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from the mercenary orangemen, and are not government rewards offered to those who are disposed to re. nounce the catholic, faith? But the most curious circumstance which strikes terror into this protestant, and alarms him for the safety of his creed, is the wide-spreading systen of intermarriage of protestants and catholics, above all things encouraged by their priesthood, ending very generally in the conversion of the husband or wife, and securing almost universally the catholicism of the children.' "" A few words will suffice to shew the futility of these apprehensions, and the contempt which the speaker evinces for the accuracy of bis statements. Mr. Foster is a lawyer, and therefore he must either have wilfully misrepresented the case, or displayed a want of knowledge in his profession by no means creditable to him. If this scriptural limb of the law, before he started this tremendous danger of proselytism and reduction of protestantism, had examined the Irish statute book, he would have found therein a law passed in 1708, still unrepealed, by which it is enacted, that if any popish priest shall cele-theless, that there are intermarbrate matrimony between any two persons, knowing that they or either of them is of the protestant religion, he shall suffer the punishment of a popish regular; which punishment, according to a law of William III. was transportation, and to be condemned for high treason, if the party returned to Ireland. Another statute was passed in 1750, one clause of which declares, that any priest who shall celebrate such marriage, shall, on conviction, be deemed guilty of felony, without benefit of clergy, and shall suffer death ac. cordingly. These cruel laws are in full force at this time; for, although the act of 1792, permits intermarriages between catholics and protestants, the statute of 1793, expressly excepts the celebration of

such marriages by catholic clergymen, and only legalizes them when performed by protestant ministers. This, being the case, is it likely that the catholic priesthood should encourage such intermarriages, when the gallows is their doom if they per form the ceremony? Or is it probable that protestant clergymen would sanction such a system when they perceived these contracts caus ed a diminution of their flocks, by the conversion of the parties to catholicism? The idea is too absurd to be entertained for a moment by an unprejudiced mind, and the statement only evinces the power of religious intolerance, in influencing a member of the Irish bar and the im perial senate to hazard so groundless a charge. So far from encouragement being given to these intermarriages, the catholic church discourages them, as far as she can, as likely to lessen that happiness and affection so necessary to promote the end of matrimony, which she holds to be a sacrament of divine institution, since religious discordance operates more to create misery than felicity to the married state. Never

riages in the higher classes between catholics and protestants cannot be denied, but that they are common among the catholic peasantry of Ireland is an assertion which stands contradicted by the strong aversion they have to entering a protestant church, an antipathy so great, that were an act passed to compel them to repair thither to celebrate their marriages, it would excite a general alarm and commotion throughout the whole island.

The dangers being thus separately stated, the whole are combined in one terrific view, and which ever way he turns himself the protestant is represented as beholding the diminution of protestant numbers, the increasing insecurity of protestant property, the steady career, the un

creasing insecurity of protestant pro-
perty? The catholics enjoy not a
vestige of power at the present day;
the ascendency of authority is at
present completely in the hands of
the protestants. For two centuries
the knife and the halter were em-
ployed to stem the growth of pope-
ry in Ireland, and eradicate its per-
nicious poison, but all without
effect. The light of protestantism,
according to Mr. Foster's account,
made but little progress there. And
why? Because, says the learned
gentleman, those who were sent to
spread the gospel of evangelical li-
berty, cared little for the conversion
of the Irish, so as they got posses-
sion of their property. More libe-
ral times have succeeded-a partial
release from the penal code has ta-
ken place within the last forty years,
but not of conciliation, as the speech
would make us believe.
The same
imperious and self-interested spirit of
ascendency is predominant in Ire-

bending intolerance of catholic aggrandizement. And what is still worse, while he sees this frightful picture before him, while he contemplates, if his scared imagination will permit him so to do, the dreadful perils which surround him, he is mocked by some of his brethren, who have less fear and more charity, and is told to be of good cheer, for that a security is now found, which is, that the influencing and directing spirit which has ever haunted his bigotted and contracted mind, is to be secured from the intrigues of the Roman court, and the cabinet of St. James's, and continue, as he describes it, a moral and religious imperium in imperio. This, he contends, is adding horror to the evil, as it will contribute to give energy and power to the catholic body, and sharpen and strengthen the weapons that it wields, and thus endanger, not secure, the stability of protestantism. What a frightful spectacle for an ultra-protestant to behold! The catholic sees himself How alarming, and how despond- treated with contempt and impunity ing! Three centuries of hard la- by his protestant neighbour; and, bour to prevent the growth of pope- as Mr. Parnell, in his Historical ry, and now to see the protestant Apology, very feelingly states, "the numbers diminish is truly appalling, child of his affection blushes for him, But what an admission does Mr. and mourns for himself, when he Foster make here. Can any thing learns, that he necessarily inherits mark more strongly that the opposi- from his father a blot and a reproach, tion of this gentleman and his which no private virtues or mental friends is grounded expressly on endowments can obliterate or contheir hatred of the catholic religion, ceal..The very peasantry (continues and their conviction that protestant- Mr. P.) acutely feel the stigma cast ism cannot make head against it, if by government upon their sect and its ministers are left to the free extheir religion. The lowest order ercise of their functions. Thus, even suffer most. The wealthy cawhile they bawl against the into- tholics acquire a degree of consideralerance of the catholic clergy, they tion and legal security from their acknowledge the intolerant spirit of property, but the peasantry are left their own principles; and while they naked to the pelting of the storm, contend for the religious freedom of to all the jibes and jobs of protestprotestants in foreign countries, ant ascendency. Not only a prothey proclaim slavery to the catho- testant lord looks down upon a calic inhabitants of their own. But tholic lord, and a protestant gentlefrom whence arises this diminution man on a catholic gentleman, but a of protestant numbers, and the in-protestant peasant on a catholic pea

