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guides, the judges, the tutelar guardians of what was most dear and sacred. Yes; they have presumed to determine what might be protested against and abjured, what might be renounced or adopted, consistently with catholic faith: and when their ecclesiastical superiours have pro nounced in opposition to their sentiments or wishes, they have ridiculed their decisions and defied their cen


It is truly unaccountable, that, having it in their power to procure happiness and joy for all, men should risk the loss of what their own ambition covets, rather than share the alessing with their fellows. During the never-to-be-forgotten persistency of the committee, in 1790, and 1791, when the title of Dissenting Catholics was disapproved by the vicars apostolic, when certain expressions in the proposed oath were objected to by them, what unwillingness to yield either to the decisions of superiours, or the wishes of the body at large! Sometimes it was declared that our friends in parliament were inflexible in requiring that the expressions in question should be retained; at other times, that a noble lord, on whose support much depended, and whose displeasure was to be supremely deprecated, was lost to our cause for ever, if alteration in the phrase or manner should be attempted. We were told that by departing from the words of the famous protestation, we should forfeit all claim to consistency, sincerity, and honour; that our character would be lost for ever: and yet, when the vicars apostolic, with their conscientious adherents, had succeeded in laying before the legislature their difficulties and objections, no noble lord withdrew his support, no friends in either house were inflexible, no reproach for insincerity, duplicity, or inconsistency, was urged against the bishops and their friends; but, on

the contrary, their objections were deemed substantial, some of the expressions, so much insisted upon, were treated with ridicule and contempt, as downright nonsense; and one of the prelates of the church of England, not surpassed by any on the bench for learning or eloquence maintained, that the oath, which the catholic committee had represented as indispensably requisite to satisfy the scruples of some aud the prejudices of others, was so objectionable to a protestant mind, that He himself would refuse to subscribe to it!

Thus were we demonstratively convinced that all the disagreement that subsisted at that time, all the pamphlets that appeared on one side or the other, the blue books, the buff books, the protests, the appeals, &c. all owed their birth to a spirit of oppesition which was unwilling to obtain relief from the legislature, without violence done to the consciences of persons distinguished for virtue and learning. At that time the bishops were supported by the most eminent for their abilities; the Milners, the Plowdens, the Donnellans, the Gaffys, the Pillings; those among the seculars who were considered as the most celebrated for theological science, and amongst the regulars, those who had presided in the schools oftheology, stood forward to save the catholics of England from degradation and schism. But how were the bishops treated? They were scoffed at as men of contracted minds, as contending for minutia, which the liberal and enlightened despised.Our late bishop of the London district was called a harmless but unskilful man, without learning or abilities, a goodnatured, condescending....priest, while a private missionary at York; who would have passed quietly through life, had he remained in the ranks, but by yielding to the fascinating brilliance of cro siers and tiaras, had consented, if not

uneasiness in the beginning of his episcopacy. He discovered in then no change of sentiment, though they adopted a difference of manner. He whom they had treated as a man of weak understanding, but, as they remarked, was too frequently the case, as a man of bigotted attachment to trifles, became gradually more sensi

sought, to be a leader, and had fallen into contempt. Yes, I well remember, when, at a meeting of the cathotics, either the depositing of the famous protestation in the Museum, or the bestowing thanks to the venerable vicars apostolic was the subject, or the gentlemen of the committee had thought proper to tickle our vanity, by making us judges or umpires be-ble and discerning in their minds, as tween a priest suspended and his he became less adverse to their opis ecclesiastical superiour; I well re- nions, less guarded against their ar member the disgraceful manner in tifices; and the same tongue which which the bishops were treated, and in 1791 represented him as infected a youth of not more than seventeen with all the weaknesses of anility, was suffered to vent upon his seniors some time before his death allowed and superiours all that scurrility and him to be a person, though not of irreligion could devise, and school- much talent, yet of competent un boy impertinence could utter. Was derstanding, and now that he is safe suffered and applauded. The cold and cannot shift about, scruples not hearted egotist felt a more than to describe him as a man of uncomusual gratification, and looked, and mon penetration, and of such intuiLeared, and looked again; while (too tive perception, that in immediately well I recollect it) Geddes, staud- discerning difficulty and the means ing aloft, above the heads of those in of meeting or avoiding it, we shall the parterre, beheld the sight with not meet his like again. glowing eye-balls, with ears delighted heard the disrespectful sounds, grinn'd horribly a ghastly smile," and seemed to feel a sort of soothing indemnification for episcopal correction, which he had erst so well deserved. Yet, amidst insult and reproach, the bishops preserved a christian patience, a dignified forpearance; and it has been a subject of astonishment to many who wit-The resentment and jealousy of fornessed the humility and fortitude of Dr. D. that in a discourse professed to have been delivered on the occașion of his death, wherein many of his actions are recorded, no mention is made of his meritorious conduct, his firmness tempered with discretion, by which he was signalized during these times of difficulty and danger. It is to be hoped he never repented of what constituted the principal honour of his life Yet certainly, as life proceeded, the truly good man was less upon his guard, with respect to those who had given him so much

