It thus unfolds the germs of the history of the State of Rhode Island, and also of the Baptist denomination in the United States. It is accurate in its minutiae, and gives various striking illustrations of the large influences flowing from particular measures and particular individuals. The names of all the benefactors of the college, and of all the students who were engaged in the recent war are here recorded, and many rare documents are here preserved from oblivion. Mr. Guild has given to other colleges an example which they may well copy. He has also shown the great value of a faithful librarian to a university. THE AENEID OF VIRGIL, translated into English Verse, by John Conington, M.A., Corpus Professor of Latin in the University of Oxford. pp. 482. New York: W. J. Middleton. 1867. A lively and graceful translation, suggesting in an eminent degree the beauty and sprightfulness of the original. THE PROGRESS OF DOCTRINE IN THE NEW TESTAMENT, considered in Eight Lectures delivered before the University of Oxford, on the Bampton Foundation. By Thomas Dehany Bernard, M.A., of Exeter College, and Rector of Walcot. From the second London edition, with improvements. 12mo. pp. 258. Boston: Gould and Lincoln; New York: Sheldon and Co.; Cincinnati: G. P. Blanchard and Co. 1867. This is a highly valuable treatise, showing that "the progress of doctrine through all church history is a progress of apprehension by man, not of communication by God." ESSAYS, PHILOSOPHICAL AND THEOLOGICAL. By James Martineau. 12mo. pp. 424. Boston: William U. Spencer. 1866. Comte's Life and Philosophy; John Stuart Mill; Nature and God; Science, Nescience, and Faith; Mansel's Limits of Religious Thought; Cerebral Psychology: Bain; Revelation - What it is not, and What it is; Personal Influences on our Present Theology: Newman, Coleridge, Carlyle; Theology in its Relation to Progressive Knowledge, - these are the titles of the nine essays comprising Mr. Martineau's volume. They are powerfully and brilliantly written. Sometimes they fail in precision of style, often in accuracy of thought, but almost always they are indicative of genius in their author. After the appearance of this American volume Mr. Martineau sent to the London Inquirer the following important communication: "In your 'Literary Notes' of last week, mention is made of a volume of Essays, published with my name by Mr. W. V. Spencer, of Boston, United States. In your enumeration of the contents, I observe an essay entitled 'Revelation What it is not, and What it is.' Will you allow me to say that I have no claim to the authorship of that profound paper? Last year the publisher sent me for correction a list of essays which he attributed to me, and from which he proposed to make up the present volume. In that list the paper on Revelation' is not mentioned, so that I had no means of saving the author from an unhappy mistake of his identity." CHARLES WESLEY, seen in his finer and less familiar Poems. 16mo. pp. 398. New York: Hurd and Houghton. 1867. We are delighted to see this volume, edited as it is by so competent a scholar as Rev. Frederic M. Bird. It exalts our estimate of Charles Wesley. We have seen various criticisms condemning Mr. Bird's republication of Mr. Wesley's celebrated Polemics, entitled "Universal Redemption," "The Horrible Decree," " Predestination," etc (pp. 186-213). But they are of historical value, and they illustrate Mr. Wesley's misapprehensions of the Calvinistic doctrines, and the importance of our not encouraging such misapprehensions. We hope that Mr. Bird will favor the public with still larger results of his hymnological researches. STUDIES IN THE GOSPELS. By Richard Chenevix Trench, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin. 16mo. pp. 326. New York: Charles Scribner and Co. 1867. It is needless to say that this volume will interest the student of the Bible. Dr. Trench is a man of such various learning that he will gain a larger number of educated readers than he would have if he were more profound. DISCOURSES ON THE LORD'S PRAYER. By Caleb Webb. 16mo. pp. 176. London: Houlston and Wright. An interesting volume. HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION IN EUROPE in the Time of Calvin. By J. H. Merle D'Aubigné, D.D., author of the History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, etc. Vol IV., England, Geneva, France, Germany and Italy. pp. 491. New York: Robert Carter and Brothers. Our readers are familiar with the preceding volumes of this history, as well as with the other works of its author. He dissents from Mr. Froude in regard to various items of history, and particularly in regard to the character of Henry VIII. THE APOCRYPHAL GOSPELS, and other Documents relating to the History of Christ. Translated from the Originals in Greek, Latin, Syriac, etc., with Notes, Scriptural References, and Prolegomena. By B. Harris Cowper, editor of the Journal of Sacred Literature, etc. 16mo. pp. 456. London and Edinburg: Williams and Norgate. 1867. The study of the Apocryphal Gospels suggests some of the strongest arguments for the inspiration of the New Testament. BIBLE PICTURES, or Life-Sketches of Life-Truths. By George B. Ide, D.D., author of "Battle Echoes," etc., etc. 12mo. pp. 437. Boston: Gould and Lincoln; New York: Sheldon and Co.; Cincinnati: G. S., Blanchard and Co. 1867. THE MASSORETH HA-MASSORETH OF ELIAS LEVITA; being an Exposition of the Massoretic Notes on the Hebrew Bible; or the Ancient Critical Apparatus of the Old Testament. In Hebrew, with an English translation and critical and explanatory notes. By Christian D. Ginsburg, LL.D. 8vo. pp. 307. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer. 1867. CHRISTIAN HOME-LIFE: A Book of Examples and Principles. 16mo. pp. 228. Boston: American Tract Society. HINTS AND THOUGHTS FOR CHRISTIANS. By Rev. John Todd, D.D. 16mo. pp. 260. New York: American Tract Society. We have received from the house of Robert Carter and Brothers, New York, the following new publications, of which the two volumes of Dr. Guthrie deserve especial attention. They are of great practical worth. OUT OF HARNESS. Sketches, Narrative and Descriptive. By Thomas Guthrie, D.D., editor of Sunday Magazine. 16mo. pp. 388. OUR FATHER'S BUSINESS. By Thomas Guthrie, D.D., editor of the Sunday Magazine. 16mo. pp. 278. HELENA'S HOUSEHOLD. A Tale of Rome in the First Century. 12mo. pp. 422. YESTERDAY, TO-DAY, AND FOREVER. A Poem in Twelve Books, by Edward Henry Bickersteth, M.A., Incumbent of Christ Church, Hampstead, and Chaplain to the Bishop of Ripon. 16mo. pp. 447. |