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tated in the vulgar tongue, have, through the temerity of men, produced more harm than benefit." (Rule IV.) And this is the more to be dreaded in times so depraved, when our holy religion is assailed from every quarter with great cunning and effort, and the most grievous wounds are inflicted on the church. It is, therefore, necessary to adhere to the salutary decree of the Congregation of the Index (June 13th, 1757), that no versions of the Bible in the vulgar tongue be permitted, except such as are approved by the apostolic see, or published with annotations extracted from the writings of holy fathers of the church.

We confidently hope that, in these turbulent circumstances, the Poles will give the clearest proofs of their attachment to the religion of their ancestors; and, by your care, as well as that of the other prelates of this kingdom, whom, on account of the

stand they have wonderfully made for the de

pository of the faith, we congratulate in the Lord, trusting that they all may very abundantly justify the opinion we have entertained of them.

It is moreover necessary that you should

transmit to us, as soon as possible, the Bible which Jacob Wulck published in the Polish language with a commentary, as well as a copy of the edition of it lately put forth without those annotations, taken from the writings of the holy fathers of our church, or other learned catholics, with your opinion upon it; that thus, from collating them together, it may be ascertained, after mature investigation, that certain errors lie insidiously concealed therein, and that we may pronounce our judgment on this affair for the preservation of the true faith.

Continue, therefore, venerable brother,

to pursue this truly pious course upon which you have entered; viz. diligently to fight the battles of the Lord for the sound doctrine, and warn the people intrusted to your care, that they fall not into the snares which are prepared for their everlasting ruin. The

church demands this from you, as well as from the other bishops, whom our rescript equally concerns; and we most anxiously expect it, that the deep sorrow we feel on account of this new species of tares which an adversary has so abundantly sown, may, by this cheering hope, be somewhat alleviated: and, we always very heartily invoke the choisest blessings upon yourself and your fellow-bishops, for the good of the Lord's flock, which we impart to you and them by our apostolic benediction.

Given at Rome, at St. Mary the Greater, June 29, 1816, the 17th year of our Pontificate. PIUS P. P.. VII.

Eight days after the appearance of this bull in the aforesaid paper, the ORTHOD. JAUR. VOL. V.


notes and illustrations of Mr. Scrutator were left at our shop, in Drakestreet, by a gentleman, who, from the description given us of him, we take to be the author himself. This acute production is of the cheap pamphlet fashion, and if we are to credit the assertion of the writer, the first edition was disposed of (how we cannot say) in a very short time, as the copy left with us, is stated to

be a second publication.-From the tenor and language of its contents we are persuaded the public are indebted to the theological-pharmacopolist, whose gross inconsistencies and calumnies against catholics, formerly sent forth under his proper signature, having subjected him to the ridicule and contempt of the unprejudiced part of the community,


yet finds necessary, for want of more beneficial employment, to discharge from his bigotted and turgid mind, and for that purpose assumes the fictitious titles of Laicus, Ralib, Luther, Scrutator, &c. We have neither space nor time to enter on the merits of this last production of bigotry; but we have no hesitation in giving it as our decided opinion, that this bull is a spurious instrument, of Bloomsbury manufacture, and adds a further testimony to the correctness of the Rev. Mr. Whitaker's assertion, in his vindication of Mary queen of Scots, that forgery is the offspring of protestanism. We shall propably return to this subject in a future number.


On the 13th inst. (Low Sunday) the Right Rev. Dr. Poynter delivered a very eloquent and impressive discourse to a crowded congregation in the chapel dedicated to the illustrious apostle of Ireland, Sutton-street, Soho-square, in behalf of the above truly excellent and laudable institutions. The venerable prelate took

the health of the duke of Kent, the illustrious chairman said, he felt he was but paying the tribute due to his near relative, for the warmth he manifested in the welfare of this institution, at the last anniversary of which he presided, and for the uniform activity he displayed in the numerous charitable associations of which he was so efficient a member; and he assured the company,

