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In earth as quiet as thy fathers fcull.

In proofe whereof there is my honours pawne,
Ingage it to the tryall if thou darst,

Fitz. How fondly doft thou spurre a forward horfe.
If I dare eate, or drinke, or breath, or liue,

I dare meet Surry in a wilderneffe,

And fpit vpon him whilft I fay he lyes,


And lyes, and lyes: there is my bond of fayth,
To tie thee to my ftrong correction:

As I intend to thrive in this new world,
Aumerle is guiltie of my true appeale.
Besides, I heare the banished Norfolke say:
That thou Aumerle didft fend two of thy men
To execute the noble duke of ‡ Callice.

Aum. Some honest christian trust me with a gage,
That Norfolke lyes, heere do I throw downe this,
If he may be repeald to try his honour?

Bull. These differences fhall all reft vnder gage,
Till Norfolke be repeald, repeald he shall be,
And though mine enemie, reftor'd againe

To all his lands and fignories: when he is return'd,
Against Aumerle we will inforce his triall.

Carl. That honorable day fhall neuer § be seene:
Many a time hath banifht Norfolke fought
For Iefus Chrift, in glorious chriftian field,
Streaming the enfigne of the chriftian crosse,
Against blacke Pagans, Turkes, and Saracens,
And toyld with workes of warre, retir'd himselfe
To Italy, and there at Venice gaue

His body to a pleasant countries earth,

And his pure foule vnto his captaine Chrift,
Vnder whofe colours he had fought so long.

# the. † intended.

A a 2

§ ne'ere.


Bull. Why bifhop, is Norffolke dead?

Carl. As fure as I liue, my lord.

Bull. Sweet peece conduct his fweet foule to the bofome Of good old Abraham: lords appellants,

Your differences fhall all reft under gage,

Till we affigne you to your dayes of triall.

Enter Yorke.

Yorke. Great duke of Lancaster, I come to thee,
From plume-pluckt Richard, who with willing foule
Adopts thee heire, and his high fcepter yeelds
To the poffeffion of thy royall hand :
Afcend his throne, defcending now from him,
And long liue Henrie, fourth of that name *.
Bul. In Gods name, Ile afcend the regall throne.
Carl, Marry God forbid.

Worst in this royall prefence I may fpeake:
Yet best beseeming me to fpeake the truth:
Would Godany in this noble prefence.
Were enough noble to be vpright iudge
Of noble Richard: then true nobleneffe would
Learne him forbearance from fo foule a wrong.
What fubiect can giue fentence on his king?
And who fits heere that is not Richards fubie&t?
Theeues are not iudged, but they are by to heare,
Although apparant guilt be feene in them:
And shall the figure of Gods maiestie,
His captaine, fteward, deputie, elect,
Annointed, crowned §, planted many yeares,

Be iudg'd by fubie&t ** and inferior breath,

And he himselfe not prefent? oh forfend †† it God,

That in a christian climate foules refinde,

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Should fhew fo hainous blacke obfcene a deede.
I speake to fubiects, and a fubiect speakes,
Stird vp by God thus boldly for his king.
My lord of Hereford here whom you call king,
Is a foule traitor to proud Herefords king,
And if you crowne him, let me prophesie,
The blood of Englifh fhall manure the ground,
And future ages groane for his foule act,
Peace shall goe fleepe with Turkes and infidels,
And in this feate of peace, tumultuous wars
Shall kin with kin, and kind with kind confound:
Disorder, horror, feare and mutinie,

Shall heere inhabit, and this land be cald

The field of Golgotha and dead mens skuls.

Oh if you raise + this house against his ‡ house,
It will the wofulleft diuifion prooue,

That euer fell vpon this curfed earth:

Preuent it, resist it, and let it not be so,

Least child, childs children crie against you woe.

North. Well haue you argued fir, and for your paines,
Of capitall treason, we arrest you here:

My lord of Westminster, be it your charge,
To keepe him fafely till his day of triall.

May it pleafe you lords, to graunt the common fuite,
Fetch hither Richard, that in common view

He may furrender, fo we shall proceed without fufpition.
Yorke. I will be his conduct.

Bul. Lords, you that are here, are under our arreft,
Procure your fureties for your daies of anfwere;

Little are we beholding to your loue.

And little looke for at your helping hands.

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Entér king Richard.

Rich. Alacke why am I fent for to a king,
Before I haue fbooke off the regall thoughts
Wherewith Iraignd; I bardlie yet have learnt

To infinuate, flatter, bow, and bend my limbes * ?
Giue forrow leave a while to tutor me † to this submission:
Yet I well remember the fauours of these men,

Were they not mine? did they not fometimes crie al haile
To me? fo Iudas did to Chrift; but he in twelue,
Found truth in all but one; I in twelue thoufand none:
God faue the king, will no man Jay amen:

Am I both priest and clarke; well then, amen.

God faue the king, although I be not hee,
And yet amen, if heauen do thinks him mee:

To do what feruice am I fent for hither:

Yorke. To do that office of thine owne good will,
Which tired maieftie did make thee offer;

The refignation of thy ftate and crowne
To Harry Bullingbrooke.

Rich. Seaze the crowne ‡.

Heere coofin, on this fide my hand, and on that fide yours:
Now is this golden crowne like a deepe well,

That owes two buckets filling one an other,
The emptier euer dauncing in the ayre,
The other downe vnfeene, and full of water:
That bucket downe, and full of teares, am 1,
Drinking my griefe, whilft you mount vp on high.
Bul. Ithought you had been willing to refigne ?
Ric. My crowne I am, but still my griefes are mine:

You may my glories and my ftate depofe,

But not my griefes, ftill am I king of those.

Bul. Part of your cares you giue me with your crown.


† to returne. ‡ Give metbe crown bere coufin.


Rich. Your cares fet vp, do not plucke my cares down:
My care is loffe of care, by old care done,

Your care is gaine of care by new care won :
The cares I giue, Ihaue, though giuen away,
They tend the crowne, yet still with me they stay.
Bul. Are you contented to refigne the crowne?
Rich. I, no no I, for, I muft nothing bee,
Therefore no no, for I refigne to thee,
Now marke me how I will undoe my felfe:
I giue this heauie waight from off my head,
And this unweildie fcepter from my hand,
The pride of kingly fway from out my heart:
With mine owne teares I wash away my balme *,
With mine owne hands I giue away my crowne,
With mine owne tongue denie my facred state,
With mine owne breath release all duties rites †,
All pompe and maieftie I doe forfweare,
My mannors, rents, reuenewes I forgee,
My actes, decrees, and ftatutes I denie.
God pardon all oathes that are broke to me,
God keepe all vowes unbroke that fweare to thee:
Make me that nothing haue, with nothing grieud,
And thou with all pleafd, that haft all atchieud:
Long mayft thou liue in Richards feat to fit,
And foone lie Richard in an earthly pit :
God faue king Harry vnkingd Richard faies,
And fend him many yeeres of fun-fbine daies.
What more remaines ?

North. No more, but that you read
Thefe accufations, and these grieucus crimes,
Committed by your person, and your followers,
Against the ftate and profite of this land;

#blame. + duteous orbes. ‡ are made,

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