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That carries me in furie to a deede

Of high defert, of honour, and of armes.

A boone (O kings) a boone doth Philip begge
Proftrate vpon his knee: which knee shall cleaue
Vnto the fuperficies of the earth,

Till France and England grant this glorious boone.
John. Speake Philip, England grants thee thy request.
Phil. And France confirmes what ere is in his power...
Baft. Then duke fit faft, I leuell at thy head,
Too base a ransome for my fathers life.
Princes, I craue the combate with the duke
That braues it in difhonour of my fire..

Your words are past, nor can you now reuerfe
The princely promise that reuiues my foule,
Whereat me thinkes I fee his finewes fhake;
This is the boone (dread lords) which granted once
Or life or death are pleasant to my foule;

Since I fhall liue and die in Richards right.

Lym. Bafe baftard, mifbegotten of a king,

To interrupt thefe holy nuptiall rites.

With brawles and tumults to a dukes difgrace;
Let it fuffice, I fcorne to ioyne in fight,
With one fo farre vnequall to my felfe.

Baft. A fine excufe, kings if you will be kings,
Then keepe your words, and let vs combate it.
John. Philip, we cannot force the duke to fight,
Beeing a fubiect vnto neither realme:

But tell me Auftria, if an English duke

Should dare thee thus, wouldst thou accept the challenge? Lym. Elfe let the world account the Auftrich duke

The greateft coward liuing on the earth.

John. Then cheere thee Philip, lohn wil keep his word, Kucele down, in fight of Philip king of France,


And all these princely lords affembled here,
I gird thee with the fword of Normandie,
And of that land I do inueft thee duke:
So fhalt thou be in liuing and in land
Nothing inferiour vnto Auftria.

Lym. K. Iohn, I tell thee flatly to thy face,

Thou wrong'ft mine honour and that thou mai'ft fee
How much I fcorne thy new made duke and thee,

I flatly fay, I will not be compel'd:

And fo farewell fir duke of lowe degree,

Ile finde a time to match you for this geare.

John. Stay Philip, let him goe, the honours thine.
Baft. I cannot liue vnleffe his life be mine.


2 Elia. Thy forwardnes this day hath ioy'd my foule, And made me thinke my Richard liues in thee.

K. Phil. Lordings let's in, and spend the wedding day In maskes and triumphs, letting quarrels ceafe.

Enter a Cardinall from Rome.

Card. Stay king of France, I charge thee ioyn not hands With him that stands accurst of God and men.

Know John, that I Pandulph cardinall of Millaine, and legate from the fea of Rome, demand of thee in the name of our holy father the Pope Innocent, why thou do'ft (contrary to the lawes of our holy mother the church, and our holy father the Pope) disturb the quiet of the church, and difanull the election of Stephen Langhton, whom his holineffe hath elected archbishop of Canterburie: this in his holineffe name I demaund of thee?

Ioh. And what haft thou or the Pope thy mafter to do to demand of me, how I imploy mine own? know fir priest, as I honor the church and holy church-men, fo I fcorne to be fubiect to the greatest prelate in the world. Tell thy mafter


fo from me, and fay, John of England faid it, that neuer an Italian prieft of them all, fhal either haue tythe, tole, or polling peny out of England; but as I am king, so will I raigne next vnder God, fupreame head both ouer spiritual and temporall: and he that contradicts me in this, Ile make him hop headlesse.

K. Phil. What K. Iohn, know you what you fay, thus to blafpheme against our holy father the Pope?

Ioh. Philip, though thou and all the princes of Christendome fuffer themfelues to be abus'd by a prelates flauery, my mind is not of fuch bafe temper. If the Pope will bee king of England, let him win it with the fword, I know no other title he can alleadge to mine inheritance.

Card. John, this is thine anfwer?

John. What then?

