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was afterwards sent to the univer-
sity of Salamanca, where, in a few
years, he not only arrived at a con-
summate knowledge in school divi-
nity, but, by a constant application
to the scriptures and the ancient fa
thers, obtained the character of be-
ing one of the ablest divines of his
time. The convent at Doway
now completed, and provided with


sufficient number of junior 4. as


form their schools: upon which father Davenport was ordered back to Doway, and was made the first professor of divinity in that new community. His parts and extraordinary érudition gained him an universal

CHRISTOPHER DAVENPORT was known by several names, viz. Franciscus á St. Clara, Francis Coventry and Francis Hunt. He was originally descended from the Davenports of Henbury, in Cheshire, though born in Coventry, and was fifth son of John Davenport, alderman of that city, who had another son, named John Davenport, a noted presbyterian parson, and author of several books; who, refusing to conform to the established church, went beyond sea, and died at Pos ton, in New England, (America) March 13, 1669, O. S. Christo-esteem in the university, which he pher, having learnt his rudiments at home, was sent to Merton college, Oxford, in the beginning of 1613, being then about sixteen years of age. There he happened to be much taken with the conversation of a learned catholic priest, who sometimes frequented the university; and by that means became a catholic, and left Oxford, after he had studied there about two years. The latter end of 1615, he went over to Doway; where he remained a while in consultation what state of life he should engage in. It happened about this time, that several English friars, of the order of St. Francis, were endeavouring to form themselves into a provincial body, having hitherto performed their noviceship in different kingdoms and provinces, accord-quainted with several of the chief ing as they found conveniences. nobility. King Charles I. had a parMr. Davenport, being resolved to ticular respect for him, understandbecome one of that order, entered ing that he was a divine of a reconinto his noviceship among the Flem- ciling temper, and more disposed to ings at Ipres, Oct. 7, 1617; which make up breaches than to widen being completed, he returned to them. Archbishop Laud admitted Doway, where the English Francis- him sometimes to his conversation cans had erected a small convent, upon the same account; for which and father Davenport was incorpo- both the king and the archbishop rated amongst them Oct. 18, 1618. were severely censured by the ma He had now leisure to apply him- lignant party, upon the breaking out self to his studies, which he did of the civil war. A notion had exwith remarkable advantage. Hested among some people, that king


maintained with advantage during the several years he was a professor, and was distinguished by several honourable employments in his order. After he had taken a great deal of pains in establishing the reputation of his convent, as to learning, he was called over into England upon the mission. A person of his parts and qualifications could not avoid being taken notice of by those that were curious; especially when he was made chaplain to Mary queen of England, the consort of our first Charles. As he was, from his situation, obliged sometimes to appear at court, the comeliness of his person, the agreableness of his conversation, together with the reputation of his learning, brought him ac


several times provincial, and at all times consulted, with great deference to his opinion. He lived sometimes in England, and at other times in Flanders, as business required; and now and then visited Oxford, for the convenience of books, and was entertained with great civility by Mr. Thomas Barlow, the librarian. After the restoration of Charles II. he was appointed one of queen Catharine's chaplains, and resided in Somerset-house, where he died, May 31, 1680, and was buried in the church belonging to the Savoy.His works are universally esteemed; a catalogue of which may be seen in Dodd's Church History, vol. iii. p. 104, from whose pen the above memoirs of this eminent scholar and divine are taken.

Charles, in imitation of his father, I like the way which the church of had a design to unite the two Rome went concerning episcopacy; churches; and for that purpose was and, howsoever, I would never give willing to try how far moderate men way that any such book, from the of both parties would venture to pen of any Romanist, should be condescend. Father Davenport printed here," &c. During the civil seemed to have something like this war, father Davenport divided his in his head, when he published a time between his studies and the afbook, entitled, Deus, Natura, Gra-fairs of his order, of which he was tia; with an appendix, containing an exposition of the thirty-nine articles in the most favourable sense.This performance was far from pleasing either party. Several catholics exclaimed against it, and found means to have it put into the Index expurgatorius by the inquisition of Spain, and would have had it condemned at Rome, had not the king and archbishop Land pressed Panzani, the pope's agent in London, to put a stop to the prosecution. This presumed intimacy between the archbishop and father Davenport was charged upon his grace in one of the articles exhibited against him by his enemies, nothing being more common, than for well-meaning people to have their labours misrepresented, and to create themselves enemies on both sides, by endeavouring a reconciliation. However, the archbishop endeavoured to clear himself in the ánswer to the seventh article of his impeachment, wherein he says, "I never saw the Franciscan in my life, to the utmost of my memory, above four times, or five at the most. He was first brought to me by doctor Lindsel I did fear he would never expound them, (the 39 articles) so as the church of England might have cause to thank him for it.

He never came to me after till he was almost ready to print another book, to prove that episcopacy was authorised in the church by divine right, and this was after these unhappy stirs began. His desire was to have this book printed here. But at his several addresses to me for this, I still gave him this answer, that I did not

For the Orthodox Journal.


Allow me Sir, through the medium of your Orthodox Journal, to solicit from your readers an answer to the following questions:

Query-Can a person professing the catholic religion, consistently with catholic principles, give his vote or interest for any man to be a member of the imperial parliament.

Query-Can a person professing the catholic religion, consistently with catholic principles, be the cause, directly or indirectly, of any man holding any office under government, which requires that he do qualify himself for such an office, by taking the oath, commonly called the declaration against popery.

