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"words. What elfe do they mean who teach, "that faith is not to be kept with heretics? "What can be the meaning of their afferting "that kings, excommunicated, forfeit their 66 crowns and kingdoms?That dominion "is founded in grace, is an affertion by which "thofe that maintain it, do plainly lay a claim

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to the poffeffion of all things.I fay, thefe "have no right to be tolerated by the magif"trate."


Again: "That church can have no right to "be tolerated by the magiftrate, which is con"ftituted upon fuch a bottom, that all thofe "who enter into it, do thereby, ipfo facto, deli"ver themselves up to the protection and fer"vice of another prince: for by this means the "magiftrate would give way to the setting up "of a foreign jurifdiction in his own country, "and fuffer his own people to be enlifted, as it were, for foldiers against his own govern

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iment. Nor does the frivolous and fallacious "diftinction, between the court and the church, "afford any remedy to this inconvenience; ef

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pecially, when both the one and the other, ci are equally fubject to the abfolute authority of "the fame perfon; who has not only power to "perfuade the members of his Church to what

ever he lifts, either as purely religious, or as in "order

"order thereunto, but also can enjoin it them, 66 on pain of eternal fire.

"It is ridiculous for any one to profefs himself "to be a Mahometan only in his religion; but "in every thing else a faithful fubject to a Chrif"tian magiftrate, whilft at the fame time, he

acknowledges himself bound to yield blind "obedience to the Mufti of Conftantinople; "who himfelf is entirely obedient to the Otto"man emperor, and frames the feigned oracles

of that religion according to his pleasure. But "this Mahometan, living amongst Christians, "would yet more apparently renounce their

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government, if he acknowledged the same "perfon, to be head of his church, who is the "fupreme magiftrate in the state."

Locke on toleration, p. 59:



MR. Locke's fuppofed principles are fully an

fwered in "Loyalty afferted." With every refpect due to fo great a man, he has totally miftaken the Catholics creed. He was born at a time when the nice hand of the legislature had not drawn the line between their real and imputed principles. And the prejudices of education often tinge a philofopher's imagination with the colours of deception. "That the dominion "of all things belongs to the faints," was the doctrine of Wickliff, Hufs, and the English regicides in the time of Charles the firft: a doctrine condemned by the council of Conftance, in thirtieth propofition extracted from Hufs's writings.

Mr. Locke, in fhutting the gates of toleration against the profeffors of fuch a doctrine, fully juftifies the emperor Sigifmund in putting Hufs to death as that unhappy man not only preached, but practifed it. In matters more within the verge of his knowledge, I widely differ from Mr. Locke. When he denies any innate ideas, or the leaft planted in our fouls, independent of the fenfes, I prefer the Cartefian philofophers, meffieurs de Portroyal, the bishop of Rochester, and feveral

notion of a God im


others who were of a different opinion. But, when he supposes that "the fame perfon who ❝is head of the church, is the fupreme magif

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trate in the ftate, that the pope can frame "the feigned oracles of Catholic religion, as

the Mufti can frame them for the Turks, by "the direction of the Ottoman emperor; that "he can perfuade the members of his church


to whatever he lifts, and enjoin it them, on "pain of eternal fire," &c. I pity a man misled by popular error,

The universities of Paris, Valentia, Toulouse, Poitiers, Bourdeaux, Bourges, Rheims, Caen, &c. that is to fay, the oracles of the doc-' trine taught in their respective countries, knew their creed better than an English philofopher could teach them. They have ftigmatized thofe affertions obtruded on the public by Mr. Locke; and, in condemnation of Santorellus, who afferted that the pope could depofe kings guilty of herefy, qualify his doctrine as " new, falfe, $6 erroneous, contrary to the word of God, cal"culated to bring an odium on the fee of "Rome, to impair the fupreme civil authority "that depends on God alone, and to disturb "the public tranquillity."

Such is the doctrine of Catholics; and had Mr, Locke read hiftory, or been candid enough


to acknowledge it, he would have found the practice of the Catholics, in all ages, conformable to the decifion.

"The pope can perfuade the members of his "church to what he lifts, and enjoin it them, ८८ on pain of eternal fire." Doubtless! He can perfuade me to kill my mother, and enjoin it me, on pain of fire. He can perfuade me that I eat my victuals with the big toe of my left foot; or that John Locke's mother was a virgin, when she was delivered of the author of the "Effay on human understanding."

Still the pope could not perfuade the English Catholics to give their benefices to Italian incumbents, in the time of Richard the fecond, nor diffuade a Catholic parliament from introducing the premunire, against provisions obtained at the court of Rome; an evident proof that they knew the diftinction between the church and the court. Pope Boniface VIII, could not perfuade the Catholics of his time to believe that he was lord paramount of all the kingdoms of the earth; nor diffuade the king of France from writing the following letter to him: "We would have your Madness know, "that we acknowledge no fuperior in temporals "but God alone."

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