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And violation of all fayth and troth
Sworne to vs in your younger enterprise.

King. Thefe thinges indeed, you haue articulate,
Proclaymed at market croffes, read in churches,
To face the garment of rebellion,

With fome fine colour that may please the eye
Of fickle changelings, and poore discontents,
Which gape, and rub the elbow at the newes
Of hurly burly innouation:

And neuer yet did infurrection want

Such water colours, to impaint his caufe;
Nor moody beggars, ftaruing for a time,


Of pel-mell hauocke and confufion.

Prin. In both your armies, there is many a foule
Shall pay full dearely for this encounter.

If once they ioyne in tryall, tell your nephew,
The prince of Wales doth ioyne with all the world
In prayfe of Henry Percy: by my hopes

This prefent enterprise set of his head,
I doe not thinke a brauer gentleman,

More actiue, more † valiant, or more valiant young,
More daring, or more bold, is now aliue,
To grace this latter age with noble deedes:
For my part, I may fpeake it to my fhame,
I haue a trewant been to chiualrie,

And fo I heare hee doth account mee too;
Yet this before my fathers maieftie,

I am content that he fhall take the ods

Of his great name and eftimation,

And will, to faue the blood on either fide,

Trie fortune with him in ‡ fingle fight.

King. And prince of Wales, fo dare we venture thee, Albeit, confiderations infinite



† more omitted.

in a.


Doe make againft it: no good Worcester, no,
Wee loue our people well; euen those we loue
That are mifled vpon your coofens part:
And will they take the offer of our grace,
Both hee, and they, and you, yea euery man,
Shall Be my friend againe, and Ile be his :
So tell your coofen, and bring me word,
What he will doe, But if he will not yeeld,
Rebuke and dread correction waite on vs,
And they fhall doe, their office. So be gonn,
We will not now be troubled with reply, .
We offer faire, take it aduifedly.

Exit Worcefter.

Prin. It will not be accepted, on my life, The Douglas and the Hotspur both togeather, Are confident against the world in armes.

King. Hence therefore, euery leader to his charge, For on their anfwere will we fet on them;

And God befrend vs, as our cause is iuft.

Exeunt. Manent přin. Fal.

Fal. Hal, if thou fee me downe in the battell

And beftride me so, tis a point of friendship.

Prin. Nothing but a Coloffus can doe thee that friendship.

Say thy prayers, and farewell.

Falf. I would it were bed time Hal, and all well.

Prin. Why? thou oweft God a death.

Falf. T'is not due yet, I would be loth to pay him before his day: what need I be fo forward with him that cals not on me? well, tis no matter, honour pricks me on: yea, but how if honour prick me off when I come on? how then can honour fet to a leg? no, or an arme? no, or take away the griefe of a wound? no, honour hath no skill in surgerie then? no: what is honour? a word: what is that word ́honour? aire a trim reckoning. Who hath it? he that died a Wednefday? doth he feele it? no: doth he heare it? no: tis in



fenfible then? yea, to the dead: but will it not liue with the liuing no: why? detraction will not fuffer it, therefore Ike none of it; honour is a meere skutchion? and fo ends my catechifme.

Enter Worcester, and fir Richard Vernon.

Wor. Ono, my nephew muft not know,, fir Richard The liberall kind offer of the king.

Ver. T'were beft he did.

Wor. Then are we all vndone,

It is not poffible, it can not be,

The king would keepe his word in louing vs,
He will fufpect ys ftill, and find a time,
To punish this offence in others faultes;
Suppofition, all our liues, fhall be ftucke full of eyes;

For treafon is but trufted like the foxe,

Who neuer fo tame, fo cherifht, and lockt vp,

Will haue a wilde tricke of his ancesters:"
Looke how he † can, or fad or merrily?
Interpretation will mifquote our lookes,
And we shall feed like oxen at a stall,
The better cherifht, ftill the nearer death.
My nephewes trefpaffe may be well forgot,
It hath the excufe of youth, and heat of blood,
And an adopted name of priuiledge,

A haire-braind Hotspur, gouerned by a spleene,
All his offences liue vpon my head,

And on his fathers. We did traine him on,
And his corruption being tane from vs.

We as the spring of all, fha! pay for all:
Therefore good coofen, let not Harry know
In any cafe, the offer of the king.

* other.


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Enter Hotspur.

Ver. Deliuer what you wil, Ile fay tis fo. Here comes

your coofe

Hot. My vncle is returnd,

Deliuer vp my lord of Westmerland:

Vncle, what newes?

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War. The king will bid you battell presently.
Dowg. Defie him by the lord of Weftmerland.
Hot. Lord Douglas, goc you and tell him fo.
Dowg. Marry and fhall, and * very willingly.

Wor. There is no feeming mercy in the king.

Hot. Did you beg any? God forbid.
Wor. I told him gently of our grieuances,

Of his oath-breaking: which he mended thus,
By now forfwearing that he is forfworne,
He cals vs rebels, traytors, and will scourge
With hawty armes, this hatefull name in vs.

Enter Dowg.

Exit Dowg.

Dowg. Arme gentlemen, to armes, for I haue throwne A braue defiance in king Henries teeth;

And Westmerland that was ingag'd did beare it,

Which can not chufe but bring him quickly on.

Wor. The prince of Wales ftept foorth before the king,

And nephew, challeng'd you to fingle fight.

Hot. O, would the quarrell lay vpon our heads, And that no man might draw fhort breath to day, But I and Harry Monmouth: tell mee, tell mee, How fhewd his talking? feemd it in contempt ?

Ver. No, by my foule, I neuer in my life. Did heare a challenge vrg'd more modeftly,

⚫ and omitted.


Vnleffe a brother should a brother dare
To gentle exercife and proofe of armes.
He gaue you all the duties of a man,
Trimd vp your prayfes with a princely tongue,
Spoke your deferuings like a chronicle,
Making you euer better then his prayse,
By ftill difprayfing prayfe, valued with you:
And which became him like a prince indeed,
Hee made a blushing citall of himselfe,

And chid his trewant youth with fuch a grace,
As if he maftred there a double fpirit

Of teaching, and of learning inftantly:
There did he paufe; but let me tell the world,
If he out-liue the enuie of this day,
England did neuer owe so sweete a hope,
So much mifconftrued in his wantonneffe.
Hot. Coofen, I thinke thou art enamored
On his follies: neuer did I heare
Of any prince fo wilde at libertie:
But be he as he will, yet once ere night,

I will imbrace him with a fouldiers arme,
That he shall shrinke vnder my curtefie.

Arme, arme with fpeed, and fellow's fouldiers, friends,

Better confider what you haue to doe,

That I that haue not well the gift of tongue,

Can lift your blood vp with perfwasion.

Enter a messenger.

Me. My lord, here are letters for you.
Hot. I cannot read them now.

O, gentlemen, the time of life is short;
To spend that shortneffe bafely, were too long:
If life did ride vpon a dials poynt,

Still ending at the arriuall of an houre,

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