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The Author feems to have been fo thoroughly diffatisfied with this Play as to have written it al' most entirely anew, referving only a few of the Lines and the Conduct of feveral Scenes. It is faid to have been originally published in 1591 for Sampfon Clarke. The Edition publish'd in 1622 is no more than a Copy from this, for there is none more ancient than that in the Folio 1623, of the Play as it was afterwards alter'd by Shakespeare.

Mr. Pope, in one of his Notes, affirms the old Play to have been written by Shakespeare and Rowley; but I find no mention of the Name of the latter before either of the Editions.


Troublesome RAIGNE of


Enter K. Iohn, Queene Elinor his Mother, William Marshall, Earle of Pembrooke, the Earles of Effex and of Salisbury.


Queen Elianor.

Arons of England, and my noble lords;

Though God and fortune haue bereft from vs.
Victorious Richard scourge of infidells,

And clad this land in ftole of difmall hew:

Yet giue me leaue to ioy, and ioy you all,
That from this wombe hath fprung a fecond hope,
A king that may in rule and vertue both
Succeede his brother in his emperie,

K. John. My gratious mother queene, and barons all;
Though farre vnworthy of so high a place,

As is the throne of mighty Englands king :
Yet John your lord, contented vncontent,
Will (as he may) fuftaine the heauy yoke
Of preffing cares, that hang vpon a crowne.
My lord of Pembrooke and lord Salsbury,
Admit the lord Chattilion to our presence;
That we may know what Philip king of Fraunce
(By his ambassadors) requires of vs.

2. Elinor. Dare lay my hand that Elinor can gesse Whereto this weighty embaffade doth tend:

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If of my nephew Arthur and his claime,
Then fay, my fonne, I haue not miffde my aime.

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Enter Chattilion and the two Earles.

• Iohn. My lord Chattilion, welcome into England: How fares our brother Philip king of Fraunce?

Chat. His highneffe at my comming was in health, And will'd me to falute your maiestie,

And fay the meffage he hath giuen in charge.

John. And fpare not man, wee are preparde to heare.

Chat. Philip, by the grace of God most christian king of France, hauing taken into his gardain and protection Arthur D. of Brittaine fonne and heire to Ieffrey thine elder brother, requireth in the behalfe of the faide Arthur, the kingdome of England, with the lordship of Ireland, Poiters, Aniow, Toraine, Maine: and I attend thine answer.

John. A fmall request: belike hee makes account,

That England, Ireland, Poiters, Aniow, Toraine, Maine,
Are nothing for a king to giue at once:

I wonder what he meanes to leaue for me.
Tell Philip, he may keepe his lords at home,
With greater honour than to fend them thus
On embassades that not concerne himselfe,

Or if they did, would yeeld but small returne.
Chat. Is this thine answer?

Ichn. It is, and too good an answer for fo prowd a message.

Chat. Then king of England, in my masters name,

And in prince Arthur duke of Brittaines name,

I doe defie thee as an enemie,

And wish thee to prepare for bloody warres.

2. Elinor. My lord (that ftands vpon defiance thus) Commend me to my nephew, tell the boy,

That I queene Elianor (his grandmother)

Vpon my bleffing charge him leaue his armes,
Whereto his head-strong mother prickes him fo:
Her pride we know, and know her for a dame
'That will not sticke to bring him to his end,
So fhe may bring her felfe to rule a realme.
Next, with him to forfake the king of Fraunce,
And come to me and to his vncle here,

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And he shall want for nothing at our hands.
Chat. This fhall I do, and thus I take my leaue.
Iohn. Pembrooke, conuey him safely to the sea,
But not in hafte for as we are aduisde,

We meane to be in France as foone as he,
To fortifie fuch townes as we poffeffe
In Aniow, Toraine, and in Normandie.

Exit Chatt.

Enter the Shriue and whispers the Earle of Salif. in the eare.

Salf. Please it your maiefty, here is the fhriue of Northhamptonfbire, with certaine perfons that of late committed a riot, and haue appeald to your maieftie, befeeching your highneffe for speciall caufe to heare them.

John. Will them come neere, and while wee heare the cause, Goe Salbury and make prouifion,

We meane with speed to passe the sea to France.

Exit Salf. Say fhriue, what are these men, what haue they done? Or whereto tends the courfe of this appeale?

Shriue. Please it your maiefty, these two brethren vnnaturally falling at odds about their fathers liuing, haue broken your highneffe peace, in feeking to right their owne wrongs without courfe of lawe, or order of iuftice, and vnlawfully affembled thefelues in mutinous maner, hauing committed a riot, appealing from triall in their country to your highnes : and here I Thomas Nidigate fhriue of Northamptonshire do deliuer them ouer to their triall.



Iohn. My lord of Effex, wil thoffenders to stand forth, and tell the cause of their quarrell.

Effex. Gentlemen, it is the kings pleasure that you discouer your griefs, and doubt not but you fhal haue iuftice.

Phil. Please it your M. the wrong is mine: yet will I abide all wrongs, before I once open my mouth t'varip the shamefull flander of my parents, the dishonor of my self, and the bad dealing of my brother in this princely assemblie.

Robert. Then, by my prince his leaue, fhall Robert speake,
And tell your maieftie what right I haue
To offer wrong, as he accounteth wrong.
My father (not vnknowne vnto your grace)
Receiu'd his fpurres of knighthood in the field,
At kingly. Richards hands in Palestine,
When as the walls of Acon gaue him way :
His name fir Robert Fauconbridge of Mountbery.
What by fucceffion from his ancestors,
And warlike feruice vnder Englands armes,
His liuing did amount to at his death

Two thousand markes reuenew euery yeare:
And this (my lord) I challenge for my right,
As lawfull heire to Robert Fauconbridge.

Philip. If firft-borne fonne be heire indubitate
By certaine right of Englands auntient lawe,
How should my felfe make any other doubt,
But I am heire to Robert Fauconbridge?

Ichn. Fond youth, to trouble these our princely eares,

Or make a question in so plaine a cafe :

Speake, is this man thine elder brother borne ?

Robert. Please it your grace with patience for to heare,

I not deny but he mine elder is,

Mine elder brother too: yet in fuch fort,

As he can make no title to the land.

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