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Godhead and Manhood, were joined together in one Person, never to be divided, whereof is one Christ, very God, and very Man; .


Of Christ alone without Sin.

Christ in the truth of our Nature, was made like unto us in all things, sin only except; from which he was clearly void, both in his flesh, and in his spirit. He came to be the Lamb without spot, who by sacrifice of himself once made, should take away the sins of the world and sin, as Saint John saith, was not not in him....

From the Homilies.


HOMILY 3. Of the Salvation of all Mankind.



HOMILY 12. Of the Nativity. (throughout.)



Last of all, by the books of the New Testament, we are taught, that Christ, which was promised and shadowed in the Old Testament, is sent of the Father, at such time as he had determined with himself; at such time, I say, as all wickedness flourished. And that he was sent, not for any man's good works (for they all were sinners), but to the intent that he would truly shew the abundant riches of his grace, which he had promised.


Wherefore, good children, mark well this part of your Creed, that teacheth you both to know Christ, and by what means he did redeem you. For first, in the Creed, he is called, "the only Son," or only begotten Son, of God. Whereof it must needs follow, that he is very God by nature, born of God, the Father, before the foundation of the world was laid. He is the everlast

ing wisdom and word of God, by the which God, the Father, made all things. That he is also very man, it is evidently expressed in these words: "I believe in Jesus Christ, which was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead,

and buried." And these two foresaid things I cannot comprehend more shortly nor aptly than by these words: Christ our Lord is very God and very Man.


We believe that Jesus Christ, the only Son of the eternal Father, as it had been decreed, before the beginning of all things, when the fulness of time came, took our flesh and perfect human nature of that blessed and pure Virgin, that he might reveal to men that hidden and secret will of his Father which was concealed from all former ages and generations; and that in this human body he might finish the mystery of our redemption, and might nail to his cross our sins, and the obligation which lay against us. (Col. ií. 14.)


Scholar. God is the natural Father of Christ alone, and Christ alone is naturally the Son of God, being begotten of the substance of the Father, and being of one substance with the Father. But us hath God, freely through Christ, made and adopted his children. Therefore we rightly acknowledge Christ the only Son of God, sith this honour is by his own and most just right due unto him: yet the name of children by right

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Of Christ and the Mysteries of our Redemption. Chap. 3.

It is also to be believed, that, when the fulness of the time was come, the Son, who is the Word of the Father, assumed the human nature in the womb of the blessed Virgin Mary, of the substance of her flesh, so that the two natures, the divine and human, were inseparably conjoined, entirely and perfectly in unity of person: of which is one Christ very God and very man:.

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