his text from the words of our Blessed Redeemer," Suffer little chil. dren to come unto and forbid them not, for the kingdom of Heaven is for such," and dwelt strongly on the affection always manifested for children by Christ. Obedience to this command, he observed, led to the formation of St. Patrick's charity.-After enumerating the manifold blessings flowing from the exercise of pious and charitable deeds, the wor-that although his royal brother was thy bishop praised in the warmest abseat from the country, he still enterms the managers of the schools, tertained as ardent a wish for the and particularly recommended, in prosperity of the institution as if he the most feeling language, the fe- were then present. The health of male orphan asylum to the conside-of his royal highness was then drank ration of the feminine part of his auditory. His lordship concluded by addressing himself pointedly to the children and their parents, exhorting the former to habits of docility, application, and piety; to the latter a constant attention to all their relious duties, to evince their gratitude to heaven for the favours and blessings bestowed upon their offspring. Notwithstanding the absence of many of the most opulent families in the metropolis, such was the force and effect of the good prelate's appeal, that the collection amounted to 1141, 2s. 6d.

On the Thursday following (the 17th) the friends to the above chatitable establishments had their anniversary dinner, at the Freemason's tavern, Great Queen-street.About six o'clock his Royal Highness the duke of Sussex (the chairman) accompanied by lord Fingall, the right hon. John Philpot Curran, and other distinguished characters, entered the room, soon after which nearly 300 persons sat down to an excellent dinner. On the cloth being removed, Non nobis Domine was sung, by some professional gentlemen and several amateurs, after which the usual toasts of the royal family were given from the chair with much applause. In proposing

with the most rapturous applase.

About half past eight o'clock the children of the charity, preceded by the stewards, entered the room. The girls, about 250 in number, two and two, headed by a handsome banner, on which were inscribed the words, Ne derelinquas nos Orphanos; and perhaps upon no occasion was a greater effect ever produced, than was caused by their appearance. The band playing an appropriate melancholy movement, caused a most serious impression, which found its way to the hearts and feelings of every individual present, and dissolved the ladies, who graced the gallery of the hall, into tears of the tenderest sympathy for the interest. ing objects before them. These amiable feelings soon gave way to others of unbounded exultation and delight, when the boys, amounting to the same number, preceded by their school-master, and a flag, on which was worked the effigy of St. Patrick, made their appearance. On their entrance, the band struck up the lively air of St. Patrick's Day, aud the youths gave an elec trifying Irish hurra, which tainly told upon the ears, and afterwards, as the amount of the subscription proved upon the hearts of the company. Indeed, it was im


possible to view these children, the [ It was intended to make them acquainte regular and orderly manner in which ed with the laws of God, and from they entered, and, above all, the thence to have a greater knowledge neatness of their apparel, and not to and respect for the laws of their coun try. These were some of the blessings be struck with the conviction, that which it was the object of the present those who had the careof them, did charity to bestow, But there was also what they could for their benefit. another object connected with it, which he could not pass over without remark. It was the Asylum for Female Orphans; this was an object, worthy indeed of hu man consideration. Those little fe male innocents who now filled the room might, by the want of that attention and care which it was the object of the charity to bestow upon them, become, instead of useful and respect able members of society, its very pests.-Devoid of that watchful care which now guided their steps into the paths of morality and honour, they might become a disgusting burthen to the community, and might live to curse the hour which gave them existence. But the presence of so very numerous and respectable a company of friends, gave him every reason to hope, that this would not be the case. The zeal which was evident in those who surrounded him, afforded a well grounded confidence, that these little innocents would one day become, through the fostering care of their friends, useful and ornamental members of society. Mr. B. then alluded to another topic which, he said, afforded additional grounds for the support of the charity