Card. Then I Pandulph of Padua, legate from the apoftolike fea, doe in the name of Saint Peter and his fucceffor our holy father Pope Innocent, pronounce thee accurfed, discharg ing euery of thy fubiects of all dutie and fealtie that they doe owe to thee, and pardon and forgiueneffe of finne to those or them whatfoeuer, which fhall carrie armes against thee, or murder thee this I pronounce, and charge all good men to abhorre thee as an excommunicate perfon.

Ioh. So fir, the more the foxe is curs'd the better a fares: if God bleffe me and my land, let the pope and his fhauelings curse and spare not.

Card. Furthermore, I charge thee Philip K. of Fraunce, and all the kings and princes of Christendome, to make warre vpon this mifcreant: and whereas thou haft made a league with him, and confirmed it by oath, I doe in the name of our forefaid father the Pope, acquit thee of that oath, as vnlawfull, beeing made with an hereticke; howe fai'ft thou Philip, do'st thou obey?


Ich. Brother of France, what fay you to the cardinall? Phil. I fay, I am fory for your maieftie, requesting you to fubmit your felfe to the church of Rome.

Ioh. And what fay you to our league, if I do not submit? Phil. What should I fay? I must obey the pope.

Ioh. Obey the pope, and breake your oath to God?
Phil. The legate hath abfolu'd me of mine oath :
Then yeeld to Rome, or I defie thee here.

Ioh. Why Philip, I defie the pope and thee,
Falfe as thou art, and periur'd king of France,
Vnworthy man to be accounted king.
Giu'st thou thy fword into a prelates hands?
Pandulph, where I of abbots, monkes, and friers
Haue taken fomewhat to maintaine my wars,
Now will I take no more but all they haue.
Ile rouze the lazie lubbers from their cels,
And in defpight Ile fend them to the pope.
Mother come you with me, and for the rest
That will not follow lohn in this attempt,
Confufion light vpon their damned foules.

Come lords, fight for your K. that fighteth for your good.
Phil. And are they gone? Panduph thy felfe fhalt fee

How France will fight for Rome and Romih rites.
Nobles to armes, let him not paffe the feas,
Let's take him captiue, and in triumph lead
The K. of England to the gates of Rome.
Arthur beftirre thee man, and thou shalt fee
What Philip K. of France will doe for thee.

Blanch. And will your grace vpon your wedding day
Forfake your bride, and follow dreadfull drums?
Nay, good my lord, ftay you at home with me.

Lew. Sweet heart content thee, and wee fhall agree.
Phil. Follow my lords, lord Cardinall lead the way,

Drums fhall be muficke to this wedding day.


Excurfions. The Baftard purfues Auftria, and kils him.

Baft. Thus hath K. Richards fon performd his vowes. And offred Auftria's blood for his facrifice.

Vnto his fathers eucrliuing foule.

Braue Cordelion, now my heart doth fay,
I haue deferu'd, though not to be thine heire,
Yet as I am, thy bafe begotten fonne,
A name as pleafing to thy Philips heart,
As to be cald the duke of Normandie.
Lie there a prey to euery rav'ning fowle:
And as my father triumpht in thy fpoyles,
And trode thine enfignes vnderneath his feet,
So doe I tread upon thy curfed felfe,
And leaue thy body to the fowles for food.


Excurfions. Arthur, Conftance, Lewis, having taken Q. Elianor prifoner.

Conft. Thus hath the god of kings with conquering arme

Difpearft the foes to true fucceffion,

Proud, and disturber of thy countries peace,

Conftance doth liue to tame thine infolence,

And on thy head will now auenged be

For all the mischiefs hatched in thy braine.

2 Elinor. Contemptuous dame, vnreuerent dutches thou, To braue fo great a queene as Elianor,

Bafe fcold, haft thou forgot, that I was wife
And mother to three mightie English kings?

I charge thee then, and you forfooth fir boy,
To fet your grandmother at libertie,

And yeeld to Iohn your vncle and your king.

Conft. T'is not thy words proud queene fhall carry it.

Elin. Nor yet thy threates proud dame fhal daunt my mind.


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