C. R.


To the Editor of the Orthodox Journal.

SIR - It is a subject of general regret that the hymns in catholic prayer books are given in language and verse so very unworthy of their subjects. New editions are every day published of the Vesper book-and the Garden of the Soul, has been lately stereotyped - yet both retain the doggrel, which disgraced the preceding editions of those works; I am the more surprized at it, as the editor of it is a gentleman very capable both for discerning and correcting the numerous imperfections of which I speak. What adds also to the astonishment is, that there are extant in old prayer books, hymns in a style very superior. I enclose two-one the hymn of St. Bernard; the other the hymn for vespers for the feast of many martyrs. They are taken from a copy of the primer or office of the B. V. Mary, printed in the year 1717. Yours, M.

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With heaven in view, fierce tyrants they, Shower down thy peaceful blessings in our

[blocks in formation]

days, That without ceasing we may sing thy praise.

SAFE to the haven of eternal rest,

Through stormy oceans has he steer'd
his way;

Where nothing can his heavenly joy molest,

Where nought is seen-save everlasting day!

His saint-like virtues and his well-stor'd mind,

Through life's career, on pinions raised him high;

Of pure devotion, and of manners mild,

His name brought reverence far and nigh. Not for themselves the toiling artists build,

Not for himself contrives the studious

To distant views, by mystic force compell'd,
All give the present to the future age.

[ocr errors]


lose, if they mean to vindicate the honour and authority of their sees.If they should submit to this English usurpation, the warm heart of the Irish people will forsake them for ever. But we respectfully beg their pardon. We know they will do their duty. Let them, we entreat, do it promptly."

EVERAL curious and interest ing reports have been in circulation this month, the correctness of which we have not been able to ascertain; nevertheless, we consider it right to notice them, and leave the reader to form his own conclusions. They are connected with the late paltry attempt to divide the Irish catholics, and were first announced in Whether the head of the truly veThe Dublin Chronicle of the 7th nerable vicar apostolic of the Northinst. this patriotic and independent ern district is to be graced with a print communicated to its readers red hat we know not; but should the following piece of intelligence : such be the case, or should a cardi"The English vetoists have pro- nal's hat be destined for any catholic cured a cardinal's hat for Dr. Gib-prelate's head in this kingdom, we He will be the first cardinal feel convinced a more imprudent resident in England since the days deed could not be transacted on the of cardinal Pole. His jurisdiction part of the vetoists, as it would prois to extend over Ireland, if submit-bably awaken the dormant fears of ted to; and the catholic prelates of the liberal part of our separated Ireland have not one moment to brethren as to papal influence, and


inflame all the furious passions of the bigots at the progress of our cause, We are inclined to consider the report as premature. The venerable hierarchy of the sister kingdom, however, will feel themselves infinitely obliged to the honest and worthy editor, for his iuformation, but we cannot help smiling at the groundless fears expressed by him, at the supposed usurpation of an English vicar apostolic over the Irish church; and did imagine that he had studied the history of his church to better advantage, than to suppose that a cardinal's hat would impart any authority over the canonical rights of the brightest portion of the catholic church.-Feeling the highest veneration for the spotless purity of the present illustrious prelacy of catholic Ireland, and devoted to the maintainance of their spiritual independence, we are as little desirous of having them placed under English usurpation, as any native of that unfortunate and oppressed country. But it is not the dominion of a vicar apostolic that we fear; it is the influence and power of lay authority and intrigue that we dread, and it is against this evil that all our endeavours should be constitutionally exerted.-To talk of extending the jurisdiction of the bishop of Acanthos over the Irish church, after the venerable prelates have solemnly resolved to resist the court of Rome itself on the measure of a veto, by pledging themselves, in the face of their flocks, at all times and under all circumstances to oppose in every canonical and constitutional way, any interference directly or indirectly, on the part of the ministers of the crown, in the appointment of catholic bishops for Ireland, betrays a want of confi. dence in the integrity of the guardians of the church, and a want of knowledge in the constitution of that church, rather unbecoming a

catholic editor.-A red hat conveys about as much power and jurisdiction in the catholic church, as a bluo ribband does under the British constitution; both are titles of honorary distinction, not of control and management. Should the English vetoists therefore have suceeded in procuring a red hat for any one of the vicars apostolic on this side the water, let not our Irish brethren be either alarmed for the safety of their church, or offended at the pre ference shewn to this country in the grant of an empty decoration; rather let them unite to meet the real dangers which threaten the existence of their religion, and leave all idle and groundless apprehensions to haunt the illiberal and the bigot,

The next article we have to notice is from the same paper, and is as follows:-"The great manager of the entire plot (the conspiracy in Eccles-street) is Mr. Charles Butler, who amongst other intelligence, has widely circulated a pretended conversation between the prince regent and the bishop of Exeter, in which the regent is said to have pledged himself never to concede catholic emancipation, except upon the terms of such a veto as would enable him to control and extinguish that religion. We can pledge our credit to our readers that letters to the above, or somewhat similar effect, from that eternal mischief-maker, Charles Butler, are in active circulations amongst the vetoists.'

Whether the information here cou veyed is well founded or not, we are unprepared to say, not having seen, or met with any individual who has seen, a copy of the circu lar; still the editor is deserving of our warm thanks for the caution he has given to his countrymen to be ware of the crooked policy of this gentlemen, whose intrigues with our pretended friends are more to be dreaded than if the heads of all our

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