trates his dearest and most rational wishes. Thus, the law, to others an object of attachment, gratitude and pride, is to the catholic only a dark and gloomy barrier in life; exciting new struggles, new defeats; pro

plaints. The law, in fine, bids him despond, and sink, hopeless of freedom, unrespected, in mute unavailing regret and chagrin. Hence his natural and incessant eagerness for relief. Hence the throbbing agita

sant; and in proportion as the de- | his growing progeny he still finds grading scale descends, the expres- his paths continually obstructed by sion of contempt becomes more this penal code, its temper, its chain marked and gross" As an example of influence, its partizans and its inof the latter case, it need only be ob- struments. It frowns upon his apserved, that although the occupyingproach, repels his touch, and frustenantry of Ireland consist almost wholly of catholics, yet such is their degraded and humiliating situation, that they are excluded from all vestry-meetings, and in the protestant parishioners alone are vested the full and discretionary powers of impos-ducing heavy injury, and loud coming rates on themselves and their more numerous catholic neighbours. In fine, says Mr. Scully, in his unanswerable Statement of the Penal Laws, “the penal code against the catholics of Ireland is far from being in a relaxed or languishing state.tation in the bosom of every catholic, No clause is permitted to slumber; and of every class, whenever a ray of no merciful connivance is tolerated: hope gleams upon his benighted coneven obsolete enactments are now dition. This hope, this eagerness of (1811-12) forced into fresh vigour.relief, paralyzes his industry, and The system works incessantly to the prejudice of every catholic; and, though sometimes unobservedly, yet eventually with sure and grievous efficacy. Even when it bears a masked appearance, it is not, less malignant, than when raging in the most furious aspect of persecution. No catholic is so exalted by rank, fortune, or talent, or so depressed by poverty or ignorance, as to elude its baneful influence, to remain insensible of its contumelious and ex-covet to their neighbours; they asperating operation, or to suppress his murmurs against its long continuWhich ever way he turns, this monstrous system meets his eye, to dishearten and dismay him: to blast his best and fairest hopes for himself and his offspring. Whatever he utters or does, or meditates, whether in the intercourse of public life, or in the bosom of his family: whether he struggles for the general good or for his personal welfare: whether he seeks the comforts of harmless recreation, the rewards of active merit, or the advancement of


consumes the best energies of his soul. It distracts his studies, and benumbs his love of country and of laws. All his faculties are absorb ed in the fond, but fruitless contemplation of this sole and favourite object." From this condition the catholics of Ireland seek to be disem. barrassed; and they seek it upon the great principle of RELIGIOUS LIBERTY. They are willing to concede the same blessing which they

seek not the possession of office, but mere eligibility of it, in common with their fellow-subjects. They petition for relief, and how are their complaints received? Not by the spirit of justice and conciliation, but by the dark-bodings of prejudiced minds. By jealous apprehensions of the zeal and influence of the spiritual guides of the complainants, and the most rancorous preposses, sions against their moral principles. But, if the situation of the catholics under "Protestant, Ascendency," be truly described by the protestant

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MENT.-Since the foregoing article on the state of the press was written, a Times paper of the 20th instant fell into my hands, in which I find my work has been attacked in a controversy which appears to have bêen carried on in that publication be tween a catholic writer, under the name of "VERITAS," and a protest. ant, who designates himself "AMI CUS CURIE," assisted by a host of auxiliaries. In replying to the

