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amongst the rest, one of them should | all manner of employment in their native

country, and necessitated either to live in
ignorance and contempt at home, or (to
their great discomfort, and impoverishment
of the land) to seeke education and for-
tune abroad; misfortunes made incident to
the said catholiques of Ireland ONLY
(their numbers, qualitie and loyaltie consi
dered) of all the nations of Christendome."

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be of the same nature as that which now constitutes the main remedy proposed by our reformers for the present evils we are enduring, that is to say, a reform in their parliament, which they say was corrupted by the liberty-loving ancestors of our The second article states, modern patriots. How the complaints by this incapacity, which, in respect of these vilified petitioners were re- of their religion, was imposed upon dressed history has recorded; but the said catholics, men of meɑn confirst let me state a few of the abuses | dition and quality, for the most part which the Irish confederates prayed were in that kingdom employed in the sovereign to have removed, as places of greatest honour and trust, enumerated in a remonstrance ad- who, being to begin a fortune, built dressed to him, bearing date the 17th it on the ruins of the catholic naof March, 1642, and signed by lord tives ;" and the third details the outviscount Gormanstown, sir Lucas rages, pillages, peculations, breaches Dillon, knight, sir Robert Talbott, of faith, and other gross violences bart, and John Walsh, esq. in their practised against them by the minisbehalf. In this document, after in- ters of the king to urge them into forming his majesty, that his dutiful rebellion, a summary of which have and loyal subjects, the catholics of been before related. The substance Ireland, were necessitated to take of the 12th, 13th, and 14th, with arms for preservation of their reli- the conclusion, bear so near an anagion, the maintenance of his majes-logy to the abuses complained of by tg's rights and prerogatives, the na- the modern reformers, that I here intural and just defence of their lives sert them in full : and estates, and the liberties of their 12. That whereas this your majestie's country, and complaining of the mis-kingdome of Ireland in all successions of representations practised by their ages since the reigne of king Henry the second, sometimes king of England aud enemies to poison the royal ear lord of Ireland, had parliaments of their against them, they solemnly protestowne, composed of lords and commons in that they have been maliciously traduced therein, and that they never entertained any rebellious thought against his majesty, his crown, or dignity. The petitioners then pro-thentique president can be found, that any ceed to lay before the king the list of their grievances, under fourteen general heads, the first of which is as follows:

"Imprimis, The Catholiques of this kingdome, whome no reward could invite, no persecution inforce to forsake that religion professed by them and their ancestors, for thirteen hundred years, or thereabouts, are since the second yeare of the reigne of queene Elizabeth, made incapable of places of honour or trust, in church or com. monwealth, their nobles become contemp. tible, their gentry debarred from learning in universities, or public schools within this kingdom; their younger brothers put by

the same manner and forme qualified with equall liberties, powers, priviledges and immunities with the parliament of England, and onely depend of the king and crowne of England and Ireland: And for all that tyme no prevalent record or au statute made in England could or did bind this kingdome before the same were here established by parliament; yet upon untrue suggestions and informations given of your subjects of Ireland, an act of parliament, eatituled, An act for the speedie and effectual reduccing the rebelsin his majestie's kingdome of Ireland to their due obedience to his majesty and crowne of England; and another act,intituled, An act for adding unto and explayneing the said former act, was procured to be enacted in the said parliament of England in the eighteenth yeare of your majestie's raigne, by which acts and other proclamations your majestie's subjects, unsummoned, unheard, were declared rebells, and two millions and a halfe of acres

arrable, meade, and profitable pasture within this kingdome sold to undertakers for certain summes of monie; and the edifices, loghs, woodes, and bogges, wastes and other their appurtenances, were thereby mentioned to be granted and passed gratis. Which acts the said catholiques doe conceave to have been forced upon your majestie; and although void and unjust in themselves to all purposes, yett containe matters of evill consequence and extreame prejudice to your majestie, and totally destructive to this nation. The scope

seemeing to aime att rebells, only, and at the disposition of a certain quantitie of land; but in effect and substance, all the lands in the kingdome, by the words of the said Acts, may be distributed, in whose posyession soever they were, without respect to age, condition, or qualitie; and all your majestie's tenures, and the greatest part of your majestie's standing revenue in this kingdom taken away; and by the said aets, if they were of force, all power of pardening and of granting those lands is taken from your majestie; a president that no age can instance the like, Against this act the said catholiques do protest, as an act against the fundamentali luwes of this kingdome, and as an act destructive to your mafestie's rights and prerogatives, by collour whereof, most of the forces sent hither to infest this kingdome by sea and land, disavowed any authoritie from your majestie, but doe depend upon the parliament of England.