While the children were yet in the room; Mr.Blake, addressed the company. He began by stating, that he was requested to announce to them the object for which they had met.-He would not, he said, dwell upon the trite subject of the blessing of education; it was unnecessary to dilate on this point, as there was scarcely an observation he could make, which was not already in possession of the company he had the honour of addressing. To them it was superfluous to comment on the benefits of education though that was one of the greatest blessings of the Institution. He had, however in the discharge of his professional avocations on circuit, been for the last three weeks a witness of the dreadful increase of crime, and conse quent severity of punishment, which were caused by the distresses of the people, and the dearth of education among those classes whose wants too often impelled them to acts of outrage and depravity. The altars of justice throughout the country were, at this moment, streaming with the blood of such delinquents, who might have been saved if the early advantages of a virtuous education were interposed to restrain the natural tendency of their passions. He knew that in many cases the condemned parties knew not the ways of God. Such a state of things ought to act as a double impetus to their exertions in the general promotion of education. In a great metropolis like this, they were more peculiarly called upon to give activity to their benevolent exertions-for this city was the very focus of crime-from it, either principals in guilt, or their inexperienced emissaries, were dispatched throughout the country to disseminate the poison of their vice.

If the lower orders of the community were made to understand, they would then respect the laws, but they could not understand them while they were so ignorant as not to be able to read. To obviate this great evil, and the many others which flowed from it, was one object of the present charity

the great question of emancipation which was shortly to be the subject of legislative consideration. If the meeting, as he was sure was the case, had this great object at heart, they would best promote its end, by making those for whose benefit it was intended, understand what was its nature, and revere in time those blessings which it might confer upon them. To such a meeting as he had then the honour of addressing, it might perhaps be unnecessary to dwell farther upon this subject. The learned gentleman then apologized for digressing into a political consideration, and alluded to the approaching motion on the catholic question by that great man (Mr. Grattan), through the exercise of whose powerful energies Ireland drew the first breath of freedom, her free trade, and the annual mutiny bill. This motion, would, he hoped, break the last link in the chain of poli

separation among all classes of his ma- that the salvation of the liberties of the jesty's subjects. He would, therefore, country was interwoven with the spirit more particularly call upon the friends of education which taught the commuof this institution to prepare the minds nity at large what they had to lose of the rising generation over whose fate and to gain, by their attention to, or they presided, for that eligibility to the departure from, the laws of their counpalm of distinctiou which an equality try. This could only be taught by eduof privilege would confer, and of which cation. There was only one point uptheir protestant fellow countrymen had on which he should differ for a moment availed themselves with such an ho- from the gentleman who preceeded him. nourable proficiency. The learned That gentleman had said, that the obgentleman then called the attention of ject of the charity ought to be peculiarthe meeting, in conclusion, to the fe-ly dear to Irishmen. He (the duke of male branch of the schools under their patronage, and enlarged in eloquent terms upon the necessity of protecting such children from the contagion of bad example, and the horrors of total neglect.

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Sussex) was not aware of any distinction which should make this charity dearer to the native of one island, than that of the other. For himself and his royal relatives he would say, that they were as much Irish as English.-Distinction of country was a question which His royal highness the duke of had never any weight with them.-The Sussex next addressed the meeting. interest of one was that of all.-He was He observed, that after the eloquent admost happy to see such an union as he dress they had just heard, it would be then saw of persons of different counalmost unnecessary for him to say one tries and religious creeds, associated in word. It was, however, expected from support of a cause which was common a president on such an occasion, to of to them all the cause of charity.-That fer a few remarks on the object which cause was best advocated and supported had brought the meeting together. On by those who gave instruction and asthe first subject to which the gentleman sistance, without distinction of sect or who had just sat down had called the class. To give instruction to the poor, attention of the meeting, he should was the best possible way of giving supoffer no comment. The question of port to the government. When men giving education to those who had not were taught to know the value of the themselves the means of procuring it laws which governed them-when they was one which afforded but one opinion. were instructed as to the benefits they His opinion could not add to the weight enjoyed under those laws, they would and respectability already attached to be the more anxious to defend them; this principle. He could not, however, and the more they knew of their value, avoid remarking, that it was now taken the more earnest would they be to preup by the Legislature, and that the re- serve them. His royal highness then port of the committee appointed to ex- commented at considerable lenght on amine into that subject had been, if any the other advantages which were to be indeed were wanted, a proof of the derived from such an institution as the general wish for the dissemination of present, and concluded by proposing as knowledge amongst the lower classes. a toast: "Prosperity to St. Patrick's In two points of view education was a Charity." This was drank with three primary object-first, as it was enjoined times three, and the loudest applause. by the duties of a christian to his fel- His royal highness next observed on lows in society, and the sublime com- the amiable conduct of a lady who had mandment of doing unto others as we contributed so very much to the supshould wish to be done by ourselves; port of the present charity. Tha amia and secondly, as a temporal principle, ble lady devoted nearly the whole of essential to the well-being of society, her time to the forwarding the great in a political point of view. Was it objects of the institution. She supernot right that the subjects of a state intended the education of the females, should know the laws by which they and though she did not refuse the salawere to be judged, and those on which ry which the society gave to such exertheir personal security depended? Intions, yet not one penny of it did she this view he would not hesitate to say convert to her own use.