and catholic writers I have quoted; | power. Let reason and justice de if, notwithstanding their low and cide the question, prostrate condition, their numbers keep augmenting from the ranks of the more favoured, enlightened, and predominant class, is it not evident that the opposers of the catholic claims are conscious of their own inferiority, and self-convinced that the system which they espouse cannot be maintained without exclusive and proscriptive laws? Would they not act then with much more honesty and candour, by openly avowing their opinions, than by speciously proclaiming their veneration for re ligious freedom, and at the same time defending the continuance of the most intolerant code of laws ever framed for the purpose of restraining the right of conscience? Put the faction know too well the utility of this profession of liberality to deceive the credulous people of Eng land; and hence their frequent use of it. They know their incompetency to meet the weapons wielded by the energy and power of their adversaries, and therefore they refuse to remove the barriers and embat tlements behind which they have entrenched themselves, unless we consent to pile our arms, and handcuff our leaders. But I must quit this subject for the present. The reader has before him Mr. Foster's description of the dangers of "Domestic Nomination," and a delibeation of "Protestant Ascendency," by Mr. Parnell and Mr. Scully.pletely confirms my statement, that The one contains the imaginary fears of protestant bigotry at the progress of popery, and the supposed insecurity and dangers which attend the protestant from catholic intolerance and aggrandizement. The other exhibits a true picture of the real grievances which oppress the Irish catholic people, in consequence of the partial and intolerable operarion of the penal laws, and the averbearing influence of exclusive

Friend of the Court," the representer of "Truth" says, Whilst the liberty of the press exists, it is not in our power to prevent any publications which individuals may think proper to support. Catholics will differ on political subjects as well as their neighbours; and we, as a religious body, are no more accountable for the language and sentiments of the Orthodox Journal, than the protestants of England are answerable for the Monthly Magazine, or those of Scotland for the Edinburgh Review. Perhaps it may be some satisfaction, however, for my opponent to learn, that the more respectable part of our community, especially the clergy, refuse to patronize it, and that scarcely a bookseller amongst us can be found to sell it."I heartily thank Mr. Veritas for this expression, as itcom

a cowardly conspiracy exists against this work, which the confederates have not the thanliness openly to encounter; and I further feel myself obliged to him for coupling my Journal with publications of such esteemed political celebrity as the Monthly Magazine and 'Edinburgh Review! And who are the more respectable part of our community, and especially the clergy, who rel fuse to patronize the Orthodox Jour

not "the clergy;" and how they can reconcile their conduct with a conscientious discharge of their duties, I am at a loss to comprehend; this much, however, I can say, that I would rather stand in my own shoes at the great accounting day, than be placed in theirs. There is one thing, however, to be gathered from this declaration of Veritas, and that is, how dangerous a body of vetoistical clergymen would be to the liberties of the country, were the government ever to get the patronage of the catholic church into their hands. With respect to the veracity of the assertion, that "hardly a bookseller amongst us can be found to sell the Journal," all I shall say is, that I will thank Mr. Veritas to point out

nal? Men who have the least re- | nor does it correspond with the perspect for the safety and integrity of cepts which their Divine Master has the religion they profess, and who, laid before them, for their rule of howevermore respectable" they life. These parasitical divines, who may be in the opinion of Mr. Veri- flatter, rather than reprove, the fol tas, are not considered by the gene- lies of the great, I know are in the ral body of catholics as deserving of habit of spreading slanderous intheir regard, for the display they have sinuations against my principles in made both of their religious and po- their private correspondence, but litical conduct; the former of which they are has betrayed a shameful inclination to consign the spiritual independence of their church into the hands of her enemies; and the latter has exhibited a slavish servility to the "powers that be," very unbecoming the "more respectable" part of British catholic citizens. But what have the clergy to do with the political opinions of the Journal, as clergymen? If I do not invade their ecclesiastical rights, why should they combine in secret to suppress my political opinions, and thus violate one of the dearest privileges of an Englishman the Liberty of the Press? If I transgress the laws of my country, I am amenable to those laws for the offence; and, if I infringe on the tenets of my religion, or promulgate principles contrary to the pre-one who does not sell it; and, though cepts and doctrines of the church, I am subject to the censures of that church. But if I do neither the one nor the other, why, I ask, should clergymen descend from their sacred and dignified station, to become the tools of a few titled and wealthymembers of our community, whose political sycophancy reflects indelible disgrace upon the high rank they are called to fill in society, and who do not like the Journal because it condemns their errors? But let me correct the statement of this assumed representer of "Truth."It is not, sir, the clergy who refuse to patronize my work, but only a few members of that-venerated body, whose conduct is by no means suitable to that character which it is their duty to maintain unsullied;


it may not give satisfaction either to the "Friend of the Court," or the advocate of "Truth," I will just add; that the Journal continues to be still held in estimation by those of the clergy who are zealous in the performance of their sacred and im portant duties, and anxious for the propagation of the true faith. So much for my friend Veritas, to whom I offer my best thanks for the able manner in which he has vindicated our religious principles, in which we all agree, although, as he very justly observes, we, like other individuals, differ on points of polity.

Struck with the above observation from Veritas, curiosity induced me to refer to the file of The Times, to ascertain the charge which “Amicus Curiæ had brought against my

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