and di

13. All strangers and such as were not inhabitants of the citty of Dublin, being commanded by the said lords justices, in and since the said month of November 1641, to depart the said citty, were no sooner departed, than they were by the directions of the said lords justices pillaged abroad, and their goods seized uppon and confiscated in Dublin; and they desireing to returne under the protection and safetie of the state, before their appearance in action, were denied the same; vers other persons of rank and qualitie, by the said lords justices imployed in publique service, and others keeping close within their doores, without annoying any man, or siding then with any of the said catholiques in arms, and others in severall parts of the kingdom liveing under, and haveing the protection and safetie of the state, were sooner pillaged, their howses burnt, themselves, their tenants and gervants killed and destroyed, than any other, by direction of the said lords justicea. And by the like direction when any commander in cheefe of the army, promised, or gave quarter or protection, the same was in all cases violated: and many persons of qualitie, who obtained the same, were ruiued before others; others that


came into Dublin voluntarily, and that could not be justly suspected of any crime, if Irishmen or Catholiques, by the like direction were pillaged in Dublin, robbed and pillaged abroad, and brought to their tryall for their lives. The cittyes of Dublin and Corke, and the ancient corporatt townes of Drogheda, Yeoghal and King sale, who voluntarily received garrisons in your majestie's name, and the adjacent countryes who relieved them, were worse used, and now live in worse condition than the Israelites did in Egypt; so that it will be made appeare, that more murders, breaches of publique faith, and quarters, mare destruction and desolation, more crueltie, not fitt to be named, were committed in Ireland, by the direction and advise of the said lords justices and theire partie of the said council in less than eighteene months, than can be parallelled to have been done by any christian people.

14. The said lords justices and their adherents have, against the fundamental lawen of the lande, procured the sitting of both howses of parliament for several sessions, (nyne parts of ten of the naturall and genuine members thereof being absent, it standing not with their safety to come under their power)and made upp a considerable number in the howse of commons of clerks, souldiers, serveing men, and others, not legally, or not chosen at all, or returned, and having no manner of estate within the kingdom; in whick sitting sundry orders were conceived, and dismisses obteyned of persons before im peached of treason in full parliament, and passed or might have passed some actsagainst law and to prejudice your majestie and this whole nation. And during these troubles, terms were kept, and your majestie's court of cheefe place, and other courts sat át Dublin to no other end or purpose, but by false and illegall judgments, outlawries and other capitall proceedings to attaint many thousands of your majestie's most faithfull subjects of this kingdome, they being never summoned, nor haveing notice of those proceedings; and sheriff's made of obscure meane persons, by the like practice, appointed of purpose; and poor artificers, common soldiers and menial servants, returned jurors, to pass upon the lives and estates of those who came in upon protection and publique faith.

"Therefore the said catholiques, in the behalfe of themselves and of the whole kingdome of Ireland, doe protest and declare against the said proceedings in the nature of parliaments, and in the other courts aforesaid, and every of them, as being heynous crimes against law, destructive to parliaments and your majestie's prerogatives and authoritie, and the rights and just liberties of your most faithful subjects.