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negyric, which was received and drank with loud plaudits.

The duke of Sussex, in returning thanks, humourously observed, that he had often heard of one Irishman knocking down another out of pure kindness, but he never before understood it was their characteristic to stun a man by the force of an obligation. All he would say was, that he thanked them for the honour, and assured them his heart could feel what his tongue could not express. The manner in which they conveyed the favour, in this, as on many occasions, enhanced the gift itself. His royal highness repeated the benefits which flowed from education. His creed was, that after maturely and conscientiously adopting a course of opinion, he was bound to pursue it, even to the sacrifice of life itself. That was his opinion, and having informed them of his creed, he hoped to see theirs in the result of this meeting His royal highness then concluded by drinking the health of Dr.Poynter and the Catholic Clergy, and hoped that he would be then allowed to retire, being really unable to do business any longer, as this was the fourth day in the present week in which he had presided at public meetings.

His royal highness then gave silver medals which had been awarded by the committee of the charity, to Michael Cahill and Margaret Cooney, who had distinguished themselves by their great propriety of conduct. In doing this, his royal highness impressed upon them the good effects which resulted from their attention to the instructions which they had received, and hoped that the reward which they then merited would be a stimulus to their good actions for the remainder of their lives. In adverting to the situation of the lower order of Irish, for the support and instruction of whose children the present charity was established, his royal highness observed, that they came over to this country in search of the means of subsistence; that at the best of times they were not enabled by the most diligent exertions to earn more than was sufficient for their animal support; but, that in the present distressed state of the country, they could scarcely earn even that same. If they are driven to crime, as was sometimes the case, it was often through necessity, though that would not palliate their violation of the laws. But recent experience had shew, that they are sometimes deluded by those whose object it was to make their criminality subservient to their His royal highness then withdrew, aown base purposes. (Hear, hear, hear!) mid the acclamations of the company. In alluding to this circumstance, which Some persons then called out for Mr. must be fresh in the recollection of Curran to take the chair, and others for those who heard him, he could not but the earl of Fingall; the latter complied, offer one observation on the conduct of and Mr. Curran rose to thank the meetthe individual, by whose exertions the ing for the honour they had intended unfortunate victims of a foul conspiracy him. The right hon. gentleman entered were saved from an untimely death. into a glowing description of the merits That individual, though scarcely able of the Institution; it was, he observto speak a word of the English lan-ed, a proud day to see the sympathy of guage, succeeded in his diligence and attention in rescuing his unfortunate countrymen from the fate which awaited them. When such was the conduct of an illiterate man, what might not be expected from those whom Providence had blessed with every means of relieving the necessities of their fellow : creatures! By law none but catholics could be taught in a catholic school; it was therefore incumbent on the members of that profession to promote the education of those belonging to them.

The earl of Fingall then proposed the health of the royal chairman, on whose varied merits he pronounced a just pa

Irishmen and the honour of English-
men so finely called into action. It
would be foolish to commend those
who acted on the impulse of their own
generous nature, and, at the moment
of action, received their heartfelt re-
ward. He did not know that he ever
contemplated a more cheering and ani-
mated spectacle than the sight of the
tender objects of their care.
It was at
once edifying both to man and his Ma-
ker, to see those little slips that they
had planted springing up in rows before
them, in all the luxuriancy of vegeta-
tion, which, were it not for their foster-
ing hand, would wither in a sterile soil,
or only live, like poisonous weeds, to

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