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salists respecting Angels, good and bad, and the Devil, the leader of the fallen host. This point did not seem so important to us as the topics discussed, therefore this was suppressed in preference to any other. Their views may be secured and a triumphant confutation of the same in books already published. We have given a short clue to their position and the argument of confutation in the last chapter of this book.

5. It is necessary to add another book to those already issued in view of the constant mutation of the system. Should the question be offered, "Why another book in refutation of Universalism?" The answer might be given, that it is necessary because of the changing character of Universalism, it is not now what it once was, and it is manifesting itself in new aspects in અને હા સ every decade of time; therefore the arguments which demolished the former fabric of this delusion are now ineffectual and inadequate. As the enemy approaches in a different direction and armed with new weapons, it is necessary to meet them and contest the ground with suitable armor. Perhaps, the most material change the system is now undergoing is in reference to the doctrine of the resurrection. The unvarnished truth is, that they have no faith in a literal resurrection-the dead in the grave shall never awake to life, and honesty would demand, that the term resurrection should be expunged from their creed.

The number of volumes published as an expose and refutation of this dire delusion are able, and well worthy of perusal. "Universalism as it is," by E. F. Hatfield, gives a distinct portraiture of modern Universalism and every minister of Christ should have it. "Universalism, Examined, Renounced and Exposed," by M. H. Smith, is a forcible exhibition of the moral machinery and moral effects of this delusion. It should be read and circulated, for it will do good. The work of Luther Lee, contains a triumphant refutation, its logic sweeps over the rotten fabric of Universalism like a hail-storm. To learn the pitiable pettifogging of Universalists with the original languages and a powerful and clear exposure of the same, the reader may procure "Campbell's and Skinner's Discussion." A more modern discussion will be found in a book titled, "Debate on Universalism;" by N. L. Rice and E. M. Pingru, at Cincinnati.

We add another volume, that the reader may have in a condensed form, the correct portraiture and refutation of this system. The people should understand it in order to spurn it from their presence, and to comprehend the arguments of its confutation, however dogmatically, adroitly or blasphemously it may be presented. This, the present work is designed to afford.

6. The prominent motive of presenting the following pages to the public, is, to undeceive if possible, such as are already deluded, to save such as are exposed to the temptations of the system, and to disprove the claim of a of Universalists, that the Bible sanctions their horrid dogmas. To save souls and promote the glory of God is worthy of the most strenuous exertions and the loftiest aspiration of man. In the midst of perplexing care and a multiplicity of pastoral labors, this work has been written. A thousand times diverted from the subject and after repeated interruptions, such as every pastor necessarily experiences, the work is presented to the public. All the sympathy and lenity we ask, is for the composition and the arrangement of the work, and not for the arguments. These we believe to be sound and such as will stand in defiance of successful confutation; but if they can be overthrown, they court the severest scrutiny and the best logical deductions.

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The labor and expense incurred by the writer shall be fully compensated, if the work scatter divine light in the path of the unwary You youth, unmask this horrid and deadly delusion and vindicate the word of God from the false interpretation and deceptive glosses. We ask the reader to peruse these pages with candor, impartiality and docility. Approach the unbiased mind, and the truth will make you free. that Almighty God may pour his divine spirit upon the heart of the reader, and that wherever this humble effort of his servant may be circulated, the blessing of saving and sanctifying grace may accompany it; souls be saved and reach the climes of endless rest, and God's glory be magnified on earth and extend parallel with eternal ages. N. VAN ALSTINE.

FORDSBORO', Montgomery county, N. Y., 1847.

And we pray






"To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." Isaiah viii. 20.

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TRUTH is immortal, though it may be hid from the eyes of men. Once it was read in mystic characters all over the heavens, and on the green earth, and in the curiously fashioned frame of man, and recognized in the strong impulses of the soul; but now sin has so blinded the mental eye, and perverted the judgment, and seared the conscience, that even Revelation, with its blazing light and cogent evidences, fails to teach and guide the sons of men in the pathway of holiness. They neither speak nor act "according to the law and testimony, because there is no light in them." Among the ever changing things and systems of this mutable earth is the system of modern Universalism. It is not now, what it once was. Many of the tenets which were formerly considered of vital importance, are now rejected. Many of the principles which were once adjudged, by those

who were then called Universalists, as anti-christian and infidel in their character and tendency, are now incorporated in the system of Universalism as essential and vital features. It is stated by those who have traced the rise and progress of Universalism, that the system as it now is materially, has existed only for the last thirty years, therefore, we call the system, modern Universalism. We wish not to`state what Universalism was when first propagated by John Murray, who commenced his career in the year 1770, and then show its warlike opposition to the Bible and sound reason, for our object will be fully attained by proving that Universalism as it now is, is anti-scriptural, fallacious and immoral in its tendency.

It has been deemed by many that the best course to be pursued, is, to take no notice of this system, for it will sink into ruin of its own accord. However, we discover no deleterious results from an attack on and an expose of Universalism, provided, it is done in a respectful and kind manner; leaving truth to combat error in a fair, candid, and impartial way. We know, that it is the opinion of some good and honest-hearted men, that a system so completely saturated with error, will soon disgust the hearts of men; yet it appears to us, that in proportion as error makes its progress in exercising dominion over the heart; the will, understanding and conscience are corrupted and perverted, therefore the dissipation of error is the more necessary. With this view of the subject, there is so much the more need of clear light, of sound argument, and a thorough expose of the ruinous tendency of error.

There are many unwary and vacillating persons, who require the right way to be clearly pointed out, and every system of error at every point clearly portrayed, in order to prevent them from dashing upon the rock of destruction, or wrecking their bark on the roaring breakers. Let therefore Bible truth and heavenly principles stand out in their

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