"Forasmuch, dread soveraigne, as the

speedy applycation of apt remedyes unto these grievances and heavie pressures, will tend to the settlement and improvement of your majestie's revenue, the prevention of further effusion of blood, the preservation of this kingdome from desolation, and the content and satisfaction of your said subjects, who in manifestation of their duty and zeale to your majestie's service, will be most willing and ready to imploy ten thousand men under the conduct of well experienced commanders in defence of your royal rights and prerogatives. They therefore most humbly beseech your majestie, that you will vouchsafe gratious answers to these their humble and just complants, and for the establishment of your people in a lasting peace and securitie, the said catholiques doe most humbly pray, that your majestie may be further gratiou-ly pleased to call a free parliament in this kingdome, in such convenient tyme as your majestie in your high wisdome shall think fitt, and the urgencie of the present affayres of the said kingdome doth require; and that the said parliament be held in an indifferent place, summoned by, and continued be fore, some person or persons of honour and fortune, of approved faith to your majestie, and acceptable to your people here, and to be timely placed by your majestie in this government, which is most necessary for the advancement of your service, and present condition of the kingdome: in which parliament the said catholiques doe humbly pray these or other their grievances may be redressed, and that in the aid parliament, a statute made in this kingdome in the tenth yeare of king Henry the sevénth, commonly called Poyning's act, and all acts explayuing or enlarging the same, be by a particular act suspended during that parliament, as it hath beene allready done in the eleveenth yeare of queen Elizabeth, upon occasions of far less moment than now doe offer themse ves; and that your majestie, with the advice of the said parliament, will be pleased to take, a course for the further repealing, or further continuance of the said statutes, as may best conduce to the advancement of your service here, and

peace of this your realme; and that no matter, whereof complaint is made in this remonstrance, may debar catholiques, or

give interruption to their free votes, and

sitting in the said parliament, as in duty bound they will ever pray for your majesties long and prosperous raigne over them."



the complaints of our modern reformHere we have a formal repre sentation to a protestant king of the abuses and peculations committed on a catholic nation by protestant statesmen. Here we have an official statement that a protestant parliament unjustly, and contrary to the faith and law of nations, presumed to invade the legislative rights of an independent people. Here we have a solemn charge laid before the sovereign against his protestant ministers, of corrupting and abusing the constitution of parliament, for the purpose of pursuing, under the semblance of law, a system of rapine and intolerance. And how were the complaints of the catholics of Ireland received? With tender commiseration on the part of the generous strugglers in the noble cause of civil and religious liberty; and the most furious revenge on that of the despotic and tyrant Charles? Ah, reader, if you think thus, you are most egregiously deceived.No; the sovereign was sensible of the justness of the complaints of his Irish subjects; he had full confidence in their loyalty and fidelity, and he ordered that their grievances should be enquired into and redressed.

But, mark; the coldblooded avarice of his corrupt and bigotted ministers, induced them to betray the best interests of their master, and, by the most perfidious treachery, not only contravened the king's commands, but, by a refinement in the vice of hypocrisy, contrived to execute the orders of his determined enemies the leaders of

the protestant parliament of England; who, according to Rapin, hearing that the rebels had presented to the lords justices a letter in the nature of a remonstrance, wherein they demanded the free exercise of Here, reader, we have a cata-their religion, and a repeal of all logue of real national grievances, of laws to the contrary, made a great much more insufferable extent than noise about it. "They knew (says



the historian) the lord Costelough, notwithstanding Rapin asserts, that with the lord Taaff were on their every shadow of grievance in Engway to England, with propositions land was removed by the peaceable to be offered to the king concerning disposition of the monarch, and means for procuring the peace of Charles found it necessary to appeal Ireland. So fearing, or pretending to the loyal part of his people for to fear, the king would grant liberty the protection of his person and of conscience to the Irish papists, the crown. This call from their prince commons desired a conference with in his adversity, was answered by the lords. After which it was solemn- the catholics with a zeal and devoly declared by both houses, That they tion unparalleled in history. Almost would never consent to any tolera- every catholic in England capable of tion of the Popish religion in Ire- bearing arms flocked to the standard land, or any other his majesty's do of their injured monarch, and Ireminions." What an admirable spe- land, although her complaints were cimen of the liberal and tolerant unredressed, contributed both men spirit which pervaded the ancestors and money to swell the ranks of the of our modern reformers and biblical royal army. The aid afforded by enthusiasts in their noble struggles the Irish, and their bravery in the for the cause of civil and religious field, operated so much against the liberty! How consistent and how cause of the puritan rebels, that the equitable are the clamours of our de- English parliament on the 24th of magogues and bigots at the supposed October 1641, published the bloody intolerance of the pope and the je- ordinance, "That no quarter should suits Following up the spirit of be given to any Irishman, or papist the above resolution, seven catholic born in Ireland, that should be taken priests having been condemned, for in hostility against the parliament, conscience only, in the first week of either upon the sea, or in England December, 1641, the king sent to or Wales." The spirit of revolt soon acquaint both houses that the French spread itself amongst the puritans ambassador had solicited him to of Ireland, and lord Inchiquin acchange the sentence into banishment, cepted of the presidency of Munster and he required their advice. A from the parliament. In this profew days after the commons voted vince there were no bounds to his that all of them should be hanged, cruelty, and he caused to be admiin which the lords concurred. The nistered to his followers an oath for king, however, suspended the exe- the extirpation of popery and the cution, on which these merciful extermination of the Irish. senators again petitioned his majesty to execute the unfortunate victims; but he refused to comply with their desires. Meanwhile, the commons caused the Irish deputies (lords Costelough and Taaff) to be committed to prison, and their papers seized, in the expectation of finding something which might prejudice Charles; but the deputies found means to escape, and obtained an interview with their sovereign. A few months after this, the puritan leaders broke all measures with their sovereign,