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Ah! how easily are opinions subscribed to by some persons to serve a certain purpose! But why should some persons be so mentally constructed, that to arrive at their proposed end by rectilineal progress delights them not? We are now soliciting redress from the grievance of laws enacted against us in times of suspicion, jealousy, and resentment.

mer times had been laid to rest, confidence and friendship had united catholic with protestant, and a compact of social harmony would have been made between the parties, had not jealousy been awakened and re sentment roused by those of our own household. Verily do I believe, sir, that had the catholics of Ireland been permitted to pursue the course in which they were moving, without interruption or interference, Ireland would have obtained the object of its petition, and the same advantages would have been conceded to the

catholics of this country. But from our own body in this country started, up a few, who were anxious to be considered and applauded as the liberators of their fellow catholics; to effect their purpose with greater celerity, threw concessions into the bargain; relapsed into their original practices and habits; and now hope, as the highest bidders, to be the greater gainers. But in their earnestness to gain their ends, they have thrown into the scale that which appeared to them to be of less consideration, of trifling value; but which others, who love their religion, and prefer not gain to godliness, consider as of inestimable value. They have assumed to themselves the right of determining what is admissible and what is not, and with far less justice than the committee claim to themselves the undue prerogative of managing our affairs, and making what surrenders they please, to acquire, in return, what they may deem advantage, but what is not sought by those who have never constituted them their representatives or agents. The consequence is likely to be, if they succeed, that we shall have more temporal advantages than our predecessors; but to gain these we must pay down that which is better than gold or precious stones ; and whatever we may obtain as to civil emancipation, liberty of conscience will receive no enlargement.

This will be the natural consequence of division amongst ourselves, fomented by the industry of our pretended friends, but who are, in reality, our enemies. If those, who call themselves catholics, do in their hearts wish well to the religion they profess, they will examine whether, in their endeavours to obtain certain advantages for the professors of the catholic religion, they are likely to contribute to the purity and stability of that religion, or merely to obtain advantages for


those who are ready to give up as much of that religion as can be repaid by present emolument, without actually acknowledging that they renounce their faith, or without passing in the eyes of the world for renegados. It is the purpose therefore of this letter, to entreat and con jure those who are so disposed, to have compassion on the truly attached to their faith, to disregard a few paltry distinctions which, after all, they may possibly never attain to, and to seek genuine honour, which may be enjoyed with a safe conscience. If they are not to be moved by these considerations, it is to be hoped that catholics, who are grateful to the Almighty for the faith he has gratuitously called them to, will exert themselves, ere it be too late, and publicly and solemnly express their determination rather to forego the advantages which the world can give, than that peace which the world cannot give, rather to be deprived of every earthly honour, than the honour, the security, and the integrity of their religion. I am, sir, your's, T. L.A. M. April 21, 1817.

For the Orthodox Journal.


Though many of the following anecdotes do not belong to any part of the history of the French revolution, yet the perusal of them cannot but be agreeable to the readers of the Orthodox Journal. These interesting stories are extracted from the same excellent work as the preceding ones, L'Ami des Meres. The pious author, in warning youth against the dangers and seductions of the world; cites the noble examples of many eminent persons, who have entirely renounced the world, and trampled its pleasures under their feet, in order to render their



"But," said lord Dunbarton, "how do you spend your time in this solitude? Does not time hang heavy upon you?"-" My thoughts," replied the hermit, "are constantly employed upon eternity, that infinite duration, compared with which the longest life is but a moment. To think of this eternity and prepare for it is our great affair; and when the mind is properly employed about it, time can never hang heavy." After the king had asked him some questions respecting his former way of