Such are a few of the prominent features of the clement disposition of the ancestors of our protestant reformers and bible-mongers, to enumerate one half of their murderous deeds would fill a large volume, and I have already swelled this article to too great a length. In concluding, therefore, let me me ask the reader whether it is possible, with these facts before his eyes, for a catholic possessed of the feelings of a man, not to feel indignant at the clamourous rantings of the demagogue, or

been more oppressed during his reign than any other class of subjects whatever. Let them remember this, and decide upon the case according to justice and equity.

WM EUSEBIUS ANDREWS. Somers'-Town, April 25, 1817.

To the Editor of the Orthodox

the malignant insinuations of the bigot, at the alleged tyranny and cruelty of catholic sovereigns and states. Let Mr. Cobbett rave against the inhuman doings of the Bourbons, and Mr. Blair storm at the intolerance of the pope and the jesuits; still they will not be able to wipe from the page of history the barbarous and despotic deeds committed by their puritan ancestors on the persons and property of the catholics SIR, In perusing your descripin these countries; nor will the ful- tion of the effects produced in Scotsome praise lavished on them as the land by the Reformation, I was senstruggling friends for civil and reli- sibly struck with a quotation from gious liberty, make them appear in the historian Echard, which strongother light, in the eyes of the can- ly implies to the present state of cadid and unprejudiced man, than as tholic affairs in Ireland and England. the persecutors of conscience, the No English catkolie, who considers murderers of their sovereigu, and the attentively the procedure of affairs in subverters of the British constitu- this country, ever since the year tion. On the other hand, not all 1789, will fail to observe, that with a the calumnies and falsehoods circu- view to weaken us, a division among lated by means of a corrupt press, our body has been aimed at, and has can ever make the catholics swerve been, to a certain degree, eflected. from the unbending principles of But every intelligent and attentive their holy religion, which teaches observer will perceive, that, if our them to abhor alike the abettors of enemies bave endeavoured for these corruption or sedition. In a few last thirty years to obtain a moral as days the claims of five millions pro- well as civil ascendancy over us, by fessing this faith, to be admitted to our disunion amongst ourselves, there the civil rights of citizens in a free have been amongst us persons who, state, will undergo discussion in par- either from want of knowing their liament. It will be well, therefore, religion, or for want of attachment to for every member of the senate, who it, or from a vanity that has made sincerely value the constitution of them forget the real blessings of rethe country, to reflect on the near ligion, have been ready to co-operate resemblance the present times bear to with our avowed enemies, and to barthose on which I have been descant-ter the real honour of religion, when ing. Let them keep in mind this indubitable fact, that when the protestant scriptural and reforming disciples of liberty in the seventeeth century were engaged in undermin ing the constitution, and insulting their sovereign with the mockery of justice, the Irish catholics formed the only body throughout the British dominions, who had preserved their faith and attachment to the cause of the king and the liberties of their country, notwithstanding they had

steadily adhered to, with all its noblest hopes and pro-pects hereafter, for the sake of present temporal emolument and distinction. These have been led to separate their own advantages from those of the community, while they have professed to forward the interests of all; and, because they possess the superiority which money invariably bestows, they have pretended to take the interests of the body into their hands, to become their advocates and

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