own salvation the more secure. thought of walking a mile to serve Though these examples are not pro. God? Well might I blush, were. I posed for our imitation, they are to make any account of these little truly deserving of our admiration, difficulties that oppose me in the serand may serve on many points to ena- vice of my God, after having deble us to form a more correct judg-spised those which I met with in the ment of the world, and its fascinating service of my king." — “Your. obcharms. servation is just," said James II.; An officer, who had much dis-"and it is truly matter for astotinguished himself in the service of nishment that men should do so much his king, feeling his heart sensibly for an earthly king, and so little for touched with the grace of God, re- the King of Heaven, from whom we solved upon an entire separation receive so many blessings, and on from the world and his former ac- whom depends our happiness or miquaintance. Having chosen his sery, both temporal and eternal.” place of retirement at a short distance from La Trappe, in the heart of the forest in which that monastery was situated, he lived in the exercise of perpetual penance, holding no intercourse with any other person than the abbot, his spiritual guide and director. The unfortunate monarch, James II. happening to visit La Trappe, heard of this holy solitary, and wished to see him, He was accordingly conducted to the hermitage, and the holy penitent, not at all embarrassed at the visit of a prince and his retinue, an-life, "Well," said lord Dunbarton, swered the questions that were put to him in the happiest and most simple manner. The king wished to know at what hour in the morning he attended mass at the monastery; the penitent replied," At half past three o'clock." "But," said lord Dunbarton," how can you accomplish this journey in the winter, when the mornings are so dark, or in rainy or snowy weather, when you cannot distinguish a path or even a track through the forest ?"-"Ah," replied the hermit, "it would indeed be a subject of shame to me, to be deterred by these trifling difficulties, after having surmounted so many far greater ones in the service of my king and country. Then I was frequently obliged to be upon the march during the whole of the night; and should I now feel disheartened at the

you have, however, renounced all these past scenes, and have come to spend your days in this desert.”—“I confess," answered the holy solitary, "with candour, that I entertain a contempt for worldly pomp, riches, and grandeur: and how can a christian entertain any other sentiment on these points, when even pagans have acknowledged that the grandeur of the world is nothing but an illusion, a mere cheat of fortune?"

"This is indeed true," said the king; "riches and worldly grandeur are of far less value than they are supposed to be. They never yet have satisfied the desires of any one person, and can never render us happy. Your present state is far more happy than that of the great ones of the world; and death will one day make it clear, that you have

not mistaken your aim in embracing | ly great, whose ambition is never satisfied, or capable of being satisfied, though in the full enjoyment of riches, honours, and pleasures, I began to comprehend that happiness consists not in worldly possessions, but in innocence of manners, in keeping our desires always within the bounds of moderation, in voluntary self-denials, in humble subinission to the will of God, and in a love and esteem for the state of life in which he has placed us."

it." The king then paused; but, perceiving that the company continued silent, resumed his discourse. -"There is," said he, "this difference between you and the great ones of the world, that in all appearance you will die the death of the just, while they are far from having any security that such happiness will be their lot." The monarch, whose misfortunes had completely undeceived him as to the vanity of worldly grandeur, kept his eyes for some time fixed upon the holy solitary, as CATHOLIC BIOGRAPHY. if he envied his happy condition. FROM DODD'S CHURCH HISTORY. At last he said, “ Adieu, sir;” and, " EDWARD KNOTT, whose true embracing him with much kindness name was Matthew Wilson, but, in and emotion, recommmended him- some of his works, takes the name self and his family to his prayess. of Nicolas Smith, was born at Pegrworth, in Northumberland; and going abroad, became a jesuit, and considerable man of his order. He was, for some time, prefect of studies in the English college at Rome, afterwards vice-provincial, and in the year 1643, chosen provincial. Towards the latter end of his time, he resided for the most part in London, where he died January 4, 1655, and was buried in St. Pancras's church. Father Knott was a person generally esteemed for learning, especially what regarded controversy. He entertained Dr. Potter and Mr. Chillingworth, two noted protestant divines, chiefly concerning the security of salvation in the protestant communion; where matters were handled with great skill on both sides. The rise and progress of the contest was from what father Knott had observed in conversation among the vulgar sort of people, who charged catholics with uncharitableness for denying salvation to all that died out of the communion of their church. Father Knott took some pains to explain this matter, and render it sa clear, that protestants might easily see what ground there was for the accusation. In order to this, about

rence :

The venerable abbot of La Trappe, De Rancé, who was himself one of the most illustrious examples of a sincere conversion from the path of sinful pleasure, tells us that the work of his conversion was not a little aided by the following simple occur"One day," says he, "I fell in with a shepherd, who was watching his flock that were feeding upon an extensive plain. He was seated under a thick spreading tree, to shelter himself from a violent storm of rain. As I perceived in him an air that appeared to me extraordinary in one of his occupation, I asked him if he felt a pleasure in following his employment? He replied, that he enjoyed in his way of life a profound peace and tranquillity of mind; that he derived much consolation from the guardianship of his simple and innocent flock; that his days scarcely appeared more than so many minutes; that he found so much comfort in his situation as to prefer it to any other in the world; and that he was sure that kings were not so contented or so happy as himself. I admired his simplicity," continues De Rance; and, comparing this humble shepherd with the world

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